- Jul 14, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
- Jul 13, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Create wrapper class that takes an OFMessage and allows for direct use in other containers where we don't care about the XID of the message. For example, if we want to create a unit test with predictable results but the XIDs are different depending on unit test execution, we can use the wrapper class to guarantee consistency. In the main code, we can more easily compare OFMessages without care for the XID and create cool data structures like caches.
Geddings Barrineau authored
Put maximumRouteEntriesStored into floodlightdefault.properties. Topology manager and instance can now access it.
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Geddings Barrineau authored
Added in the routecache. Similar to pathcache, routecache is computed by Yen's algorithm in the compute function. As the name implies, a routecache entry does not need to be built into a route, as it is already built. Future commits will involve replacing patchcache with the new routecache.
- Jul 12, 2016
Geddings Barrineau authored
Transferred over all of the Yen's algorithm additions. This includes getRoutes(). Some additions may have been missed.
- Jul 11, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Fix HA role REST API and add flag to allow us to toggle the controller's behavior when a transition to STANDBY occurs. For now, since we don't have much logic in other modules to handle STANDBY roles, we'll shutdown, but in the future, we should give the ability to stay running and await the next transition to ACTIVE.
- Jul 09, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
- Jul 07, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Remove old makefile. Add round #1 of version support via REST API. The included code adds a /wm/core/version/json REST API. This will work in Eclipse and in situations where the jar is being run in the build environment with the pom.xml. It will not work when the jar has been compiled and relocated outside of the build environment. For this, we need to come up with a solution to build in the version at compile-time. This will either incorporate it as code or save it somewhere in the classpath.
- Jul 04, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
- Jul 02, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
- Jun 30, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
convert integer DPIDs specified to the SEP to DatapathId to prevent duplicate DPID flow sets listed just because the DPID was entered in a different format. hexstring is what will be used
Ryan Izard authored
(1) Fix bug in forwarding where OF1.0 doesn't support tables, so don't set a table ID. (2) Tidy up stats REST API. (3) Remove LLDP info log that should have been debug.
- Jun 23, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Add in old URIs for static entry pusher for backwards compatibility. Note this only addresses URI compatibility *not* JSON key:value compatibility. Clean up warnings in LoadBalancer unit test
- Jun 21, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Finally! :-) OFMessageDamper works. Required creating a custom hashCode() (hashCodeIgnoreXid()) function for all OFMessages we would like to dampen.
- Jun 20, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Update Forwarding to support specifying a default table ID for flow insertion. It's flow table 0 by default, but it can be overridden using the net.floodlightcontroller.forwarding.Forwarding.table-id=X config parameter in floodlightdefault.properties. Set X to any table b/t 0 and the max.
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Introduce ParseUtils as a cleaner way to parse hex or decimal strings to their primitive types. This is done instead of e.g. Integer.decode() in order to eliminiate the need to instantiate a new object wrapped around the primitive type if we're just going to use the primivitive type in the first place. Cleaned up all *Utils classes to use the new ParseUtils fuctions, which reduced a lot of duplicate code.
Ryan Izard authored
Update MatchUtils, ActionUtils, and GroupUtils to support converting OFGroup and OFPort types to/from strings more easily. This includes human-readable strings for special values, such as OFPort.CONTROLLER, etc., and OFGroup.ALL, etc.
- Jun 18, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Fix bug in statistics module REST API to correctly retrieve requested statistics for given DPID and port.
Ryan Izard authored
Loxi master is up-to-date now with FL codebase. With this commit, both ant and mvn should work to build. We will transition to mvn though to reduce the branch size (w/history purge) for upcoming v2.0.
- Jun 14, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Ryan Izard authored
Refactor OpenFlow server socket config to OFSwitchManager and expose more configuration options via floodlightdefault.properties
- Jun 02, 2016
Ryan Izard authored
Update statistics REST API with OF1.5 statistics. This includes an update to Loxi to better support statistics/multipart messages. Loxi master will need to have this update incorporated before Travis CI will build successfully.