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Building SparkR on Windows

To build SparkR on Windows, the following steps are required

  1. Install R (>= 3.1) and Rtools. Make sure to include Rtools and R in PATH.

  2. Install JDK8 and set JAVA_HOME in the system environment variables.

  3. Download and install Maven. Also include the bin directory in Maven in PATH.

  4. Set MAVEN_OPTS as described in Building Spark.

  5. Open a command shell (cmd) in the Spark directory and build Spark with Maven and include the -Psparkr profile to build the R package. For example to use the default Hadoop versions you can run

    mvn.cmd -DskipTests -Psparkr package

    .\build\mvn is a shell script so mvn.cmd should be used directly on Windows.

Unit tests

To run the SparkR unit tests on Windows, the following steps are required —assuming you are in the Spark root directory and do not have Apache Hadoop installed already:

  1. Create a folder to download Hadoop related files for Windows. For example, cd .. and mkdir hadoop.

  2. Download the relevant Hadoop bin package from steveloughran/winutils. While these are not official ASF artifacts, they are built from the ASF release git hashes by a Hadoop PMC member on a dedicated Windows VM. For further reading, consult Windows Problems on the Hadoop wiki.

  3. Install the files into hadoop\bin; make sure that winutils.exe and hadoop.dll are present.

  4. Set the environment variable HADOOP_HOME to the full path to the newly created hadoop directory.

  5. Run unit tests for SparkR by running the command below. You need to install the testthat package first:

    R -e "install.packages('testthat', repos='')"
    .\bin\spark-submit2.cmd --conf spark.hadoop.fs.defaultFS="file:///" R\pkg\tests\run-all.R