- Dec 30, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Last-minute SFP additions to catch some exceptions. Still have more to go, but they can wait, since it'd be from user error.
- Dec 22, 2014
sanjivininaikar authored
- Dec 16, 2014
sanjivininaikar authored
IPv6 support updated
- Dec 15, 2014
sanjivininaikar authored
Support for IPv6
- Dec 12, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed SFP REST API. Forgot to add new flow's DPID to entry2dpid map, thus flow removal never triggered a flow-del message to the switch. Also, added a serializer for OFFlowMod and for OFFlowModMap. The latter is for the double-map of switch-dpid --> map of flow-name --> OFFlowMod object. The former has been separated, since it a JSON serializer for OFFlowMod might come in handy in the future. A present limitation is that the JSON serializer does not use the same syntax as is used to insert a flow-mod via the SFP REST API. This might be confusing for people if they get different output than what they put in. It's a lot less work to implement the serializer as-is though. The next step will be to match the SFP syntax on a per-field basis in the OFFlowModSerializer class.
- Nov 21, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Updated all unit tests with the uncommenting of debugcounter stuff in the previous commit. For the most part, initialized the MockDebugCounterService and provided it to the MemoryStorageSource to allow counters in the AbstractStorageSourceService.
- Nov 05, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
- Aug 14, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed lots of compile errors in unit tests; mostly involved replacing longs with DatapathIds, byte[]s with MacAddresses and Ipv4Addresses, and shorts with OFPorts and VlanVids; some refactoring of flow mod contruction was also done to align with loxi's builders. The static flow puser now supports IP TOS for OF1.0 and for OF1.1+ it supports match/rewrite to either ECN or DSCP bits.
- Aug 13, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
- Aug 12, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Static Flow Pusher supports all OF1.3 matches and most OF1.3 actions (with the exception of masks). LoadBalancer corrected; OFFlowAdd used instead of OFFlowModify and OFPort.ZERO correct to OFPort.ANY. ActionUtils, MatchUtils, and InstructionUtils added to support static flow pusher. Strings defining flow fields *standardized* for Floodlight in the new utils classes. This means the REST API for the SFP will expect a sligthly different syntax than the current REST API (for master and 0.90). We can change the field names easily though in the utils files. These names are also referenced for the keys the SFP uses to store flow match fields and actions, just to be consistent.
- Aug 10, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed build.xml. Fixed/implemented workaround for remaining debug counter compile errors to allow compilation with ant. Static Flow Pusher now matches on all OF1.3 match fields; all OF1.3 actions/set-field are in progress now, but basic out-port action works.
- Aug 08, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
VLAN matches added conditionally to Forwarding flows. Started moving sync code to the OFSwitchManager; not sure if SyncService needs to live there too.
- Aug 05, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
- Aug 04, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Removed BSN-specific handshakes, some debug messages, tweaked static flow entry pusher, and hub to work with new OpenFlowJ-Loxi flow mod commands.
- Jul 28, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
- Jun 11, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
* fail makeCookie if the app id hasn't been registered * do static initialization * fail if duplicate app id registration still not a perfect framework but better than before
- May 15, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
* add methods to update/compare the ports of an IOFSwitch * use ImmutablePorts * OFPhysicalPorts -> ImmutablePort in most test
- May 13, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
* make sure we do things in the right order (setting role, sending role reqs) * fix getName() in HAListener's * transition AddressSpaceManager before DeviceManager to Master * flush counters from threads * add trace logging and more counters
- May 08, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
Still needs more work: * we don't generate updates if a stored switch has changed yet * we don't deal with (unlikely) change of port name <-> number
- May 03, 2013
Shudong Zhou authored
- Apr 26, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
- Apr 22, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
- Apr 18, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
Necessary step for switch sync. We can't use IFloodlightProvider.getSwitches() anymore. We now have a getSwitch() method. There are also methods to get all dpids (getAllSwitchDpids()) and to get a map (getAllSwitchesMap()). These two return a snapshot. TODO: need to check if they are used under the correct assumption in existing code. First stab at SwitchSyncRepresentation, which is the object I indent to put in the SyncStore.
- Apr 17, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
- Jan 30, 2013
kwanggithub authored
- Jan 06, 2013
Jason Parraga authored
- Dec 31, 2012
Alex Reimers authored
- Dec 07, 2012
Valentin Mayamsin authored
- Dec 05, 2012
Alex Reimers authored
Also fixed an issue in Static Flow Pusher that would leave an orphaned flow if a static flow changed it's DPID.
- Dec 04, 2012
Alex Reimers authored
FLOODLIGHT-30 - When deleting all entries put in by the static flow pusher for a specific switch or all switches use a single delete based on matching the static flow pusher cookie instead of deleting each flow individually. Note: this means that flows mods are no longer hashed to have unique cookies.
- Sep 20, 2012
Rob Adams authored
- Sep 15, 2012
Gregor Maier authored
- Aug 09, 2012
Alex Reimers authored
- May 14, 2012
Gregor Maier authored
Controller now needs to listen for storage notifcation and it will dispatch updates if the controller node IPs change. We now have three different types of updates in the Controller.updates queue ==> Refactored to use different update classes that implement a common IUpdate interface instead of a several types and a switch statemet. Add unit test for Controller.updates queue Retab that caused some unrelated chagnes but now now more tabs: flconext, addInfoProvider, removeInfoProviderm getControllerInfo Retab also causes changes in flcontext: that's only indentation. Needed to touch quite some files to refactoring: rename IHARoleListener -> IHAListener [#29035681]
- Apr 26, 2012
Alex Reimers authored
2 - Update module HA role change actions 3 - Add unit tests for HA role changes
Alex Reimers authored
- Apr 06, 2012
Alex Reimers authored
/wm/staticflowentrypusher/list/{switch}/json {switch} can be 'all' or a DPID in Hex format, i.e. '00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01'
Alex Reimers authored
Alex Reimers authored
Make static flow pusher into a service (IStaticFlowEntryPusherService). This will allow other Floodlight modules to push static flows without using the REST API.