- Sep 15, 2015
Reynold Xin authored
Author: Reynold Xin <rxin@databricks.com> Closes #8350 from rxin/1.6.
Robin East authored
Comments preceding toMessage method state: "The edge partition is encoded in the lower * 30 bytes of the Int, and the position is encoded in the upper 2 bytes of the Int.". References to bytes should be changed to bits. This contribution is my original work and I license the work to the Spark project under it's open source license. Author: Robin East <robin.east@xense.co.uk> Closes #8756 from insidedctm/master.
Jacek Laskowski authored
Links work now properly + consistent use of *Spark standalone cluster* (Spark uppercase + lowercase the rest -- seems agreed in the other places in the docs). Author: Jacek Laskowski <jacek.laskowski@deepsense.io> Closes #8759 from jaceklaskowski/docs-submitting-apps.
- Sep 14, 2015
Yu ISHIKAWA authored
Author: Yu ISHIKAWA <yuu.ishikawa@gmail.com> Closes #8666 from yu-iskw/SPARK-10275.
noelsmith authored
Duplicated the since decorator from pyspark.sql into pyspark (also tweaked to handle functions without docstrings). Added since to methods + "versionadded::" to classes (derived from the git file history in pyspark). Author: noelsmith <mail@noelsmith.com> Closes #8633 from noel-smith/SPARK-10273-since-mllib-feature.
Yanbo Liang authored
[SPARK-9793] [MLLIB] [PYSPARK] PySpark DenseVector, SparseVector implement __eq__ and __hash__ correctly PySpark DenseVector, SparseVector ```__eq__``` method should use semantics equality, and DenseVector can compared with SparseVector. Implement PySpark DenseVector, SparseVector ```__hash__``` method based on the first 16 entries. That will make PySpark Vector objects can be used in collections. Author: Yanbo Liang <ybliang8@gmail.com> Closes #8166 from yanboliang/spark-9793.
Davies Liu authored
Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #8707 from davies/fix_namedtuple.
Matei Zaharia authored
This patch adds support for submitting map stages in a DAG individually so that we can make downstream decisions after seeing statistics about their output, as part of SPARK-9850. I also added more comments to many of the key classes in DAGScheduler. By itself, the patch is not super useful except maybe to switch between a shuffle and broadcast join, but with the other subtasks of SPARK-9850 we'll be able to do more interesting decisions. The main entry point is SparkContext.submitMapStage, which lets you run a map stage and see stats about the map output sizes. Other stats could also be collected through accumulators. See AdaptiveSchedulingSuite for a short example. Author: Matei Zaharia <matei@databricks.com> Closes #8180 from mateiz/spark-9851.
Andrew Or authored
This is a follow-up patch to #8723. I missed one case there. Author: Andrew Or <andrew@databricks.com> Closes #8727 from andrewor14/fix-threading-suite.
Forest Fang authored
Read `PEAK_EXECUTION_MEMORY` using `update` to get per task partial value instead of cumulative value. I tested with this workload: ```scala val size = 1000 val repetitions = 10 val data = sc.parallelize(1 to size, 5).map(x => (util.Random.nextInt(size / repetitions),util.Random.nextDouble)).toDF("key", "value") val res = data.toDF.groupBy("key").agg(sum("value")).count ``` Before:  After:  Tasks view:  cc andrewor14 I appreciate if you can give feedback on this since I think you introduced display of this metric. Author: Forest Fang <forest.fang@outlook.com> Closes #8726 from saurfang/stagepage.
Tom Graves authored
Make this lazy so that it can set the yarn mode before creating the securityManager. Author: Tom Graves <tgraves@yahoo-inc.com> Author: Thomas Graves <tgraves@staydecay.corp.gq1.yahoo.com> Closes #8719 from tgravescs/SPARK-10549.
Sean Owen authored
Move .java files in `src/main/scala` to `src/main/java` root, except for `package-info.java` (to stay next to package.scala) Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #8736 from srowen/SPARK-10576.
Erick Tryzelaar authored
`ApplicationMaster` no longer has the `--num-executors` flag, and had an undocumented `--properties-file` configuration option. cc srowen Author: Erick Tryzelaar <erick.tryzelaar@gmail.com> Closes #8754 from erickt/master.
zsxwing authored
This PR is in conflict with #8535 and #8573. Will update this one when they are merged. Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #8642 from zsxwing/expand-nest-join.
Edoardo Vacchi authored
Alternative to PR #6122; in this case the refactored out classes are replaced by inner classes with the same name for backwards binary compatibility * process in a lighter-weight, backwards-compatible way Author: Edoardo Vacchi <uncommonnonsense@gmail.com> Closes #6356 from evacchi/sqlctx-refactoring-lite.
Davies Liu authored
Or Hive can't read it back correctly. Thanks vanzin for report this. Author: Davies Liu <davies@databricks.com> Closes #8674 from davies/positive_nano.
Nick Pritchard authored
Fixes bug where IndexToString output schema was DoubleType. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it doesn't seem like the output needs to have any "ML Attribute" metadata. Author: Nick Pritchard <nicholas.pritchard@falkonry.com> Closes #8751 from pnpritchard/SPARK-10573.
Yanbo Liang authored
[SPARK-3382](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-3382) added a ```convergenceTol``` parameter for GradientDescent-based methods in Scala. We need that parameter in Python; otherwise, Python users will not be able to adjust that behavior (or even reproduce behavior from previous releases since the default changed). Author: Yanbo Liang <ybliang8@gmail.com> Closes #8457 from yanboliang/spark-10194.
Kousuke Saruta authored
The default value of hive metastore version is 1.2.1 but the documentation says the value of `spark.sql.hive.metastore.version` is 0.13.1. Also, we cannot get the default value by `sqlContext.getConf("spark.sql.hive.metastore.version")`. Author: Kousuke Saruta <sarutak@oss.nttdata.co.jp> Closes #8739 from sarutak/SPARK-10584.
Wenchen Fan authored
This is a follow-up of https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/8317. When speculation is enabled, there may be multiply tasks writing to the same path. Generally it's OK as we will write to a temporary directory first and only one task can commit the temporary directory to target path. However, when we use direct output committer, tasks will write data to target path directly without temporary directory. This causes problems like corrupted data. Please see [PR comment](https://github.com/apache/spark/pull/8191#issuecomment-131598385) for more details. Unfortunately, we don't have a simple flag to tell if a output committer will write to temporary directory or not, so for safety, we have to disable any customized output committer when `speculation` is true. Author: Wenchen Fan <cloud0fan@outlook.com> Closes #8687 from cloud-fan/direct-committer.
Bertrand Dechoux authored
A few Identifiable types did override their toString method but without using the parent implementation. As a consequence, the uid was not present anymore in the toString result. It is the default behaviour. This patch is a quick fix. The question of enforcement is still up. No tests have been written to verify the toString method behaviour. That would be long to do because all types should be tested and not only those which have a regression now. It is possible to enforce the condition using the compiler by making the toString method final but that would introduce unwanted potential API breaking changes (see jira). Author: Bertrand Dechoux <BertrandDechoux@users.noreply.github.com> Closes #8062 from BertrandDechoux/SPARK-9720.
- Sep 13, 2015
Sean Owen authored
Finish deprecating Bagel; remove reference to nonexistent example Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #8731 from srowen/SPARK-10222.
- Sep 12, 2015
Josh Rosen authored
This is a followup to #8499 which adds a Scalastyle rule to mandate the use of SparkHadoopUtil's JobContext accessor methods and fixes the existing violations. Author: Josh Rosen <joshrosen@databricks.com> Closes #8521 from JoshRosen/SPARK-10330-part2.
JihongMa authored
Adding STDDEV support for DataFrame using 1-pass online /parallel algorithm to compute variance. Please review the code change. Author: JihongMa <linlin200605@gmail.com> Author: Jihong MA <linlin200605@gmail.com> Author: Jihong MA <jihongma@jihongs-mbp.usca.ibm.com> Author: Jihong MA <jihongma@Jihongs-MacBook-Pro.local> Closes #6297 from JihongMA/SPARK-SQL.
Sean Owen authored
Fix a few Java API test style issues: unused generic types, exceptions, wrong assert argument order Author: Sean Owen <sowen@cloudera.com> Closes #8706 from srowen/SPARK-10547.
Nithin Asokan authored
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-10554 Fixes NPE when ShutdownHook tries to cleanup temporary folders Author: Nithin Asokan <Nithin.Asokan@Cerner.com> Closes #8720 from nasokan/SPARK-10554.
Daniel Imfeld authored
[SPARK-10566] [CORE] SnappyCompressionCodec init exception handling masks important error information When throwing an IllegalArgumentException in SnappyCompressionCodec.init, chain the existing exception. This allows potentially important debugging info to be passed to the user. Manual testing shows the exception chained properly, and the test suite still looks fine as well. This contribution is my original work and I license the work to the project under the project's open source license. Author: Daniel Imfeld <daniel@danielimfeld.com> Closes #8725 from dimfeld/dimfeld-patch-1.
- Sep 11, 2015
0x0FFF authored
This PR addresses (SPARK-9014)[https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-9014] Added functionality: `Column` object in Python now supports exponential operator `**` Example: ``` from pyspark.sql import * df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([Row(a=2)]) df.select(3**df.a,df.a**3,df.a**df.a).collect() ``` Outputs: ``` [Row(POWER(3.0, a)=9.0, POWER(a, 3.0)=8.0, POWER(a, a)=4.0)] ``` Author: 0x0FFF <programmerag@gmail.com> Closes #8658 from 0x0FFF/SPARK-9014.
Andrew Or authored
This commit ensures if an assertion fails within a thread, it will ultimately fail the test. Otherwise we end up potentially masking real bugs by not propagating assertion failures properly. Author: Andrew Or <andrew@databricks.com> Closes #8723 from andrewor14/fix-threading-suite.
Andrew Or authored
1. Hide `LocalNodeIterator` behind the `LocalNode#asIterator` method 2. Add tests for this Author: Andrew Or <andrew@databricks.com> Closes #8708 from andrewor14/local-hash-join-follow-up.
zsxwing authored
[SPARK-9992] [SPARK-9994] [SPARK-9998] [SQL] Implement the local TopK, sample and intersect operators This PR is in conflict with #8535. I will update this one when #8535 gets merged. Author: zsxwing <zsxwing@gmail.com> Closes #8573 from zsxwing/more-local-operators.
Yash Datta authored
[SPARK-7142] [SQL] Minor enhancement to BooleanSimplification Optimizer rule. Incorporate review comments Adding changes suggested by cloud-fan in #5700 cc marmbrus Author: Yash Datta <Yash.Datta@guavus.com> Closes #8716 from saucam/bool_simp.
Wenchen Fan authored
When we cast string to boolean in hive, it returns `true` if the length of string is > 0, and spark SQL follows this behavior. However, this behavior is very different from other SQL systems: 1. [presto](https://github.com/facebook/presto/blob/master/presto-main/src/main/java/com/facebook/presto/type/VarcharOperators.java#L89-L118) will return `true` for 't' 'true' '1', `false` for 'f' 'false' '0', throw exception for others. 2. [redshift](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/dg/r_Boolean_type.html) will return `true` for 't' 'true' 'y' 'yes' '1', `false` for 'f' 'false' 'n' 'no' '0', null for others. 3. [postgresql](http://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/datatype-boolean.html) will return `true` for 't' 'true' 'y' 'yes' 'on' '1', `false` for 'f' 'false' 'n' 'no' 'off' '0', throw exception for others. 4. [vertica](https://my.vertica.com/docs/5.0/HTML/Master/2983.htm) will return `true` for 't' 'true' 'y' 'yes' '1', `false` for 'f' 'false' 'n' 'no' '0', null for others. 5. [impala](http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/documentation/cloudera-impala/latest/topics/impala_boolean.html) throw exception when try to cast string to boolean. 6. mysql, oracle, sqlserver don't have boolean type Whether we should change the cast behavior according to other SQL system or not is not decided yet, this PR is a test to see if we changed, how many compatibility tests will fail. Author: Wenchen Fan <cloud0fan@outlook.com> Closes #8698 from cloud-fan/string2boolean.
Icaro Medeiros authored
Just fixing a typo in exception message, raised when attempting to pickle SparkContext. Author: Icaro Medeiros <icaro.medeiros@gmail.com> Closes #8724 from icaromedeiros/master.
tedyu authored
See this thread for background: http://search-hadoop.com/m/q3RTt0rWvIkHAE81 We should check the range of partition Id and provide meaningful message through exception. Alternatively, we can use abs() and modulo to force the partition Id into legitimate range. However, expectation is that user should correct the logic error in his / her code. Author: tedyu <yuzhihong@gmail.com> Closes #8703 from tedyu/master.
Yuhao Yang authored
jira: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-8530 add python API for MinMaxScaler jira for MinMaxScaler: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-7514 Author: Yuhao Yang <hhbyyh@gmail.com> Closes #7150 from hhbyyh/pythonMinMax.
Yin Huai authored
If hadoopFsRelationSuites's "test all data types" is too flaky we can disable it for now. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-10540 Author: Yin Huai <yhuai@databricks.com> Closes #8705 from yhuai/SPARK-10540-ignore.
Joseph K. Bradley authored
Changes: * Make Scala doc for StringIndexerInverse clearer. Also remove Scala doc from transformSchema, so that the doc is inherited. * MetadataUtils.scala: “ Helper utilities for tree-based algorithms” —> not just trees anymore CC: holdenk mengxr Author: Joseph K. Bradley <joseph@databricks.com> Closes #8679 from jkbradley/doc-fixes-1.5.
Xiangrui Meng authored
We should document options in public API doc. Otherwise, it is hard to find out the options without looking at the code. I tried to make `DefaultSource` private and put the documentation to package doc. However, since then there exists no public class under `source.libsvm`, the Java package doc doesn't show up in the generated html file (http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4492654). So I put the doc to `DefaultSource` instead. There are several minor updates in this PR: 1. Do `vectorType == "sparse"` only once. 2. Update `hashCode` and `equals`. 3. Remove inherited doc. 4. Delete temp dir in `afterAll`. Lewuathe Author: Xiangrui Meng <meng@databricks.com> Closes #8699 from mengxr/SPARK-10537.
Yanbo Liang authored
Add Python API for ```MultilayerPerceptronClassifier```. Author: Yanbo Liang <ybliang8@gmail.com> Closes #8067 from yanboliang/SPARK-9773.