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  1. Apr 28, 2015
    • Masayoshi TSUZUKI's avatar
      [SPARK-6435] spark-shell --jars option does not add all jars to classpath · 268c419f
      Masayoshi TSUZUKI authored
      Modified to accept double-quotated args properly in spark-shell.cmd.
      Author: Masayoshi TSUZUKI <>
      Closes #5227 from tsudukim/feature/SPARK-6435-2 and squashes the following commits:
      ac55787 [Masayoshi TSUZUKI] removed unnecessary argument.
      60789a7 [Masayoshi TSUZUKI] Merge branch 'master' of into feature/SPARK-6435-2
      1fee420 [Masayoshi TSUZUKI] fixed test code for escaping '='.
      0d4dc41 [Masayoshi TSUZUKI] - escaped comman and semicolon in - added random string to the temporary filename - double-quotation followed by `cmd /c` did not worked properly - no need to escape `=` by `^` - if double-quoted string ended with `\` like classpath, the last `\` is parsed as the escape charactor and the closing `"` didn't work properly
      2a332e5 [Masayoshi TSUZUKI] Merge branch 'master' into feature/SPARK-6435-2
      04f4291 [Masayoshi TSUZUKI] [SPARK-6435] spark-shell --jars option does not add all jars to classpath
  2. Apr 14, 2015
    • Marcelo Vanzin's avatar
      [SPARK-6890] [core] Fix launcher lib work with SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES. · 97173893
      Marcelo Vanzin authored
      The fix for SPARK-6406 broke the case where sub-processes are launched
      when SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES is set, because the code now would only add
      the launcher's build directory to the sub-process's classpath instead
      of the complete assembly.
      This patch fixes the problem by having the launch scripts stash the
      assembly's location in an environment variable. This is not the prettiest
      solution, but it avoids having to plumb that location all the way through
      the Worker code that launches executors. The env variable is always
      set by the launch scripts, so users cannot override it.
      Author: Marcelo Vanzin <>
      Closes #5504 from vanzin/SPARK-6890 and squashes the following commits:
      7aec921 [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix tests.
      ff87a60 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-6890
      31d3ce8 [Marcelo Vanzin] [SPARK-6890] [core] Fix launcher lib work with SPARK_PREPEND_CLASSES.
  3. Apr 06, 2015
  4. Mar 29, 2015
    • Nishkam Ravi's avatar
      [SPARK-6406] Launch Spark using assembly jar instead of a separate launcher jar · e3eb3939
      Nishkam Ravi authored
      Author: Nishkam Ravi <>
      Author: nishkamravi2 <>
      Author: nravi <>
      Closes #5085 from nishkamravi2/master_nravi and squashes the following commits:
      bad4349 [nishkamravi2] Update
      36a6f87 [Nishkam Ravi] Minor changes and bug fixes
      b7f4ae7 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      4a45d6a [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      458af39 [Nishkam Ravi] Locate the jar using getLocation, obviates the need to pass assembly path as an argument
      d9658d6 [Nishkam Ravi] Changes for SPARK-6406
      ccdc334 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      3faa7a4 [Nishkam Ravi] Launcher library changes (SPARK-6406)
      345206a [Nishkam Ravi] spark-class merge Merge branch 'master_nravi' of into master_nravi
      ac58975 [Nishkam Ravi] spark-class changes
      06bfeb0 [nishkamravi2] Update spark-class
      35af990 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      32c3ab3 [nishkamravi2] Update
      4bd4489 [nishkamravi2] Update
      746f35b [Nishkam Ravi] "hadoop" string in the assembly name should not be mandatory (everywhere else in spark we mandate spark-assembly*hadoop*.jar)
      bfe96e0 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      ee902fa [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      d453197 [nishkamravi2] Update NewHadoopRDD.scala
      6f41a1d [nishkamravi2] Update NewHadoopRDD.scala
      0ce2c32 [nishkamravi2] Update HadoopRDD.scala
      f7e33c2 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master_nravi' of into master_nravi
      ba1eb8b [Nishkam Ravi] Try-catch block around the two occurrences of removeShutDownHook. Deletion of semi-redundant occurrences of expensive operation inShutDown.
      71d0e17 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      494d8c0 [nishkamravi2] Update DiskBlockManager.scala
      3c5ddba [nishkamravi2] Update DiskBlockManager.scala
      f0d12de [Nishkam Ravi] Workaround for IllegalStateException caused by recent changes to BlockManager.stop
      79ea8b4 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      b446edc [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      5c9a4cb [nishkamravi2] Update TaskSetManagerSuite.scala
      535295a [nishkamravi2] Update TaskSetManager.scala
      3e1b616 [Nishkam Ravi] Modify test for maxResultSize
      9f6583e [Nishkam Ravi] Changes to maxResultSize code (improve error message and add condition to check if maxResultSize > 0)
      5f8f9ed [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      636a9ff [nishkamravi2] Update YarnAllocator.scala
      8f76c8b [Nishkam Ravi] Doc change for yarn memory overhead
      35daa64 [Nishkam Ravi] Slight change in the doc for yarn memory overhead
      5ac2ec1 [Nishkam Ravi] Remove out
      dac1047 [Nishkam Ravi] Additional documentation for yarn memory overhead issue
      42c2c3d [Nishkam Ravi] Additional changes for yarn memory overhead issue
      362da5e [Nishkam Ravi] Additional changes for yarn memory overhead
      c726bd9 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      f00fa31 [Nishkam Ravi] Improving logging for AM memoryOverhead
      1cf2d1e [nishkamravi2] Update YarnAllocator.scala
      ebcde10 [Nishkam Ravi] Modify default YARN memory_overhead-- from an additive constant to a multiplier (redone to resolve merge conflicts)
      2e69f11 [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of into master_nravi
      efd688a [Nishkam Ravi] Merge branch 'master' of
      2b630f9 [nravi] Accept memory input as "30g", "512M" instead of an int value, to be consistent with rest of Spark
      3bf8fad [nravi] Merge branch 'master' of
      5423a03 [nravi] Merge branch 'master' of
      eb663ca [nravi] Merge branch 'master' of
      df2aeb1 [nravi] Improved fix for ConcurrentModificationIssue (Spark-1097, Hadoop-10456)
      6b840f0 [nravi] Undo the fix for SPARK-1758 (the problem is fixed)
      5108700 [nravi] Fix in Spark for the Concurrent thread modification issue (SPARK-1097, HADOOP-10456)
      681b36f [nravi] Fix for SPARK-1758: failing test org.apache.spark.JavaAPISuite.wholeTextFiles
  5. Mar 11, 2015
    • Marcelo Vanzin's avatar
      [SPARK-4924] Add a library for launching Spark jobs programmatically. · 517975d8
      Marcelo Vanzin authored
      This change encapsulates all the logic involved in launching a Spark job
      into a small Java library that can be easily embedded into other applications.
      The overall goal of this change is twofold, as described in the bug:
      - Provide a public API for launching Spark processes. This is a common request
        from users and currently there's no good answer for it.
      - Remove a lot of the duplicated code and other coupling that exists in the
        different parts of Spark that deal with launching processes.
      A lot of the duplication was due to different code needed to build an
      application's classpath (and the bootstrapper needed to run the driver in
      certain situations), and also different code needed to parse spark-submit
      command line options in different contexts. The change centralizes those
      as much as possible so that all code paths can rely on the library for
      handling those appropriately.
      Author: Marcelo Vanzin <>
      Closes #3916 from vanzin/SPARK-4924 and squashes the following commits:
      18c7e4d [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix
      2ce741f [Marcelo Vanzin] Add lots of quotes.
      3b28a75 [Marcelo Vanzin] Update new pom.
      a1b8af1 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      897141f [Marcelo Vanzin] Review feedback.
      e2367d2 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      28cd35e [Marcelo Vanzin] Remove stale comment.
      b1d86b0 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      00505f9 [Marcelo Vanzin] Add blurb about new API in the programming guide.
      5f4ddcc [Marcelo Vanzin] Better usage messages.
      92a9cfb [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix Win32 launcher, usage.
      6184c07 [Marcelo Vanzin] Rename field.
      4c19196 [Marcelo Vanzin] Update comment.
      7e66c18 [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix pyspark tests.
      0031a8e [Marcelo Vanzin] Review feedback.
      c12d84b [Marcelo Vanzin] Review feedback. And fix spark-submit on Windows.
      e2d4d71 [Marcelo Vanzin] Simplify some code used to launch pyspark.
      43008a7 [Marcelo Vanzin] Don't make builder extend SparkLauncher.
      b4d6912 [Marcelo Vanzin] Use spark-submit script in SparkLauncher.
      28b1434 [Marcelo Vanzin] Add a comment.
      304333a [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix propagation of properties file arg.
      bb67b93 [Marcelo Vanzin] Remove unrelated Yarn change (that is also wrong).
      8ec0243 [Marcelo Vanzin] Add missing newline.
      95ddfa8 [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix handling of --help for spark-class command builder.
      72da7ec [Marcelo Vanzin] Rename SparkClassLauncher.
      62978e4 [Marcelo Vanzin] Minor cleanup of Windows code path.
      9cd5b44 [Marcelo Vanzin] Make all non-public APIs package-private.
      e4c80b6 [Marcelo Vanzin] Reorganize the code so that only SparkLauncher is public.
      e50dc5e [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      de81da2 [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix CommandUtils.
      86a87bf [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      2061967 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      46d46da [Marcelo Vanzin] Clean up a test and make it more future-proof.
      b93692a [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      ad03c48 [Marcelo Vanzin] Revert "Fix a thread-safety issue in "local" mode."
      0b509d0 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      23aa2a9 [Marcelo Vanzin] Read java-opts from conf dir, not spark home.
      7cff919 [Marcelo Vanzin] Javadoc updates.
      eae4d8e [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix new unit tests on Windows.
      e570fb5 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      44cd5f7 [Marcelo Vanzin] Add, clean up javadocs.
      f7cacff [Marcelo Vanzin] Remove "launch Spark in new thread" feature.
      7ed8859 [Marcelo Vanzin] Some more feedback.
      54cd4fd [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      61919df [Marcelo Vanzin] Clean leftover debug statement.
      aae5897 [Marcelo Vanzin] Use launcher classes instead of jars in non-release mode.
      e584fc3 [Marcelo Vanzin] Rework command building a little bit.
      525ef5b [Marcelo Vanzin] Rework Unix spark-class to handle argument with newlines.
      8ac4e92 [Marcelo Vanzin] Minor test cleanup.
      e946a99 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge PySparkLauncher into SparkSubmitCliLauncher.
      c617539 [Marcelo Vanzin] Review feedback round 1.
      fc6a3e2 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      f26556b [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix a thread-safety issue in "local" mode.
      2f4e8b4 [Marcelo Vanzin] Changes needed to make this work with SPARK-4048.
      799fc20 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      bb5d324 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      53faef1 [Marcelo Vanzin] Merge branch 'master' into SPARK-4924
      a7936ef [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix pyspark tests.
      656374e [Marcelo Vanzin] Mima fixes.
      4d511e7 [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix tools search code.
      7a01e4a [Marcelo Vanzin] Fix pyspark on Yarn.
      1b3f6e9 [Marcelo Vanzin] Call SparkSubmit from spark-class launcher for unknown classes.
      25c5ae6 [Marcelo Vanzin] Centralize SparkSubmit command line parsing.
      27be98a [Marcelo Vanzin] Modify Spark to use launcher lib.
      6f70eea [Marcelo Vanzin] [SPARK-4924] Add a library for launching Spark jobs programatically.
  6. Oct 03, 2014
    • Masayoshi TSUZUKI's avatar
      [SPARK-3775] Not suitable error message in spark-shell.cmd · 358d7ffd
      Masayoshi TSUZUKI authored
      Modified some sentence of error message in bin\*.cmd.
      Author: Masayoshi TSUZUKI <>
      Closes #2640 from tsudukim/feature/SPARK-3775 and squashes the following commits:
      3458afb [Masayoshi TSUZUKI] [SPARK-3775] Not suitable error message in spark-shell.cmd
  7. Aug 27, 2014
    • Andrew Or's avatar
      [SPARK-3167] Handle special driver configs in Windows · 7557c4cf
      Andrew Or authored
      This is an effort to bring the Windows scripts up to speed after recent splashing changes in #1845.
      Author: Andrew Or <>
      Closes #2129 from andrewor14/windows-config and squashes the following commits:
      881a8f0 [Andrew Or] Add reference to Windows taskkill
      92e6047 [Andrew Or] Update a few comments (minor)
      22b1acd [Andrew Or] Fix style again (minor)
      afcffea [Andrew Or] Fix style (minor)
      72004c2 [Andrew Or] Actually respect --driver-java-options
      803218b [Andrew Or] Actually respect SPARK_*_CLASSPATH
      eeb34a0 [Andrew Or] Update outdated comment (minor)
      35caecc [Andrew Or] In Windows, actually kill Java processes on exit
      f97daa2 [Andrew Or] Fix Windows spark shell stdin issue
      83ebe60 [Andrew Or] Parse special driver configs in Windows (broken)
  8. Aug 23, 2014
    • Daoyuan Wang's avatar
      [SPARK-3068]remove MaxPermSize option for jvm 1.8 · f3d65cd0
      Daoyuan Wang authored
      In JVM 1.8.0, MaxPermSize is no longer supported.
      In spark `stderr` output, there would be a line of
          Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=128m; support was removed in 8.0
      Author: Daoyuan Wang <>
      Closes #2011 from adrian-wang/maxpermsize and squashes the following commits:
      ef1d660 [Daoyuan Wang] direct get java version in runtime
      37db9c1 [Daoyuan Wang] code refine
      3c1d554 [Daoyuan Wang] remove MaxPermSize option for jvm 1.8
  9. May 19, 2014
    • Matei Zaharia's avatar
      SPARK-1879. Increase MaxPermSize since some of our builds have many classes · 5af99d76
      Matei Zaharia authored
      See -- builds with Hadoop2 and Hive ran out of PermGen space in spark-shell, when those things added up with the Scala compiler.
      Note that users can still override it by setting their own Java options with this change. Their options will come later in the command string than the -XX:MaxPermSize=128m.
      Author: Matei Zaharia <>
      Closes #823 from mateiz/spark-1879 and squashes the following commits:
      6bc0ee8 [Matei Zaharia] Increase MaxPermSize to 128m since some of our builds have lots of classes
    • Matei Zaharia's avatar
      [SPARK-1876] Windows fixes to deal with latest distribution layout changes · 7b70a707
      Matei Zaharia authored
      - Look for JARs in the right place
      - Launch examples the same way as on Unix
      - Load datanucleus JARs if they exist
      - Don't attempt to parse local paths as URIs in SparkSubmit, since paths with C:\ are not valid URIs
      - Also fixed POM exclusion rules for datanucleus (it wasn't properly excluding it, whereas SBT was)
      Author: Matei Zaharia <>
      Closes #819 from mateiz/win-fixes and squashes the following commits:
      d558f96 [Matei Zaharia] Fix comment
      228577b [Matei Zaharia] Review comments
      d3b71c7 [Matei Zaharia] Properly exclude datanucleus files in Maven assembly
      144af84 [Matei Zaharia] Update Windows scripts to match latest binary package layout
  10. Apr 10, 2014
    • Andrew Or's avatar
      [SPARK-1276] Add a HistoryServer to render persisted UI · 79820fe8
      Andrew Or authored
      The new feature of event logging, introduced in #42, allows the user to persist the details of his/her Spark application to storage, and later replay these events to reconstruct an after-the-fact SparkUI.
      Currently, however, a persisted UI can only be rendered through the standalone Master. This greatly limits the use case of this new feature as many people also run Spark on Yarn / Mesos.
      This PR introduces a new entity called the HistoryServer, which, given a log directory, keeps track of all completed applications independently of a Spark Master. Unlike Master, the HistoryServer needs not be running while the application is still running. It is relatively light-weight in that it only maintains static information of applications and performs no scheduling.
      To quickly test it out, generate event logs with ```spark.eventLog.enabled=true``` and run ```sbin/ <log-dir-path>```. Your HistoryServer awaits on port 18080.
      Comments and feedback are most welcome.
      A few other changes introduced in this PR include refactoring the WebUI interface, which is beginning to have a lot of duplicate code now that we have added more functionality to it. Two new SparkListenerEvents have been introduced (SparkListenerApplicationStart/End) to keep track of application name and start/finish times. This PR also clarifies the semantics of the ReplayListenerBus introduced in #42.
      A potential TODO in the future (not part of this PR) is to render live applications in addition to just completed applications. This is useful when applications fail, a condition that our current HistoryServer does not handle unless the user manually signals application completion (by creating the APPLICATION_COMPLETION file). Handling live applications becomes significantly more challenging, however, because it is now necessary to render the same SparkUI multiple times. To avoid reading the entire log every time, which is inefficient, we must handle reading the log from where we previously left off, but this becomes fairly complicated because we must deal with the arbitrary behavior of each input stream.
      Author: Andrew Or <>
      Closes #204 from andrewor14/master and squashes the following commits:
      7b7234c [Andrew Or] Finished -> Completed
      b158d98 [Andrew Or] Address Patrick's comments
      69d1b41 [Andrew Or] Do not block on posting SparkListenerApplicationEnd
      19d5dd0 [Andrew Or] Merge
      f7f5bf0 [Andrew Or] Make history server's web UI port a Spark configuration
      2dfb494 [Andrew Or] Decouple checking for application completion from replaying
      d02dbaa [Andrew Or] Expose Spark version and include it in event logs
      2282300 [Andrew Or] Add documentation for the HistoryServer
      567474a [Andrew Or] Merge
      6edf052 [Andrew Or] Merge
      19e1fb4 [Andrew Or] Address Thomas' comments
      248cb3d [Andrew Or] Limit number of live applications + add configurability
      a3598de [Andrew Or] Do not close file system with ReplayBus + fix bind address
      bc46fc8 [Andrew Or] Merge
      e2f4ff9 [Andrew Or] Merge
      050419e [Andrew Or] Merge
      81b568b [Andrew Or] Fix strange error messages...
      0670743 [Andrew Or] Decouple page rendering from loading files from disk
      1b2f391 [Andrew Or] Minor changes
      a9eae7e [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of
      d5154da [Andrew Or] Styling and comments
      5dbfbb4 [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of
      60bc6d5 [Andrew Or] First complete implementation of HistoryServer (only for finished apps)
      7584418 [Andrew Or] Report application start/end times to HistoryServer
      8aac163 [Andrew Or] Add basic application table
      c086bd5 [Andrew Or] Add HistoryServer and scripts ++ Refactor WebUI interface
  11. Mar 09, 2014
    • Aaron Davidson's avatar
      SPARK-929: Fully deprecate usage of SPARK_MEM · 52834d76
      Aaron Davidson authored
      (Continued from old repo, prior discussion at
      This patch cements our deprecation of the SPARK_MEM environment variable by replacing it with three more specialized variables:
      The creation of the latter two variables means that we can safely set driver/job memory without accidentally setting the executor memory. Neither is public.
      SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY is only used by the Mesos scheduler (and set within SparkContext). The proper way of configuring executor memory is through the "spark.executor.memory" property.
      SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY is the new way of specifying the amount of memory run by jobs launched by spark-class, without possibly affecting executor memory.
      Other memory considerations:
      - The repl's memory can be set through the "--drivermem" command-line option, which really just sets SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY.
      - run-example doesn't use spark-class, so the only way to modify examples' memory is actually an unusual use of SPARK_JAVA_OPTS (which is normally overriden in all cases by spark-class).
      This patch also fixes a lurking bug where spark-shell misused spark-class (the first argument is supposed to be the main class name, not java options), as well as a bug in the Windows spark-class2.cmd. I have not yet tested this patch on either Windows or Mesos, however.
      Author: Aaron Davidson <>
      Closes #99 from aarondav/sparkmem and squashes the following commits:
      9df4c68 [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-929: Fully deprecate usage of SPARK_MEM
  12. Jan 16, 2014
  13. Jan 03, 2014
  14. Sep 23, 2013
  15. Sep 22, 2013
  16. Sep 01, 2013
  17. Jul 16, 2013
  18. Jun 26, 2013
  19. Jun 25, 2013
    • Matei Zaharia's avatar
      Fix computation of classpath when we launch java directly · 6c8d1b2c
      Matei Zaharia authored
      The previous version assumed that a CLASSPATH environment variable was
      set by the "run" script when launching the process that starts the
      ExecutorRunner, but unfortunately this is not true in tests. Instead, we
      factor the classpath calculation into an extenral script and call that.
      NOTE: This includes a Windows version but hasn't yet been tested there.
  20. Jun 15, 2013
  21. May 11, 2013
  22. Apr 03, 2013
  23. Feb 25, 2013
  24. Feb 24, 2013
  25. Feb 20, 2013
  26. Feb 19, 2013
  27. Feb 10, 2013
  28. Jan 15, 2013
  29. Jan 01, 2013
  30. Dec 28, 2012
    • Josh Rosen's avatar
      Simplify PySpark installation. · 665466df
      Josh Rosen authored
      - Bundle Py4J binaries, since it's hard to install
      - Uses Spark's `run` script to launch the Py4J
        gateway, inheriting the settings in
      With these changes, (hopefully) nothing more than
      running `sbt/sbt package` will be necessary to run
  31. Nov 15, 2012
  32. Oct 04, 2012
  33. Sep 24, 2012