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Commit ffce8e3d authored by Chad Lantz's avatar Chad Lantz
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Based pmt pulses on quantum efficiency and single PE pulses instead of cathode radiant sensitivity

parent 7a816ccd
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......@@ -344,19 +344,18 @@ void generateWaveform(string fileName, bool DRAW){
float triggerDelay = 21.0;
TF1 *testPulse = new TF1("testPulse", PMTpulseFunction, 0.0, timeWindow, 2);
float unitPulseIntegral = testPulse->Integral( 0.0, timeWindow, 1e-4 );
float unitPulseIntegral = testPulse->Integral( 0.0, timeWindow, 1e-4 ); //charge for 1mV pulse
////////////////////// PMT constants //////////////////////
// Will probably make a PMT object when appropriate
// For R2496
// Dark Current = 2nA typical, 50 nA max
TGraph* g = getPMTdata( Form("model%dresponse.txt",2056) );
TGraph* g = getPMTdata( Form("model%dQE.txt",6091) );
if(g == NULL) return;
float avePhotonEnergy = (1240./g->GetMean(1))*1.6022e-19; // Joule
float aveRadSens = g->GetMean(2); // mA/W aka mC/J
float gain = 1e6; // unitless
float darkCurrent = 2e-6; // mA aka mC/s. Mfr claims this is 2nA typical, but up to 50nA
float outputImpedance = 50.0; // ohms
float electronPerCoulomb = 6.24e18;
float aveChargePerPulse = GetAverageCurrent ( g, gain ); // mC
float aveNpulsePerNanoSec = 1e-9*darkCurrent/aveChargePerPulse; // 1/ns
float aveNpulses = timeWindow*aveNpulsePerNanoSec; // unitless
......@@ -421,13 +420,9 @@ void generateWaveform(string fileName, bool DRAW){
vector< vector< float >* > waveforms(16,0);
vector< vector< float >* > heights(16,0);
vector< vector< float >* > charges(16,0);
for(int tile = 0; tile < 16; tile++){
waveforms[tile] = new vector< float >;
outTree->Branch( Form("RawSignal%d",tile), &waveforms[tile] );
outTree->Branch( Form("pulseHeight%d",tile), &heights[tile] );
outTree->Branch( Form("pulseCharge%d",tile), &charges[tile] );
if(DRAW) h[tile] = new TH1D( Form("tile%dwaveform",tile), Form("Tile %d Simulated Waveform;time (ns);Amplitude (mV)",tile), nSamples, 0, timeWindow);
......@@ -438,7 +433,10 @@ void generateWaveform(string fileName, bool DRAW){
// //////////////////// The hard way //////////////////////
double wavelength, pulseIntegral, amplitude, photonEnergy;
double wavelength, pulseIntegral, photonEnergy;
// double onePEamp = outputImpedance/(1e-9*timeBinWidth*unitPulseIntegral); // The amplitude of a single photon pulse in mV
double onePEamp = (gain/electronPerCoulomb)/unitPulseIntegral; // V=IR The amplitude of a single photon pulse in mV
cout << "onePEamp = " << onePEamp << endl;
vector< vector< TF1* > > pulses;
......@@ -455,23 +453,28 @@ void generateWaveform(string fileName, bool DRAW){
if(hit%500 == 0) cout << "\r" << std::left << Form("Event %d, Hit %d",eventNo,hit) << flush;
// Get the photon energy and determine the pulse amplitude based on that energy
photonEnergy = 1e6*sqrt( pow(Px->at(hit),2) + pow(Py->at(hit),2) + pow(Pz->at(hit),2) ); //eV
wavelength = 1240./photonEnergy; // nm
pulseIntegral = g->Eval( wavelength )*gain*photonEnergy*1.6022e-19; // mC
amplitude = outputImpedance*pulseIntegral/(1e-9*timeBinWidth*unitPulseIntegral); // mV
// Add the pulse to the pulses vector for each tile
pulses[rodNo->at(hit)/16].push_back( new TF1( Form("ev%d",eventNo), PMTpulseFunction, 0., timeWindow, 2) );
pulses[rodNo->at(hit)/16].back()->SetParameters( amplitude, time->at(hit) + triggerDelay);
//The photon has a chance to be detected based on the quantum efficiency of the PMT
//roll the dice here
if(rnd.Rndm() < g->Eval( wavelength ) ){
// Add the pulse to the pulses vector for each tile
pulses[rodNo->at(hit)/16].push_back( new TF1( Form("ev%d",eventNo), PMTpulseFunction, 0., timeWindow, 2) );
pulses[rodNo->at(hit)/16].back()->SetParameters( onePEamp, time->at(hit) + triggerDelay);
// pulses[rodNo->at(hit)/16].push_back( new TF1( Form("ev%d",eventNo), "[A]*ROOT::Math::lognormal_pdf(x,[m],[s],[x0])", 0., timeWindow, 2) );
// pulses[rodNo->at(hit)/16].back()->SetParameters( onePEamp, time->at(hit) + triggerDelay);
}//end hit loop
cout << endl << endl;
for(int tile = 0; tile < 16; tile++){
if( tile%4 == 0 ) cout << endl;
cout << pulses[tile].size() << ", ";
// Add dark current pulses
int nPulses = rnd.Poisson( aveNpulses );
for(int i = 0; i < nPulses; i++){
......@@ -605,7 +608,7 @@ void generateWaveform(string fileName, bool DRAW){
double GetAverageCurrent( TGraph* PMTcathodeRadSens, double gain ){
double GetAverageCurrent( TGraph* PMTquantumEff, double gain ){
TFile* f = new TFile("data/Energy_dist.root","read");
TH1D* energyHist = (TH1D*)f->Get("Energy dist");
......@@ -619,7 +622,7 @@ double GetAverageCurrent( TGraph* PMTcathodeRadSens, double gain ){
photonEnergy = 1e6*energyHist->GetBinCenter(bin); //eV
// current is fraction of photons in this bin * the single photon current at this energy/wavelength
current += energyHist->GetBinContent(bin) * PMTcathodeRadSens->Eval( 1240./photonEnergy )*gain*photonEnergy*1.6022e-19; // mC
current += energyHist->GetBinContent(bin) * PMTquantumEff->Eval( 1240./photonEnergy )*gain; // mC
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