provider: name: faas gateway: # can be a remote server functions: # Pass a username as an argument to find how many images user has pushed to Docker Hub. hubstats: lang: dockerfile image: functions/hubstats:latest skip_build: true # Node.js gives OS info about the node (Host) nodeinfo: lang: dockerfile image: functions/nodeinfo:latest skip_build: true # Uses `cat` to echo back response, fastest function to execute. echoit: lang: dockerfile image: functions/alpine:latest fprocess: "cat" skip_build: true # Counts words in request with `wc` utility wordcount: lang: dockerfile image: functions/alpine:latest fprocess: "wc" skip_build: true # Calculates base64 representation of request body. base64: lang: dockerfile image: functions/alpine:latest fprocess: "base64" skip_build: true # Converts body in (markdown format) -> (html) markdown: lang: dockerfile image: functions/markdown-render:latest skip_build: true