- Jan 09, 2014
Ankur Dave authored
- Jan 08, 2014
Ankur Dave authored
The zip{Edge,Vertex}Partitions methods created doubly-nested closures and passed them to zipPartitions. For some reason this caused an AbstractMethodError when zipPartitions tried to invoke the closure. This commit works around the problem by inlining these methods wherever they are called, eliminating the doubly-nested closure.
Ankur Dave authored
Ankur Dave authored
Ankur Dave authored
Ankur Dave authored
Ankur Dave authored
Conflicts: README.md core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/OpenHashMap.scala core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/OpenHashSet.scala core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/collection/PrimitiveKeyOpenHashMap.scala pom.xml project/SparkBuild.scala repl/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkILoop.scala
Reynold Xin authored
fix make-distribution.sh show version: command not found
Reynold Xin authored
Set boolean param name for call to SparkHadoopMapReduceUtil.newTaskAttemptID Set boolean param name for call to SparkHadoopMapReduceUtil.newTaskAttemptID to make it clear which param being set.
Patrick Wendell authored
Add CDH Repository to Maven Build At some point this was removed from the Maven build... so I'm adding it back. It's needed for the Hadoop2 tests we run on Jenkins and it's also included in the SBT build.
Reynold Xin authored
Remove calls to deprecated mapred's OutputCommitter.cleanupJob Since Hadoop 1.0.4 the mapred OutputCommitter.commitJob should do cleanup job via call to OutputCommitter.cleanupJob, Remove SparkHadoopWriter.cleanup since it is used only by PairRDDFunctions. In fact the implementation of mapred OutputCommitter.commitJob looks like this: public void commitJob(JobContext jobContext) throws IOException { cleanupJob(jobContext); }
liguoqiang authored
Thomas Graves authored
support distributing extra files to worker for yarn client mode So that user doesn't need to package all dependency into one assemble jar as spark app jar
Patrick Wendell authored
Henry Saputra authored
Henry Saputra authored
it clear which param being set.
Henry Saputra authored
the mapred OutputCommitter.commitJob should do cleanup job. In fact the implementation of mapred OutputCommitter.commitJob looks like this: public void commitJob(JobContext jobContext) throws IOException { cleanupJob(jobContext); } (The jobContext input argument is type of org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobContext)
Patrick Wendell authored
SPARK-1009 Updated MLlib docs to show how to use it in Python In addition added detailed examples for regression, clustering and recommendation algorithms in a separate Scala section. Fixed a few minor issues with existing documentation.
Patrick Wendell authored
Update README.md The link does not work otherwise.
Patrick Wendell authored
Refactored the streaming project to separate external libraries like Twitter, Kafka, Flume, etc. At a high level, these are the following changes. 1. All the external code was put in `SPARK_HOME/external/` as separate SBT projects and Maven modules. Their artifact names are `spark-streaming-twitter`, `spark-streaming-kafka`, etc. Both SparkBuild.scala and pom.xml files have been updated. References to external libraries and repositories have been removed from the settings of root and streaming projects/modules. 2. To avail the external functionality (say, creating a Twitter stream), the developer has to `import org.apache.spark.streaming.twitter._` . For Scala API, the developer has to call `TwitterUtils.createStream(streamingContext, ...)`. For the Java API, the developer has to call `TwitterUtils.createStream(javaStreamingContext, ...)`. 3. Each external project has its own scala and java unit tests. Note the unit tests of each external library use classes of the streaming unit tests (`TestSuiteBase`, `LocalJavaStreamingContext`, etc.). To enable this code sharing among test classes, `dependsOn(streaming % "compile->compile,test->test")` was used in the SparkBuild.scala . In the streaming/pom.xml, an additional `maven-jar-plugin` was necessary to capture this dependency (see comment inside the pom.xml for more information). 4. Jars of the external projects have been added to examples project but not to the assembly project. 5. In some files, imports have been rearrange to conform to the Spark coding guidelines.
Prashant Sharma authored
The link does not work otherwise.
- Jan 07, 2014
Patrick Wendell authored
Get rid of `Either[ActorRef, ActorSelection]' In this pull request, instead of returning an `Either[ActorRef, ActorSelection]`, `registerOrLookup` identifies the remote actor blockingly to obtain an `ActorRef`, or throws an exception if the remote actor doesn't exist or the lookup times out (configured by `spark.akka.lookupTimeout`). This function is only called when an `SparkEnv` is constructed (instantiating driver or executor), so the blocking call is considered acceptable. Executor side `ActorSelection`s/`ActorRef`s to driver side `MapOutputTrackerMasterActor` and `BlockManagerMasterActor` are affected by this pull request. `ActorSelection` is dangerous and should be used with care. It's only absolutely safe to send messages via an `ActorSelection` when the remote actor is stateless, so that actor incarnation is irrelevant. But as pointed by @ScrapCodes in the comments below, executor exits immediately once the connection to the driver lost, `ActorSelection`s are not harmful in this scenario. So this pull request is mostly a code style patch.
Matei Zaharia authored
Added ‘-i’ command line option to Spark REPL We had to create a new implementation of both scala.tools.nsc.CompilerCommand and scala.tools.nsc.Settings, because using scala.tools.nsc.GenericRunnerSettings would bring in other options (-howtorun, -save and -execute) which don’t make sense in Spark. Any new Spark specific command line option could now be added to org.apache.spark.repl.SparkRunnerSettings class. Since the behavior of loading a script from the command line should be the same as loading it using the “:load” command inside the shell, the script should be loaded when the SparkContext is available, that’s why we had to move the call to ‘loadfiles(settings)’ _after_ the call to postInitialization(). This still doesn’t work if ‘isAsync = true’.
Matei Zaharia authored
Add ASF header to the new sbt script. Add ASF header to the new sbt script.
Matei Zaharia authored
Add way to limit default # of cores used by apps in standalone mode Also documents the spark.deploy.spreadOut option, and fixes a config option that had a dash in its name.
Hossein Falaki authored
Henry Saputra authored
Patrick Wendell authored
Don't leave os.arch unset after BlockManagerSuite Recent SparkConf changes meant that BlockManagerSuite was now leaving the os.arch System.property unset. That's a problem for any subsequent tests that rely upon having a valid os.arch. This is true for CompressionCodecSuite in the usual maven build test order, even though it isn't usually true for the sbt build.
Patrick Wendell authored
SPARK-1012: DAGScheduler Exception Fix Added a predict method to MatrixFactorizationModel to enable bulk prediction. This method takes and RDD[(Int, Int)] of users and products and return an RDD with a Rating element per each element in the input RDD. Also added python bindings to the new bulk prediction methods to address SPARK-1011 issue. This is ready to be merged now.
Mark Hamstra authored
Matei Zaharia authored
Patrick Wendell authored
Add log4j exclusion rule to maven. To make this work I had to rename the defaults file. Otherwise maven's pattern matching rules included it when trying to match other log4j.properties files. I also fixed a bug in the existing maven build where two <transformers> tags were present in assembly/pom.xml such that one overwrote the other.
Hossein Falaki authored
Matei Zaharia authored
Patrick Wendell authored
To make this work I had to rename the defaults file. Otherwise maven's pattern matching rules included it when trying to match other log4j.properties files. I also fixed a bug in the existing maven build where two <transformers> tags were present in assembly/pom.xml such that one overwrote the other.
Matei Zaharia authored
Also documents the spark.deploy.spreadOut option.
Reynold Xin authored
Mllib 16 bugfix Bug fix: https://spark-project.atlassian.net/browse/MLLIB-16 Hi, I fixed the bug and added a test suite for `GradientDescent`. There are 2 checks in the test case. First, the final loss must be lower than the initial one. Second, the trend of loss sequence should be decreasing, i.e., at least 80% iterations have lower losses than their prior iterations. Thanks!
Reynold Xin authored
add the comments about SPARK_WORKER_DIR this env variable seems to be forgotten in many cases we need to set this variable, e.g. in EC2, we have to move the large application log files from the EBS to the ephemeral storage
Tathagata Das authored
CodingCat authored
this env variable seems to be forgotten …