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/// \file /include/DetectorConstruction.hh
/// \brief Definition of the DetectorConstruction class
#ifndef DetectorConstruction_h
#define DetectorConstruction_h 1
#include "globals.hh"
#include "G4Material.hh"
#include "G4Box.hh"
#include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
#include "G4VUserDetectorConstruction.hh"
Chad Lantz
#include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh"
#include "G4RunManager.hh"
Chad Lantz
void BuildWorld ();
void BuildTrapezoidLG ();
void BuildPMT ();
void PlaceGeometry ();
void SetWorldVolume (G4ThreeVector arg);
void SetEnvelope (G4ThreeVector arg);
void SetRotation (G4ThreeVector arg);
void SetTranslation (G4ThreeVector arg);
void SetPMTTranslation (G4ThreeVector arg);
void SetPMTDiameter (G4double arg);
Chad Lantz
void SetLGthickness (G4double arg);
void UseCADModel (G4String fileName);
void OutputToGDML (G4String name);
void SetNSegmentsX (G4int arg);
void SetNSegmentsZ (G4int arg);
Chad Lantz
void SetSurfaceModel (const G4OpticalSurfaceModel model);
void SetSurfaceFinish (const G4OpticalSurfaceFinish finish);
void SetSurfaceType (const G4SurfaceType type);
Chad Lantz
void SetSurfaceSigmaAlpha (G4double v);
void AddSurfaceMPV (const char* c, G4MaterialPropertyVector* mpv);
void AddGasMPV (const char* c, G4MaterialPropertyVector* mpv);
Chad Lantz
G4ThreeVector* m_worldDim;
G4ThreeVector* m_LGenvelope;
G4ThreeVector* m_LGpos;
G4ThreeVector* m_pmtPos;
G4RotationMatrix* m_rotation;
G4double m_pmtDia;
G4double m_PMTthickness;
G4double m_thickness;
G4int m_nSegmentsX;
G4int m_nSegmentsZ;
G4bool m_ConstructionHasBeenDone;
G4bool m_UsingCADmodel;
G4Box* m_solidWorld;
G4LogicalVolume* m_logicWorld;
G4VPhysicalVolume* m_physWorld;
G4Box* m_solidHalfWorld;
G4LogicalVolume* m_logicHalfWorld;
G4VPhysicalVolume* m_physHalfWorld;
Chad Lantz
G4Trd* m_inner;
G4Trd* m_outter;
G4SubtractionSolid* m_LightGuide;
G4LogicalVolume* m_logicLightGuide;
std::vector< G4VPhysicalVolume* > m_physLightGuide;
Chad Lantz
G4Tubs* m_solidPMT;
G4LogicalVolume* m_logicPMT;
std::vector< G4VPhysicalVolume* > m_physPMT;
Chad Lantz
std::vector< G4LogicalBorderSurface* > m_Surfvec;
Chad Lantz
Materials* materials;
G4Material* m_filler;
G4MaterialPropertiesTable* m_GasMPT;
Chad Lantz
G4GDMLParser m_Parser;
G4RunManager* m_runMan;
DetectorMessenger* m_DetectorMessenger;