- Jul 14, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Next round of refactoring. Attempting to normalize the terminology used. Fixed some bugs that have been around for a while too.
Ryan Izard authored
- May 31, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
- May 16, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
This is a huge commit. Lots of (good) stuff has been added and updated. First and foremost, OpenFlow 1.5 is now supported (yay) via a major update to OpenFlowJ-Loxi. This update necessitated the update of the Static Flow Pusher module and MatchUtils, ActionUtils, and InstructionUtils to support the newly-added features. This prompted me to explore the SFP to see if there was anything that could be improved. First thing that came to mind was adding support to push OpenFlow groups in addition to flows, thus group support has been added to the SFP via JSON, which is the format that should have been used in the first place. Action lists will be updated in the near future to be JSON instead of one massive ',', '=', and '->' delimited string. Thus, the Static Flow Pusher has been renamed the StaticEntryPusher, since it now encompasses groups. While groups were being added to the SFP (ahem...SEP), a number of optimizations were made to the SEP code, greatly reducing its complexity (IMHO). The support for OpenFlow meters can now be added rather trivially in the future, if desired. Last thing to note about the SEP is the work-in-progress addition of a 'schema' API to allow northbound applications to get information about SEP syntax. This is not complete yet, but the skeleton code is in place. Next thing in this pull request is miscellaneous changes throughout the controller, primarily in (de)serializers and REST APIs to support OpenFlow 1.5. Next item of business is the removal of the DebugEventService. This is an artifact of days past and need not clutter the controller anymore. Same goes for the TestModule; now that we have better tutorials and documentation on the wiki, an example isn't necessary. And, last but not least, some old libraries that weren't being used have now been removed.
- May 03, 2016
Randall Sharo authored
Many REST ingest schemes (e.g. Graylog "JSON path from HTTP") expect servers to return well-formed JSON objects. Floodlight is sometimes returning values that lack root objects. Was: [ <list-of-device-objects>] Now: { 'devices' : <list-of-device-objects> }
- Apr 26, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
- Oct 08, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Tidy up topology and get rid of some many redundant functions in ITopologyService. Also, fix a bug that prevents outgoing broadcast ports from being queried on single-switch islands.
- Aug 21, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
VLAN wildcard is null, unlike others. REST API now returns correct devices across all VLANS when VLAN is unspecified.
- Aug 20, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Added some IPv6 tests and added the IPv6 secondary index to the device manager's init function (ooops).
Ryan Izard authored
A new and improved device manager (woohoo). We support IPv6 now and have fixed some bugs. Other changes have been made to prefer 'empty/zero' objects instead of null, which made using the device manger less type safe and more error prone. Unit tests for IPv6 packets will come next, so IPv6 support should be considered experimental for this commit (although in theory it should be fine if IPv4 is).
- Jun 03, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Patched ARP class to use MacAddress, IPv4Address, and ArpOpcode, as it should. This makes it safer and avoids primitive data types.
- Nov 21, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Updated all unit tests with the uncommenting of debugcounter stuff in the previous commit. For the most part, initialized the MockDebugCounterService and provided it to the MemoryStorageSource to allow counters in the AbstractStorageSourceService.
Ryan Izard authored
- Nov 14, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Removed all deprecated flowcache references and marked all flowcache classes as deprecated. Also TODOed the OFMessageDamper Forwarding module unit test. It will always fail until tthe OFMessageDamper is fixed to ignore the XIDs in OFMessages.
- Nov 07, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Some Firewall unit test fixes. Went through all code and corrected pi.getInPort() to (pi.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_12) < 0 ? pi.getInPort() : pi.getMatch().get(MatchField.IN_PORT)). OF1.2 and greater specifies the ingress port as an OXM in the Match.
- Oct 31, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed some DeviceManager unit tests and (not quite a bug but) an issue converting an Entity to a SyncEntity, which requires primitives for serialization. I tried to supply the MacAddress, IPv4Address, etc JSON serializer classes via the @JsonSerialize annotation, but the serializer still didn't do it...
Ryan Izard authored
VirtualNetworkFilter unit tests complete. Found bug in Entity in devicemanger package where null doesn't mean no switch or port anymore; DatapathId.NONE and OFPort.ZERO do instead. An object will always be there (not null), but it's contents will specify whether the Entity has a switch port or not.
- Oct 27, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed more unit tests. Found another place in TopologyInstance.java where I accidentally used shallow compares instead of deep when checking to see if two links are symmetrical.
- Oct 26, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed some more unit tests. Have some device manager issues maybe. Many of the remaining unit tests to fix seem to tie back to the device manager.
- Oct 10, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed some more unit tests. In the process, discovered some errors in more overridden equals(). Also, discovered I had inadvertently commented out an important few lines the routing module uses to set the ingress port of flows used in the route. Those lines are now ported and use MatchUtils to copy the Match properly.
- Sep 14, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Add 'json' to the DeviceManager's REST API to be consistent with the rest. Ending the path in a / is bad REST practice.
- Aug 16, 2014
hwchiu authored
2. Use the serializer for some object. 3. Fix the bug in the buildRoute method on the ToplogInstance
- Aug 12, 2014
hwchiu authored
2. Use the string to present the vlan value instead of hexidecimal. 3. Fix the id in Cluster. 4. Fix the serialize method of OFPort.
- Aug 08, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Quick fix for OF1.0. Should find a way so that all modules don't have to worry about how to get Match from PI. OF1.0-1.2 use pi.getInPort(); OF1.3 uses pi.getMatch(MatchField.IN_PORT). Workaroud is: (pi.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) < 0 ? pi.getInPort() : pi.getMatch().get(MatchField.IN_PORT))
Ryan Izard authored
VLAN matches added conditionally to Forwarding flows. Started moving sync code to the OFSwitchManager; not sure if SyncService needs to live there too.
- Aug 07, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ethernet fixed; proto = byte, not short. Fixed DeviceManager; toString() of Entity corrected and misc bugs. Fixed Forwarding; forgot to initialize OFSwitchService reference. Basic Forwarding works! Known issue: Forwarding only matches switch port numbers...
Ryan Izard authored
Forgot to update overridden equals() for many classes in devicemanager package. Devices are now compared correctly and are learned and not added repeatedly.
- Aug 06, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Working on device manager. Currently devices aren't being saved, or cannot be located after they are stored...I'm searching incorrectly for devices and entities or am not saving them correctly or at all.
- Jul 28, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
- Jun 18, 2014
Rob Sherwood authored
This reverts commit 4ae94669.
Ryan Izard authored
Refactored structure of core components to work with openflowj-loxi. Presently refactoring Routing, Firewall, Forwarding, DeviceManager, LinkDiscovery, Topology, and LearningSwitch. Hub has been refactored.
- Jun 26, 2013
Vishnu Emmadi authored
- Jun 24, 2013
Vishnu Emmadi authored
- Jun 19, 2013
Saurav Das authored
1) new event for BVS Interface(s) assigned 2) new EventFieldTypes for LIST_OBJECT, SREF_OBJECT and SREF_LIST_OBJECT 3) removing LIST_VLAN from EventFieldType as it is superseded by LIST_OBJECT
- Jun 18, 2013
Vishnu Emmadi authored
Vishnu Emmadi authored