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[DOCS][SQL] Add a Note on jsonFile having separate JSON objects per line
* This commit hopes to avoid the confusion I faced when trying to submit a regular, valid multi-line JSON file, also see http://apache-spark-user-list.1001560.n3.nabble.com/Loading-JSON-Dataset-fails-with-com-fasterxml-jackson-databind-JsonMappingException-td20041.html Author: Peter Vandenabeele <peter@vandenabeele.com> Closes #3517 from petervandenabeele/pv-docs-note-on-jsonFile-format/01 and squashes the following commits: 1f98e52 [Peter Vandenabeele] Revert to people.json and simple Note text 6b6e062 [Peter Vandenabeele] Change the "JSON" connotation to "txt" fca7dfb [Peter Vandenabeele] Add a Note on jsonFile having separate JSON objects per line
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