diff --git a/community.md b/community.md index a13636b79b89b4ae1d75d4e120476eb1527bed5e..0510567ce5511dc4c5e346e4bb64deabcfb20bd6 100644 --- a/community.md +++ b/community.md @@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ It would be great to hear from you especially if you have any of the above and w | Blog/repo name and description | Author | Site | Date | |---------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|----------|-------------| +| [Building your own serverless functions with k3s and OpenFaaS on Raspberry Pi](https://blog.codecentric.de/en/2019/08/serverless-functions-k3s-openfaas-raspberry-pi/) | Andreas Muttscheller | codecentric.de | 07-Aug-2019 | | [OpenFaaS Creator on Open Source’s Community-Funding Model](https://thenewstack.io/openfaas-creator-on-open-sources-community-funding-model/) | The New Stack | thenewstack.io | 11-Jul-2009 | | [On-premises Serverless Computing for Event-Driven Data Processing Applications](https://www.grycap.upv.es/gmolto/publications/b2hd-Perez2019osc.html) | Alfonso Pérez | grycap.upv.es | 09-Jul-2019 | | [Running GBFS bikeshare functions with OpenFaaS for fun and profit](http://blog.amosti.net/running-gbfs-bikeshare-functions-with-openfaas-for-fun-and-profit/) | Andreas Mosti | blog.amosti.net | 04-June-2019 |