- Apr 22, 2018
antao authored
Nischol Antao authored
Added source , ipython notebook , mark down and results for question 2. Will add a bit more results and visualization tomorrow.
- Apr 21, 2018
Nischol Antao authored
Added Guidelines for the final report, and updated the report to include the new sections we should include.
Nischol Antao authored
Completed Code and Visualizations for Question 1. Need to update final report with findings of Question 1
antao authored
Nischol Antao authored
antao authored
Nischol Antao authored
Final Source code for Question 1, and associated iPython Notebooks. Will include a separate Notebook for Visualizing question 1, because matplotlib is having issues in the version of Anaconda on the EC2 instance.
antao authored
Nischol Antao authored
antao authored
Nischol Antao authored
Finished spark implementation for question 1. Need to do some visualizations for this, and write the final report for it. Added iPython notebooks that detail the code for question 1. Formalized local pandas source, and remote pyspark source, and did a performance comparison.
- Apr 19, 2018
Nischol Antao authored
Modified local programs to output csv data. Measured the amount of time each query took on a local pc. Started a document for Challenges_Encountered
- Apr 18, 2018
Nischol Antao authored
Obtained the Answer to Question 1 in Pandas. Also added a fun aside for tracking the Most_Frequent_Player_Birthdays
- Apr 17, 2018
Nischol Antao authored