- Jun 26, 2015
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
- Jun 24, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
fix race conditions in LinkDiscoveryManager module
Ryan Izard authored
Lots of good stuff for OpenFlow protocol version negotiation
Ryan Izard authored
We now have a human-readable OXM deserializer! Still need to add in all the NXM extensions and the OF1.5 0x8001 register class.
- Jun 23, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Clarified some log messages for negotiating OpenFlow versions. More importantly, included a patch to ignore all PORT_STATUS messages during the WaitFeaturesReplyState. OVS will periodically send such a message if it's connecting to the controller and being created (e.g. by mininet) at the same time. We will explicitly query the port status/configuration later, so ignoring this message now is fine.
- Jun 22, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
First go at implementing OpenFlow version bitmaps. Also, made it a lot easier to change your default OpenFlow versions via floodlightdefault.properties's net.floodlightcontroller.OFSwitchManager.supportedOpenFlowVersions variable. The variable searches any string for 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 and saves those versions as possible OpenFlow versions to use during a handshake and used in our controller's version bitmap. We don't presently account for future versions that might be e.g. 1.10 (which 1.1 would match). We need to use regexs to make the string parsing more robust. What I also noticed in working on this commit was that there are no utilies for parsing OpenFlow versions from wire (at least that are exposed by Loxi). TODO Create an OFVersion.ofWireValue(int wireVal) function in Loxi that efficiently tries to locate an OpenFlow version from the wire value. Right now, there are getters for each defined version, but not a utility to go the other way. Also, it might be useful to include an OFVersion.ofString(String laypersonString) that takes e.g. '1.1' and tries to get the OFVersion enum value. Last thing: NEED TO FIX CONNECT, DISCONNECT, and RECONNECT BUG that only occurs when OVS connects to Floodlight after Floodlight has been running first. I think it has to do with how OVS starts up and ***might*** be an OVS issue and not a Floodlight issue. Furthermore, need to allow OVS to send a PORT_STATUS message before we query for the PORT_CONFIG in the handshake. It's okay, we'll just get the port info again when we query for it shortly. This causes us to disconnect OVS even though the handshake is okay.
Controller authored
Controller authored
Ryan Izard authored
fix data races in LoadBalancer module
- Jun 19, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Patch channel handler to allow Brocade's 2nd hello. We now allow sw_hello, ctrl_hello, sw_hello assuming the second sw_hello's protocol version matches what we calculated. If it doesn't, then it might not be the brocade but instead an unsupported switch trying to reconnect (although this should resultin a new socket being established and a new channel handler being instantiated).
- Jun 18, 2015
Controller authored
- Jun 12, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Updated loxi.
Ryan Izard authored
- Jun 10, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Revert "Revert "writePacketOutForPacketIn to OFMessageUtils""
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Update LearningSwitch.java
- Jun 09, 2015
AndreMantas authored
Working LearningSwitch.java
Ryan Izard authored
IPv6 (New)
Ryan Izard authored
Revert "writePacketOutForPacketIn to OFMessageUtils"
Ryan Izard authored
- Jun 08, 2015
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
Ryan Izard authored
modified pom.xml to include LICENSE.txt, NOTICE.txt and README.md
Ryan Izard authored
writePacketOutForPacketIn to OFMessageUtils
Ryan Izard authored
Update OFMessageUtils.java
Banse, Christian authored
- Jun 06, 2015
AndreMantas authored
Andre mantas write packet out for packet in
AndreMantas authored
writePacketOutForPacketIn now calls OFMessageUtils.writePacketOutForPacketIn
- Jun 05, 2015
AndreMantas authored
Added required imports and static declaration.
AndreMantas authored
Modified visibility of method to public
AndreMantas authored
Update OFMessageUtils.java