- Mar 28, 2016
Tulio Ribeiro authored
Switch roles from floodlightdefault.properties. Fault tolerance with primary-backup or distributed, without reconfiguration. One time crashed the controller shall restart with all switches in slave mode. This can be achieved from floodlight.properties file. The second properties file, floodlighBackupNode.properties is for backup nodes, and swicthes shall be configures in slave mode. Regards
Tulio Ribeiro authored
Hello guys, I have changed the logic of simple.FT (Fault Tolerant) module. The basic idea is, the FT module register on SyncManager to receive RPC events (connect and disconect nodes). In connect events, the controller send its switch list to storage and the other controllers can sync this info. In disconnect events, the controller is informed about which controller crashed and get switch list from storage and send a role request message to swicthes. Regards.
- Mar 26, 2016
Tulio Ribeiro authored
and compare with initial cluster config defined in floodlightdefault.properties. Issues: do not treat the message ROLE_STATUS. In case a cluster goes down and goes up, there is a problem, the Controller does not change its own role to role slave. But works properly as Primary-Backup configuration. Under development...
- Mar 25, 2016
Tulio Ribeiro authored
ant tests result in some failures.
- Mar 24, 2016
Tulio Ribeiro authored
keytool -genkey -alias AliasChallengeResponse -keystore key2.jceks -keypass "PassWord" -storepass "PassWord" -storetype JCEKS Value of CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_SECRET=AliasChallengeResponse Value of CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_SECRET at CryptoUtil.java is hard coded.
Tulio Ribeiro authored
The key.jceks needs to be created like this: Value of CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_SECRET=AliasChallengeResponse Value of CHALLENGE_RESPONSE_SECRET at CryptoUtil.java is hard coded.
Tulio Ribeiro authored
- Mar 16, 2016
Tulio Ribeiro authored
Tulio Ribeiro authored
- Mar 15, 2016
Tulio Ribeiro authored
- Feb 09, 2016
smisger authored
- Jan 21, 2016
paaguti-work authored
- Dec 18, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
We can shutdown gracefully and not wait (as Netty3 did). If not waiting turns out to be a problem, we can wait again.
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed a blunder in OFSwitchManager and Controller to allow switches to connect if a server IP isn't explicitly given in floodlihgtdefault.properties. Still can't get sync's bootstrap test to pass. Feels like a race condition b/t update threads.
Ryan Izard authored
- Oct 06, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Sep 21, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Mar 09, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Let's try this again. Fixed the two SFP bugs (Maxence's bug and another that prevented adding drop flows with null or empty-string actions). Also, replaced netty with a newer version in preparation for SSL support.
Ryan Izard authored
Revert "Fixed a couple bugs in SFP. (1) Always check the switch we're pushing a new flow to to see if an old flow needs to be removed from another switch (Maxence's bug). (2) Check for empty string in action lists and only print/add actions if they are specified. This allows an empty string or null to mean 'drop.'" This reverts commit e2458ef3.
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed a couple bugs in SFP. (1) Always check the switch we're pushing a new flow to to see if an old flow needs to be removed from another switch (Maxence's bug). (2) Check for empty string in action lists and only print/add actions if they are specified. This allows an empty string or null to mean 'drop.'
- Jul 30, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Initial OF1.3 handshake working. Still trouble write()ing to OFSwitch instance after handshake complete. The Connection is reported as down, yet the switch is echoed repeatedly w/o a problem...
- Jul 28, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
- Jun 18, 2014
Rob Sherwood authored
This reverts commit 4ae94669.
Ryan Izard authored
Refactored structure of core components to work with openflowj-loxi. Presently refactoring Routing, Firewall, Forwarding, DeviceManager, LinkDiscovery, Topology, and LearningSwitch. Hub has been refactored.
- Mar 07, 2014
Ayaka Koshibe authored
amend to PR #443
- Mar 02, 2014
Rob Sherwood authored
Build is broken, but someone could fix this. All they have to do is fix all of the compile errors and update the hand shaking logic.
- Dec 20, 2013
Rémy Léone authored
- Aug 06, 2013
CodingCat authored
- Jun 24, 2013
Vishnu Emmadi authored
Vishnu Emmadi authored
- Jun 23, 2013
Vishnu Emmadi authored
- Jun 17, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
- Jun 05, 2013
Saurav Das authored
- Jun 03, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
- Jun 02, 2013
Saurav Das authored
moving counter registration to init() methods, and use of metadata constants
- May 25, 2013
Saurav Das authored
Saurav Das authored
of performace of updates. Introducing hierarchical counters, counter metatdata and finer-grained handling of counter flush. Added unit tests and changed some of the API calls
- May 22, 2013
meiyangbigswitch authored
- May 15, 2013
Gregor Maier authored
* add methods to update/compare the ports of an IOFSwitch * use ImmutablePorts * OFPhysicalPorts -> ImmutablePort in most test