Shixiong Zhu authored
- [x] Upgrade Py4J to 0.9.1 - [x] SPARK-12657: Revert SPARK-12617 - [x] SPARK-12658: Revert SPARK-12511 - Still keep the change that only reading checkpoint once. This is a manual change and worth to take a look carefully. https://github.com/zsxwing/spark/commit/bfd4b5c040eb29394c3132af3c670b1a7272457c - [x] Verify no leak any more after reverting our workarounds Author: Shixiong Zhu <shixiong@databricks.com> Closes #10692 from zsxwing/py4j-0.9.1.
Shixiong Zhu authored- [x] Upgrade Py4J to 0.9.1 - [x] SPARK-12657: Revert SPARK-12617 - [x] SPARK-12658: Revert SPARK-12511 - Still keep the change that only reading checkpoint once. This is a manual change and worth to take a look carefully. https://github.com/zsxwing/spark/commit/bfd4b5c040eb29394c3132af3c670b1a7272457c - [x] Verify no leak any more after reverting our workarounds Author: Shixiong Zhu <shixiong@databricks.com> Closes #10692 from zsxwing/py4j-0.9.1.
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