- May 04, 2014
Patrick Wendell authored
This add some guards and good warning messages if users hit this issue. /cc @aarondav with whom I discussed parts of the design. Author: Patrick Wendell <pwendell@gmail.com> Closes #627 from pwendell/jdk6 and squashes the following commits: a38a958 [Patrick Wendell] Code review feedback 94e9f84 [Patrick Wendell] SPARK-1703 Warn users if Spark is run on JRE6 but compiled with JDK7.
- Apr 28, 2014
Patrick Wendell authored
Deals with two issues: 1. Spark shell didn't correctly pass quoted arguments to spark-submit. ```./bin/spark-shell --driver-java-options "-Dfoo=f -Dbar=b"``` 2. Spark submit used deprecated environment variables (SPARK_CLASSPATH) which triggered warnings. Now we use new, more narrowly scoped, variables. Author: Patrick Wendell <pwendell@gmail.com> Closes #576 from pwendell/spark-submit and squashes the following commits: 67004c9 [Patrick Wendell] SPARK-1654 and SPARK-1653: Fixes in spark-submit.
- Apr 21, 2014
Patrick Wendell authored
Over time as we've added more deployment modes, this have gotten a bit unwieldy with user-facing configuration options in Spark. Going forward we'll advise all users to run `spark-submit` to launch applications. This is a WIP patch but it makes the following improvements: 1. Improved `spark-env.sh.template` which was missing a lot of things users now set in that file. 2. Removes the shipping of SPARK_CLASSPATH, SPARK_JAVA_OPTS, and SPARK_LIBRARY_PATH to the executors on the cluster. This was an ugly hack. Instead it introduces config variables spark.executor.extraJavaOpts, spark.executor.extraLibraryPath, and spark.executor.extraClassPath. 3. Adds ability to set these same variables for the driver using `spark-submit`. 4. Allows you to load system properties from a `spark-defaults.conf` file when running `spark-submit`. This will allow setting both SparkConf options and other system properties utilized by `spark-submit`. 5. Made `SPARK_LOCAL_IP` an environment variable rather than a SparkConf property. This is more consistent with it being set on each node. Author: Patrick Wendell <pwendell@gmail.com> Closes #299 from pwendell/config-cleanup and squashes the following commits: 127f301 [Patrick Wendell] Improvements to testing a006464 [Patrick Wendell] Moving properties file template. b4b496c [Patrick Wendell] spark-defaults.properties -> spark-defaults.conf 0086939 [Patrick Wendell] Minor style fixes af09e3e [Patrick Wendell] Mention config file in docs and clean-up docs b16e6a2 [Patrick Wendell] Cleanup of spark-submit script and Scala quick start guide af0adf7 [Patrick Wendell] Automatically add user jar a56b125 [Patrick Wendell] Responses to Tom's review d50c388 [Patrick Wendell] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache/master' into config-cleanup a762901 [Patrick Wendell] Fixing test failures ffa00fe [Patrick Wendell] Review feedback fda0301 [Patrick Wendell] Note 308f1f6 [Patrick Wendell] Properly escape quotes and other clean-up for YARN e83cd8f [Patrick Wendell] Changes to allow re-use of test applications be42f35 [Patrick Wendell] Handle case where SPARK_HOME is not set c2a2909 [Patrick Wendell] Test compile fixes 4ee6f9d [Patrick Wendell] Making YARN doc changes consistent afc9ed8 [Patrick Wendell] Cleaning up line limits and two compile errors. b08893b [Patrick Wendell] Additional improvements. ace4ead [Patrick Wendell] Responses to review feedback. b72d183 [Patrick Wendell] Review feedback for spark env file 46555c1 [Patrick Wendell] Review feedback and import clean-ups 437aed1 [Patrick Wendell] Small fix 761ebcd [Patrick Wendell] Library path and classpath for drivers 7cc70e4 [Patrick Wendell] Clean up terminology inside of spark-env script 5b0ba8e [Patrick Wendell] Don't ship executor envs 84cc5e5 [Patrick Wendell] Small clean-up 1f75238 [Patrick Wendell] SPARK_JAVA_OPTS --> SPARK_MASTER_OPTS for master settings 4982331 [Patrick Wendell] Remove SPARK_LIBRARY_PATH 6eaf7d0 [Patrick Wendell] executorJavaOpts 0faa3b6 [Patrick Wendell] Stash of adding config options in submit script and YARN ac2d65e [Patrick Wendell] Change spark.local.dir -> SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS
- Apr 10, 2014
Andrew Or authored
The new feature of event logging, introduced in #42, allows the user to persist the details of his/her Spark application to storage, and later replay these events to reconstruct an after-the-fact SparkUI. Currently, however, a persisted UI can only be rendered through the standalone Master. This greatly limits the use case of this new feature as many people also run Spark on Yarn / Mesos. This PR introduces a new entity called the HistoryServer, which, given a log directory, keeps track of all completed applications independently of a Spark Master. Unlike Master, the HistoryServer needs not be running while the application is still running. It is relatively light-weight in that it only maintains static information of applications and performs no scheduling. To quickly test it out, generate event logs with ```spark.eventLog.enabled=true``` and run ```sbin/start-history-server.sh <log-dir-path>```. Your HistoryServer awaits on port 18080. Comments and feedback are most welcome. --- A few other changes introduced in this PR include refactoring the WebUI interface, which is beginning to have a lot of duplicate code now that we have added more functionality to it. Two new SparkListenerEvents have been introduced (SparkListenerApplicationStart/End) to keep track of application name and start/finish times. This PR also clarifies the semantics of the ReplayListenerBus introduced in #42. A potential TODO in the future (not part of this PR) is to render live applications in addition to just completed applications. This is useful when applications fail, a condition that our current HistoryServer does not handle unless the user manually signals application completion (by creating the APPLICATION_COMPLETION file). Handling live applications becomes significantly more challenging, however, because it is now necessary to render the same SparkUI multiple times. To avoid reading the entire log every time, which is inefficient, we must handle reading the log from where we previously left off, but this becomes fairly complicated because we must deal with the arbitrary behavior of each input stream. Author: Andrew Or <andrewor14@gmail.com> Closes #204 from andrewor14/master and squashes the following commits: 7b7234c [Andrew Or] Finished -> Completed b158d98 [Andrew Or] Address Patrick's comments 69d1b41 [Andrew Or] Do not block on posting SparkListenerApplicationEnd 19d5dd0 [Andrew Or] Merge github.com:apache/spark f7f5bf0 [Andrew Or] Make history server's web UI port a Spark configuration 2dfb494 [Andrew Or] Decouple checking for application completion from replaying d02dbaa [Andrew Or] Expose Spark version and include it in event logs 2282300 [Andrew Or] Add documentation for the HistoryServer 567474a [Andrew Or] Merge github.com:apache/spark 6edf052 [Andrew Or] Merge github.com:apache/spark 19e1fb4 [Andrew Or] Address Thomas' comments 248cb3d [Andrew Or] Limit number of live applications + add configurability a3598de [Andrew Or] Do not close file system with ReplayBus + fix bind address bc46fc8 [Andrew Or] Merge github.com:apache/spark e2f4ff9 [Andrew Or] Merge github.com:apache/spark 050419e [Andrew Or] Merge github.com:apache/spark 81b568b [Andrew Or] Fix strange error messages... 0670743 [Andrew Or] Decouple page rendering from loading files from disk 1b2f391 [Andrew Or] Minor changes a9eae7e [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:apache/spark d5154da [Andrew Or] Styling and comments 5dbfbb4 [Andrew Or] Merge branch 'master' of github.com:apache/spark 60bc6d5 [Andrew Or] First complete implementation of HistoryServer (only for finished apps) 7584418 [Andrew Or] Report application start/end times to HistoryServer 8aac163 [Andrew Or] Add basic application table c086bd5 [Andrew Or] Add HistoryServer and scripts ++ Refactor WebUI interface
- Apr 06, 2014
Aaron Davidson authored
Previously, we based our decision regarding including datanucleus jars based on the existence of a spark-hive-assembly jar, which was incidentally built whenever "sbt assembly" is run. This means that a typical and previously supported pathway would start using hive jars. This patch has the following features/bug fixes: - Use of SPARK_HIVE (default false) to determine if we should include Hive in the assembly jar. - Analagous feature in Maven with -Phive (previously, there was no support for adding Hive to any of our jars produced by Maven) - assemble-deps fixed since we no longer use a different ASSEMBLY_DIR - avoid adding log message in compute-classpath.sh to the classpath :) Still TODO before mergeable: - We need to download the datanucleus jars outside of sbt. Perhaps we can have spark-class download them if SPARK_HIVE is set similar to how sbt downloads itself. - Spark SQL documentation updates. Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #237 from aarondav/master and squashes the following commits: 5dc4329 [Aaron Davidson] Typo fixes dd4f298 [Aaron Davidson] Doc update dd1a365 [Aaron Davidson] Eliminate need for SPARK_HIVE at runtime by d/ling datanucleus from Maven a9269b5 [Aaron Davidson] [WIP] Use SPARK_HIVE to determine if we include Hive in packaging
- Mar 25, 2014
Aaron Davidson authored
Various spark scripts load spark-env.sh. This can cause growth of any variables that may be appended to (SPARK_CLASSPATH, SPARK_REPL_OPTS) and it makes the precedence order for options specified in spark-env.sh less clear. One use-case for the latter is that we want to set options from the command-line of spark-shell, but these options will be overridden by subsequent loading of spark-env.sh. If we were to load the spark-env.sh first and then set our command-line options, we could guarantee correct precedence order. Note that we use SPARK_CONF_DIR if available to support the sbin/ scripts, which always set this variable from sbin/spark-config.sh. Otherwise, we default to the ../conf/ as usual. Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #184 from aarondav/idem and squashes the following commits: e291f91 [Aaron Davidson] Use "private" variables in load-spark-env.sh 8da8360 [Aaron Davidson] Add .sh extension to load-spark-env.sh 93a2471 [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-1286: Make usage of spark-env.sh idempotent
- Mar 24, 2014
Patrick Wendell authored
This adds some changes on top of the initial work by @scrapcodes in #20: The goal here is to do automated checking of Spark commits to determine whether they break binary compatibility. 1. Special case for inner classes of package-private objects. 2. Made tools classes accessible when running `spark-class`. 3. Made some declared types in MLLib more general. 4. Various other improvements to exclude-generation script. 5. In-code documentation. Author: Patrick Wendell <pwendell@gmail.com> Author: Prashant Sharma <prashant.s@imaginea.com> Author: Prashant Sharma <scrapcodes@gmail.com> Closes #207 from pwendell/mima and squashes the following commits: 22ae267 [Patrick Wendell] New binary changes after upmerge 6c2030d [Patrick Wendell] Merge remote-tracking branch 'apache/master' into mima 3666cf1 [Patrick Wendell] Minor style change 0e0f570 [Patrick Wendell] Small fix and removing directory listings 647c547 [Patrick Wendell] Reveiw feedback. c39f3b5 [Patrick Wendell] Some enhancements to binary checking. 4c771e0 [Prashant Sharma] Added a tool to generate mima excludes and also adapted build to pick automatically. b551519 [Prashant Sharma] adding a new exclude after rebasing with master 651844c [Prashant Sharma] Support MiMa for reporting binary compatibility accross versions.
- Mar 09, 2014
Aaron Davidson authored
(Continued from old repo, prior discussion at https://github.com/apache/incubator-spark/pull/615) This patch cements our deprecation of the SPARK_MEM environment variable by replacing it with three more specialized variables: SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY, SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY, and SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY The creation of the latter two variables means that we can safely set driver/job memory without accidentally setting the executor memory. Neither is public. SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY is only used by the Mesos scheduler (and set within SparkContext). The proper way of configuring executor memory is through the "spark.executor.memory" property. SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY is the new way of specifying the amount of memory run by jobs launched by spark-class, without possibly affecting executor memory. Other memory considerations: - The repl's memory can be set through the "--drivermem" command-line option, which really just sets SPARK_DRIVER_MEMORY. - run-example doesn't use spark-class, so the only way to modify examples' memory is actually an unusual use of SPARK_JAVA_OPTS (which is normally overriden in all cases by spark-class). This patch also fixes a lurking bug where spark-shell misused spark-class (the first argument is supposed to be the main class name, not java options), as well as a bug in the Windows spark-class2.cmd. I have not yet tested this patch on either Windows or Mesos, however. Author: Aaron Davidson <aaron@databricks.com> Closes #99 from aarondav/sparkmem and squashes the following commits: 9df4c68 [Aaron Davidson] SPARK-929: Fully deprecate usage of SPARK_MEM
- Jan 06, 2014
Holden Karau authored
- Jan 03, 2014
Prashant Sharma authored
Prashant Sharma authored
- Sep 29, 2013
Andrew xia authored
- Sep 23, 2013
shane-huang authored
shane-huang <shengsheng.huang@intel.com>
- Sep 22, 2013
shane-huang authored
shane-huang <shengsheng.huang@intel.com>
- Sep 20, 2013
Aaron Davidson authored
Lacking this, the if/case statements never trigger on Spark 0.8.0+.
- Sep 15, 2013
Prashant Sharma authored
- Sep 01, 2013
Matei Zaharia authored
- Aug 31, 2013
Matei Zaharia authored
- Aug 30, 2013
Matei Zaharia authored
- Aug 29, 2013
Matei Zaharia authored
This commit makes Spark invocation saner by using an assembly JAR to find all of Spark's dependencies instead of adding all the JARs in lib_managed. It also packages the examples into an assembly and uses that as SPARK_EXAMPLES_JAR. Finally, it replaces the old "run" script with two better-named scripts: "run-examples" for examples, and "spark-class" for Spark internal classes (e.g. REPL, master, etc). This is also designed to minimize the confusion people have in trying to use "run" to run their own classes; it's not meant to do that, but now at least if they look at it, they can modify run-examples to do a decent job for them. As part of this, Bagel's examples are also now properly moved to the examples package instead of bagel.
- Aug 28, 2013
Patrick Wendell authored
Patrick Wendell authored
- Aug 03, 2013
Patrick Wendell authored
- Aug 02, 2013
Patrick Wendell authored
For debugging and analysis purposes, it's nice to have the exact command used to launch Spark contained within the logs. This adds the necessary hooks to make that possible.
- Jul 31, 2013
Benjamin Hindman authored
- Jul 24, 2013
Jey Kottalam authored
- Jul 17, 2013
Ubuntu authored
Consistently invoke bash with /usr/bin/env bash in scripts to make code more portable (JIRA Ticket SPARK-817)
- Jul 16, 2013
Matei Zaharia authored
- Jul 15, 2013
Prashant Sharma authored
- Jun 28, 2013
Matei Zaharia authored
- Jun 25, 2013
Matei Zaharia authored
The previous version assumed that a CLASSPATH environment variable was set by the "run" script when launching the process that starts the ExecutorRunner, but unfortunately this is not true in tests. Instead, we factor the classpath calculation into an extenral script and call that. NOTE: This includes a Windows version but hasn't yet been tested there.
Evan Chan authored
- Jun 24, 2013
Evan Chan authored
- Jun 22, 2013
Matei Zaharia authored
- May 16, 2013
Reynold Xin authored
check for core classes in run. This fixed the problem that core tests depend on whether repl module is compiled or not.
- May 11, 2013
Mridul Muralidharan authored
1) Add support for HADOOP_CONF_DIR (and/or YARN_CONF_DIR - use either) : which is used to specify the client side configuration directory : which needs to be part of the CLASSPATH. 2) Move from var+=".." to var="$var.." : the former does not work on older bash shells unfortunately.
- Apr 30, 2013
Mridul Muralidharan authored
- Apr 24, 2013
Prashant Sharma authored
- Apr 11, 2013
Mike authored
Reversed the order of tests to find a scala executable (in the case when SPARK_LAUNCH_WITH_SCALA is defined): instead of checking in the PATH first, and only then (if not found) for SCALA_HOME, now we check for SCALA_HOME first, and only then (if not defined) do we look in the PATH. The advantage is that now if the user has a more recent (non-compatible) version of scala in her PATH, she can use SCALA_HOME to point to the older (compatible) version for use with spark. Suggested by Josh Rosen in this thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/spark-users/NC9JKvP8808
- Apr 07, 2013
Patrick Wendell authored