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[SPARK-7758] [SQL] Override more configs to avoid failure when connect to a postgre sql
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-7758 When initializing `executionHive`, we only masks `javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL` to override metastore location. However, other properties that relates to the actual Hive metastore data source are not masked. For example, when using Spark SQL with a PostgreSQL backed Hive metastore, `executionHive` actually tries to use settings read from `hive-site.xml`, which talks about PostgreSQL, to connect to the temporary Derby metastore, thus causes error. To fix this, we need to mask all metastore data source properties. Specifically, according to the code of [Hive `ObjectStore.getDataSourceProps()` method] [1], all properties whose name mentions "jdo" and "datanucleus" must be included. [1]: https://github.com/apache/hive/blob/release-0.13.1/metastore/src/java/org/apache/hadoop/hive/metastore/ObjectStore.java#L288 Have tested using postgre sql as metastore, it worked fine. Author: WangTaoTheTonic <wangtao111@huawei.com> Closes #6314 from WangTaoTheTonic/SPARK-7758 and squashes the following commits: ca7ae7c [WangTaoTheTonic] add comments 86caf2c [WangTaoTheTonic] delete unused import e4f0feb [WangTaoTheTonic] block more data source related property 92a81fa [WangTaoTheTonic] fix style check e3e683d [WangTaoTheTonic] override more configs to avoid failuer connecting to postgre sql
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