diff --git a/predtuner/approxes/_copy.py b/predtuner/approxes/_copy.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..acb0f78186cb14108f859e5d8a41c6b95b4b02a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/predtuner/approxes/_copy.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+import copy
+from typing import TypeVar
+from torch.nn import Module, Parameter
+T = TypeVar('T')
+def module_only_deepcopy(obj: T, memo=None) -> T:
+    """Recursively copy but only modules, not the weights.
+    In the return value, all weights are still shared with those in `obj`."""
+    memo = {}
+    def recursive_scan_parameters(obj_):
+        # Don't recurse down primitive types
+        if isinstance(obj_, (int, float, bool, complex, str, bytes)):
+            return
+        # Additionally share all buffers of Module. For example, this accounts for
+        # running_{mean|var} in BatchNorm.
+        if isinstance(obj_, Module):
+            buffers = obj_.__dict__.get('_buffers')
+            for buffer in buffers.values():
+                memo[id(buffer)] = buffer
+        # Share all parameters.
+        if isinstance(obj_, Parameter):
+            memo[id(obj_)] = obj_
+        # Walk down all other types.
+        elif isinstance(obj_, dict):
+            for k in obj_.keys():
+                recursive_scan_parameters(k)
+            for v in obj_.values():
+                recursive_scan_parameters(v)
+        elif isinstance(obj_, (list, tuple)):
+            for x in obj_:
+                recursive_scan_parameters(x)
+        elif hasattr(obj_, '__dict__'):
+            for x in obj_.__dict__.values():
+                recursive_scan_parameters(x)
+    # Populate `memo`, and then deepcopy with `memo` so that things in memo are not copied.
+    recursive_scan_parameters(obj)
+    # noinspection PyArgumentList
+    copied = copy.deepcopy(obj, memo)
+    return copied
diff --git a/predtuner/approxes/approxes.py b/predtuner/approxes/approxes.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..217e25ea5b6ccfd9b692292598e517fd7af179d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/predtuner/approxes/approxes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+"""Approximation techniques for torch.nn layers."""
+from typing import Iterable, List, Optional, Type
+import torch
+from torch.nn import Conv2d, Linear, Module, Parameter
+from ._copy import module_only_deepcopy
+from ..torchapp import TorchApproxKnob
+def _interpolate_first_dim(tensor: torch.Tensor, interp_indices: Iterable[int]):
+    def tensor_at(idx_: int):
+        if idx_ in interp_indices:
+            raise IndexError
+        if idx_ < 0 or idx_ >= tensor.size()[0]:
+            return torch.zeros_like(tensor[0])
+        return tensor[idx_]
+    for idx in interp_indices:
+        if idx < 0 or idx >= tensor.size()[0]:
+            raise IndexError
+        elif idx == 0:  # First row
+            tensor[idx] = tensor_at(1)
+        elif idx == tensor.size()[0] - 1:  # Last row
+            tensor[idx] = tensor_at(idx - 1)
+        else:  # Middle rows
+            tensor[idx] = (tensor_at(idx - 1) + tensor_at(idx + 1)) / 2.0
+    return tensor
+class PerforateConv2dStride(TorchApproxKnob):
+    r"""Simulation of strided perforated convolution for `torch.nn.Conv2d`.
+        Perforated convolution skips computing some entries in the output and instead interpolates
+        these values, to reduce the number of float-ops needed to complete a convolution op.
+        In this implementation, selected rows or columns of the output are discarded and replaced
+        with linearly interpolated values from the neighboring rows or columns. Each channel is
+        considered independently.
+        This implementation gives the same output as actual perforated convolution but without the
+        performance benefit.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        direction_is_row : bool
+            If True, discard and interpolate rows, otherwise columns.
+        stride : int \in [2, +\infty)
+            Skip 1 row/column in the convolution kernel per `stride` elements.
+        offset : int \in [0, stride)
+            Skipped first row/column is `offset`.
+        Attributes
+        ----------
+        interp_axis : int :math:`\in \{2, 3\}`
+            The axis that will be perforated over. As the input is an NCHW tensor, if
+            `direction_is_row` then `interp_axis = 2`, otherwise `interp_axis = 3`.
+        stride : int :math:`\in [2, +\infty)`
+            Equal to parameter `stride`.
+        offset : int :math:`\in [0, stride)`
+            Equal to parameter `offset`.
+        """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        direction_is_row: bool,
+        stride: int,
+        offset: int,
+        use_fp16: bool,
+        exp_speedup: float,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            name,
+            direction_is_row=direction_is_row,
+            stride=stride,
+            offset=offset,
+            use_fp16=use_fp16,
+            exp_speedup=exp_speedup,
+        )
+        assert stride >= 2
+        assert 0 <= offset < stride
+        self.interp_axis = 2 if direction_is_row else 3
+        self.stride = stride
+        self.offset = offset
+        self.fp16 = use_fp16
+        self.exp_speedup = exp_speedup
+    def is_applicable(self, op: Module) -> bool:
+        return isinstance(op, Conv2d)
+    @property
+    def deterministic(self) -> bool:
+        return True
+    @property
+    def expected_speedup(self) -> float:
+        return self.exp_speedup
+    class PerforateConv2dStrideModule(Module):
+        def __init__(self, conv: Conv2d, approx: "PerforateConv2dStride"):
+            super().__init__()
+            self.conv = conv
+            self.approx = approx
+            if self.approx.fp16:
+                self.conv = self.conv.half()
+        def conv_no_bias(self, x: torch.Tensor):
+            if self.conv.bias is None:
+                return self.conv(x)
+            bias = self.conv.bias
+            self.conv.bias = None
+            result = self.conv(x)
+            self.conv.bias = bias
+            return result
+        def add_conv_bias(self, conv_output: torch.Tensor):
+            if self.conv.bias is None:
+                return conv_output
+            broadcast_bias = self.conv.bias.reshape(1, -1, 1, 1)
+            return conv_output + broadcast_bias
+        def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor):
+            if self.approx.fp16:
+                x = x.half()
+            x = self.conv_no_bias(x)
+            assert x.dim() == 4
+            # Put self.approx.interp_axis to first axis temporarily
+            x = x.transpose(0, self.approx.interp_axis)
+            interp_indices = torch.tensor(
+                range(self.approx.offset, x.size(0), self.approx.stride)
+            )
+            x = _interpolate_first_dim(x, interp_indices)
+            # Putting axes back
+            x = x.transpose(0, self.approx.interp_axis)
+            x = self.add_conv_bias(x)
+            if self.approx.fp16:
+                assert x.dtype == torch.float16
+            return x.float()
+    def apply(self, module: Conv2d) -> PerforateConv2dStrideModule:
+        return self.PerforateConv2dStrideModule(module, self)
+class Conv2dSampling(TorchApproxKnob):
+    r"""Simulation of sampled convolution for `torch.nn.Conv2d`.
+    Skips some elements of the convolution kernel in a uniform, strided manner,
+    to reduce the amount of float-ops needed to compute each output entry.
+    This implementation gives the same output as actual sampled convolution but without the
+    performance benefit.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    skip_every: int
+        Skip 1 element in the convolution kernel per `skip_every` elements.
+    skip_offset : int :math:`\in [0, +\infty)`
+        Index of first element to be skipped.
+        For example, if `skip_every = 3` and `skip_offset = 1`, then indices skipped
+        will be [1, 4, 7, ...]
+    interp_rate : float
+        The weight will be compensated ("interpolated") with a ratio after skipping elements,
+        which is naturally equal to :math:`1 + (1 / (skip\_every - 1)`.
+        `interp_rate` modifies this rate to :math:`1 + (1 / (skip\_every - 1) \times interp\_rate`.
+    use_fp16 : bool
+        Whether to use fp16 weight/input or not.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        name: str,
+        skip_every: int,
+        skip_offset: int,
+        interp_rate: float,
+        use_fp16: bool,
+        exp_speedup: float,
+    ):
+        super().__init__(
+            name,
+            skip_every=skip_every,
+            skip_offset=skip_offset,
+            interp_rate=interp_rate,
+            use_fp16=use_fp16,
+            exp_speedup=exp_speedup,
+        )
+        assert skip_every >= 2 and skip_offset >= 0
+        self.skip_every = skip_every
+        self.skip_offset = skip_offset
+        self.interp_rate = interp_rate
+        self.fp16 = use_fp16
+        self.exp_speedup = exp_speedup
+    def is_applicable(self, op: Module) -> bool:
+        return isinstance(op, Conv2d)
+    @property
+    def deterministic(self) -> bool:
+        return True
+    @property
+    def expected_speedup(self) -> float:
+        return self.exp_speedup
+    @staticmethod
+    def sample_conv_weight(
+        interp_rate: float, skip_every: int, skip_offset: int, weight: torch.Tensor
+    ):
+        r"""Samples (skips & interpolates) convolution kernel according to parameters.
+        For a given `weight` tensor of shape `(C1, C2, H, W)`, sample each output channel
+        (on axis 0) independently.
+        Flatten each output channel tensor into 1 dim.
+        In normal cases, set elements at indices ``range(skip_offset, C_2 * H * W, skip_every)``
+        to 0.
+        However, if `skip_every` == `h` == `w` == 3, we may end up skipping the same whole rows for
+        each input channel, which is undesirable.
+        Instead, increment the offset by 1 for each input channel.
+        Last, multiplies the kernel by the inverse ratio of elements dropped for an interpolation.
+        """
+        if len(weight.shape) != 4:
+            raise ValueError("Conv2d weight should be 4-dimensional")
+        c1, c2, h, w = weight.shape
+        if skip_every == h == w == 3:
+            # Indices (0..h*w) to skip for each input channel
+            per_chan_skip_indices = [
+                range((i_chan + skip_offset) % skip_every, h * w, skip_every)
+                for i_chan in range(c2)
+            ]
+            # Indices (0..c2*h*w) for each output channel, created by adding i*h*w for ith channel.
+            skip_indices = torch.tensor(
+                [
+                    x + i * h * w
+                    for i, per_chan in enumerate(per_chan_skip_indices)
+                    for x in per_chan
+                ]
+            )
+        else:
+            # Indices (0..c2*h*w) to skip for each output channel
+            skip_indices = torch.arange(skip_offset, c2 * h * w, skip_every)
+        flat_weight = weight.reshape(c1, -1).clone()
+        flat_weight[:, skip_indices] = 0
+        interp_rate = 1 + (1 / (skip_every - 1) * interp_rate)
+        flat_weight *= interp_rate
+        return flat_weight.reshape_as(weight)
+    def apply(self, module: Conv2d) -> Conv2d:
+        # Only copy the submodules, weights are still shared.
+        copied = module_only_deepcopy(module)
+        # But only write over the weight of copied version, original weight is unchanged.
+        copied.weight = Parameter(
+            self.sample_conv_weight(
+                self.interp_rate, self.skip_every, self.skip_offset, copied.weight
+            )
+        )
+        return copied
+def _quantize_uint8(
+    tensor: torch.Tensor, range_min: float, range_max: float
+) -> torch.Tensor:
+    """Simulates quantization of `tensor` down to uint8, while still returning float values.
+    In the returned tensor the data will NOT be in [0, 255] range, but only 256 unique float
+    value will exist.
+    """
+    quantize_range = 256
+    input_range = range_max - range_min
+    mul = input_range / quantize_range
+    # Map tensor into [0, 256] range.
+    affined = (tensor - range_min) / mul
+    # Convert tensor to int and back to float so it will have
+    # 256 (actually 257!; following hpvm impl) unique float values [0, 256].
+    # Then reverse affine it to the original range.
+    quanted = torch.floor(affined).to(torch.int).to(torch.float)
+    quanted_float = quanted * mul + range_min
+    # Clip tensor
+    return torch.clamp(quanted_float, range_min, range_max)
+class PromiseSim(TorchApproxKnob):
+    """Simulates analog accelerator PROMISE.
+    This hardware is proposed in "PROMISE: An End-to-End Design of a Programmable Mixed-Signal
+    Accelerator for Machine-Learning Algorithms."
+    """
+    scaling_values = [0.75, 0.64, 0.336, 0.21, 0.168, 0.14, 0.11, 0.0784, 0.005]
+    def __init__(self, name: str, noise_level: int, exp_speedup: float):
+        super().__init__(name, noise_level=noise_level, exp_speedup=exp_speedup)
+        self.noise_level = noise_level
+        self.exp_speedup = exp_speedup
+    def is_applicable(self, op: Module) -> bool:
+        return isinstance(op, (Conv2d, Linear))
+    @property
+    def deterministic(self) -> bool:
+        return False
+    @property
+    def expected_speedup(self) -> float:
+        return self.exp_speedup
+    def add_promise_noise(self, tensor: torch.Tensor):
+        scale = self.scaling_values[self.noise_level]
+        noise = torch.normal(
+            mean=0.0, std=scale, size=tensor.size(), device=tensor.device
+        )
+        return noise * tensor + tensor
+    class PromiseSimModule(Module):
+        def __init__(self, module: Conv2d, approx: "PromiseSim"):
+            super().__init__()
+            if not hasattr(module, "conv_ranges"):
+                raise ValueError(
+                    f"Quantization range of conv2d layer {module} not found"
+                )
+            self.input_r, weight_r, bias_r, self.output_r = module.conv_ranges
+            module.weight.data = _quantize_uint8(module.weight, *weight_r)
+            if module.bias is not None:
+                module.bias.data = _quantize_uint8(module.bias, *bias_r)
+            self.module = module
+            self.approx = approx
+        def forward(self, input_: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
+            # Quantize input, weight, bias (see __init__), and add noise to input.
+            input_ = _quantize_uint8(input_, *self.input_r)
+            input_ = self.approx.add_promise_noise(input_)
+            output = self.module(input_)
+            # Then again, quantize output.
+            return _quantize_uint8(output, *self.output_r)
+    def apply(self, module: Conv2d, **kwargs) -> PromiseSimModule:
+        return self.PromiseSimModule(module, self)
+class FP16Approx(TorchApproxKnob):
+    """Approximates by reducing precision of layer computation to float16."""
+    def __init__(self, name: str, exp_speedup: float):
+        super().__init__(name, exp_speedup=exp_speedup)
+        self.exp_speedup = exp_speedup
+    def is_applicable(self, op: Module) -> bool:
+        return isinstance(op, (Conv2d, Linear))
+    @property
+    def deterministic(self) -> bool:
+        return True
+    @property
+    def applicable_op_types(self) -> List[Type[Module]]:
+        return [Conv2d, Linear]
+    def expected_speedup(self) -> float:
+        return self.exp_speedup
+    def is_less_approx(self, other: TorchApproxKnob) -> Optional[bool]:
+        return None
+    class FP16ApproxModule(Module):
+        def __init__(self, module: Module):
+            super().__init__()
+            self.module = module.half()
+        def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
+            x = self.module(x.half())
+            assert x.dtype == torch.float16
+            return x.float()
+    def apply(self, module: Module) -> FP16ApproxModule:
+        return self.FP16ApproxModule(module)