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[SPARK-19993][SQL] Caching logical plans containing subquery expressions does not work.
## What changes were proposed in this pull request? The sameResult() method does not work when the logical plan contains subquery expressions. **Before the fix** ```SQL scala> val ds = spark.sql("select * from s1 where s1.c1 in (select s2.c1 from s2 where s1.c1 = s2.c1)") ds: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [c1: int] scala> ds.cache res13: ds.type = [c1: int] scala> spark.sql("select * from s1 where s1.c1 in (select s2.c1 from s2 where s1.c1 = s2.c1)").explain(true) == Analyzed Logical Plan == c1: int Project [c1#86] +- Filter c1#86 IN (list#78 [c1#86]) : +- Project [c1#87] : +- Filter (outer(c1#86) = c1#87) : +- SubqueryAlias s2 : +- Relation[c1#87] parquet +- SubqueryAlias s1 +- Relation[c1#86] parquet == Optimized Logical Plan == Join LeftSemi, ((c1#86 = c1#87) && (c1#86 = c1#87)) :- Relation[c1#86] parquet +- Relation[c1#87] parquet ``` **Plan after fix** ```SQL == Analyzed Logical Plan == c1: int Project [c1#22] +- Filter c1#22 IN (list#14 [c1#22]) : +- Project [c1#23] : +- Filter (outer(c1#22) = c1#23) : +- SubqueryAlias s2 : +- Relation[c1#23] parquet +- SubqueryAlias s1 +- Relation[c1#22] parquet == Optimized Logical Plan == InMemoryRelation [c1#22], true, 10000, StorageLevel(disk, memory, deserialized, 1 replicas) +- *BroadcastHashJoin [c1#1, c1#1], [c1#2, c1#2], LeftSemi, BuildRight :- *FileScan parquet default.s1[c1#1] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/dbiswal/mygit/apache/spark/bin/spark-warehouse/s1], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<c1:int> +- BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List((shiftleft(cast(input[0, int, true] as bigint), 32) | (cast(input[0, int, true] as bigint) & 4294967295)))) +- *FileScan parquet default.s2[c1#2] Batched: true, Format: Parquet, Location: InMemoryFileIndex[file:/Users/dbiswal/mygit/apache/spark/bin/spark-warehouse/s2], PartitionFilters: [], PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<c1:int> ``` ## How was this patch tested? New tests are added to CachedTableSuite. Author: Dilip Biswal <dbiswal@us.ibm.com> Closes #17330 from dilipbiswal/subquery_cache_final.
- sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/subquery.scala 25 additions, 1 deletion.../org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/subquery.scala
- sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/plans/QueryPlan.scala 24 additions, 19 deletions...scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/plans/QueryPlan.scala
- sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/DataSourceScanExec.scala 4 additions, 3 deletions...a/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/DataSourceScanExec.scala
- sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/CachedTableSuite.scala 142 additions, 1 deletion...rc/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/CachedTableSuite.scala
- sql/hive/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveTableScanExec.scala 3 additions, 2 deletions...g/apache/spark/sql/hive/execution/HiveTableScanExec.scala
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