- Dec 22, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Updated to properly handle IOFSwitch write()'s while in SLAVE role. TODO: make unit test for trapping invalid messages while in SLAVE. TODO: complete logic for handling valid SLAVE message types per OF version.
- Dec 18, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Dec 15, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Core ported to Netty 4 along with unit tests. Still need to do sync and some loxi-related compile errors in web.serializers.
- Dec 04, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Oct 08, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Tidy up topology and get rid of some many redundant functions in ITopologyService. Also, fix a bug that prevents outgoing broadcast ports from being queried on single-switch islands.
- Oct 06, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Implemented a rolling link latency history for switch links. Each link will contain a single latency value. When a link update occurs, the latency computed from the LLDP packet is added to the exisiting link's LinkInfo. LinkInfo maintains a latency history for link L. The 1-to-1 mapping between Link and LinkInfo still exists. LinkInfo will provide a new latency based on the rolling window size and update threshold -- configurable through floodlightdefault.properties but default to 5 latency data points and 30%, respectively. As an example, the 0th latency value is used as the intial latency for a particular (new) link. Each LLDP update for this link will contain a latency. This latency is added to the LinkInfo from updates 0 - 3. Update 4 will make 5 historical latency data points. This will cause an average to be computed of these 5 data points. If the average is +/-30% of the latency recorded in the 0th latency, the link latency will be updated. For exach, successive latency recorded, the same average will be computed. If the new average is not +/-30% of the old recorded value, an update will not occcur. Every latency 'replacement/update' will cause a new topology to be computed in the topology manager. Keeping a rolling average takes into account current network conditions, but also helps to average out outliers and keeps topology updates to a minimum.
- Oct 05, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Sep 21, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
We now take into account the one-way latency between each switch (src, dst) and the controller when determining data plane link latencies.
Ryan Izard authored
First round of support for primitive link latency detection. We do not presently account for the latency between the switches and the controller.
- Aug 31, 2015
moisesber authored
- Aug 20, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Forwarding unit tests updated to test for IPv6 forwarding. Updated IPv6 and Ethernet to print known packets correctly and account for forgetting to set the IpProtocol, respectively.
Ryan Izard authored
Added some IPv6 tests and added the IPv6 secondary index to the device manager's init function (ooops).
Ryan Izard authored
A new and improved device manager (woohoo). We support IPv6 now and have fixed some bugs. Other changes have been made to prefer 'empty/zero' objects instead of null, which made using the device manger less type safe and more error prone. Unit tests for IPv6 packets will come next, so IPv6 support should be considered experimental for this commit (although in theory it should be fine if IPv4 is).
- Aug 15, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Lots of goodies here. Apologies for the largish commit. Most files are just removing warnings that were introduced after updating JSON libraries a short time ago. IOFSwitch now can return specific list of tables supported. This is useful for the OFHandshakeHandler for one, which not inserts table miss flows up to the table ID indicated in floodlightdefault.properties, but only in the table IDs that actually exist. Up next, Forwarding has some preliminary, isolated support for IPv6. Still need to integrate support into the device service, which is more complex. Forwarding also supports routing through OF switches of multiple OFVersions. This was a very subtle bug that was fixed by modifying MatchUtils to create a Match clone to a specific OFVersion. This utility function is used to generate a Match compatible with the OpenFlow version of the switch. Believe it or not, Loxi actually allows you to insert a Match of OFVersion.OF_X into an OFFlowMod of OFVersion.OF_Y. The switch, of course, doesn't have a clue how to interpret it and either reports an error, or actually resets the OF channel, in the case of a couple hardware switches tested on. Good news is this is fixed now :-).
- Aug 13, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Patched the handshake so that on transition to master, we guarantee the order of flow table operations (e.g. clear, adding table-miss flows, and IOFSwitchListener module switchAdded/switchActivated listener operations). Barriers are used inbetween all such operations.
- Jun 27, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Tweaked configuration of table-miss flows so that you can specify the number of tables rather than the max table ID. Both of these have their pros and cons, but we'll go with specifying the max total for now, which allows a '0' to indicate 'no tables' rather than 'up to and including table 0'.
- Jun 26, 2015
Jacob Chappell authored
Jacob Chappell authored
- Jun 22, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
First go at implementing OpenFlow version bitmaps. Also, made it a lot easier to change your default OpenFlow versions via floodlightdefault.properties's net.floodlightcontroller.OFSwitchManager.supportedOpenFlowVersions variable. The variable searches any string for 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 and saves those versions as possible OpenFlow versions to use during a handshake and used in our controller's version bitmap. We don't presently account for future versions that might be e.g. 1.10 (which 1.1 would match). We need to use regexs to make the string parsing more robust. What I also noticed in working on this commit was that there are no utilies for parsing OpenFlow versions from wire (at least that are exposed by Loxi). TODO Create an OFVersion.ofWireValue(int wireVal) function in Loxi that efficiently tries to locate an OpenFlow version from the wire value. Right now, there are getters for each defined version, but not a utility to go the other way. Also, it might be useful to include an OFVersion.ofString(String laypersonString) that takes e.g. '1.1' and tries to get the OFVersion enum value. Last thing: NEED TO FIX CONNECT, DISCONNECT, and RECONNECT BUG that only occurs when OVS connects to Floodlight after Floodlight has been running first. I think it has to do with how OVS starts up and ***might*** be an OVS issue and not a Floodlight issue. Furthermore, need to allow OVS to send a PORT_STATUS message before we query for the PORT_CONFIG in the handshake. It's okay, we'll just get the port info again when we query for it shortly. This causes us to disconnect OVS even though the handshake is okay.
- Jun 08, 2015
Jacob Chappell authored
- Jun 03, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Patched ARP class to use MacAddress, IPv4Address, and ArpOpcode, as it should. This makes it safer and avoids primitive data types.
Ryan Izard authored
- Jun 02, 2015
Banse, Christian authored
Banse, Christian authored
- May 29, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Fixed what was likely one of the dependency issues in the unit tests. There were two @Before annotations on functions in the handshake handler tests. setUp() depends on setUpFeaturesReply(); but if they are both @Before, there's no guarantee the first @Before (features reply) will be executed before the second @Before (setup). Removed @Before annotation from setUpFeaturesReply() and manually invoke that function from within setUp() so that the featuresReply class variable is set when it's needed in setUp().
- May 12, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Added ability to specify the tables to receive table-miss flows for OF1.3+ switches. What we did before was insert these table-miss flows in all tables, which for OVS is 254 flows and not only is a waste of resources if the tables aren't being used, but also serverly clutters the REST API and Web UI output when listing flows. By default, the first 4 tables will receive the forward-to-controller table-miss flow. The reason for 4 is to account for a small number of software tables present on many hardware switches. If the actual number of tables is less, the lesser value will be used. To modify these settings, there are two options: (1) change the default for all switches or (2) specify the max tables to insert the table-miss flow on a per-DPID basis. These options are exposed in the floodlightdefault.properties file. Toy, no-op examples are given setting the default to 4 and two switches to 4 (the internal default is 4, thus it's a no-op). The list of switches and max tables should be given as a list of JSON key:value objects to the net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal.OFSwitchManager.maxTableToReceiveTableMissFlowPerDpid config variable. The default can be specified as an integer to the net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal.OFSwitchManager.defaultMaxTableToReceiveTableMissFlow variable.
- May 11, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Support for OFTableFeatures messages. OpenFlowJ-Loxi bindings have been updated to support a variable pad (byte-aligned to 8 bytes) for each OFTableFeaturesProp list. Loxi has not been 'officially' updated yet though due to a lack of a C implementation. The handshake handler in Floodlight and the switch representations were also updated in order to support OFTableFeatures. By default, the features are requested for an OF1.3+ switch. They will be updated if they are reconfigured through a writeRequest() call IOFSwitch. To access table features, call getTableFeatures(TableId tableToGetFeaturesFor). They are exposed as a TableFeatures type, which more is more efficient than OFTableFeatures for frequent data accesses (especialy OFTableFeatureProp lists).
- Apr 17, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Apr 16, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Added ability to switch OF roles per DPID or for all switches at once. This includes a REST interface and integration with the handshake and channel handlers in order to keep the switch in the correct state. An IOFConnectionListener also has the ability to listen for messages that are written now instead of read from the wire. This allows modules to write role requests, have the underlying handshake/channel substrate tap in and listen to the request, and automatically update the role of the switch when the response comes back.
- Apr 13, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
- Apr 03, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Initial DHCP server code commit. This was a test of how easy is is to port v0.91- code to v1.0. I have not tested this module yet. TODO: Write unit tests for the dhcpserver module.
Ryan Izard authored
Reapplied the LinkDiscoveryManager's patch from earlier (issue #471). Updated Ethernet.java to use EthType instead of short for EthTypes. In conjunction, bitmasked the LSBs of the ethertype as it is casted from short to int. This preserves the MSB (sign) as a data bit --> unsigned integer.
- Mar 19, 2015
Pengfei Lu authored
- Mar 17, 2015
Pengfei Lu authored
- Mar 15, 2015
Pengfei Lu authored
- Feb 20, 2015
Ryan Izard authored
Added a patch to support HP ProCurve switches and others that do not support the OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST message. Updated SFP unit test to include the SEND_FLOW_REM flag in the test flows (forgot from last commit).
- Dec 21, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
- Dec 19, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Added insertion of default table-miss flow for OF1.3 switches. Also added clearing of switch tables when switch connects. Both of these only occur if the controller is in the MASTER role for the switch. It if is placed in SLAVE, the switch flow tables will not be modified. Also had to update the unit tests with new expectations for IOFSwitchBackend fuction calls (which was a real pain).
- Dec 17, 2014
Ryan Izard authored
Removed all deprecated FlowReconcileManager stuff from unit tests, which is just now showing up as a warning... Also clarified debug message in ActionUtils for actions that do not take the form 'key=value' e.g. 'pop_vlan'. It was phrased as if the action was bad, but it's okay for some that do not take a value.