use rand::Rng; use thiserror::Error; use crate::{ atom::{ Atom, AtomIter, RadiationPattern, State, }, newton::{ NewtonError, PhaseSpace, rka, }, trap::Trap, }; #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum ScatterError { #[error("newton error {0}")] NewtonError(NewtonError), } pub type ScatterResult<T> = Result<T, ScatterError>; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct ScatterHistory<S> where S: State, { pub state: Vec<S>, pub time: Vec<f64>, pub trajectory: Vec<PhaseSpace>, } /// Calculate a single trajectory up to `t_final` *or* until the atom goes dark; /// i.e. the final time is not guaranteed to be equal to `t_final`. pub fn scatter_sim<S, T, R, G>( atom: &Atom<S, T, R>, t_final: f64, epsilon: f64, rng: &mut G, ) -> ScatterResult<(ScatterHistory<S>, Atom<S, T, R>)> where S: State, T: Trap, R: RadiationPattern, G: Rng + ?Sized, { let m: f64 = atom.mass; let mut state_history: Vec<S> = vec![atom.state]; let mut t_cur: f64 = 0.0; let mut t: Vec<f64> = Vec::new(); let (mut atom_iter, mut q_cur): (AtomIter<S, T, R>, PhaseSpace) = atom.to_state_iter(); let mut trajectory: Vec<PhaseSpace> = Vec::new(); // simulate until t_final or the atom goes dark while let Some((state, photon)) = { state_history.push(state); match photon.momentum_kick_lifetime(rng) { // absorb a photon (kick, None) => { += kick; }, // integrate position until photon emission (kick, Some((lifetime, tau))) => { let dt: f64 = atom_iter.get_trap().period(m) .min(tau) .min(lifetime) .min(t_final - t_cur) / 10.0; let t_int_end: f64 = (t_cur + lifetime).min(t_final); let rhs = |_t: f64, q: PhaseSpace| -> PhaseSpace { PhaseSpace { pos: / m, mom: -atom_iter.get_trap().gradient(q.pos), } }; let (mut t_int, mut q_int): (Vec<f64>, Vec<PhaseSpace>) = rka((t_cur, t_int_end), q_cur, dt, rhs, epsilon) .map_err(ScatterError::NewtonError)?; t_cur = t_int.pop().unwrap(); q_cur = q_int.pop().unwrap(); t.append(&mut t_int); trajectory.append(&mut q_int); += kick; }, } if t_cur >= t_final { break; } } return Ok(( ScatterHistory { state: state_history, time: t, trajectory, }, atom_iter.dump(), )); } /// Calculate a single trajectory, recording times and positions/momenta only /// when photons are emitted. Necessarily limited to when the atom goes dark. pub fn scatter_sim_emission<S, T, R, G>( atom: &Atom<S, T, R>, t_final: f64, epsilon: f64, rng: &mut G, ) -> ScatterResult<(ScatterHistory<S>, Atom<S, T, R>)> where S: State, T: Trap, R: RadiationPattern, G: Rng + ?Sized, { let m: f64 = atom.mass; let mut state_history: Vec<S> = vec![atom.state]; let mut t_cur: f64 = 0.0; let mut t: Vec<f64> = vec![0.0]; let (mut atom_iter, mut q_cur): (AtomIter<S, T, R>, PhaseSpace) = atom.to_state_iter(); let mut trajectory: Vec<PhaseSpace> = vec![q_cur]; while let Some((state, photon)) = { state_history.push(state); match photon.momentum_kick_lifetime(rng) { (kick, None) => { += kick; }, (kick, Some((lifetime, tau))) => { let dt: f64 = atom_iter.get_trap().period(m) .min(tau) .min(lifetime) .min(t_final - t_cur) / 10.0; let t_int_end: f64 = (t_cur + lifetime).min(t_final); let rhs = |_t: f64, q: PhaseSpace| -> PhaseSpace { PhaseSpace { pos: / m, mom: -atom_iter.get_trap().gradient(q.pos), } }; let (mut t_int, mut q_int): (Vec<f64>, Vec<PhaseSpace>) = rka((t_cur, t_int_end), q_cur, dt, rhs, epsilon) .map_err(ScatterError::NewtonError)?; t_cur = t_int.pop().unwrap(); q_cur = q_int.pop().unwrap(); t.push(t_cur); trajectory.push(q_cur); += kick; }, } if t_cur >= t_final { break; } } return Ok(( ScatterHistory { state: state_history, time: t, trajectory, }, atom_iter.dump(), )); } /// Calculate a single trajectory up to `t_final`, continuing past the point at /// which the atom goes dark. pub fn scatter_sim_dark<S, T, R, G>( atom: &Atom<S, T, R>, t_final: f64, epsilon: f64, rng: &mut G, ) -> ScatterResult<(ScatterHistory<S>, Atom<S, T, R>)> where S: State, T: Trap, R: RadiationPattern, G: Rng + ?Sized, { let (mut scatter_history, atom_sim): (ScatterHistory<S>, Atom<S, T, R>) = scatter_sim(atom, t_final, epsilon, rng)?; if scatter_history.time.last().unwrap_or(&0.0) < &t_final { let t_init: f64 = scatter_history.time.pop().unwrap_or(0.0); let q_init: PhaseSpace = scatter_history.trajectory.pop() .unwrap_or_else(|| atom_sim.sample_phasespace(rng)); let dt: f64 = atom_sim.get_trap().period(atom_sim.mass) .min(t_final - t_init) / 10.0; let rhs = |_t: f64, q: PhaseSpace| -> PhaseSpace { PhaseSpace { pos: / atom_sim.mass, mom: -atom_sim.get_trap().gradient(q.pos), } }; let (mut t_int, mut q_int): (Vec<f64>, Vec<PhaseSpace>) = rka((t_init, t_final), q_init, dt, rhs, epsilon) .map_err(ScatterError::NewtonError)?; scatter_history.time.append(&mut t_int); scatter_history.trajectory.append(&mut q_int); } return Ok((scatter_history, atom_sim)); }