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  • Learn to ignore specific revisions
  • from collections import OrderedDict
    import itertools
    import json
    import logging
    import os
    from typing import Any, Dict, List, MutableSet, Tuple
    import numpy as np
    from learner_base import LearnerBase
    class DTreeLearner(LearnerBase):
        def __init__(self, state_dim: int, perc_dim: int,
                     timeout: int = 10000) -> None:
            self.debug_neg_conc = set()  # type: MutableSet[Tuple[float,...]]
            self.debug_neg_perc = set()  # type: MutableSet[Tuple[float,...]]
            self._state_dim: int = state_dim
            self._perc_dim: int = perc_dim
            self.count_neg_dup = 0
            self._s2f_func = lambda x: x
            # Given a base or derived feature name,
            # returns a mapping from base feature names to coefficients
            self._var_coeff_map: Dict[str, Dict[str, int]] = {}
            # Given a base feature name,
            # this map returns the affine transformation provided in the grammar
            self._basevar_trans_map: Dict[str, Tuple[Any, int]] = {}
            # check directory name exists, if not create it.
            self.dir_name = "out"
            if not os.path.isdir(self.dir_name):
            path_prefix = self.dir_name+"/pre"
            self.data_file = path_prefix + ".data"
            self.names_file = path_prefix + ".names"
            self.tree_out = path_prefix + ".json"
            # create empty data files or truncate existing data in files
            open(self.data_file, 'w').close()
            self.exec = f'c50exact/c5.0dbg  -I 1 -m 1 -f {path_prefix}'
        def state_dim(self) -> int:
            return self._state_dim
        def perc_dim(self) -> int:
            return self._perc_dim
        def set_grammar(self, grammar) -> None:
            base_features: List[str] = []
            derived_feature_map: Dict[str, Tuple[Dict, str]] = OrderedDict()
            s2f_func_list = []
            for i, trans in enumerate(grammar):
                ith_vars = [f"fvar{j}_A{i}" for j in range(self.perc_dim)]
                self._basevar_trans_map.update([(var, (trans, j)) for j, var in enumerate(ith_vars)])
            # Store mapping from all feature names to coefficients of base features
                (var, {var: 1}) for var in base_features
                (var, coeff_map) for var, (coeff_map, _) in derived_feature_map.items()
            # One sample to feature vector function for many linear transformations
            self._s2f_func = self._compose_s2f_functions(s2f_func_list)
            file_lines = ["precondition."] + \
                [f"{var}:  continuous." for var in base_features] + \
                [f"{var} := {expr}." for var, (_, expr) in derived_feature_map.items()] + \
                ["precondition:  true, false."]
            with open(self.names_file, "w") as f:
        def _compose_s2f_functions(s2f_func_list):
            def composed_func(sample):
                return sum((list(f(sample)) for f in s2f_func_list), [])
            return composed_func
        def _generate_derived_features(
                base_vars: List[str], k: int = 2) -> List[Tuple[str, Tuple[Any, str]]]:
            res = []
            for var in base_vars:
                var_coeff_map = {var: -1}
                expr = f"(-1*{var})"
                name = expr
                res.append((name, (var_coeff_map, expr)))
            if len(base_vars) < k:
                return res
            coeff_combinations = list(itertools.product([1, -1], repeat=k))
            var_id_iter = range(len(base_vars))
            for selected_var_ids in itertools.combinations(var_id_iter, k):
                for coeff in coeff_combinations:
                    var_coeff_map = {base_vars[i]: c
                                     for c, i in zip(coeff, selected_var_ids)}
                    expr = " + ".join(f"({c}*{base_vars[i]})"
                                      for c, i in zip(coeff, selected_var_ids))
                    name = f"({expr})"
                    res.append((name, (var_coeff_map, expr)))
            return res
        def add_implication_examples(self, *args) -> None:
            return super().add_implication_examples(*args)
        def add_positive_examples(self, *args) -> None:
            feature_vec_list = [self._s2f_func(sample) for sample in args]
            self._append_to_data_file(feature_vec_list, "true")
        def add_negative_examples(self, *args) -> None:
            for samp in args:
                if samp in self.debug_neg_conc:
                    self.count_neg_dup += 1
                    raise ValueError("repeated negative example: " + str(samp))
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                perc_samp = tuple(self._s2f_func(samp))
                if perc_samp in self.debug_neg_perc:
                    raise ValueError("repeated negative example: " + str(perc_samp))
            print(f"number of negative duplicate {self.count_neg_dup}")
            feature_vec_list = [self._s2f_func(sample) for sample in args]
            print("Negative feature vectors:", feature_vec_list)
            self._append_to_data_file(feature_vec_list, "false")
        def _append_to_data_file(self, feature_vec_list, label: str):
            with open(self.data_file, 'a') as d_file:
                data_out = csv.writer(d_file)
                for f in feature_vec_list:
                    row = itertools.chain(f, [label])  # append label at the end of each row
        def learn(self) -> z3.BoolRef:
            res = os.popen(self.exec).read()
            assert os.path.exists(self.tree_out), "if learned successfully" \
                f"there should be a json file in {self.dir_name}"
            ite_expr = self.get_pre_from_json(self.tree_out)
            os.remove(self.tree_out)  # Remove the generated json to avoid reusing old trees
            ite_expr = self._subs_basevar_w_states(ite_expr)
            return ite_expr
        def _subs_basevar_w_states(self, ite_expr) -> z3.BoolRef:
            state_vars = z3.Reals([f"x_{i}" for i in range(self.state_dim)])
            perc_vars = z3.Reals([f"z_{i}" for i in range(self.perc_dim)])
            subs_basevar = []
            for basevar, (trans, j) in self._basevar_trans_map.items():
                a_mat, b_vec = trans
                expanded_basevar = perc_vars[j] - ((a_mat @ state_vars)[j] + b_vec[j])
                expanded_basevar = z3.simplify(expanded_basevar)
                subs_basevar.append((z3.Real(basevar), expanded_basevar))
            return z3.substitute(ite_expr, *subs_basevar)
        def get_pre_from_json(self, path):
                with open(path) as json_file:
                    tree = json.load(json_file)
                    return self.parse_tree(tree)
            except json.JSONDecodeError:
                raise ValueError(f"cannot parse {path} as a json file")
        def parse_tree(self, tree) -> z3.BoolRef:
            if tree['children'] is None:
                # At a leaf node, return the clause
                if tree['classification']:
                    return z3.BoolVal(True)  # True leaf node
                    return z3.BoolVal(False)  # False leaf node
            elif len(tree['children']) == 2:
                # Post-order traversal
                left = self.parse_tree(tree['children'][0])
                right = self.parse_tree(tree['children'][1])
                # Create an ITE expression tree
                z3_expr = z3.Sum(*(coeff*z3.Real(base_fvar) for base_fvar, coeff
                                   in self._var_coeff_map[tree['attribute']].items()))
                z3_cut = z3.simplify(z3.fpToReal(z3.FPVal(tree['cut'], z3.Float64())))
                if z3.is_true(left):
                    if z3.is_true(right):
                        return z3.BoolVal(True)
                    elif z3.is_false(right):
                        return (z3_expr <= z3_cut)
                if z3.is_false(left):
                    if z3.is_true(right):
                        return (z3_expr > z3_cut)
                    elif z3.is_false(right):
                        return z3.BoolVal(False)
                # else:
                return z3.If((z3_expr <= z3_cut), left, right)
                raise ValueError("error parsing the json object as a binary decision tree)")
    def construct_sample_to_feature_func(a_mat: np.ndarray, b_vec: np.ndarray):
        perc_dim, state_dim = a_mat.shape
        def sample_to_feature_vec(sample):
            assert len(sample) == state_dim + perc_dim
            state = np.array(sample[0: state_dim])
            perc = np.array(sample[state_dim: state_dim+perc_dim])
            return perc - (a_mat @ state + b_vec)
        return sample_to_feature_vec
    def test_dtree_learner():
        a_mat_0 = np.array([[0., -1., 0.],
                            [0., 0., -1.]])
        b_vec_0 = np.zeros(2)
        a_mat_1 = np.array([[0., -0.75, 0.],
                            [0., 0., -1.25]])
        b_vec_1 = np.zeros(2)
        learner = DTreeLearner(state_dim=3, perc_dim=2)
        learner.set_grammar([(a_mat_0, b_vec_0), (a_mat_1, b_vec_1)])
        logging.debug(*learner._basevar_trans_map.items(), sep='\n')
        logging.debug(*learner._var_coeff_map.items(), sep='\n')
        pos_examples = [
            (1., 2., 3., -2., -3.),
            (1., 2., 3., -1., -2.)
        neg_examples = [
            (10., 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5),
            (10., 1.0, 1.0, 1.5, 1.5),
            (10., 9.0, 9.0, 5.0, 5.0),
        print("Learned ITE expression:", learner.learn())
    def test_sample_to_feature():
        # tuple
        a_mat = np.array([[0., -1., 0.],
                          [0., 0., -1]])
        b_vec = np.zeros(2)
        # construct_sample_to_feature_func: returns a function
        # map: lin_trans(a_mat and b_vec pair) -> func
        sample_to_feature_func = construct_sample_to_feature_func(a_mat, b_vec)
        # map = {name1:sample_to_feature_func}
        sample = np.array([1., 2., 3., -2., -3.])
        # sample_to_feature_func will compute dBar and psiBar
        feature_vec = sample_to_feature_func(sample)
        print("sample: " + str(feature_vec))
        assert np.array_equal(feature_vec, np.array([0., 0.]))
        sample = np.array([1., 2., 3., -1., -2.])
        feature_vec = sample_to_feature_func(sample)
        print("sample: " + str(feature_vec))
        assert np.array_equal(feature_vec, np.array([1., 1.]))
    def test_parse_json():
        json_obj = json.loads("""
        {"attribute":"((1*fvar0_A0) + (1*fvar1_A0))","cut":-0.01,"classification":0,
        a_mat_0 = np.array([[0., -1., 0.],
                            [0., 0., -1.]])
        b_vec_0 = np.zeros(2)
        a_mat_1 = np.array([[0., -0.75, 0.],
                            [0., 0., -1.25]])
        b_vec_1 = np.zeros(2)
        learner = DTreeLearner(state_dim=3, perc_dim=2)
        learner.set_grammar([(a_mat_0, b_vec_0), (a_mat_1, b_vec_1)])
        tree = learner.parse_tree(json_obj)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        # test_sample_to_feature()