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30 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.03Nov131Oct3027261024Sep1615141129Aug27211917161514131211108765431Jul302818Jun21Apr20625Mar754228Feb1Mar30Dec205Nov30Oct17Sep756Aug222Jul1728Jun26252423222120191817141312111076543231May3029282726252423222120191817161514131211109876532130Apr29282726252322211918171615131211101110986565432130Mar29282726252423222119181614131210987642128FebMerge pull request #5 from hwchiu/openflow-1.3Make the WEBUI shows the flow info complete the serialization of PortDescStats and PortStats, also modfiy the webui to fit the new-format of restapiserialize the portStatsReply and modify the webui Try to fix the WEBUIFixed some DeviceManager unit tests and (not quite a bug but) an issue converting an Entity to a SyncEntity, which requires primitives for serialization. I tried to supply the MacAddress, IPv4Address, etc JSON serializer classes via the @JsonSerialize annotation, but the serializer still didn't do it...VirtualNetworkFilter unit tests complete. Found bug in Entity in devicemanger package where null doesn't mean no switch or port anymore; DatapathId.NONE and OFPort.ZERO do instead. An object will always be there (not null), but it's contents will specify whether the Entity has a switch port or not.Update StaticFlowEntries.javaFixed LoadBalancer unit tests! TODO: Need to change the LB to not compose flows with strings...yuck. This will make OF1.0/OF1.1+ support integration easier.Commented out all of's format-checking unit test. Why does the format need to be checked to see if it's ISO8601? Java's java.util.Date toString() returns a different format (with spaces), but I don't see what the big deal is at this point.Fixed OFMessageDamper unit tests and removed context from within OFMessageDamper (not used with a switch write anymore).Fixed LearningSwitch unit tests and a couple bugs found in the code as a result.Fix IN_PORT in TopologyManager when a port is removed from an OF1.0 vs OF1.1+ switch.Fixed more unit tests. Found another place in where I accidentally used shallow compares instead of deep when checking to see if two links are symmetrical.Fixed some more unit tests. Have some device manager issues maybe. Many of the remaining unit tests to fix seem to tie back to the device manager.Fixed some more unit tests. In the process, discovered some errors in more overridden equals(). Also, discovered I had inadvertently commented out an important few lines the routing module uses to set the ingress port of flows used in the route. Those lines are now ported and use MatchUtils to copy the Match properly.Merge pull request #461 from rizard/masterswitchDisconnected() already called when the main connection is closed (so it wasn't a bug after all).Undo weaving of IDebugCounterService into the OFSwitch class for previous SwitchCounters implementation.Changed methodology after realizing the counters are already defined in OFConnectionCounters, which makes more sense since switches can have multiple connections now. OFConnectionCounters now refactored to remove counters when a switch disconnects.Added Similar to, the SwitchCounters class contained within contains and maintains all the counters for a switch instance. When the switch disconnects, either accidentally or forcefully with disconnect(), the SwitchCounters will be removed from the IDebugCounterService, since they will no longer be valid or meaningful if the switch never reconnects.Changed DebugCounterServiceImpl's registerCounter(). It turns out we do need to always return a reference to an IDebugCounter. If the counter we're trying to add is already there, return the existing IDebugCounter, else if the counter is not there, add it, and return it instead.Use /wm/device/all/json for all devices and /*** where *** is a filter by mac, vlan, ip, etcAdd 'json' to the DeviceManager's REST API to be consistent with the rest. Ending the path in a / is bad REST practice.Fix DebugCounter related things in core.web. Other misc optimizations in core.web.remove unnecessary commentsMerge pull request #460 from rizard/masterAdded option to remove debug counters from the hierarchy if it's been added; useful for keeping track of switch or device counters, which might not stick around forever. Fixed bug in CounterNode where non-null was returned regardless of whether a counter was already present or was a new counter. DebugCounterServiceImpl prints a debug message if non-null is returned, mistakenly indicating you're adding a counter that you already had registerd (generated TONS of annoying debug messages at startup). Next bug, I accidentally initialized counters twice in the OFSwitchManager; now only done once.Merge pull request #458 from rizard/masterLoad balancer quick fix due to prior IPv4 packet changes. Uses LOXI IpProtocol now to reference certain protocol numbers, not IPv4 anymore.Refactor IPv4 and UDP payload's protocol class map the proper way.Working on unit tests. Found bugs in TCP and UDP. ByteBuffer returns a (signed) short for ports, but they are valid 0-65535, not -32768-32767. Convert possibly negative ports from BB to positive ints using a bitmask.Incorporate Hung-Wei's and my stats reply and other REST API changes. A couple of bug fixes from Hung-Wei too.Merge branch 'master' of Hung-Wei's #3 pull requestMerge pull request #4 from hwchiu/openflow-1.3#4OFStatsReply custom serializer. Works for OFFlowStatsReply presently.Merge branch 'master' of pull request #3 from hwchiu/openflow-1.3#3Merge pull request #457 from rizard/master