- Mar 26, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Forwarding's doDropFlow() changed to not base Match on OFPacketIn, which it shouldn't in the first place. We need to first deserialize the packet and use its header attributes. TODO: How much is too much to match on? Sometimes we want a very specific match by default. Other times, we don't. The former creates a larger flow table, while the latter might inadvertently match packets that we don't intend to. Perhaps this should be a user-configurable option? Such as net.floodlightcontroller.Forwarding.matchLayer=L2, L3, or L4?
- Mar 20, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Undo LinkDiscoveryManager 'bug' fix from a while back. We'll test to see if it's what's causing some issues with invalid ethertypes. Also, includes a patch for OFChannelHandler that will accept the smallest of the OpenFlow versions during the initial handshake.
- Mar 15, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Updated Restlet from 2.2M3 to 2.3.1. Included with the update is full SSL support for the REST API, either all-access+encryption or restricted-access+encryption (truststore verified clients only). Additional options have been added to floodlightdefault.properties in order to turn HTTPS on/off. HTTPS ccan be used in conjunction with vanilla HTTP as well -- each must reside on a different TCP port though. Also, this time, I remembered to update and test the build.xml file to remove the old and include the new Restlet jars.
Ryan Izard authored
- Mar 14, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Refactored firewall REST api. Allow POST for firewall enable/disable.
Ryan Izard authored
Bug fix WRT closed issue #471. ethertype range check for valid LLC lengths expanded to include 17-1535 inclusive and <17 as invalid.
- Mar 13, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Lots of goodies (including SSL support for OpenFlow connections)
Ryan Izard authored
SSL support for southbound OpenFlow sockets. Enable/disable SSL from floodlightdefault.properties (YES=enabled, NO=disabled to the useSsl variable), set the keystore, and password. By default, SSL is disabled. Keystore needs to be configured with a public/private/cert for FL and with the certificates for each OVS ahead of time. Each key should have the same password as the keystore itself.
- Mar 12, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed a bug that caused flows without instructions/actions (i.e. drop flows) to throw an exception during serialization. This addresses an issue common to the SFP and the switch flow stats reply serialization (since they both rely on the same core.web serializer).
- Mar 10, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed a bug where table ID, group ID, and cookie mask were attempted to be serialized for an OF1.0 switch. Should probably refactor this to make the code less repetetive now.
- Mar 09, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed a tough bug in MatchUtils. OFPorts are integers in OF1.3, but those who specify local, controller, etc. as 65534, etc. will not work with OF1.3. This is a temporary fix and should be fixed properly to allow the full range of ports.
Ryan Izard authored
Let's try this again. Fixed the two SFP bugs (Maxence's bug and another that prevented adding drop flows with null or empty-string actions). Also, replaced netty with a newer version in preparation for SSL support.
Ryan Izard authored
Revert "Fixed a couple bugs in SFP. (1) Always check the switch we're pushing a new flow to to see if an old flow needs to be removed from another switch (Maxence's bug). (2) Check for empty string in action lists and only print/add actions if they are specified. This allows an empty string or null to mean 'drop.'" This reverts commit e2458ef3.
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed a couple bugs in SFP. (1) Always check the switch we're pushing a new flow to to see if an old flow needs to be removed from another switch (Maxence's bug). (2) Check for empty string in action lists and only print/add actions if they are specified. This allows an empty string or null to mean 'drop.'
- Mar 03, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Misc patches
- Feb 27, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Corrected bug that was generating an exception when retrieving the icmpv...
James Merfeld authored
- Feb 20, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Don't use the Match from the Firewall in Forwarding if a rule allowed the packet. If a packet has been allowed, that means the Forwarding module can send it where it needs to go matching on its header files (which have already been given the OK by the Firewall). If a Firewall rule is very general, e.g. allow all packets through switch 1, then the first packet that traverses the switch will cause Forwarding to insert a general from from port A to port B with no specific hheader field matches (since they weren't specified in the Firewall rule).
Ryan Izard authored
Added a patch to support HP ProCurve switches and others that do not support the OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST message. Updated SFP unit test to include the SEND_FLOW_REM flag in the test flows (forgot from last commit).
- Feb 16, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
SFP support for idle/hard timeouts
- Feb 05, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
SFP supports hard/idle timouts w/drawback of needlessly sending flow_del to switch (which gets silently discarded). This is a good first step but needs to be followed up with a solution to the redundant flow_del msg. Also, patched MatchSerializer to display masks if present and fixed a bug in OFInstructionListSerializer for metadata and goto_table instructions. Added masking support to all SFP match fields. OVS supports some masked fields that are not defined in the OF1.3 spec. Oddly enough, OVS returns a bad-match error message even though the flow gets inserted. I suppose that message is due to the OF protocol not supporting it. OVS should squelch it if it supports it though. In any case, Floodlight is equipped to support all present MatchFields as masked MatchFields in the future. To specify a mask to any field (beside MPLS BOS, which is a boolean), use a CIDR-style '/' after the value and before the mask. All values and masks support decimal or hexadecimal (with leading '0x'), with the exception of all values that are MacAddress or IPAddress types -- they only support hex-string or dotted-decimal, respectively. Lastly, an English typo has been fixed in IStaticFlowEntryPusherService.
- Feb 04, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Bug fix.
Ryan Izard authored
Removed some more unnecessary comments. Don't know how hard_timeout and idle_timeout got reverted in the SFP...
Ryan Izard authored
Bug fixes and initial masked-matching support for SFP.
Ryan Izard authored
- Jan 21, 2015
Jay Cox authored
Also return correct status codes.
- Jan 13, 2015
Jay Cox authored
Allow enabling and disabling of firewall via POST method as well as GET. (I recommend disabling GET when all clients have been updated) Refactored FirewallResource class into multiple smaller classes to make URL routing clearer.
- Dec 30, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Release of Floodlight Version 1.0
Ryan Izard authored
Just kidding. Went ahead and added a general try-catch in for actions an...
Ryan Izard authored
Just kidding. Went ahead and added a general try-catch in for actions and matches. In the next minor release, these messages will be returned as errors via the REST API so that partial flows cannot be inserted (based on the correct portions of the JSON-defined flow) and so that the log will not need to be inspected to find the root cause.
Ryan Izard authored
Last-minute SFP additions to catch some exceptions.
Ryan Izard authored
Last-minute SFP additions to catch some exceptions. Still have more to go, but they can wait, since it'd be from user error.
Ryan Izard authored
Create v1.0 branch from openflow-1.3 branch
http://github.com/floodlight/floodlightRyan Izard authored
Try to merge OF1.3 code into master branch perferring the OF1.3 code (-s ours)
Ryan Izard authored
Updated readme to be a bit more informative.
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed typos in readme.