- Dec 21, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Updated circuitpusher with new SFP syntax. Updated Forwarding(Base) to use a default priority of 1, since in OF1.3 we have a priority=0 table-miss flow that will also match. Trying to update the Web UI to display flows correctly.
- Dec 19, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Added insertion of default table-miss flow for OF1.3 switches. Also added clearing of switch tables when switch connects. Both of these only occur if the controller is in the MASTER role for the switch. It if is placed in SLAVE, the switch flow tables will not be modified. Also had to update the unit tests with new expectations for IOFSwitchBackend fuction calls (which was a real pain).
Ryan Izard authored
Added REST API support for getting list of loaded and all modules. Tinkered with Web UI's flow action display. The problem is that the actions (write and apply) will not display for any flow. Need to spend some time figuring out the issue.
Ryan Izard authored
Statistics update - support for OF 1.3 stats
- Dec 18, 2014
Naveen165 authored
Added support for Group Stats, Group Desc, Group Features, Meter Stats, Meter Config, Meter Features, Table Stats & Table features
Naveen165 authored
Added support for Group Stats, Group Desc, Group Features, Meter Stats, Meter Config, Meter Features, Table Stats & Table features
Naveen165 authored
Added support for Group Stats, Group Desc, Group Features, Meter Stats, Meter Config, Meter Features, Table Stats & Table features
Naveen165 authored
Added serializers for Group Stats, Group Desc, Group Features, Meter Stats, Meter Config, Meter Features, Table Stats & Table features
Ryan Izard authored
Added MPLS_BOS and TUNNEL_ID support to SFP, since Loxi now supports it. Also changed MatchUtils's fromString() function's header to include the updated syntax for fields.
Ryan Izard authored
Add in firewall again. Fixed an issue where all packets would be dropped if a rule could not be found. Also fixed an issue where all-zero MAC addresses would be used as a match for wildcarded MACs in some cases.
Ryan Izard authored
Changed log level to INFO for most packages. Set LLDP log level to INFO to see evidence the controller is alive every 10s.
Ryan Izard authored
Verified all REST APIs except Firewall and VirtualNetworkFilter. Added JSON return for clearing SFP flows.
- Dec 17, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Removed all deprecated FlowReconcileManager stuff from unit tests, which is just now showing up as a warning... Also clarified debug message in ActionUtils for actions that do not take the form 'key=value' e.g. 'pop_vlan'. It was phrased as if the action was bad, but it's okay for some that do not take a value.
Ryan Izard authored
added MPLS BOS to MatchUtils. Wrote part of a check function to verify SFP flow entries, but left it commented out.
- Dec 16, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed the serializers for core and SFP. They now have a common platform to do all the flow-mod, match, instructions, and actions serialization. Also fixed AllSwitchStatisticsResource so that it returns a StatsReply object like SwitchStatisticsResource. Played around in Testmodule to try out meters and tables.
- Dec 15, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Tweaked SFP syntax (changed my mind about dl and nw as opposed to eth and ipv4). Added acceptance of hex and decimal input for values. Added previously unimplemented matches/actions in loxi to the SFP. Removed all the FlowReconcileManager stuff from DeviceManagerImpl.
- Dec 12, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed SFP REST API. Forgot to add new flow's DPID to entry2dpid map, thus flow removal never triggered a flow-del message to the switch. Also, added a serializer for OFFlowMod and for OFFlowModMap. The latter is for the double-map of switch-dpid --> map of flow-name --> OFFlowMod object. The former has been separated, since it a JSON serializer for OFFlowMod might come in handy in the future. A present limitation is that the JSON serializer does not use the same syntax as is used to insert a flow-mod via the SFP REST API. This might be confusing for people if they get different output than what they put in. It's a lot less work to implement the serializer as-is though. The next step will be to match the SFP syntax on a per-field basis in the OFFlowModSerializer class.
Ryan Izard authored
- Dec 01, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Added in NXMs for source and destination tunnel IPs, included in new Loxigen 0.9.0. Used Loxigen's OFFlowModFlags serializers for different OFVersions to fix compile error in StatsReplySerializer introduced upon Loxigen upgrade. Add new OF1.4 counters to DebugCounters to allow unit tests to compile (this is the first step in OF1.4 support =) ).
- Nov 21, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Updated all unit tests with the uncommenting of debugcounter stuff in the previous commit. For the most part, initialized the MockDebugCounterService and provided it to the MemoryStorageSource to allow counters in the AbstractStorageSourceService.
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed some issues with the Firewall and string compares. There are probably some more things that need to be fixed there.
- Nov 14, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Removed all deprecated flowcache references and marked all flowcache classes as deprecated. Also TODOed the OFMessageDamper Forwarding module unit test. It will always fail until tthe OFMessageDamper is fixed to ignore the XIDs in OFMessages.
Ryan Izard authored
OF1.3 handshake unit tests updated. All unit tests can be run together and have zero errors but one failure. The failure is in Forwarding and is expected for the time being until OFMessageDamper/Loxigen is fixed to ignore XIDs in OFMessages. In the previous commit, the unit tests for the flowcache package were completely removed due to the effort required to fix them. I don't know if completely removing the flowcache package though is the best idea. Even if it's not tested and not proven scalable, people might benefit from being able to look at the code. Thus, I've left the package in, at least for the time being.
- Nov 13, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
This is a scattered commit, but it includes more unit test fixes, including Forwarding and the NotificationManager's interdependency issue the unit tests were having when being run together as a group. It also includes some typo repairs. The last major change is a bug fix in the LinkDiscoveryManager that fixes the long-time issue of LINK_ADDED and PORT_STATUS messages being inconsistent when a link is brought up. The issue was a race condition between the PORT_STATUS update timer to process the queues and the propagation of LLDP packets from one switch to another that cause the LINK_ADDED updates.
- Nov 10, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Moved a couple annoying debug messaged to trace wrt switch connections. Changed logback.xml to debug and higher-level. Removed unused imports and variables in some places to clean up warnings that have arisen over time/mods. Fixed the LoadBalancer so it works with OF1.0 and OF1.3; it no longer composes OFFlowMods using strings! =)
- Nov 07, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Mid-way through Forwarding unit tests. Added a sample equals to compare OFPacketIns when the XID does not matter (in net.floodlightcontroller.util.OFMessageComparisonUtils.java).
Ryan Izard authored
Forgot to fix Hub after playing with it initially. Now defaults to FLOOD OFPacketOuts at the controller, which means no flows are inserted. The option still exists to insert flows instead.
Ryan Izard authored
Firewall working and unit tests working. Found an fixed a couple bugs in the Firewall during the process.
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Some Firewall unit test fixes. Went through all code and corrected pi.getInPort() to (pi.getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_12) < 0 ? pi.getInPort() : pi.getMatch().get(MatchField.IN_PORT)). OF1.2 and greater specifies the ingress port as an OXM in the Match.
- Nov 05, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
- Nov 03, 2014
https://github.com/rizard/floodlightRyan Izard authored
Pull in Hung-Wei's WEBUI changes. Then, push Ryan's unit test changes to remote again.
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed DeviceManagerImplTest unit tests. TODO: With OpenFlowJ-Loxi, an untagged VLAN can be denoted with VlanVid.ZERO. Presently, it's VlanVid.of(-1), which was the case before integration of the new library. It makes more sense to have it as ZERO I think.
Ryan Izard authored
Thanks Hung-Wei!
- Nov 01, 2014
hwchiu authored
1. Modify the wm/core/switch/${id}/flow/json's return format, it use a array to shows the flow entries, e.g. I think this format is more convenience for restapi caller. "flows": [ { "byte_count": "2498", "cookie": "0", "duration_sec": "4", "flags": "0", "hard_timeout_sec": "0", "idle_timeout_sec": "0", "instructions": { "apply_actions": { "output": "-3" } }, "match": {}, "packet_count": "33", "priority": "32768", "table_id": "0", "version": "OF_13" }, { "byte_count": "0", "cookie": "9007199254740992", "duration_sec": "2", "flags": "0", "hard_timeout_sec": "0", "idle_timeout_sec": "5", "instructions": { "apply_actions": { "output": "1" } }, "match": { "dl_dst": "e6:85:22:16:59:87", "dl_src": "b2:ac:81:4a:92:57", "dl_type": "2054", "ingress_port": "2" }, "packet_count": "0", "priority": "0", "table_id": "0", "version": "OF_13" }, 2. Adding the new coloum write_actions and replace the original action field to apply_actions. 3. Since the OF1.1+ use the OXM format to present the match filed, we don't need to use the wildcard to check what kind of the fild be used in the flow, we can directly use the query result. If we want to make it compatible with OF1.0, we need to use the version field to check in the javascript and modify the way how we get the match rules. 4. It has only been test with the default forwarding module and the flow entries looks right. It need to be tested with other match rule and actions. 5. replace the tab with 4-spaces