diff --git a/community.md b/community.md
index 1333bb4a15de999cf39233300672edda08003dc1..a6e7f732890326a5365091cf09de8e11b33b8951 100644
--- a/community.md
+++ b/community.md
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ There are three main Github repos
 | Blog/repo name and description                                          | Author       | Site     | Date        |
+| [Functions as a service with OpenFaas](https://mfarache.github.io/mfarache/Functions-As-A-Service-OpenFaas/) | Mauricio Farache | mfarache.github.io/mfarache  | 06-Dec-2017
 | [Deploying OpenFaaS on Kubernetes - AWS](https://medium.com/@ericstoekl/deploying-openfaas-on-kubernetes-aws-259ec9515e3c) | Eric Stoekl | medium.com/@ericstoekl | 03-Dec-2017
 | [Unleash the Artist within you with Docker, Tensorflow and OpenFaaS](http://jmkhael.io/unleash-the-artist-within-tensorflow-and-openfaas/) | Johnny Mkhael  | jmkhael.io | 22-Nov-2017
 | [How to Deploy OpenFaaS Serverless PHP Functions](http://blog.gaiterjones.com/how-to-deploy-open-faas-serverless-php-functions/) | Gaiter Jones  | gaiterjones.com | 20-Nov-2017