- Jul 15, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
- Jul 13, 2016
Geddings Barrineau authored
- Jul 11, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
- Jul 01, 2016
brobertson3 authored
This deletes/add flows from the switch out of forwarding when the firewall rule changes.
- Jun 30, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
(1) Fix bug in forwarding where OF1.0 doesn't support tables, so don't set a table ID. (2) Tidy up stats REST API. (3) Remove LLDP info log that should have been debug.
- May 31, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
- May 18, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Getting there w/OF1.5 support. Just need a switch that supports it (well) to do some more thorough testing.
- May 16, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
This is a huge commit. Lots of (good) stuff has been added and updated. First and foremost, OpenFlow 1.5 is now supported (yay) via a major update to OpenFlowJ-Loxi. This update necessitated the update of the Static Flow Pusher module and MatchUtils, ActionUtils, and InstructionUtils to support the newly-added features. This prompted me to explore the SFP to see if there was anything that could be improved. First thing that came to mind was adding support to push OpenFlow groups in addition to flows, thus group support has been added to the SFP via JSON, which is the format that should have been used in the first place. Action lists will be updated in the near future to be JSON instead of one massive ',', '=', and '->' delimited string. Thus, the Static Flow Pusher has been renamed the StaticEntryPusher, since it now encompasses groups. While groups were being added to the SFP (ahem...SEP), a number of optimizations were made to the SEP code, greatly reducing its complexity (IMHO). The support for OpenFlow meters can now be added rather trivially in the future, if desired. Last thing to note about the SEP is the work-in-progress addition of a 'schema' API to allow northbound applications to get information about SEP syntax. This is not complete yet, but the skeleton code is in place. Next thing in this pull request is miscellaneous changes throughout the controller, primarily in (de)serializers and REST APIs to support OpenFlow 1.5. Next item of business is the removal of the DebugEventService. This is an artifact of days past and need not clutter the controller anymore. Same goes for the TestModule; now that we have better tutorials and documentation on the wiki, an example isn't necessary. And, last but not least, some old libraries that weren't being used have now been removed.
- Apr 28, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Handle link and port down events in Forwarding. Remove flows ingress and egress a failed port or link to eliminate stale entries. This is done in Forwarding instead of the Link Discovery Manager, since some user modules might not want their flows removed and wish for them to persist until the link comes back up.
Ryan Izard authored
- Apr 26, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
- Apr 06, 2016
Tulio Ribeiro authored
Fired when receive a ROLE_STATUS message, at Master to Slave transitions, switch become deactivated.
- Feb 22, 2016
Petr Nebáznivý authored
Fix LLDP inport.
- Jan 21, 2016
paaguti-work authored
- Dec 18, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Oct 07, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed (really this time) the last bug WRT link latencies. This actually wasn't even a latency bug, but it existed beforehand. We only dispatch an update when checking for link timeouts if the link's unicast time just expired and we still have a valid multicast time. Otherwise, we remove the link if both unicast and multicast times are expired. Originally, we were dispatching updates when multicast times were expiring and unicast times were still valid. Such a case results in the link being in the unicast state before and after the multicast expiration; thus, no link update should be dispatched.
Ryan Izard authored
Topology manager now purges any existing link in its data structures before it tries to add a new link (no-op if one exists). This needs to be done in order to update latencies. Also changed some log levels.
- Oct 06, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Hooray! Fixed (fingers crossed) the last couple bugs WRT LLDP vs BDDP timing. Link discovery reaches a steady state now and latency updates do not impact the type of link (unicast/multicast) being reported to the topology manager.
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Fix potential divide by zero. Increased latency parameters to threshold=0.50, history=10. Maybe it's just because my control plane is over a VPN and over the public internet, but the link latencies are fluctuating a bit. TODO evaluate whether or not we should completely clear the average/history each time we accept a new latency value. This would lessen the number of latency updates.
Ryan Izard authored
Change logging. Update default history size to 10. Base update decision on previous link value, not current observed.
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Implemented a rolling link latency history for switch links. Each link will contain a single latency value. When a link update occurs, the latency computed from the LLDP packet is added to the exisiting link's LinkInfo. LinkInfo maintains a latency history for link L. The 1-to-1 mapping between Link and LinkInfo still exists. LinkInfo will provide a new latency based on the rolling window size and update threshold -- configurable through floodlightdefault.properties but default to 5 latency data points and 30%, respectively. As an example, the 0th latency value is used as the intial latency for a particular (new) link. Each LLDP update for this link will contain a latency. This latency is added to the LinkInfo from updates 0 - 3. Update 4 will make 5 historical latency data points. This will cause an average to be computed of these 5 data points. If the average is +/-30% of the latency recorded in the 0th latency, the link latency will be updated. For exach, successive latency recorded, the same average will be computed. If the new average is not +/-30% of the old recorded value, an update will not occcur. Every latency 'replacement/update' will cause a new topology to be computed in the topology manager. Keeping a rolling average takes into account current network conditions, but also helps to average out outliers and keeps topology updates to a minimum.
- Oct 05, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Integrated new topology code and updated unit tests to a passing state. I'd be more comfortable adding more unit tests to the topology. Also made some changes to the link discovery manager's latency subsystem. We start with a baseline latency based on the switch's features reply turnaround time. This should be relatively quick -- just like an echo. Next step for latency is to keep a rolling list of past latencies for more defined topology updates based on latency updates. We don't want to update latencies too frequently, since tiny changes (or outliers) shouldn't require a complete topology recomputation.
- Sep 21, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
We now take into account the one-way latency between each switch (src, dst) and the controller when determining data plane link latencies.
Ryan Izard authored
First round of support for primitive link latency detection. We do not presently account for the latency between the switches and the controller.
- Jun 22, 2015
Controller authored
Controller authored
- Apr 16, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Added ability to switch OF roles per DPID or for all switches at once. This includes a REST interface and integration with the handshake and channel handlers in order to keep the switch in the correct state. An IOFConnectionListener also has the ability to listen for messages that are written now instead of read from the wire. This allows modules to write role requests, have the underlying handshake/channel substrate tap in and listen to the request, and automatically update the role of the switch when the response comes back.
- Apr 13, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Apr 03, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Reapplied the LinkDiscoveryManager's patch from earlier (issue #471). Updated Ethernet.java to use EthType instead of short for EthTypes. In conjunction, bitmasked the LSBs of the ethertype as it is casted from short to int. This preserves the MSB (sign) as a data bit --> unsigned integer.
- Mar 20, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Undo LinkDiscoveryManager 'bug' fix from a while back. We'll test to see if it's what's causing some issues with invalid ethertypes. Also, includes a patch for OFChannelHandler that will accept the smallest of the OpenFlow versions during the initial handshake.
- Mar 14, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Bug fix WRT closed issue #471. ethertype range check for valid LLC lengths expanded to include 17-1535 inclusive and <17 as invalid.
- Mar 09, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Revert "Fixed a couple bugs in SFP. (1) Always check the switch we're pushing a new flow to to see if an old flow needs to be removed from another switch (Maxence's bug). (2) Check for empty string in action lists and only print/add actions if they are specified. This allows an empty string or null to mean 'drop.'" This reverts commit e2458ef3.
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed a couple bugs in SFP. (1) Always check the switch we're pushing a new flow to to see if an old flow needs to be removed from another switch (Maxence's bug). (2) Check for empty string in action lists and only print/add actions if they are specified. This allows an empty string or null to mean 'drop.'
- Dec 18, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Changed log level to INFO for most packages. Set LLDP log level to INFO to see evidence the controller is alive every 10s.
- Nov 21, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
- Nov 13, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
This is a scattered commit, but it includes more unit test fixes, including Forwarding and the NotificationManager's interdependency issue the unit tests were having when being run together as a group. It also includes some typo repairs. The last major change is a bug fix in the LinkDiscoveryManager that fixes the long-time issue of LINK_ADDED and PORT_STATUS messages being inconsistent when a link is brought up. The issue was a race condition between the PORT_STATUS update timer to process the queues and the propagation of LLDP packets from one switch to another that cause the LINK_ADDED updates.
- Nov 07, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Some Firewall unit test fixes. Went through all code and corrected pi.getInPort() to (pi.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_12) < 0 ? pi.getInPort() : pi.getMatch().get(MatchField.IN_PORT)). OF1.2 and greater specifies the ingress port as an OXM in the Match.