diff --git a/guide/troubleshooting.md b/guide/troubleshooting.md
index 72d46f7b054810a512cb6018ccfaa0c3808c1710..c87cabc813d0a600916c6029a04075a3b5a68286 100644
--- a/guide/troubleshooting.md
+++ b/guide/troubleshooting.md
@@ -1,119 +1,138 @@
 # Troubleshooting guide
-## Watchdog
+## Healthcheck
-### Debug your function without deploying it
+Most problems reported via GitHub or Slack stem from a configuration problem or issue with a function. Here is a checklist of things you can try before digging deeper:
-Here's an example of how you can deploy a function without using an orchestrator - it's useful for testing:
+* [ ] All core services are deployed: i.e. gateway
+* [ ] Check functions are deployed and started
+* [ ] Check request isn't timing out at the gateway or the function level
-$ docker run --name debug-alpine \
-  -p 8081:8080 -ti functions/alpine:latest sh
-# fprocess=date fwatchdog &
+## Docker Swarm
-Now you can access the function with one of the supported HTTP methods such as GET/POST etc:
+### List all functions
-$ curl -4 localhost:8081
+$ docker service ls
-### Edit your function without rebuilding it
-You can bind-mount code straight into your function and work with it locally, until you are ready to re-build. This is a common flow with containers, but should be used sparingly.
-Within the CLI directory for instance:
-Build the samples:
+### Find a function's logs
-$ git clone https://github.com/alexellis/faas-cli && \
-  cd faas-cli
-$ faas-cli -action build -f ./samples.yml
+$ docker swarm logs --tail 100 <function>
-Now work with the Python-hello sample, with the code mounted live:
+### Find out if a function failed to start
-$ docker run -v `pwd`/sample/url-ping/:/root/function/ \
-  --name debug-alpine -p 8081:8080 -ti alexellis/faas-url-ping sh
-$ touch ./function/__init__.py
-# fwatchdog
+$ docker swarm ps --no-trunc=true <function>
-Now you can start editing the code in the sample/url-ping folder and it will reload live for every request.
+### Stop and remove OpenFaaS
-$ curl localhost:8081 -d "https://www.google.com"
-Handle this -> https://www.google.com
-https://www.google.com => 200
+$ docker stack rm func
-Now you can edit handler.py and you'll see the change immediately:
+If you have additional services / functions remove the remaining ones like this:
-$ echo "def handle(req):" > sample/url-ping/handler.py
-$ echo '    print("Nothing to see here")' >> sample/url-ping/handler.py
-$ curl localhost:8081 -d "https://www.google.com"
-Nothing to see here
+$ docker service ls -q|xargs docker service rm
-## Docker Swarm
+*Use with caution*
+## Kubernetes
 ### List all functions
-$ docker service ls
+$ kubectl get deploy
 ### Find a function's logs
-$ docker swarm logs --tail 100 <function>
+$ kubectl logs deploy/<function>
 ### Find out if a function failed to start
-$ docker swarm ps --no-trunc=true <function>
+$ kubectl describe deploy/<function>
-### Stop and remove OpenFaaS
+### Remove the OpenFaaS deployment
-$ docker stack rm func
+$ kubectl delete -f faas.yml,monitoring.yml,rbac.yml
-If you have additional services / functions remove the remaining ones like this:
+## Timeouts
+Default timeouts are configured at the HTTP level for the gateway and watchdog. You can also enforce a hard-timeout for your function.
+For watchdog configuration see the [README](https://github.com/openfaas/faas/tree/master/watchdog).
+For the gateway set the following environmental variables:
+* read_timeout, write_timeout - the default for both is "8" - seconds.
+## Watchdog
+### Debug your function without deploying it
+Here's an example of how you can deploy a function without using an orchestrator - it's useful for testing:
-$ docker service ls -q|xargs docker service rm
+$ docker run --name debug-alpine \
+  -p 8081:8080 -ti functions/alpine:latest sh
+# fprocess=date fwatchdog &
-*Use with caution*
+Now you can access the function with one of the supported HTTP methods such as GET/POST etc:
-## Kubernetes
+$ curl -4 localhost:8081
-### List all functions
+### Edit your function without rebuilding it
+You can bind-mount code straight into your function and work with it locally, until you are ready to re-build. This is a common flow with containers, but should be used sparingly.
+Within the CLI directory for instance:
+Build the samples:
-$ kubectl get deploy
+$ git clone https://github.com/alexellis/faas-cli && \
+  cd faas-cli
+$ faas-cli -action build -f ./samples.yml
-### Find a function's logs
+Now work with the Python-hello sample, with the code mounted live:
-$ kubectl logs deploy/<function>
+$ docker run -v `pwd`/sample/url-ping/:/root/function/ \
+  --name debug-alpine -p 8081:8080 -ti alexellis/faas-url-ping sh
+$ touch ./function/__init__.py
+# fwatchdog
-### Find out if a function failed to start
+Now you can start editing the code in the sample/url-ping folder and it will reload live for every request.
-$ kubectl describe deploy/<function>
+$ curl localhost:8081 -d "https://www.google.com"
+Handle this -> https://www.google.com
+https://www.google.com => 200
-### Remove the OpenFaaS deployment
+Now you can edit handler.py and you'll see the change immediately:
-$ kubectl delete -f faas.yml,monitoring.yml,rbac.yml
+$ echo "def handle(req):" > sample/url-ping/handler.py
+$ echo '    print("Nothing to see here")' >> sample/url-ping/handler.py
+$ curl localhost:8081 -d "https://www.google.com"
+Nothing to see here