use std::{ ops::{ Neg, Add, AddAssign, Sub, SubAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Div, DivAssign, }, }; use ndarray::{ self as nd, array, }; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Error, Debug)] pub enum NewtonError { #[error("rka: error bound could not be satisfied")] RKAErrorBound, } pub type NewtonResult<T> = Result<T, NewtonError>; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct ThreeVector(pub f64, pub f64, pub f64); impl ThreeVector { /// Generate from spherical coordinates (r, theta, phi) where phi is the /// azimuthal angle. pub fn from_angles(r: f64, theta: f64, phi: f64) -> Self { return r * Self( phi.cos() * theta.sin(), phi.sin() * theta.sin(), theta.cos(), ); } /// Generate from cylindrical coordinates (r, phi, z). pub fn from_angles_cylindrical(r: f64, phi: f64, z: f64) -> Self { return Self( r * phi.cos(), r * phi.sin(), z ); } /// Generate along a Cartesian axis. pub fn from_axis(r: f64, axis: Axis) -> Self { return match axis { Axis::X => Self(r, 0.0, 0.0), Axis::Y => Self(0.0, r, 0.0), Axis::Z => Self(0.0, 0.0, r), }; } pub fn norm(&self) -> f64 { return (self.0.powi(2) + self.1.powi(2) + self.2.powi(2)).sqrt(); } pub fn normalized(&self) -> Self { return *self / self.norm(); } pub fn abs(&self) -> Self { return Self(self.0.abs(), self.1.abs(), self.2.abs()); } pub fn to_array(&self) -> nd::Array1<f64> { return array![self.0, self.1, self.2]; } pub fn into_array(self) -> nd::Array1<f64> { return array![self.0, self.1, self.2]; } pub fn get_component<A>(&self, axis: A) -> f64 where A: Into<Axis> { return match axis.into() { Axis::X => self.0, Axis::Y => self.1, Axis::Z => self.2, }; } pub fn get_components_except<A>(&self, axis: A) -> (f64, f64) where A: Into<Axis> { return match axis.into() { Axis::X => (self.1, self.2), Axis::Y => (self.0, self.2), Axis::Z => (self.0, self.1), }; } } impl Neg for ThreeVector { type Output = Self; fn neg(self) -> Self { Self(-self.0, -self.1, -self.2) } } impl Add<ThreeVector> for ThreeVector { type Output = Self; fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { return Self(self.0 + rhs.0, self.1 + rhs.1, self.2 + rhs.2); } } impl AddAssign<ThreeVector> for ThreeVector { fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) { self.0 += rhs.0; self.1 += rhs.1; self.2 += rhs.2; } } impl Sub<ThreeVector> for ThreeVector { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { return Self(self.0 - rhs.0, self.1 - rhs.1, self.2 - rhs.2); } } impl SubAssign<ThreeVector> for ThreeVector { fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) { self.0 -= rhs.0; self.1 -= rhs.1; self.2 -= rhs.2; } } impl Mul<f64> for ThreeVector { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: f64) -> Self { return Self(self.0 * rhs, self.1 * rhs, self.2 * rhs); } } impl MulAssign<f64> for ThreeVector { fn mul_assign(&mut self, rhs: f64) { self.0 *= rhs; self.1 *= rhs; self.2 *= rhs; } } impl Mul<ThreeVector> for f64 { type Output = ThreeVector; fn mul(self, rhs: ThreeVector) -> ThreeVector { return ThreeVector(self * rhs.0, self * rhs.1, self * rhs.2); } } impl Div<f64> for ThreeVector { type Output = Self; fn div(self, rhs: f64) -> Self { return ThreeVector(self.0 / rhs, self.1 / rhs, self.2 / rhs); } } impl DivAssign<f64> for ThreeVector { fn div_assign(&mut self, rhs: f64) { self.0 /= rhs; self.1 /= rhs; self.2 /= rhs; } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] pub struct PhaseSpace { pub pos: ThreeVector, pub mom: ThreeVector, } impl PhaseSpace { pub fn norm(&self) -> f64 { return (self.pos.norm().powi(2) +; } pub fn normalized(&self) -> Self { return Self { pos: self.pos.normalized(), mom: }; } pub fn abs(&self) -> Self { return Self { pos: self.pos.abs(), mom: }; } pub fn to_array(&self) -> nd::Array1<f64> { return array![ self.pos.0, self.pos.1, self.pos.2,,,, ]; } pub fn into_array(self) -> nd::Array1<f64> { return array![ self.pos.0, self.pos.1, self.pos.2,,,, ]; } pub fn get_component<A>(&self, axis: A) -> (f64, f64) where A: Into<Axis> { return match axis.into() { Axis::X => (self.pos.0,, Axis::Y => (self.pos.1,, Axis::Z => (self.pos.2,, }; } pub fn get_components_except<A>(&self, axis: A) -> ((f64, f64), (f64, f64)) where A: Into<Axis> { return match axis.into() { Axis::X => ((self.pos.1, self.pos.2), (,, Axis::Y => ((self.pos.0, self.pos.2), (,, Axis::Z => ((self.pos.0, self.pos.1), (,, }; } } impl Neg for PhaseSpace { type Output = Self; fn neg(self) -> Self { Self { pos: -self.pos, mom: } } } impl Add<PhaseSpace> for PhaseSpace { type Output = Self; fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { return Self { pos: self.pos + rhs.pos, mom: + }; } } impl Sub<PhaseSpace> for PhaseSpace { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, rhs: Self) -> Self { return Self { pos: self.pos - rhs.pos, mom: self.pos - }; } } impl Mul<f64> for PhaseSpace { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, rhs: f64) -> Self { return Self { pos: self.pos * rhs, mom: * rhs }; } } impl Mul<PhaseSpace> for f64 { type Output = PhaseSpace; fn mul(self, rhs: PhaseSpace) -> PhaseSpace { return PhaseSpace { pos: self * rhs.pos, mom: self * }; } } impl Div<f64> for PhaseSpace { type Output = Self; fn div(self, rhs: f64) -> Self { return PhaseSpace { pos: self.pos / rhs, mom: / rhs }; } } pub fn traj_as_array(traj: &[ThreeVector]) -> nd::Array2<f64> { let arrays: Vec<nd::Array1<f64>> = traj.iter().map(|vk| vk.to_array()).collect(); return nd::stack( nd::Axis(1), &arrays.iter() .map(|ak| ak.view()) .collect::<Vec<nd::ArrayView1<f64>>>(), ).unwrap(); } pub fn phasespace_traj_as_array(traj: &[PhaseSpace]) -> nd::Array2<f64> { let arrays: Vec<nd::Array1<f64>> = traj.iter().map(|qk| qk.to_array()).collect(); return nd::stack( nd::Axis(1), &arrays.iter() .map(|ak| ak.view()) .collect::<Vec<nd::ArrayView1<f64>>>(), ).unwrap(); } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] pub enum Axis { X = 0, Y = 1, Z = 2, } impl From<usize> for Axis { fn from(axis: usize) -> Self { return match axis { 0 => Axis::X, 1 => Axis::Y, _ => Axis::Z, }; } } impl From<Axis> for usize { fn from(axis: Axis) -> Self { axis as usize } } fn rk4_step<F>(x: f64, y: PhaseSpace, dx: f64, rhs: &F) -> PhaseSpace where F: Fn(f64, PhaseSpace) -> PhaseSpace { let x_half: f64 = x + dx / 2.0; let k1: PhaseSpace = rhs(x, y); let k2: PhaseSpace = rhs(x_half, y + dx / 2.0 * k1); let k3: PhaseSpace = rhs(x_half, y + dx / 2.0 * k2); let k4: PhaseSpace = rhs(x + dx, y + dx * k3); return y + dx / 6.0 * (k1 + 2.0 * (k2 + k3) + k4); } pub fn rka_step<F>(x: f64, y: PhaseSpace, dx: f64, rhs: &F, err: f64) -> NewtonResult<(f64, PhaseSpace, f64)> where F: Fn(f64, PhaseSpace) -> PhaseSpace { // define safety numbers for choosing next step size -- particular to rk4 let safe1: f64 = 0.9; let safe2: f64 = 4.0; let mut dx_old: f64; let mut dx_new: f64 = dx; let (mut dx_cond1, mut dx_cond2): (f64, f64); let (mut dx_half, mut x_half, mut x_full): (f64, f64, f64); let (mut y_half, mut y_half2, mut y_full): (PhaseSpace, PhaseSpace, PhaseSpace); let (mut scale, mut diff, mut error_ratio): (PhaseSpace, PhaseSpace, f64); for _ in 0..100 { // take two half-sized steps dx_half = dx / 2.0; x_half = x + dx_half; y_half = rk4_step(x, y, dx_half, rhs); y_half2 = rk4_step(x_half, y_half, dx_half, rhs); // take one full-sized step x_full = x + dx; y_full = rk4_step(x, y, dx, rhs); // compute the estimated local truncation error scale = err * (y_half2.abs() + y_full.abs()) / 2.0; diff = (y_half2 - y_full).abs(); error_ratio = scale.into_array().into_iter().zip(diff.into_array().into_iter()) .map(|(s, d)| d / (s + f64::EPSILON)) .max_by(|l, r| { match l.partial_cmp(r) { Some(ord) => ord, None => std::cmp::Ordering::Less, } }).unwrap(); // estimate new step size (with safety factors) dx_old = dx_new; if error_ratio == 0.0 { dx_new = dx_old / safe2; continue; } dx_new = dx_old * error_ratio.powf(-0.2) * safe1; dx_cond1 = dx_old / safe2; dx_cond2 = dx_old * safe2; dx_new = if dx_cond1 > dx_new { dx_cond1 } else { dx_new }; dx_new = if dx_cond2 < dx_new { dx_cond2 } else { dx_new }; if error_ratio < 1.0 { return Ok((x_full, y_half2, dx_new)); } } return Err(NewtonError::RKAErrorBound); } pub fn rka<F>( x_bounds: (f64, f64), y0: PhaseSpace, dx0: f64, rhs: F, epsilon: f64 ) -> NewtonResult<(Vec<f64>, Vec<PhaseSpace>)> where F: Fn(f64, PhaseSpace) -> PhaseSpace { let mut x: Vec<f64> = vec![x_bounds.0]; let mut x_prev: f64 = x_bounds.0; let mut x_next: f64; let mut dx: f64 = dx0; let mut y: Vec<PhaseSpace> = vec![y0]; let mut y_prev: &PhaseSpace = y.last().unwrap(); let mut y_next: PhaseSpace; let mut step: (f64, PhaseSpace, f64); while x_prev < x_bounds.1 { dx = dx.min(x_bounds.1 - x_prev); step = rka_step(x_prev, *y_prev, dx, &rhs, epsilon)?; x_next = step.0; y_next = step.1; dx = step.2; x.push(x_next); y.push(y_next); x_prev = x_next; y_prev = y.last().unwrap(); } return Ok((x, y)); }