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[SPARK-19084][SQL] Ensure context class loader is set when initializing Hive.
A change in Hive 2.2 (most probably HIVE-13149) causes this code path to fail, since the call to "state.getConf.setClassLoader" does not actually change the context's class loader. Spark doesn't yet officially support Hive 2.2, but some distribution-specific metastore client libraries may have that change (as certain versions of CDH already do), and this also makes it easier to support 2.2 when it comes out. Tested with existing unit tests; we've also used this patch extensively with Hive metastore client jars containing the offending patch. Author: Marcelo Vanzin <vanzin@cloudera.com> Closes #17154 from vanzin/SPARK-19804.
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