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Commit f0f4f2ad authored by xiyehu2's avatar xiyehu2
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Changed build structure to CMAKE

parent b4d9c21f
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// Cpp.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <iostream>
#include "lib/AWG.h"
#include "lib/waveform.h"
int main()
auto awg = AWG();
auto wfm = Waveform::Waveform();
auto awg = AWG::AWG();;
//std::cout << b << std::endl;
std::cout << wfm.freqRes << std::endl;
return 0;
// Run program: Ctrl + F5 or Debug > Start Without Debugging menu
// Debug program: F5 or Debug > Start Debugging menu
// Tips for Getting Started:
// 1. Use the Solution Explorer window to add/manage files
// 2. Use the Team Explorer window to connect to source control
// 3. Use the Output window to see build output and other messages
// 4. Use the Error List window to view errors
// 5. Go to Project > Add New Item to create new code files, or Project > Add Existing Item to add existing code files to the project
// 6. In the future, to open this project again, go to File > Open > Project and select the .sln file
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