From ecd6bbb26aecc2f749675398ce0318e8ab40959a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David <>
Date: Mon, 26 Oct 2020 19:51:41 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] timestamp datatype fixes. complete misc TODOs

 DecaRanging.coproj                        |   20 +-
 src/application/application_definitions.h |   36 +-
 src/application/dw_main.c                 |   35 +-
 src/application/instance.c                |  537 +---------
 src/application/instance.h                |   56 +-
 src/application/instance_common.c         |  720 ++-----------
 src/application/tdma_handler.c            | 1160 +--------------------
 src/application/tdma_handler.h            |   10 +-
 src/decadriver/deca_device.c              |  172 +--
 src/decadriver/deca_regs.h                |    7 +-
 src/platform/port.c                       |   52 +-
 src/platform/port.h                       |    1 -
 12 files changed, 241 insertions(+), 2565 deletions(-)

diff --git a/DecaRanging.coproj b/DecaRanging.coproj
index 6c9e7cf..ad9877d 100644
--- a/DecaRanging.coproj
+++ b/DecaRanging.coproj
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
     <File name="src/platform/deca_spi.h" path="src/platform/deca_spi.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_ioreq.c" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_ioreq.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc_core.c" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/src/usbd_cdc_core.c" type="1"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_core.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_core.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/usbd_desc.h" path="src/usb/usbd_desc.h" type="1"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_core.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/cdc/inc/usbd_cdc_core.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/platform/deca_spi.c" path="src/platform/deca_spi.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="src/decadriver/deca_version.h" path="src/decadriver/deca_version.h" type="1"/>
@@ -137,12 +137,12 @@
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/system_stm32f10x.h" path="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/system_stm32f10x.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/decadriver/deca_device.c" path="src/decadriver/deca_device.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_exti.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_exti.c" type="1"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h" type="1"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rtc.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rtc.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_fsmc.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_fsmc.c" type="1"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_otg.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_otg.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/usb_conf.h" path="src/usb/usb_conf.h" type="1"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_otg.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_otg.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rcc.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rcc.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_req.c" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src/usbd_req.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/usbd_conf.h" path="src/usb/usbd_conf.h" type="1"/>
@@ -163,26 +163,26 @@
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/src" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_i2c.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_i2c.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/misc.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/misc.c" type="1"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src/usb_hcd.c" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src/usb_hcd.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_cec.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_cec.h" type="1"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src/usb_hcd.c" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src/usb_hcd.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/application/main.c" path="src/main.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/platform/deca_sleep.c" path="src/platform/deca_sleep.c" type="1"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_defines.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_defines.h" type="1"/>
-    <File name="src/decadriver/deca_param_types.h" path="src/decadriver/deca_param_types.h" type="1"/>
-    <File name="src/compiler" path="" type="2"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src/usb_dcd_int.c" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src/usb_dcd_int.c" type="1"/>
+    <File name="src/compiler" path="" type="2"/>
+    <File name="src/decadriver/deca_param_types.h" path="src/decadriver/deca_param_types.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/deca_usb_bsp_evk1000.c" path="src/usb/deca_usb_bsp_evk1000.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/startup/startup_stm32f10x_cl.S" path="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/startup/startup_stm32f10x_cl.S" type="1"/>
-    <File name="src/platform/stm32f10x_conf.h" path="src/platform/stm32f10x_conf.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_bsp.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_bsp.h" type="1"/>
+    <File name="src/platform/stm32f10x_conf.h" path="src/platform/stm32f10x_conf.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="src/decadriver/deca_types.h" path="src/decadriver/deca_types.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/deca_usb.h" path="src/usb/deca_usb.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc" path="" type="2"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_def.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_def.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_spi.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_spi.h" type="1"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_def.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_def.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_iwdg.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_iwdg.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/platform/stm32f10x_it.c" path="src/platform/stm32f10x_it.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/system_stm32f10x.c" path="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/system_stm32f10x.c" type="1"/>
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/startup" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_core.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_core.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_bkp.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_bkp.c" type="1"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_gpio.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_gpio.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/application/dw_main.c" path="src/application/dw_main.c" type="1"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_gpio.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_gpio.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/platform" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_tim.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_tim.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_i2c.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_i2c.h" type="1"/>
diff --git a/src/application/application_definitions.h b/src/application/application_definitions.h
index cc4c2c9..426da17 100644
--- a/src/application/application_definitions.h
+++ b/src/application/application_definitions.h
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #define MASK_40BIT			(0x00FFFFFFFFFF)  // DW1000 counter is 40 bits
 #define MASK_42BIT          (0x000003FFFFFFFFFF) //stm32 microsecond timestamps are 42 bits
 #define MASK_TXDTS			(0x00FFFFFFFE00)  //The TX timestamp will snap to 8 ns resolution - mask lower 9 bits.
 #define DELAY_CALIB (0)                     // when set to 1 - the LCD display will show information used for TX/RX delay calibration
 #define SET_TXRX_DELAY (0)                  //when set to 1 - the DW1000 RX and TX delays are set to the TX_DELAY and RX_DELAY defines
@@ -78,13 +77,13 @@ enum
 #define RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC					(0x22)			// Inform other UWBs to sync their TDMA frame start times
 //lengths including the Decaranging Message Function Code byte
-#define TAG_POLL_MSG_LEN                    1				// FunctionCode(1),
-#define ANCH_RESPONSE_MSG_LEN               15 //TODO shorten!              // FunctionCode(1), RespOption (1), OptionParam(2), Number of Tags(1), Measured_TOF_Time(6), Time Till next window reserved for catching a blink message (4)
+#define TAG_POLL_MSG_LEN                    1				// FunctionCode(1)
+#define ANCH_RESPONSE_MSG_LEN               1 				// FunctionCode(1)
 #define TAG_FINAL_MSG_LEN                   16              // FunctionCode(1), Poll_TxTime(5), Resp_RxTime(5), Final_TxTime(5)
 #define RANGINGINIT_MSG_LEN					1				// FunctionCode(1)
-#define RNG_REPORT_MSG_LEN_SHORT		    9			// FunctionCode(1), time of flight (6), short address (2)
-#define RNG_REPORT_MSG_LEN_LONG		    	15			// FunctionCode(1), time of flight (6), long address (8)
-#define SYNC_MSG_LEN						8			// FunctionCode (1), framelength (1), time since frame start (6)
+#define RNG_REPORT_MSG_LEN_SHORT		    9				// FunctionCode(1), time of flight (6), short address (2)
+#define RNG_REPORT_MSG_LEN_LONG		    	15				// FunctionCode(1), time of flight (6), long address (8)
+#define SYNC_MSG_LEN						8				// FunctionCode(1), framelength (1), time since frame start (6)
 #define MAX_MAC_MSG_DATA_LEN                (TAG_FINAL_MSG_LEN) //max message len of the above
@@ -108,9 +107,6 @@ enum
 #define FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_LS	(FRAME_DEST_ADDRESS_L + FRAME_SOURCE_ADDRESS_S + FRAME_CTRLP) //15 bytes for 1 16-bit address and 1 64-bit address)
@@ -177,14 +173,13 @@ enum
 // Function code byte offset (valid for all message types).
 #define FCODE                               0               // Function code is 1st byte of messageData
-//INF message byte offsets					//TODO remove the +6
-#define TDMA_TSFS                           1+6				// offset to put time since TDMA frame start in the INF message
-#define TDMA_TSFS_REBASE					7+6				// offset to put whether the receiving UWB needs to rebase its TDMA frame to the transmitted TSFS
-#define TDMA_NUMN							8+6				// offset to put the number of this UWB's neighbors in the INF message
-#define TDMA_NUMH							9+6				// offset to put the number of this UWB's hidden neighbors in the INF message
-#define TDMA_FRAMELENGTH                    10+6			// offset to put this UWB's TDMA framelength in the INF message
-#define TDMA_NUMS							11+6			// offset to put the number of this UWB's TDMA slot assignments in the INF message
-//TODO remove the +6 from above!
+//INF message byte offsets
+#define TDMA_TSFS                           1				// offset to put time since TDMA frame start in the INF message
+#define TDMA_TSFS_REBASE					7				// offset to put whether the receiving UWB needs to rebase its TDMA frame to the transmitted TSFS
+#define TDMA_NUMN							8				// offset to put the number of this UWB's neighbors in the INF message
+#define TDMA_NUMH							9				// offset to put the number of this UWB's hidden neighbors in the INF message
+#define TDMA_FRAMELENGTH                    10				// offset to put this UWB's TDMA framelength in the INF message
+#define TDMA_NUMS							11				// offset to put the number of this UWB's TDMA slot assignments in the INF message
 // Final message byte offsets.
 #define PTXT                                1
@@ -268,7 +263,7 @@ enum
 #define BLINK_PERIOD_RAND_MS					200
-#define RANGE_INIT_RAND							2000		//in DW1000 device time
+#define RANGE_INIT_RAND							2000		//in DW1000 device time //TODO tune this number
 #define RX_CHECK_ON_PERIOD						200 	//TODO modify
@@ -317,9 +312,8 @@ typedef enum inst_states
     TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND,       //10
     TA_TX_SELECT,               //12
-    TA_MODE_SELECT,				//13
-    TA_TXSUG_WAIT_SEND			//15
+    TA_TXSUG_WAIT_SEND			//14
diff --git a/src/application/dw_main.c b/src/application/dw_main.c
index 7e5e421..4a4572a 100644
--- a/src/application/dw_main.c
+++ b/src/application/dw_main.c
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ extern int usb_init(void);
 extern void usb_printconfig(int, uint8*, int);
 extern void send_usbmessage(uint8*, int);
-							// "1234567890123456" - 16 bytes long LCD
 #define SOFTWARE_VER_STRING    "TDMA Version 1.0" //
 #define SWS1_TXSPECT_MODE	0x80  //Continuous TX spectrum mode
@@ -140,10 +139,6 @@ instanceConfig_t chConfig[8] ={
-//uint32 inittestapplication(uint8 s1switch);
 int decarangingmode(uint8 mode_switch)
     int mode = 0;
@@ -205,14 +200,11 @@ uint32 inittestapplication(uint8 mode_switch)
     if(mode_switch & SWS1_ANC_MODE)
-//        instance_mode = ANCHOR;
-//        instance_mode = TAG;
@@ -310,8 +302,6 @@ int dw_main(void)
 	int toggle = 0;
 	int toggle_counter = 0;
 	int toggle_step = 5;
-//    uint8 dataseq[LCD_BUFF_LEN];
-//    bool new_range = FALSE;
 	uint8 command = 0x0;
     led_off(LED_ALL); //turn off all the LEDs
@@ -354,7 +344,7 @@ int dw_main(void)
 		writetoLCD(1, 0, dataseq);
 		memcpy(dataseq, (const uint8 *) "GGRG UWB RANGING", LCD_BUFF_LEN);
 		writetoLCD(40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-		memcpy(dataseq, (const uint8 *) SOFTWARE_VER_STRING, LCD_BUFF_LEN); // Also set at line #26 (TODO Should make this from single value !!!)
+		memcpy(dataseq, (const uint8 *) SOFTWARE_VER_STRING, LCD_BUFF_LEN);
 		writetoLCD(16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
@@ -422,20 +412,6 @@ int dw_main(void)
 		memset(dataseq, ' ', LCD_BUFF_LEN);
-//	if(enableLCD == TRUE)
-//	{
-//		memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) " DISCOVERY MODE ", LCD_BUFF_LEN);
-//		writetoLCD(LCD_BUFF_LEN, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-//		sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "%llX", instance_get_addr());
-//		writetoLCD(LCD_BUFF_LEN, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-//		command = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
-//		writetoLCD( 1, 0,  &command);
-//	}
     if(enableLCD == TRUE)
 		memset(dataseq, ' ', LCD_BUFF_LEN);
@@ -444,10 +420,6 @@ int dw_main(void)
-    //TODO remove
-    instance_data_t* inst1 = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-    inst1->testTimer = portGetTickCntMicro();
     // main loop
@@ -455,7 +427,7 @@ int dw_main(void)
     	//TODO reenable optimization in the compiler settings!!!
 		instance_data_t* inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
 		canSleep = instance_run(); //run the state machine!!!
-		instance_mode = inst->mode; //TODO modify how the rest of this works with DISCOVER, TAG, and ANCHOR!
+		instance_mode = inst->mode;
@@ -596,7 +568,6 @@ int dw_main(void)
 			dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
 			writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
-			//TODO only update the display if something has changed!
 			if(toggle_counter <= toggle_step)
 				if(toggle == 2)
@@ -620,8 +591,6 @@ int dw_main(void)
 				toggle_counter = 0;
-			//TODO only update the display if something has changed!
 			if(updateLCD == TRUE)
 				if(toggle == 1)
diff --git a/src/application/instance.c b/src/application/instance.c
index 1311237..826254a 100644
--- a/src/application/instance.c
+++ b/src/application/instance.c
@@ -167,49 +167,15 @@ void instanceconfigframeheader(instance_data_t *inst)
 void instanceconfigmessages(instance_data_t *inst)
-	//initialize ranging message(s)
+	//initialize ranging message
 	//set source address into the message structure
-//	for(int i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++) //TODO only have 1 msg? or one Tag msg, one Anchor msg?
-//	{
-//		memcpy(&inst->msg[i].sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
-//	}
 	memcpy(&inst->msg.sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
 	//initialize RNG_INIT message
 	//set source address into the message structure
 	memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
 	inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT;
-//	//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-//	//TODO remove this
-//	//these bytes not used, zero them out.
-//	inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_LO] = 0x00;
-//	inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_HI] = 0x00;
-//	uint16 resp_dly_us, resp_dly;
-//	// First response delay to send is anchor's response delay.
-//	resp_dly_us = ANC_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[POLL];
-//				+ ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
-//	inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_LO] = resp_dly & 0xFF;				//TODO remove
-//	inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_HI] = (resp_dly >> 8) & 0xFF;		//TODO remove
-//	// Second response delay to send is tag's response delay.
-//	resp_dly_us = TAG_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[RESP];
-//				+ ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
-//	inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_LO] = resp_dly & 0xFF;
-//	inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_HI] = (resp_dly >> 8) & 0xFF;
-//	////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 	//configure INF message
 	uint16 broadcast_address = BROADCAST_ADDRESS;
 	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
@@ -221,7 +187,6 @@ void instanceconfigmessages(instance_data_t *inst)
 	memcpy(&inst->report_msg.destAddr[0], &broadcast_address, 2);
 	inst->report_msg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
 	//configure SYNC message
 	memcpy(&inst->sync_msg.sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
 	memcpy(&inst->sync_msg.destAddr[0], &broadcast_address, 2);
@@ -229,7 +194,6 @@ void instanceconfigmessages(instance_data_t *inst)
 	//configure BLINK message
 	memcpy(&inst->blinkmsg.tagID[0], &inst->eui64[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
@@ -249,15 +213,8 @@ void instancerxon(instance_data_t *inst, int delayed, uint64 delayedReceiveTime)
         dwt_setdelayedtrxtime(dtime) ;
-//    inst->lateRX -= dwt_rxenable(delayed) ;  //- as when fails -1 is returned             // turn receiver on, immediate/delayed
-//    uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
     int dwt_rx_enable_return = dwt_rxenable(delayed);
-//	 uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX_ENABLE time_now: %lu, rx_enable: %i", time_now, dwt_rx_enable_return);
-//	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	 usb_run();
-	 inst->lateRX -= dwt_rx_enable_return;
+    inst->lateRX -= dwt_rx_enable_return;
 } // end instancerxon()
@@ -300,7 +257,6 @@ const char* get_inst_states_string(enum inst_states state)
         case TA_TX_SELECT : return "TA_TX_SELECT";
-        case TA_MODE_SELECT : return "TA_MODE_SELECT";
         case TA_TXSUG_WAIT_SEND : return "TA_TXSUG_WAIT_SEND";
         default: return "NONE";
@@ -313,7 +269,6 @@ const char* get_instanceModes_string(enum instanceModes mode)
     switch (mode)
     	case DISCOVERY : return "DISCOVERY";
         case TAG : return "TAG";       
         case ANCHOR : return "ANCHOR";
         case NUM_MODES : return "NUM_MODES";
@@ -382,11 +337,10 @@ char* get_msg_fcode_string(int fcode)
-//void send_statetousb(instance_data_t *inst)
 void send_statetousb(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler)
-    int usbdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbdebugdata[0], "%s , %s , %s , %s", get_inst_states_string(inst->testAppState), get_inst_states_string(inst->previousState), get_inst_states_string(inst->nextState), get_instanceModes_string(inst->mode));
+    usbdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbdebugdata[0], "%s , %s , %s , %s", get_inst_states_string(inst->testAppState), get_inst_states_string(inst->previousState), get_inst_states_string(inst->nextState), get_instanceModes_string(inst->mode));
     if (memcmp(usbdebugdataprev, usbdebugdata, usbdebugdata_size) != 0 || usbdebugdata_size != usbdebugdataprev_size)
@@ -394,19 +348,12 @@ void send_statetousb(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler)
         usbdebugdataprev_size = usbdebugdata_size;
         memcpy(usbdebugdataprev, usbdebugdata, usbdebugdata_size);
-//        int num_neighbors = instfindnumneighbors(inst);
-//		uint8 debug_msg[150];
-//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "mode: %s, num_neighbors %d, discovery_mode %s", get_instanceModes_string(inst->mode), num_neighbors, get_discovery_modes_string(tdma_handler->discovery_mode));
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
 void send_rxmsgtousb(char *data)
-    int usbrxdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbrxdebugdata[0], "%s", data);
+    usbrxdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbrxdebugdata[0], "%s", data);
     if (memcmp(usbrxdebugdataprev, usbrxdebugdata, usbrxdebugdata_size) != 0 || usbrxdebugdata_size != usbrxdebugdataprev_size)
@@ -419,7 +366,7 @@ void send_rxmsgtousb(char *data)
 void send_txmsgtousb(char *data)
-    int usbtxdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbtxdebugdata[0], "TX message: %s", data);
+    usbtxdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbtxdebugdata[0], "TX message: %s", data);
     send_usbmessage(&usbtxdebugdata[0], usbtxdebugdata_size);
@@ -435,20 +382,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
     int done = INST_NOT_DONE_YET;
-////    uint16 time_now_tim3 = (uint16)portGetTIM3();
-//    uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
-//    uint64 deltaT = get_dt64(inst->testTimer, time_now_us);
-//    if(deltaT >= 500000)
-//    {
-//    	uint8 debug_msg[200];
-//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "%llu, %llu, %llu", inst->testTimer, time_now_us, deltaT);
-////		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "xxx, %llu, %u", inst->testTimer, time_now_tim3);
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
-//		inst->testTimer = time_now_us;
-//    }
 		message = 0;
@@ -456,15 +389,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-    //NOTE: temporary debug code
-    if(inst->testAppState != inst->lastState){
-    	inst->currentStateStartTime = portGetTickCnt();
-    }
-    inst->lastState = inst->testAppState;
-//    send_statetousb(inst, tdma_handler);
     switch (inst->testAppState)
         case TA_INIT :
@@ -543,17 +467,10 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-            break; // end case TA_INIT
-        }
-        case TA_MODE_SELECT :
-        {
-        	//TODO maybe this will be used to transition between DISCOVERY/ANCHOR/TAG modes?
-        	break;
-        }
+            break;
+        }// end case TA_INIT
         case TA_TX_SELECT :
-//        	send_statetousb(inst);
           	//select a TX action, return TRUE if we should move on to another state
         	if(tdma_handler->tx_select(tdma_handler) == TRUE)
@@ -565,14 +482,10 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
         		done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;
-            break; // end case TA_TX_SELECT
-        }
+            break;
+        }// end case TA_TX_SELECT
         case TA_SLEEP_DONE :
-            // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-            // {
-//                 send_statetousb(inst);
-            // }
             event_data_t* dw_event = instance_getevent(10); //clear the event from the queue
             // waiting for timeout from application to wakeup IC
             if (dw_event->type != DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT)
@@ -606,17 +519,17 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
             //TODO should this be here? or only if DEEP_SLEEP is enabled (above) putting only above for now
-//            instancesetantennadelays(); //this will update the antenna delay if it has changed
         case TA_TXE_WAIT : //either go to sleep or proceed to TX a message
+        	//TODO rework sleep functionality
+        	//should sleep between blinks?
+        	//should blink when not own slot?
+        	//should sleep after everything is done in own slot?
+        	//does sleep still allow RX?
-            // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-            // {
-            //     send_statetousb(inst);
-            // }
             //if we are scheduled to go to sleep before next sending then sleep first.
 //            if(((inst->nextState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND)
 //                || (inst->nextState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND) || (inst->nextState == TA_TX_SELECT))
@@ -663,7 +576,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-//                //blink frames with IEEE EUI-64 tag ID
+            //blink frames with IEEE EUI-64 tag ID
 			inst->blinkmsg.seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
 			//using wait for response to do delayed receive
@@ -678,6 +591,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 			dwt_writetxdata(flength, (uint8 *)  (&inst->blinkmsg), 0) ; // write the frame data
 			dwt_writetxfctrl(flength, 0, 1);
+			//TODO standardize the transmission pass/fail handling as much as possible...
 			if(dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE | inst->wait4ack) == 0) //always using immediate TX and enable delayed RX
 				uint8 debug_msg[100];
@@ -688,12 +602,12 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 				inst->blink_start = portGetTickCnt();
 				inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+				inst->txDoneTimeoutDuration = BLINK_SLEEP_DELAY + 20; //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
 				tdma_handler->last_blink_time = portGetTickCnt();
 				tdma_handler->blinkPeriodRand = (uint32)rand()%BLINK_PERIOD_RAND_MS;
 			inst->goToSleep = 1; //go to Sleep after this blink
 			inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ; // wait confirmation //TODO move this into the if statement above?
 			inst->previousState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND ;				//TODO move this into the ...
@@ -742,45 +656,12 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 				uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 				inst->timeofTx = time_now;
+				inst->txDoneTimeoutDuration = RNG_INIT_REPLY_DLY_MS + 20; //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
 				tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, WAIT_INF_INIT, time_now);
 				//inst->monitor = 1;
-//            dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)0);//no timeout (keep RX on until instructed otherwise)
-//			dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint32)0);//immediately go to rx after tx
-//            dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->rng_initmsg, 0) ; // write the frame data
-//            dwt_writetxfctrl(psduLength, 0, 1);
-//            if(dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE | inst->wait4ack) == 0) //always using immediate TX and enable delayed RX
-//            {
-//            	inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ; // wait confirmation
-//				inst->previousState = TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND ;
-//				done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;  //no timeout
-//				uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
-//				inst->timeofTx = time_now;
-//				tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, WAIT_INF_INIT, time_now);
-//			}
-//			else
-//			{
-//				inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;  // wait to receive a new blink or poll message
-//				inst->wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT -> TX ERROR");
-//				send_txmsgtousb((char *)&debug_msg);
-//				usb_run();
-//			}
-            break;
+			break;
         case TA_TXINF_WAIT_SEND :
@@ -799,7 +680,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 			uint8 fcode;
 			memcpy(&fcode, &inst->inf_msg.messageData[FCODE], sizeof(uint8));
 			dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->inf_msg, 0) ; // write the frame data
 			dwt_writetxfctrl(psduLength, 0, 1);
 			if(dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE | inst->wait4ack) == 0)
@@ -811,28 +691,15 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 					tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, EXIT, portGetTickCnt());
 					inst->mode = ANCHOR;
-//					uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//					int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_INF_SUG,%llX,NULL", instance_get_addr());
-//					send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//					usb_run();
-//					//turn on RX after sending INF_SUG
-//					//set the delayed rx on time (the response message will be sent after this delay)
-//					dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy); //TODO fix this! remove *0 //TODO will this mess up TX callback??
-//					dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)inst->fwtoTime_sy);    //TODO fix this! remove *2
 					//turn on RX after sending INF_SUG
 					dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)0);//no timeout (keep RX on until instructed otherwise)
 					dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint32)0);//immediately go to rx after tx
-//					inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND;
-					inst->nextState = TA_RXE_WAIT;//TODO remember this is for testing INF as last message
+					inst->nextState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
 				if(fcode == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_INIT ||
 				   fcode == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG ||
 				   fcode == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE)
@@ -841,12 +708,8 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 					memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[FCODE], &fcode, sizeof(uint8));
-//				if(tdma_handler->rebase_pending == TRUE)
-//				{
-//					tdma_handler->rebase_tx = TRUE;
-//				}
 				inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+				inst->txDoneTimeoutDuration = 200; //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
 				inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ; //TODO should only do this if we don't have a problem with the INF send...
 				inst->previousState = TA_TXINF_WAIT_SEND ;
 				done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out (set below)
@@ -856,7 +719,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 				if(fcode == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG)
-					//TODO think of a way to keep trying to send INF_SUG
 					tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, WAIT_SEND_SUG, portGetTickCnt());
 					inst->nextState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
@@ -881,8 +743,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-//            Sleep(2);
             //set the delayed rx on time (the response message will be sent after this delay)
             dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy*0); //TODO fix this! remove *0
             dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)inst->fwtoTime_sy*2);    //TODO fix this! remove *2
@@ -905,29 +765,8 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
             done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out (set below)
             inst->range_start = portGetTickCnt();
-//            //test between 0CD6 and 118C
-//            uint16 source_addr = 0x0CD6;
-//			uint16 my_addr = inst->uwbShortAdd;
-//			if(memcmp(&my_addr, &source_addr, sizeof(uint16))==0)
-//			{
-//				uint16 dest_addr = (uint16)instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith);
-//				uint16 test_addr = 0x118C;
-//				if(memcmp(&test_addr, &dest_addr, sizeof(uint16))==0)
-//				{
-//					uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//					int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "range_start,xxxx,xxxx");
-//					send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//					usb_run();
-//				}
-//			}
             inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+            inst->txDoneTimeoutDuration = 200; //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
@@ -960,42 +799,13 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
             if(instancesendpacket(psduLength, DWT_START_TX_DELAYED | inst->wait4ack, inst->delayedReplyTime))
-//                // initiate the re-transmission
-//                inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT ;
-//                //inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ; //TODO should this go to TX_SELECT instead?
-////                inst->testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT; //TODO reset next and previous?
-//                inst->nextState = TA_TX_SELECT; //TODO reset next and previous?
+            	inst->previousState = TA_INIT;
+            	inst->nextState = TA_INIT;
             	inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
                 inst->wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
-//                uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL->late tx,%04X,xxxx",inst->uwbShortAdd);
-//				send_txmsgtousb((char *)&debug_msg);
-//				usb_run();
-//				uint32 dt = 0;
-//				uint32 dwt_time_now = dwt_readsystimestamphi32();
-//				if(inst->delayedReplyTime > dwt_time_now)
-//				{
-//					dt = dwt_getdt(dwt_time_now, inst->delayedReplyTime);
-//				}
-//				else
-//				{
-//					dt = dwt_getdt(inst->delayedReplyTime, dwt_time_now);
-//				}
-//				double dtf = convertdevicetimetosec(dt);
-//				int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "time_now: %lu, replytime: %lu, dts: %f", dwt_time_now, inst->delayedReplyTime, dtf);
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
@@ -1005,38 +815,14 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                 done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out  (set below)
                 inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+                inst->txDoneTimeoutDuration = 200; //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
                 inst->monitor = 1;
-//               uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL -> success!");
-//				send_txmsgtousb((char *)&debug_msg);
-//				usb_run();
         case TA_TXREPORT_WAIT_SEND :
-			//set the delayed rx on time (the response message will be sent after this delay)
-//			dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy*0); //TODO fix this! remove *0
-//			dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)inst->fwtoTime_sy*2);    //TODO fix this! remove *2
-//			dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint16)0);
-//			dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)0);
-//			dwt_writetxfctrl(psduLength, 0, 1);
-//			if(dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE) == 0){
-//	//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_INF,%llX, psdu: %d ", instance_get_addr(), psduLength);
-//	//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	//				usb_run();
-//			}
-//			inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ;                                          // wait confirmation
-//			inst->previousState = TA_TXINF_WAIT_SEND ;
-//			done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out (set below)
-//			inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
 			int psduLength = 0;
 			inst->report_msg.seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
@@ -1047,12 +833,8 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-			//TODO if tof not zero, set tof, else memset 0
 			// Write calculated TOF into response message
-			//TODO #define messageData offsets
-//			memcpy(&inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[1], &inst->tof[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 6); //TODO fix number of bytes...
-//			dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 0) ; // write the frame data
-			memcpy(&inst->report_msg.messageData[REPORT_TOF], &inst->tof[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 6); //TODO fix number of bytes...
+			memcpy(&inst->report_msg.messageData[REPORT_TOF], &inst->tof[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 6);
 			memcpy(&inst->report_msg.messageData[REPORT_ADDR], &inst->uwbList[inst->uwbToRangeWith], inst->addrByteSize);
 			dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->report_msg, 0) ; // write the frame data
@@ -1064,16 +846,12 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_RNG_REPORT,xxxx,%llX",instance_get_addr());
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
 				inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                                               // wait confirmation
 				inst->previousState = TA_TXREPORT_WAIT_SEND;
 				done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out  (set below)
 				inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+				inst->txDoneTimeoutDuration = 200; //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
 				inst->monitor = 1;
@@ -1081,8 +859,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
         case TA_TX_WAIT_CONF :
-        	//TODO look at this state again. it seems to sometimes be problematic
             event_data_t* dw_event = instance_getevent(11); //get and clear this event
             //NOTE: Can get the ACK before the TX confirm event for the frame requesting the ACK
@@ -1092,49 +868,19 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                 if(dw_event->type == DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT) //got RX timeout - i.e. did not get the response (e.g. ACK)
-                    //we need to wait for SIG_TX_DONE and then process the timeout and re-send the frame if needed
-//                	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//					int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT");
-//					send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//					usb_run();
                     inst->gotTO = 1;
-                done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;
-                //TODO maybe move out of this if statement???
                 //sometimes the DW1000 tx callback (TXFRS) fails to trigger and the the SYS_STATE register
                 //reads IDLE for for PMSC, RX, and TX so we need another way to timeout since RX FWTO won't be triggered.
-//                uint32 dt = get_dt32(inst->timeofTx, portGetTickCnt());
+                uint32 dt = get_dt32(inst->timeofTx, portGetTickCnt());
-//                if( inst->previousState == TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND ||
-//                    inst->previousState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ||
-//                    inst->previousState == TA_TXRESPONSE_WAIT_SEND ||
-//                    inst->previousState == TA_TXINF_WAIT_SEND)
-//                {
-//                    //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
-//                    if(dt > 200)
-//                    {
-//                        inst->gotTO = 1;
-//                		  //inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst);
-//                    }
-//                }
-//                else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND){ //TODO put this back above???
-//                	if(dt > BLINK_SLEEP_DELAY + 20)
-//					{
-//						inst->gotTO = 1;
-//						//inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst);
-//					}
-//                }
-//                else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND)
-//                {
-//                    if(dt > RNG_INIT_REPLY_DLY_MS + 20)
-//                    {
-//                		//inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst);
-//                    	inst->gotTO = 1;
-//                    }
-//                }
+                if(dt > inst->txDoneTimeoutDuration) //duration set at time of tx
+                {
+                	inst->gotTO = 1;
+                }
+                done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;
                 if(inst->gotTO == 0)
@@ -1147,19 +893,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
             if (inst->gotTO) //timeout
-//            	uint32 mask = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID);
-//            	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "inst->gotTO, SYS_MASK: %lu", mask);
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
-				// send_txmsgtousb("(2nd) got TO in TA_TX_WAIT_CONF");
-//            	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst) after inst->gotTO");
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
 				inst->gotTO = 0;
 				inst->wait4ack = 0 ; //clear this
@@ -1197,20 +930,12 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                     tagCalculatedFinalTxTime = tagCalculatedFinalTxTime + inst->txAntennaDelay;
                     tagCalculatedFinalTxTime &= MASK_40BIT;
-//                    // Write Calculated TX time field of Final message
-//                    memcpy(&(inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[FTXT]), (uint8 *)&tagCalculatedFinalTxTime, 5);
-//                    // Write Poll TX time field of Final message
-//                    memcpy(&(inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[PTXT]), (uint8 *)&inst->txu.tagPollTxTime, 5);
                     // Write Calculated TX time field of Final message
 					memcpy(&(inst->msg.messageData[FTXT]), (uint8 *)&tagCalculatedFinalTxTime, 5);
 					// Write Poll TX time field of Final message
 					memcpy(&(inst->msg.messageData[PTXT]), (uint8 *)&inst->txu.tagPollTxTime, 5);
-//                else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND)
-//                {
-//                	inst->mode = ANCHOR;
-//                }
                 inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;       // After sending, tag expects response/report, anchor waits to receive a final/new poll
@@ -1220,20 +945,9 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
         }// end case TA_TX_WAIT_CONF
         case TA_RXE_WAIT :
-            // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-            // {
-            //     send_statetousb(inst);
-            // }
             if(inst->wait4ack == 0) //if this is set the RX will turn on automatically after TX
                 //turn RX on
-//            	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "instancerxon called from  case TA_RXE_WAIT :");
-//				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				 usb_run();
                 instancerxon(inst, 0, 0) ;   // turn RX on, without delay
@@ -1247,18 +961,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
             inst->testAppState = TA_RX_WAIT_DATA;   // let this state handle it
             inst->rxCheckOnTime = portGetTickCnt() + RX_CHECK_ON_PERIOD;
-//            //see if tx is actually enabled
-//			//read SYS_STATE, getting second byte
-//			uint8 regval = dwt_read8bitoffsetreg(SYS_STATE_ID,1);
-//			//get the first 5 bytes
-//			regval &= 0x1F;
-//			uint8 debug_msg[200];
-//			int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "RX STATUS: regval %u", regval);
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
             // end case TA_RXE_WAIT, don't break, but fall through into the TA_RX_WAIT_DATA state to process it immediately.
             if(message == 0) 
@@ -1274,14 +976,11 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                     event_data_t* dw_event = instance_getevent(12); //get and clear this event
-//                    if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
 					if(inst->mode == DISCOVERY)
-						//inst->mode = ANCHOR; //TODO instead switch to anchor after sending out the ANCH_RESP
-                        inst->canPrintInfo = 1;
+					    inst->canPrintInfo = 1;
-                        //TODO add a small random number to this to reduce chance of collisions
+                        //add a small random number to this to reduce chance of collisions
                         inst->delayedReplyTime = (dw_event->timeStamp + inst->rnginitReplyDelay + (uint32)rand()%RANGE_INIT_RAND) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the blink response
                         //set destination address
@@ -1342,66 +1041,21 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         	//NOTE: WAIT_RNG_INIT checked in RX callback
-//                            send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT");
                         	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//                        	int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "BLINK_COMPLETE,%llX,%llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
                         	int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "BLINK_COMPLETE,%04llX,%04llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
                         	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//                            uint32 final_reply_delay_us;
-//                            uint32 resp_dly[RESP_DLY_NB];
-//                            int i;
-                            //build the initial TDMA
-//                            tdma_handler->uwbFrameStartTimes[0] = portGetTickCnt() - tdma_handler->slotDuration;//TODO handle timer wrapping...
-//                            tdma_handler->lastSlotStartTime = portGetTickCnt();
-//                            tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
-//                            //todo: make this a handler function
-//							//new
-//							tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0], 1);
-//							tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith],  2);
-////							tdma_handler->uwblist_assign_slot(tdma_handler, 0,  2);
-//							tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0], 3);
-							//TODO build slotAssignment array
-//							bool assigned0 = tdma_handler->slot_assigned(tdma_handler, 0);
-//							bool assigned1 = tdma_handler->slot_assigned(tdma_handler, 1);
-//							bool assigned2 = tdma_handler->slot_assigned(tdma_handler, 2);
-//							bool assigned3 = tdma_handler->slot_assigned(tdma_handler, 3);
-//							uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//							int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "ass0: %u, ass1: %u, ass2: %u, ass3: %u,", assigned0, assigned1, assigned2, assigned3);
-//							send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//							usb_run();
-//							tdma_handler->usb_dump_tdma(tdma_handler);
-//							inst->inf_msg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_INIT;
                             tdma_handler->populate_inf_msg(tdma_handler, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_INIT);
 							uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 							tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, EXIT, time_now);
-							inst->buildFrameTime = time_now;
-//							n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "BUILD FRAME,time_now: %lu, framestart: %lu, slotduration: %lu", portGetTickCnt(), tdma_handler->frameStartTime, tdma_handler->slotDuration);
-//							send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//							usb_run();
-//                            inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT;
 							inst->testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT;
-//                            inst->testAppState = TA_TXINF_WAIT_SEND;
-//                            inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ; // send next poll
-//                            inst->nextState = TA_TXINF_WAIT_SEND ; // send next poll
-                            inst->mode = TAG;
-                            //inst->responseTimeouts = 0; //reset timeout count
+							inst->mode = TAG;
                             inst->goToSleep = 0; //don't go to sleep - start ranging instead and then sleep after 1 range is done or poll times out
                             inst->instanceTimerTimeSaved = inst->instanceTimerTime = portGetTickCnt(); //set timer base
@@ -1461,11 +1115,11 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         		if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_REG) //treat INF_UPDATE and INF_SUG the same
-                        			//synchronize the frames //TODO don't need to sync frame at this point...?
+                        			//synchronize the frames
                         			tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_ADOPT);
-//                        			//initialize collection of tdma info, clear any previously stored info
+                        			//initialize collection of tdma info, clear any previously stored info
                         			tdma_handler->process_inf_msg(tdma_handler, messageData, srcIndex, CLEAR_ALL_COPY);
-//                        			//set discovery mode to COLLECT_INF_REG
+                        			//set discovery mode to COLLECT_INF_REG
                         			tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, COLLECT_INF_REG, time_now);
                         		else if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == COLLECT_INF_REG)
@@ -1484,8 +1138,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         	else if(inst->mode == ANCHOR || inst->mode == TAG)
-                        		//TODO in here (or in RX callback) I have to think about when to adopt the new TDMA and also what INF messages to accept or reject, if a modified TDMA exists but we havent had a chance to TX it in an INF_UPDATE yet.
                         		//if we are a TAG or ANCHOR
 								//1.) sync our frame start time to the local network
                         		//2.) check for and adopt any tdma changes, sending an INF_UPDATE or INF_REG accordingly
@@ -1499,7 +1151,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 									//only repopulate the INF message if there was a modification to the TDMA configuration
-									tdma_handler->populate_inf_msg(tdma_handler, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE);//TODO populate at slot start while waiting for buffer to expire
+									tdma_handler->populate_inf_msg(tdma_handler, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE);
@@ -1513,11 +1165,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 							//NOTE: discovery mode WAIT_INF_INIT checked in RX callback
 							//process the INF packet
-//							uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//							 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "process RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF :");
-//							 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//							 usb_run();
 							uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 							uint8 srcIndex = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &srcAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize);
@@ -1638,7 +1285,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 		                        if(reportTOF(inst, inst->newRangeUWBIndex)==0)
 		                            inst->newRange = 1;
-		                            inst->ranging = 1;
+//		                            inst->ranging = 1;
 									inst->canPrintInfo = 1;
@@ -1649,37 +1296,13 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                             inst->newRangeTagAddress = instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith);
                             inst->newRangeAncAddress = instance_get_addr();
-//							char debug_msg[100];
-//							n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TAG_FINAL %i", *node->index);
-//							send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//							usb_run();
                             inst->testAppState = TA_TXREPORT_WAIT_SEND;
-                            //TODO this changes! we need to send RNG_REPORT
-//                            inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;
-//                            inst->previousState = TA_INIT;
-//                            inst->nextState = TA_INIT;
-//                            inst->uwbToRangeWith = 255;
-//                            dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
-//							instancesetantennadelays(); //this will update the antenna delay if it has changed
-                            //char debug_msg[100];
-//							n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TAG_FINAL %d", inst->uwbToRangeWith);
-//							send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//							usb_run();
                         } //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL
                         case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT:
-//                             send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT ");
 							uint8 tag_index = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &messageData[REPORT_ADDR], inst->addrByteSize);
 							uint8 anchor_index = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &srcAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize);
@@ -1690,7 +1313,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 								inst->tof[anchor_index] = 0;
 								//copy previously calculated ToF
-								//TODO #define messageData offsets
 								memcpy(&inst->tof[anchor_index], &messageData[REPORT_TOF], 6);
 								inst->newRangeAncAddress = instance_get_uwbaddr(anchor_index);
@@ -1702,7 +1324,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 									if(reportTOF(inst, inst->newRangeUWBIndex)==0)
 										inst->newRange = 1;
-										inst->ranging = 1;
+//										inst->ranging = 1;
 										inst->canPrintInfo = 1;
@@ -1740,10 +1362,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-//                            if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-//                            {
-//                                send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-default ");
-//                            }
                             inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
@@ -1758,36 +1376,21 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                 	if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_RNG_INIT || tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_INIT)
-//						tdma_handler->discovery_mode = WAIT_INF_REG;
                 		uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 						tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, WAIT_INF_REG, time_now);
-//                    send_txmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT ");
+                	//TODO remove if/else chain below
                     int n;
                     if(inst->previousState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND)
-//                    	if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_RNG_INIT)
-//                    	{
-//                    		tdma_handler->discovery_mode = WAIT_INF_REG;
-//                    	}
-//                    	tdma_handler->waitForRngInit = FALSE;
 						uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_BLINK_TIMEOUT,%llX,NULL", instance_get_addr());
 						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_BLINK_TIMEOUT,%04llX,NULL", instance_get_addr());
 						send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
                     else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND)
-//                    	if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_INIT)
-//                    	{
-//                    		tdma_handler->discovery_mode = WAIT_INF_REG;
-//                    	}
-//                    	tdma_handler->waitForInf = FALSE;
                     else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXINF_WAIT_SEND)
@@ -1824,7 +1427,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                 case 0:
-                	//TODO maybe also check the events to see if nothing is upcoming that will handle this for us!
                 	//check if RX is on every so often. Turn it on if it isn't.
                 	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 					if(time_now >= inst->rxCheckOnTime)
@@ -1838,10 +1440,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 						if(regval == 0){//RX IDLE
 							instancerxon(inst, 0, 0);
-//							uint8 debug_msg[200];
-//							int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "RX IDLE, RESET: regval %u", regval);
-//							send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//							usb_run();
@@ -2028,7 +1626,7 @@ void instance_init_timings(void)
 	resp_dly_us = ANC_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[POLL];
 				+ ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
-	inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] = resp_dly & 0xFFFF; //TODO make sure that we only want the 16 lowest bits
+	inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] = resp_dly & 0xFFFF;
 	// Second response delay to send is tag's response delay.
@@ -2036,7 +1634,7 @@ void instance_init_timings(void)
 	resp_dly_us = TAG_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[RESP];
 				+ ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
-	inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] = resp_dly & 0xFFFF; //TODO make sure that we only want the 16 lowest bits
+	inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] = resp_dly & 0xFFFF;
 	for (int i = 0; i < RESP_DLY_NB; i++)
@@ -2112,23 +1710,7 @@ uint32 instance_getmessageduration_us(int data_length_bytes)
 uint64 instance_get_addr(void) //get own address
-	//TODO should this instead operate on uwbList[0]???
-    instance_data_t* inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-    uint64 x = 0;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->eui64[0];
-    x |= (uint64) inst->eui64[1] << 8;
-#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
-    x |= (uint64) inst->eui64[2] << 16;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->eui64[3] << 24;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->eui64[4] << 32;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->eui64[5] << 40;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->eui64[6] << 48;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->eui64[7] << 56;
-    return (x);
+    return instance_get_uwbaddr(0);
 uint64 instance_get_uwbaddr(uint8 uwb_index) //get uwb address by index
@@ -2175,7 +1757,7 @@ uint32 get_dt32(uint32 t1, uint32 t2)
         return t2 - t1;
-    else//TODO maybe rework this... should should instead check if one number is greater than a threshold... somehow spit out error if used incorrectly???
+    else
         //handle timestamp roleover
         return 4294967295 - t1 + t2;
@@ -2218,34 +1800,17 @@ uint64 get_dt64(uint64 t1, uint64 t2)
         return t2 - t1;
-    else//TODO maybe rework this... should should instead check if one number is greater than a threshold... somehow spit out error if used incorrectly???
+    else
-        //handle timestamp roleover
+        //handle timestamp rollover
         return 4294967295999 - t1 + t2;
-//TODO remove
-//get the time difference between two between two 16-bit unsigned timestamps
-//t1 is the first timestamp
-//t2 is the second timetamp that occured after t1
-//uint16 get_dt16(uint16 t1, uint16 t2)
-//    if(t2 >= t1)
-//    {
-//        return t2 - t1;
-//    }
-//    else//TODO maybe rework this... should should instead check if one number is greater than a threshold... somehow spit out error if used incorrectly???
-//    {
-//        //handle timestamp roleover
-//        return 0xFFFF - t1 + t2;
-//    }
 //add a duration to a 64 bit timestamp. This function handles number wrapping
 uint64 timestamp_add64(uint64 timestamp, uint64 duration)
-	uint32 to_wrap = (uint64)4294967295999 - timestamp;
+	uint64 to_wrap = (uint64)4294967295999 - timestamp;
 	if(duration > to_wrap)
 		return to_wrap + duration;
diff --git a/src/application/instance.h b/src/application/instance.h
index d827e63..49e676e 100644
--- a/src/application/instance.h
+++ b/src/application/instance.h
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ extern "C" {
 #include "tdma_handler.h"
-typedef struct
+typedef struct //TODO go through and see what can be removed
     INST_MODE mode;				        //instance mode (tag or anchor)
     INST_STATES testAppState ;			//state machine - current state
@@ -72,18 +72,17 @@ typedef struct
 	//message structures used for transmitted messages
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
-	srd_msg_dlsl rng_initmsg ;	// ranging init message (destination long, source long)
-    srd_ext_msg_dlsl msg; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using long addresses
-	srd_ext_msg_dssl inf_msg;         	  // extended inf message containing frame lengths and slot assignments
-    srd_ext_msg_dssl report_msg;          // extended report message containing the calculated range
-    srd_ext_msg_dssl sync_msg;		      // extended message indicating the need to resync TDMA frame
-    //TODO make sure the dssl are correct! (ds for broadcast?)
+	srd_msg_dlsl rng_initmsg ;				// ranging init message (destination long, source long)
+    srd_ext_msg_dlsl msg; 					// simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using long addresses
+	srd_ext_msg_dssl inf_msg;         	  	// extended inf message containing frame lengths and slot assignments
+    srd_ext_msg_dssl report_msg;          	// extended report message containing the calculated range
+    srd_ext_msg_dssl sync_msg;		      	// extended message indicating the need to resync TDMA frame
-	srd_msg_dlss rng_initmsg ;  // ranging init message (destination long, source short)
-    srd_ext_msg_dsss msg; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using short addresses
-    srd_ext_msg_dsss inf_msg;         	  // extended inf message containing frame lengths and slot assignments
-    srd_ext_msg_dsss report_msg;		  // extended report message containing the calculated range
-    srd_ext_msg_dsss sync_msg;		      // extended message indicating the need to resync TDMA frame
+	srd_msg_dlss rng_initmsg ;  			// ranging init message (destination long, source short)
+    srd_ext_msg_dsss msg; 				  	// simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using short addresses
+    srd_ext_msg_dsss inf_msg;         	  	// extended inf message containing frame lengths and slot assignments
+    srd_ext_msg_dsss report_msg;		  	// extended report message containing the calculated range
+    srd_ext_msg_dsss sync_msg;		      	// extended message indicating the need to resync TDMA frame
 	iso_IEEE_EUI64_blink_msg blinkmsg ; // frame structure (used for tx blink message)
@@ -127,13 +126,6 @@ typedef struct
 	int lateTX;
 	int lateRX;
-//    double adist[RTD_MED_SZ] ;
-//    double adist4[4] ;
-//    double longTermRangeSum ;
-//    int longTermRangeCount ;
-//    int tofIndex ;
-//    int tofCount ;
     uint8 newRangeUWBIndex; //index for most recent ranging exchange
     int newRange;
     uint64 newRangeAncAddress; //anchor address for most recent ranging exchange
@@ -151,19 +143,6 @@ typedef struct
     uint8 uwbListLen ;
 	uint8 uwbList[UWB_LIST_SIZE][8];		//index 0 reserved for self, rest for other tracked uwbs
-//	uint8 uwbNumActive[UWB_LIST_SIZE];		//number of TAGs each tracked ANCHOR is actively ranging with. //TODO remove?
-    // keep track of when final messages so we can drop uwbs that we haven't communicated with in a while
-//    uint32 lastCommTimeStamp[UWB_LIST_SIZE]; //TODO move into tdma_handler?
-//    uint32 lastHiddenTimeStamp[UWB_LIST_SIZE];
-//    uint32 lastTwiceHiddenTimeStamp[UWB_LIST_SIZE];
-//    uint8 uwbTimeout[UWB_LIST_SIZE] ;		//TODO remove and use list type instead
-//    uint32 lastRangeTimeStamp[UWB_LIST_SIZE];
-//    uint8 time_till_next_reported[UWB_LIST_SIZE]; //used to keep track of whether we reported the RX_ACCEPT node. 0 if no, 1 if yes.
     uint32 blink_start;
     uint32 range_start;
@@ -178,19 +157,12 @@ typedef struct
     uint8 dweventIdxIn;
 	uint8 dweventPeek;
 	uint8 monitor;
-	uint32 timeofTx;
+	uint32 timeofTx;		//TODO make sure this is set for every single TX
+	uint32 txDoneTimeoutDuration;
 	uint8 smartPowerEn;
-	uint32 currentStateStartTime;
-	INST_STATES lastState;
 	uint32 rxCheckOnTime;
-	uint32 buildFrameTime;
-	uint8 ranging;
-	uint64 testTimer;
 	uint16 timerCounter;
@@ -207,7 +179,6 @@ int reportTOF(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 uwb_index);
 // clear the status/ranging data 
 void instanceclearcounts(void) ;
 void instclearuwblist(void);
-// void instsetuwbtorangewith(int uwbID);
 int instaddactivateuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr);
 int instcheckactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr);
 int instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 startindex);
@@ -215,7 +186,6 @@ int instfindnumactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst);
 int instfindnumneighbors(instance_data_t *inst);
 int instfindnumhidden(instance_data_t *inst);
 int instgetuwblistindex(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr, uint8 addrByteSize);
-void instremoveuwb(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 uwb_index);
 void instance_readaccumulatordata(void);
diff --git a/src/application/instance_common.c b/src/application/instance_common.c
index 3874e13..a2f1522 100644
--- a/src/application/instance_common.c
+++ b/src/application/instance_common.c
@@ -148,18 +148,9 @@ int reportTOF(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 uwb_index)
 	int64 tofi ;
 	// check for negative results and accept them making them proper negative integers
-	tofi = inst->tof[uwb_index] ;                          // make it signed
+	tofi = inst->tof[uwb_index] ;                      // make it signed
-//	memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[TOFR], &instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index], sizeof(int64));
-//	int64 mtof = 0;
-//	memcpy(&mtof, &tofi, sizeof(int64));
-//	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "reported TOF: %lld, mtof %lld", tofi, mtof);
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
-	if (tofi > 0x007FFFFFFFFF)                          // MP counter is 40 bits,  close up TOF may be negative
+	if (tofi > 0x007FFFFFFFFF)                         // MP counter is 40 bits,  close up TOF may be negative
 		tofi -= 0x010000000000 ;                       // subtract fill 40 bit range to make it negative
@@ -216,76 +207,6 @@ int instgetuwblistindex(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr, uint8 addrByteSiz
     char uwbChar[2];
     memcpy(&uwbChar[0], &uwbAddr[0], 2);
-    //TODO remove the following!
-    bool match = FALSE;
-	char test_addr[2] = {0x95, 0x15};
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0x50;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x59;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0x36;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x18;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0x39;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x16;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0x27;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x59;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0x20;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x1B;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0x8C;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x11;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0x1D;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x14;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0x8C;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x19;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	test_addr[0] = 0xD6;
-	test_addr[1] = 0x0C;
-	if(memcmp(&uwbChar[0], &test_addr[0], 2) == 0)
-	{
-		match = TRUE;
-	}
-	if(match == FALSE)
-	{
-		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "match not found");
-		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-		 usb_run();
-	}
     //add the new UWB to the list, if not already there and there is space
     for(uint8 i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
@@ -307,189 +228,6 @@ int instgetuwblistindex(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr, uint8 addrByteSiz
     return 255;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// function to remove the UWB at a given index from our list. Take care when calling this inside of a loop iterating over the uwbList!
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// return index of UWB
-void instremoveuwb(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 uwb_index)
-	if(uwb_index > 0 && uwb_index < inst->uwbListLen)
-	{
-		if(inst->uwbToRangeWith == uwb_index)
-		{
-			uwb_index = 255;
-		}
-		else if(inst->uwbToRangeWith > uwb_index && inst->uwbToRangeWith < inst->uwbListLen)
-		{
-			inst->uwbToRangeWith--;
-		}
-		if(inst->newRange == 1)
-		{
-			if(inst->newRangeUWBIndex == uwb_index)
-			{
-				uwb_index = 0;
-				inst->newRange = 0;
-			}
-			else if(inst->newRangeUWBIndex > uwb_index && inst->newRangeUWBIndex < inst->uwbListLen)
-			{
-				inst->newRangeUWBIndex--;
-			}
-		}
-		for(int i=uwb_index; i<inst->uwbListLen-1; i++)
-		{
-			memcpy(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &inst->uwbList[i+1][0], inst->addrByteSize);
-			inst->tof[i] = inst->tof[i+1];
-			inst->idistance[i] = inst->idistance[i+1];
-			inst->idistanceraw[i] = inst->idistanceraw[i];
-		}
-		uint8 blank[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-		memcpy(&inst->uwbList[inst->uwbListLen-1][0], &blank[0], 8);
-		inst->tof[inst->uwbListLen-1] = 0;
-		inst->idistance[inst->uwbListLen-1] = 0;
-		inst->idistanceraw[inst->uwbListLen-1] = 0;
-		//update the tdma_handler before reducing the size of the uwbList
-		tdma_handler.remove_uwbinfo(&tdma_handler, uwb_index);
-		inst->uwbListLen--;
-	}
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//// function to add new UWBs to the uwb list or remove timeout status from UWBs already in uwb list
-//// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//// return 1 if UWB added to list or removed from timeout status
-//// return 0 if UWB not added list or removed from timeout status
-//int instaddactivateuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr)
-//    uint8 i;
-//    uint8 blank[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-//    //add the new UWB to the list, if not already there and there is space
-//    for(i=1; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)//0 reserved for self. timeout status not used for self
-//    {
-//        if(memcmp(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &uwbAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize) != 0)
-//        {
-//            if(memcmp(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &blank[0], inst->addrByteSize) == 0) //blank entry
-//            {
-//                memcpy(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &uwbAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize) ;
-//                inst->uwbListLen = i + 1 ;
-//				inst->uwbToRangeWith = i;
-//				inst->uwbTimeout[i] = 0;
-//				return 1;
-//            }
-//        }
-//        else
-//        {
-//			if(inst->uwbTimeout[i])
-//			{
-//				//uwb has timed out, wake it up
-//				inst->uwbToRangeWith = i;
-//				inst->uwbTimeout[i] = 0;
-//				return 1;
-//			}
-//			else
-//			{
-//				//we already have this uwb in the list and it has not timed out
-//				break;
-//			}
-//        }
-//    }
-//    return 0;
-//// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//// function to check if a UWB is already in our list and not in a timeout status
-//// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//// return index if UWB in list and not timed out
-//// return 255 if UWB not in list or is but has timed out
-//int instcheckactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr)
-//    uint8 i;
-//    uint8 blank[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-//    //add the new UWB to the list, if not already there and there is space
-//    for(i=1; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)//0 reserved for self, timeout not used for self
-//    {
-//        if(memcmp(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &uwbAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize) == 0)
-//        {
-//			if(inst->uwbTimeout[i])
-//			{
-//				//UWB in list, but timed out
-//				break;
-//			}
-//			else
-//			{
-//				return i; //we already have this UWB in the list
-//			}
-//        }
-//        else
-//        {
-//			if(memcmp(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &blank[0], 8) == 0) //blank entry
-//            {
-//                break;
-//            }
-//        }
-//    }
-//    return 255;
-//// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//// function to find the first UWB in our list that is not in a timeout status, starting with the given index
-//// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//// return index for first UWB in list that is not timed out
-//// return 255 if all UWBs in list (from the starting index) are timed out
-//int instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 startindex)
-//    uint8 i;
-//    for(i=startindex; i<inst->uwbListLen; i++)
-//    {
-//		if(!inst->uwbTimeout[i])
-//		{
-//			return i;
-//		}
-//    }
-//    return 255;
-//// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//// function to find the number of UWBs in our list that are not in a timeout status
-//// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-//int instfindnumactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst)
-//    uint8 num = 0;
-//    for(int i=1; i<inst->uwbListLen; i++) //0 reserved for self, timeout status not applicable
-//    {
-//		if(!inst->uwbTimeout[i])
-//		{
-//			num++;
-//		}
-//    }
-//    return num;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // function to find the number of neighbor UWBs in our list that are not in a timeout status
@@ -501,7 +239,6 @@ int instfindnumneighbors(instance_data_t *inst)
     for(int i=1; i<inst->uwbListLen; i++)// 0 reserved for self, cant be neighbor
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
 		if(tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
@@ -522,7 +259,6 @@ int instfindnumhidden(instance_data_t *inst)
     for(int i=1; i<inst->uwbListLen; i++)//0 reserved for self, cannot be hidden
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN)
 		if(tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN)
@@ -561,16 +297,6 @@ int instancegetrole(void)
     return instance_data[0].mode;
-int instanceisranging(void)
-    if(instance_data[0].ranging == 1)
-    {
-        return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
 int instancenewrange(void)
@@ -608,6 +334,7 @@ int instancesleeping(void)
 	return 0 ;
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 // function to clear counts/averages/range values
@@ -620,18 +347,11 @@ void instanceclearcounts(void)
     dwt_configeventcounters(1); //enable and clear - NOTE: the counters are not preserved when in DEEP SLEEP
     instance_data[instance].frameSN = 0;
-//    instance_data[instance].tofCount = 0 ;
-//    instance_data[instance].tofIndex = 0 ;
     instance_data[instance].txmsgcount = 0;
     instance_data[instance].rxmsgcount = 0;
     instance_data[instance].lateTX = 0;
     instance_data[instance].lateRX = 0;
-//    instance_data[instance].longTermRangeSum  = 0;
-//    instance_data[instance].longTermRangeCount  = 0;
@@ -649,11 +369,9 @@ int instance_init(void)
     int result;
     instance_data[instance].mode =  DISCOVERY;
-    instance_data[instance].ranging = 0;
+//    instance_data[instance].ranging = 0;
     instance_data[instance].goToSleep = 0;
-//    instance_data[instance].tofIndex = 0;
-//    instance_data[instance].tofCount = 0;
     for(uint8 i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
 		instance_data[instance].tof[i] = 0;
@@ -693,11 +411,9 @@ int instance_init(void)
     instance_data[instance].canPrintInfo = 0;
     instance_data[instance].clockOffset = 0;
     instance_data[instance].monitor = 0;
-//	dwt_setdblrxbuffmode(1);
     return 0 ;
@@ -705,7 +421,6 @@ int instance_init(void)
 // Return the Device ID register value, enables higher level validation of physical device presence
 uint32 instancereaddeviceid(void)
     return dwt_readdevid() ;
@@ -844,16 +559,14 @@ void instance_config(instanceConfig_t *config)
     instance_data[instance].configData.txPreambLength = config->preambleLen ;
     instance_data[instance].configData.rxPAC = config->pacSize ;
     instance_data[instance].configData.nsSFD = config->nsSFD ;
-//    instance_data[instance].configData.phrMode = DWT_PHRMODE_STD ;
     instance_data[instance].configData.phrMode = DWT_PHRMODE_EXT ;
-        instance_data[instance].configData.sfdTO = config->sfdTO;
+	instance_data[instance].configData.sfdTO = config->sfdTO;
     //configure the channel parameters
     dwt_configure(&instance_data[instance].configData) ;
     //NOTE: For EVK1000 the OTP stores calibrated antenna and TX power values for configuration modes 3 and 5,
     //check if to use the antenna delay calibration values as read from the OTP
     if(dwt_otprevision() <= 1) //in revision 0, 1 of EVB1000/EVK1000
@@ -985,42 +698,17 @@ int instance_get_rxl(void) //get number of late Tx frames
 void inst_processtxrxtimeout(instance_data_t *inst)
-	// send_statetousb(inst);
-//	 uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "inst_processrxtimeout(), uwbToRangeWith: %i, uwbListlen: %i", inst->uwbToRangeWith, inst->uwbListLen);
-//	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	 usb_run();
-//	tdma_handler.waitForInf = FALSE;
-//	tdma_handler.waitForRngInit = FALSE;
 	if(inst->mode == DISCOVERY)
 		inst->wait4ack = 0;
 		inst->uwbToRangeWith = 255;
-//		uint32 maxFrameDuration = tdma_handler.maxFramelength*tdma_handler.slotDuration;
 		if(tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_RNG_INIT || tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_INIT)
-//			tdma_handler.discovery_mode = WAIT_INF_REG;
 			uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 			tdma_handler.set_discovery_mode(&tdma_handler, WAIT_INF_REG, time_now);
-//		if(inst->previousState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND)
-//		{
-//			tdma_handler.waitForRngInit = FALSE;
-//		}
-//		else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND)
-//		{
-//			tdma_handler.waitForInf = FALSE;
-//		}
-		//TODO should I keep/remove this...?
 		if(tdma_handler.check_blink(&tdma_handler) == TRUE)
 			inst->testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT;
@@ -1029,15 +717,6 @@ void inst_processtxrxtimeout(instance_data_t *inst)
 			inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
-//		uint32 maxFrameDuration = tdma_handler.maxFramelength*tdma_handler.slotDuration;
-//		if(portGetTickCnt() - tdma_handler.discoveryStartTime > maxFrameDuration) //TODO handle number wrapping!
-//		{
-//			inst->testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT ;
-//		}
-//		else
-//		{
-//			inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
-//		}
@@ -1050,21 +729,7 @@ void inst_processtxrxtimeout(instance_data_t *inst)
 	else //if(inst->mode == TAG)
-		// initiate the re-transmission of the poll that was not responded to
 		inst->testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT ;
-//	 uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "inst_processtxrxtimeout");
-//	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	 usb_run();
-//		if(inst->previousState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND)
-//		{
-//			inst->uwbToRangeWith = instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(inst, 0);
-//		}
-//		else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND)
-//		{
-//			uint8 idx = inst->uwbToRangeWith + 1;
-//			inst->uwbToRangeWith = instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(inst, idx);
-//		}
     inst->previousState = TA_INIT;
@@ -1078,7 +743,7 @@ void instance_txcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *txd)
 	uint8 txTimeStamp[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
 	event_data_t dw_event;
-	//NOTE - we can only get TX good (done) while here
+	//NOTE: we can only get TX good (done) while here
 	dwt_readtxtimestamp(txTimeStamp) ;
 	dw_event.timeStamp32l = (uint32)txTimeStamp[0] + ((uint32)txTimeStamp[1] << 8) + ((uint32)txTimeStamp[2] << 16) + ((uint32)txTimeStamp[3] << 24);
 	dw_event.timeStamp = txTimeStamp[4];
@@ -1089,12 +754,6 @@ void instance_txcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *txd)
 	dw_event.rxLength = 0;
 	dw_event.typeSave = dw_event.type = DWT_SIG_TX_DONE ;
-//	 uint32 dt = portGetTickCnt() - instance_data[instance].timeofTx;
-//	 char debug_msg[100];
-//	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TX CALLBACK: DWT_SIG_TX_DONE. dt: %lu ", dt);
-//	 send_usbmessage((uint8*)&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	 usb_run();
 #if (DEEP_SLEEP == 1)
@@ -1109,17 +768,6 @@ void instance_rxtimeoutcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 	event_data_t dw_event;
-//	int instance = 0;
-//	uint32 response_time = portGetTickCnt() - instance_data[instance].range_start;
-//	uint8 debug_msg[200];
-//	int n = 0;
-//	n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX TIMEOUT CALLBACK");// duration: %lu", response_time);
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
 	dw_event.typeSave = dw_event.type = DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT;
 	dw_event.rxLength = 0;
 	dw_event.timeStamp = 0;
@@ -1131,13 +779,6 @@ void instance_rxtimeoutcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 void instance_rxerrorcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
-//	uint8 debug_msg[200];
-//	int n = 0;
-//	n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX ERROR CALLBACK");
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
 	int instance = 0;
 	//error caused by automatic frame filtering, ignore it and immediately turn rx back on
@@ -1146,12 +787,8 @@ void instance_rxerrorcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
-//	tdma_handler.waitForInf = FALSE;
-//	tdma_handler.waitForRngInit = FALSE;
 	if(tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_RNG_INIT || tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_INIT)
-//		tdma_handler.discovery_mode = WAIT_INF_REG;
 		uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 		tdma_handler.set_discovery_mode(&tdma_handler, WAIT_INF_REG, time_now);
@@ -1170,12 +807,7 @@ void instance_rxerrorcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "instancerxon called from  case instance_rxerrorcallback :");
-//		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		 usb_run();
-		 instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = 255;
+		instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = 255;
 		instancerxon(&instance_data[instance], 0, 0); //immediate enable if anchor or listener
@@ -1192,22 +824,9 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
     uint8 rxd_event = 0;
 	uint8 fcode_index  = 0;
 	event_data_t dw_event;
-//	int num_neighbors = instfindnumactiveneighbors(&instance_data[instance]);
-//	uint8 debug_msg[150];
-//	int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK, mode: %s, num_neighbors %d, discovery_mode %s", get_instanceModes_string(instance_data[instance].mode), num_neighbors, get_discovery_modes_string(tdma_handler.discovery_mode));
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
-//		uint8 debug_msg[150];
-//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK");
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
 	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
-	uint32 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
+	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
 	//if we got a frame with a good CRC - RX OK
 	rxd_event = DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY;
@@ -1222,11 +841,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 			if(rxd->datalength == 12)
 				rxd_event = DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK;
-//				uint8 debug_msg[150];
-//				int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK: DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK");
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
 				rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
@@ -1310,10 +924,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 			if(memcmp(&instance_data[instance].uwbList[0][0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[destAddr_index], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize) != 0)
-//				uint8 debug_msg[150];
-//				int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX Message not addressed to me");
-//				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				 usb_run();
 				rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
@@ -1325,21 +935,9 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 				dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] != RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC)
 			rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
-//			uint8 debug_msg[150];
-//			int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "not INIT/POLL/RESP/FINAL");
-//			 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			 usb_run();
-//	if(rxd_event == SIG_RX_UNKNOWN){
-//		uint8 debug_msg[150];
-//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK: SIG_RX_UNKNOWN");
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
-//	}
 	//first check if the address is already tracked.
 	//if not, add it.
 	//then get the index for that address
@@ -1363,13 +961,12 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 			tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].lastCommNeighbor = time_now;
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK RECEIVED: BLINK uwb_index: %d, uwbToRangeWith: %d ", uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
-//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK RECEIVED: BLINK,%llX,xxxx", instance_get_addr());
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
+		//TODO remove
+		uint8 debug_msg[100];
+//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK RECEIVED: BLINK uwb_index: %d, uwbToRangeWith: %d ", uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK RECEIVED: BLINK,%llX,xxxx", instance_get_addr());
+		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+		usb_run();
 	else if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY)
@@ -1378,39 +975,64 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 		if(uwb_index > 0 && uwb_index < UWB_LIST_SIZE)
-			//TODO maybe do this somewhere else...
 			tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].connectionType = UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR;
 			tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].lastCommNeighbor = time_now;
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////		 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s uwb_index %d, uwbToRangeWith: %d ", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
-//		uint16 my_addr = instance_data[instance].uwbShortAdd;
-//////		uint64 my_addr = (uint64)instance_data[instance].uwbShortAdd;
-////		uint16 *addr_ptr = &instance_data[instance].uwbShortAdd;
-////		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%u,xxxx,%p", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr, (void *) addr_ptr);
-////		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%u,xxxx", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr);
+		//TODO remove
+		uint8 debug_msg[100];
+		uint16 my_addr = instance_data[instance].uwbShortAdd;
 //		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
-////		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "%u,%p", my_addr, (void *)addr_ptr);
 //		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
 //		 usb_run();
+		int n = 0;
+		 if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT )
+		 {
+			n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL )
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP)
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL)
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_REG)
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_INIT)
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG)
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE)
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT)
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
+		 else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC)
+		 {
+			 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%04X,uwb_index: %04d, uwb_trw: %04d", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), my_addr,uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
+		 }
-	}
-//	if(uwb_index > UWB_LIST_SIZE - 1 || uwb_index <= 0)
-//	{
-//		instance_data_t *inst = &instance_data[instance];
+		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+		 usb_run();
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		uint16 my_addr = instance_data[instance].uwbShortAdd;
-//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "uwb_index:%u of %u",uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbListLen);
-//		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		 usb_run();
-		 //TODO solve this problem. other, (incorrect) addresses are making it into our UWB list for some reason...
-		 //think i took care of it, it was incorrect indexing in create/read INF messages
-//	}
+	}
 	bool accept_inf = FALSE;
 	//check if the incoming message indicates that we should range with the source UWB or just accept and process the message
@@ -1424,7 +1046,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 					if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL)
-						//TODO would be good to check if the UWB sending this message was supposed to be ranging in this timeslot
 						instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = uwb_index;
 					else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_REG || dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG || dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE)//only anchor if already received INF_INIT or collected regular INF messages and joined with SUG message
@@ -1434,17 +1055,11 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 				else if (instance_data[instance].mode == DISCOVERY)
-					//TODO use switch case?
 					if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT)
 						if(tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_RNG_INIT)
-							//only accept RNG_INIT if no other active neighbors exist (and we are waiting for RNG_INIT)
-							int num_active = instfindnumneighbors(&instance_data[instance]);
-							if(num_active <= 1)
-							{
-								instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = uwb_index;
-							}
+							instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = uwb_index;
 					else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_INIT)
@@ -1469,48 +1084,25 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 			else if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK)
-				//only accept BLINK if in DISCOVERY mode and no other active neighbors exist
-				//and not waiting for inf or rng_init
+				//only accept BLINK if in DISCOVERY mode and waiting for INF_REG
 				if(instance_data[instance].mode == DISCOVERY)
 					if(tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_REG)
-						int num_neighbors = instfindnumneighbors(&instance_data[instance]);
-//						uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//						int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "num_neighbors %d", num_neighbors);
-//						send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//						usb_run();
-//						if(num_neighbors <= 1) //TODO i don't think I want this
-//						{
-							instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = uwb_index;
-//						}
+						instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = uwb_index;
-//	n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "uwb_index %d, uwbToRangeWith %d", uwb_index, instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith);
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
 	int place_event = 0;
 	if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY && uwb_index != 255)
 		//always accept.
 		if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT || dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC)
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: RNG_REPORT <- uwb_index %d", uwb_index);
-//			 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			 usb_run();
-//			instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
-//			instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
 			place_event = 1;
@@ -1518,20 +1110,9 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 	if(accept_inf == TRUE)
 		place_event = 1;
-		if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG)
-		{
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s, %llX, xxxx", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), instance_get_addr());
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
-		}
 	else if(uwb_index != 255 && instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith == uwb_index)
 		if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY)
 			//process RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL immediately.
@@ -1559,7 +1140,7 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 				instance_data[instance].msg.seqNum = instance_data[instance].frameSN++;
+				//TODO
 				//set the delayed rx on time (the final message will be sent after this delay)
 //				dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint32)instance_data[instance].txToRxDelayAnc_sy);  //units are 1.0256us - wait for wait4respTIM before RX on (delay RX)
 				 dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);  //units are 1.0256us - wait for wait4respTIM before RX on (delay RX)
@@ -1585,37 +1166,9 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 					dw_event.typePend = DWT_SIG_TX_PENDING ; // exit this interrupt and notify the application/instance that TX is in progress.
 					instance_data[instance].timeofTx = time_now;
+					instance_data[instance].txDoneTimeoutDuration = 200; //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
-				instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index] = 0; //clear ToF .. //TODO does this need to be here?
-//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP)
-//			{
-//			}
-//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT)
-//			{
-//			}
-//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL)
-//			{
-//			}
-//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT)
-//			{
-//				instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = portGetTickCnt();
-//				instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: RNG_REPORT <- uwb_index %d", uwb_index);
-//				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				 usb_run();
-//			}
-//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC)
-//			{
-//			}
 			place_event = 1;
@@ -1625,24 +1178,8 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
-	// TODO figure out a better way to do this, I'd like to keep it where it was if possible
-	// doing it here because it needs to be toggled before toggling the rx buffer pointer
-	// Toggle the Host side Receive Buffer Pointer
-//	dwt_write8bitoffsetreg(SYS_CTRL_ID, SYS_CTRL_HRBT_OFFSET, 1);
-//	uint8 buff = dwt_read8bitoffsetreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, 3);
-//	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX BUFFER TOGGLE: %d", buff);
-//	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	 usb_run();
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "event placed");
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
 #if (DEEP_SLEEP == 1)
@@ -1654,21 +1191,10 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
-		// instance_rxerrorcallback(rxd);
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "instancerxon called from !event_placed :");
-//		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		 usb_run();
 		instancerxon(&instance_data[instance], 0, 0); //immediately reenable RX
 int instance_peekevent(void)
 	int instance = 0;
@@ -1725,7 +1251,9 @@ event_data_t* instance_getevent(int x)
 	if(MAX_EVENT_NUMBER == instance_data[instance].dweventIdxOut) //wrap the counter
+	{
 		instance_data[instance].dweventIdxOut = 0;
+	}
 	instance_data[instance].dweventPeek = instance_data[instance].dweventIdxOut; //set the new peek value
@@ -1759,108 +1287,25 @@ int instance_run(void)
 	while(done == INST_NOT_DONE_YET)
-//		uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
 		done = testapprun(&instance_data[instance], &tdma_handler, message) ; // run the communications application
-//		uint64 duration = get_dt64(time_now_us, portGetTickCntMicro());
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TAR, duration, %llu", duration);
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
-		//we've processed message
 		message = 0;
 	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
-	//check timeouts. handle case where we timeout and no longer have any neighbors
+	//check timeouts.
 	if(tdma_handler.check_timeouts(&tdma_handler, time_now))
-		tdma_handler.tdma_free_all_slots(&tdma_handler);
-		instance_data[instance].mode = DISCOVERY;						//TODO clear the TDMA slot information!
-		tdma_handler.discoveryStartTime = portGetTickCnt();
+		//handle case where we timeout and no longer have any neighbors
+		instance_data[instance].mode = DISCOVERY;
 		instance_data[instance].canPrintInfo = 0;
-		instance_data[instance].ranging = 0;
-//	//check if lastCommTimeStamp has expired for any of the uwbs in our list
-//	for(int i=1; i < instance_data[instance].uwbListLen; i++)//0 reserved for self, timeout not applicable
-//	{
-//		//TODO could also have a timer to put into DISCOVERY if we haven't spoken to anyone in a while
-//		uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
-//		uint32 delta_t = get_dt32(instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[i], time_now);
-//		if(delta_t > UWB_COMM_TIMEOUT) //TODO handle number wrapping
-//		{
-////			if(instance_data[instance].uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR) //what about hidden?
-//			if(tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR) //what about hidden?
-//			{
-////				instance_data[instance].uwbListType[i] = UWB_LIST_INACTIVE; //TODO release TDMA slots as well
-//				tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType = UWB_LIST_INACTIVE; //TODO release TDMA slots as well
-//				instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[i] = 1;
-//				//NEW
-//				//if no more active neighbors exist, transition to DISCOVERY
-//				uint8 numNeighbors = instfindnumactiveneighbors(&instance_data[instance]);
-//				if(numNeighbors <= 0)
-//				{
-//					tdma_handler.tdma_free_all_slots(&tdma_handler);
-////					uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////					int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst) after free_all_slots");
-////					send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-////					usb_run();
-//					instance_data[instance].mode = DISCOVERY;						//TODO clear the TDMA slot information!
-//					tdma_handler.discoveryStartTime = portGetTickCnt();
-//					tdma_handler.enter_discovery_mode(&tdma_handler);
-//					inst_processtxrxtimeout(&instance_data[instance]);
-//					instance_data[instance].canPrintInfo = 0;
-//					instance_data[instance].ranging = 0;
-//				}
-//				else
-//				{
-//					//TODO check if able to reconfigure tdma assignements. shrink frame size, reassign emptied slots, etc
-//					tdma_handler.uwblist_free_slots(&tdma_handler, i);
-//				}
-////				 uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TIMEOUT: uwb %i", i);
-////				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-////				 usb_run();
-//			}
-//			if(instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith == i)
-//			{
-//				instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = 255;
-//				//NOTE this might need to be changed for TAG operations
-//				if(instance_data[instance].mode == ANCHOR || instance_data[instance].mode == DISCOVERY) //TODO maybe send to TA_MODE_SELECT?
-//				{
-//					instance_data[instance].testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
-//				}
-//				else
-//				{
-////					 uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////					 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "instance_run(void) TIMEOUT");
-////					 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-////					 usb_run();
-//					instance_data[instance].testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT;
-//				}
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
     if(done == INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT_TO) //we are in RX and need to timeout (Tag needs to send another poll if no Rx frame)
     	if(instance_data[instance].mode == DISCOVERY)
@@ -1884,12 +1329,6 @@ int instance_run(void)
         if(instance_data[instance].instanceTimerTime < portGetTickCnt())
-//        	uint8 debug_msg[200];
-//			int n = 0;
-//			n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "instance timer expired");
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
 			event_data_t dw_event;
             instance_data[instance].instanceTimerEnabled = 0;
 			dw_event.rxLength = 0;
@@ -1933,16 +1372,3 @@ uint16 instancerxantdly(void)
-/* ==========================================================
-Previously code handled multiple instances in a single console application
-Now have changed it to do a single instance only. With minimal code changes...(i.e. kept [instance] index but it is always 0.
-Windows application should call instance_init() once and then in the "main loop" call instance_run().
diff --git a/src/application/tdma_handler.c b/src/application/tdma_handler.c
index 6da5ec2..b9b688c 100644
--- a/src/application/tdma_handler.c
+++ b/src/application/tdma_handler.c
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ static bool slot_transition(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 	if(inst->mode == TAG ||
 	   inst->mode == ANCHOR ||
-	   (inst->mode == DISCOVERY && (this->discovery_mode == WAIT_SEND_SUG)))// || this->discovery_mode == COLLECT_INF_REG)))//TODO this may be out of date
+	   (inst->mode == DISCOVERY && (this->discovery_mode == WAIT_SEND_SUG || this->discovery_mode == COLLECT_INF_REG)))//TODO this may be out of date
 		uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
 		uint64 timeSinceSlotStart64 = get_dt64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, time_now_us);
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ static bool slot_transition(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 			//we have transitioned into the next slot.
 			//get the slot number and set the start time appropriately
-//			uint64 timeSinceFrameStart64 = get_dt64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], time_now_us);
 			uint64 timeSinceFrameStart64 = get_dt64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, time_now_us);
 			//TODO this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime is sometimes getting set to a time in the future... figure out!
@@ -43,25 +42,17 @@ static bool slot_transition(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 //				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
 //				usb_run();
-				//TODO think about adopting rebase AFTER all neighbors have had a chance to TX the rebase in their INF message as well.
-//				this->rebase_pending = FALSE;
-//				this->rebase_tx = FALSE;
-//				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = this->rebase_frameStartTime64;
-//				timeSinceFrameStart64 = get_dt64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], time_now_us);
 			while(timeSinceFrameStart64 >= frameDuration64)
-//				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_add64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], frameDuration64);
 				this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = timestamp_add64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, frameDuration64);
 				timeSinceFrameStart64 -= frameDuration64;
-//			this->lastFST = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0];
 			this->lastFST = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime;
 			uint8 slot = timeSinceFrameStart64/(this->slotDuration_us); //integer division rounded down
-//			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] + (uint64)(this->slotDuration_us*slot);
 			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime + (uint64)(this->slotDuration_us*slot);
@@ -70,31 +61,9 @@ static bool slot_transition(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 //				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
 //				 usb_run();
-//			n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "&this->slotAssignments[slot]: %u, &inst->uwbShortAdd %u :", this->slotAssignments[slot], inst->uwbShortAdd);
-//			 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			 usb_run();
-//			if(this->slot_assigned(this, slot) == TRUE)
-//			{
-//			}
-//			struct TDMAInfo *info = &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0];
-//			bool assigned0 = this->slot_assigned(info, 0);
-//			bool assigned1 = this->slot_assigned(info, 1);
-//			bool assigned2 = this->slot_assigned(info, 2);
-//			bool assigned3 = this->slot_assigned(info, 3);
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "NEW SLOT %u, ass0: %u, ass1: %u, ass2: %u, ass3: %u,", slot, assigned0, assigned1, assigned2, assigned3);
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
 			if(inst->mode != DISCOVERY)
-				if(this->slot_assigned(&this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0], slot) == TRUE) //TODO left off here, for some reason it fails when I try this...
+				if(this->slot_assigned(&this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0], slot) == TRUE)
 					inst->mode = TAG;
@@ -124,17 +93,10 @@ static bool slot_transition(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 	return transition;
-//static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint16 rxLength, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
-//static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *messageData, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
 static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 framelength, uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
 	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-//	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "frame sync");
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
 	//do not process erroneous tsfs
 	//can happen if frame start time is shifted ahead of time_now_us in transmitting UWB
 	if(timeSinceFrameStart_us > 1000000000 || timeSinceFrameStart_us == 0)
@@ -142,20 +104,12 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 f
 	uint8 sys_time_arr[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
 	uint64 dwt_time_now = 0;
 	dwt_time_now = (uint64)sys_time_arr[0] + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[1] << 8) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[2] << 16) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[3] << 24) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[4] << 32);
 	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
-//	uint8 framelength;
-//	uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us = 0;
-//	memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[TDMA_FRAMELENGTH], sizeof(uint8));
-//	//timeSinceFrameStart in message
-//	memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart_us, &messageData[TDMA_TSFS], 6);
 	//time from message to tx
 	//assuming zero since we use DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE
@@ -166,7 +120,7 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 f
 	//NOTE: assuming zero since difference for speed of light travel time over 10cm and 100m is negligible for frame sync purposes
 	//rx antenna delay
-	//NOTE: we won't use this, because the antenna delay is captured by the RX timestamp
+	//NOTE: antenna delay is captured by the RX timestamp
 	//time from rx timestamp to now
 	uint64 rxfs_process_delay = dwt_getdt(dw_event->timeStamp, dwt_time_now);
@@ -174,27 +128,18 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 f
 	uint64 txrx_delay =  (uint64)(convertdevicetimetosec(tx_antenna_delay + rxfs_process_delay)*1000000.0) + inst->storePreLen_us;
 	uint64 hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us = timeSinceFrameStart_us + txrx_delay;
-//	this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[srcIndex] = timestamp_subtract64(time_now_us, hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us); //TODO consider applying the diff!
-	this->uwbListTDMAInfo[srcIndex].frameStartTime = timestamp_subtract64(time_now_us, hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us); //TODO consider applying the diff!
+	this->uwbListTDMAInfo[srcIndex].frameStartTime = timestamp_subtract64(time_now_us, hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us);
 	if(mode == FS_COLLECT)
-	else if(mode == FS_ADOPT) //TODO this might not be right! incoming framelength not always the same as ours!
+	else if(mode == FS_ADOPT)
-//		this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[srcIndex];
-//		this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[srcIndex].frameStartTime;
-//		uint8 slot = hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us/this->slotDuration_us; //integer division rounded down
-//		this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] + (uint64)((this->slotDuration_us)*slot);
-//		this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime + (uint64)((this->slotDuration_us)*slot);
 		this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[srcIndex].frameStartTime;//NOTE gets processed further at end of function
-	else// if(mode == FS_AVERAGE || mode == FS_EVAL) //TODO consider using a weighted average. perhaps use threshholds to determine if instead we should just use the ADOPT logic
+	else// if(mode == FS_AVERAGE || mode == FS_EVAL)
-//		uint64 myFramelengthDuration_us = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength*this->slotDuration_us;
-//		uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], time_now_us);
 		uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, time_now_us);
@@ -224,7 +169,6 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 f
 				diff_us = min_framelengthDuration - diff_tsfs_mod;
-				//subtract
@@ -235,7 +179,6 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 f
 			if(diff_tsfs_mod <= 0.5*min_framelengthDuration)
 				diff_us = diff_tsfs_mod;
-				//subtract
@@ -261,33 +204,25 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 f
 		if(diff_add == TRUE)
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "add %llu", diff_us);
-//			 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			 usb_run();
-//			this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_add64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/div);
 			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = timestamp_add64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, diff_us/div);
-//			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_add64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/div);
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "subtract %llu", diff_us);
-//			 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			 usb_run();
-//			this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_subtract64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/div);
 			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = timestamp_subtract64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, diff_us/div);
-//			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_subtract64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/div);
 	uint64 myFrameDuration = this->slotDuration_us*this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength;
-	uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, time_now_us); //TODO what if added to be past time_now???
+	uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, time_now_us);
 	if(myTimeSinceFrameStart_us > 100000000)
-		//if this is a very large number, then the frame start time was likely moved head of time_now_us.
-		this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime - (uint64)(this->slotDuration_us);
+		//if this is a very large number, then the frame start time was likely moved ahead of time_now_us.
+		while(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime > time_now_us)
+		{
+			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = timestamp_subtract64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, myFrameDuration);
+		}
+		myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, time_now_us);
@@ -296,10 +231,10 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 f
 			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = timestamp_add64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, myFrameDuration);
 			myTimeSinceFrameStart_us -= myFrameDuration;
-		uint8 slot = hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us/this->slotDuration_us; //integer division rounded down
-		this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime + (uint64)(this->slotDuration_us*slot);
+	uint8 slot = myTimeSinceFrameStart_us/this->slotDuration_us; //integer division rounded down
+	this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_add64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, (uint64)(this->slotDuration_us*slot));
@@ -307,7 +242,6 @@ static bool tx_sync_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
 	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
-//	uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], time_now_us);
 	uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, time_now_us);
 	memcpy(&inst->sync_msg.messageData[SYNC_FRAMELENGTH], &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength, sizeof(uint8));
 	memcpy(&inst->sync_msg.messageData[SYNC_TSFS], &myTimeSinceFrameStart_us, 6);
@@ -336,209 +270,18 @@ static bool tx_sync_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 		inst->previousState = inst->testAppState;
 		inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;	// wait confirmation
+		inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+		inst->txDoneTimeoutDuration = 200; //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
+//		inst->monitor = 1;
 		return TRUE;
-////static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint16 rxLength, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
-//static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *messageData, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
-//	//ignore frame sync if we have a rebase pending
-////	if(this->rebase_pending == TRUE)
-////	{
-////		return;
-////	}
-//	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-//	uint8 sys_time_arr[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-//	dwt_readsystime(sys_time_arr);
-//	uint64 dwt_time_now = (uint64)sys_time_arr[0] + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[1] << 8) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[2] << 16) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[3] << 24) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[4] << 32);
-//	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
-//	uint8 framelength;
-//	uint32 timeSinceFrameStart64 = 0;
-////	bool rebase = FALSE;
-//	memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[TDMA_FRAMELENGTH], sizeof(uint8));
-//	//timeSinceFrameStart in message
-//	memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart64, &messageData[TDMA_TSFS], sizeof(uint64));
-////	memcpy(&rebase, &messageData[TDMA_TSFS_REBASE], sizeof(bool));
-//	//time from message to tx
-//	//assuming zero since we use DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE
-//	//tx antenna delay
-//	uint64 tx_antenna_delay = (uint64)inst->txAntennaDelay;
-//	//time for xmission (only count once, happens on both sides near simultaneously)
-//	//easiest way to check would be to see if it is the same as the defines for other standard messages...
-//	inst->frameLengths_us[INF] = instance_getmessageduration_us(dw_event->rxLength); //TODO should maybe make sure extended framelength cannot overflow a uint32
-//	//time to propagate
-//	//NOTE: assuming zero since difference for speed of light travel time over 10cm and 100m is negligible for frame sync purposes
-//	//rx antenna delay
-//	//NOTE: we won't use this, because the antenna delay is captured by the RX timestamp
-//	//time from rx timestamp to now
-//	uint64 rxfs_process_delay = dwt_getdt(dw_event->timeStamp, dwt_time_now);
-//	uint64 txrx_delay =  (uint64)(convertdevicetimetosec(tx_antenna_delay + rxfs_process_delay)*1000000.0) + inst->storePreLen_us;
-//	uint64 hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us = timeSinceFrameStart64 + txrx_delay;
-//	this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[srcIndex] = timestamp_subtract64(time_now_us, hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us); //TODO consider applying the diff!
-//	if(mode == FS_ADOPT)
-//	{
-//		this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[srcIndex];
-//		uint8 slot = hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us/this->slotDuration_us; //integer division rounded down
-//		this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] + (uint64)((this->slotDuration_us)*slot);
-//	}
-//	else if(mode == FS_COLLECT)
-//	{
-//		return;
-//	}
-//	else if(mode == FS_AVERAGE) //TODO consider using a weighted average. perhaps use threshholds to determine if instead we should just use the ADOPT logic
-//	{
-////		if(this->discovery_mode == COLLECT_INF_REG)
-////		{
-////			//TODO handle the case where we are collecting from two different UWB networks that are not synchronized
-////			//in case there are multiple subnetworks... only collect average frame start times for one of them...
-////			//send out INF_SUG in that 0th frame with rebase to the other subnetwork's frame. but what if there are two other networks?
-////			//instead send out INF fug in that 0th frame with rebase to that frame. Hopefully the other networks will get the message.
-////			//if not, the discrepency will eventually be taken care of the ANCHOR and TAG logic, regarless of how many subnetworks there are.
-////			//sync to the largest subnetwork...
-////		}
-////		if(rebase == TRUE)
-////		{
-////			this->rebase_pending = TRUE;
-////			this->rebase_tx = FALSE;
-////			this->rebase_frameStartTime64 = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[srcIndex];
-////			return;
-////		}
-//		uint64 myFramelengthDuration_us = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength*this->slotDuration_us;
-//		uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], time_now_us);
-//		uint64 diff_us = 0;
-//		bool diff_add = FALSE;
-//		uint64 threshold = this->slotStartDelay_us; //TODO make a permanent variable for this threshold
-//		//TODO make sure this can't/doesn't happen
-//		//myTimeSinceFrameStart is longer than the FramelengthDuration!!!
-////		if(myTimeSinceFrameStart > myFramelengthDuration)
-////		{
-////			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////			int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "myTimeSinceFrameStart > myTimeSinceFrameStart!");//,%llX, psdu: %d ", instance_get_addr(), psduLength);
-////			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-////			usb_run();
-////		}
-//		if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength <= framelength)
-//		{
-//			uint64 hisTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us = hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us%myFramelengthDuration_us;
-//			if(myTimeSinceFrameStart_us > hisTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us)
-//			{
-//				diff_us = myTimeSinceFrameStart_us - hisTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us;
-//				diff_add = TRUE;
-////				uint64 diff_us = myTimeSinceFrameStart_us - hisTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us;
-////				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_add64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/2);
-////				this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_add64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/2);
-//			}
-//			else
-//			{
-//				diff_us = hisTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us - myTimeSinceFrameStart_us;
-//				diff_add = FALSE;
-////				uint64 diff_us = hisTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us - myTimeSinceFrameStart_us;
-////				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_subtract64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/2);
-////				this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_subtract64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/2);
-//			}
-//		}
-//		else
-//		{
-//			uint64 hisFramelengthDuration_us = framelength*this->slotDuration_us;
-//			uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us = myTimeSinceFrameStart_us%hisFramelengthDuration_us;
-////			if(timeSinceFrameStart > hisFramelengthDuration)
-////			{
-////				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "timeSinceFrameStart > hisFramelengthDuration!");
-////				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-////				usb_run();
-////			}
-//			if(hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us > myTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us)
-//			{
-//				diff_us = hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us - myTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us;
-//				diff_add = FALSE;
-////				uint64 diff_us = hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us - myTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us;
-////				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_subtract64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/2);
-////				this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_subtract64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/2);
-//			}
-//			else
-//			{
-//				diff_us = myTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us - hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us;
-//				diff_add = TRUE;
-////				uint64 diff_us = myTimeSinceFrameStartMod_us - hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us;
-////				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_add64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/2);
-////				this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_add64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/2);
-//			}
-//		}
-//		//if the difference is too large, we need to rebase our frame start time
-////		if(diff_us > threshold)
-////		{
-////			this->rebase_pending = TRUE;
-////			this->rebase_tx = FALSE;
-////			this->rebase_frameStartTime64 = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[srcIndex];
-////		}
-////		else
-////		{
-//			if(diff_add == TRUE)
-//			{
-//				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_add64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/2);
-//				this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_add64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/2);
-//			}
-//			else
-//			{
-//				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_subtract64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/2);
-//				this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_subtract64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/2);
-//			}
-////		}
-//	}
 static bool tx_select(struct TDMAHandler *this)
-//	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "tx_select,");
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
 	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt(); //TODO come back and perhaps use only one or the other
-	uint32 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro(); //TODO see time_now
-	//DISCOVERY pauses for BLINK_DELAY <-added
-//	if(this->waitForInf == TRUE || this->waitForRngInit == TRUE)
-//	{
-//		return FALSE;
-//	}
+	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
 	int uwb_index = 255;
@@ -550,7 +293,7 @@ static bool tx_select(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 				//time to blink
 				uwb_index = 255;
-				this->set_discovery_mode(this, WAIT_RNG_INIT, time_now);
+				this->set_discovery_mode(this, WAIT_RNG_INIT, portGetTickCnt());
@@ -559,61 +302,18 @@ static bool tx_select(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 				inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
 				return TRUE;
-//			//start blinking if enough time has passed since entering DISCOVERY mode
-//			uint32 timeSinceDiscoverStart = get_dt32(this->discoveryStartTime, time_now);
-//			if(timeSinceDiscoverStart > this->waitInfDuration)
-//			{
-//				//enforce blink period
-//				uint32 timeSinceLastBlink = get_dt32(this->last_blink_time, time_now);
-//	//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	//			int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "timeSinceLastBlink %lu, BLINK_PERIOD_MS %lu ", timeSinceLastBlink, (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS);
-//	//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	//			usb_run();
-//				if(timeSinceLastBlink  > (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS + this->blinkPeriodRand)
-//				{
-//					//time to blink
-//					uwb_index = 255;
-//					this->set_discovery_mode(this, WAIT_RNG_INIT, time_now);
-//				}
-//				else
-//				{
-//					//not time to blink yet, keep waiting for RNG_INIT
-//					inst->wait4ack = 0;
-//					inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
-//					return TRUE;
-//				}
-//			}
-//			else
-//			{
-//				//shouldn't be in this mode, should be listening for INF messages
-//				inst->wait4ack = 0;
-//				inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
-//				return TRUE;
-//			}
 		else if(this->discovery_mode == SEND_SUG)
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "discovery send sug");
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
 			//get time since slot start and make sure that's greater than delay
 			uint64 timeSinceSlotStart = get_dt64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, time_now_us);
-			//make sure that we are in slot 0
 			if(timeSinceSlotStart <= this->slotStartDelay_us)
 				uwb_index = -1;
-				//TODO figure out how to make sure we send our SUG packet at the right time...
 				inst->wait4ack = 0;
 				inst->testAppState = TA_TXINF_WAIT_SEND;
 				inst->uwbToRangeWith = (uint8)255;
@@ -651,7 +351,7 @@ static bool tx_select(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 				if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
-					uint32 timeSinceRange = get_dt32(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].lastRange, time_now);
+					uint32 timeSinceRange = get_dt32(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].lastRange, portGetTickCnt());
 					if(timeSinceOldestRange == 0)
@@ -699,12 +399,6 @@ static bool tx_select(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 		return TRUE;
-//	debug_msg[100];
-//	n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "selected index %i ", uwb_index);
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
 	if(uwb_index < 1) //set to -1 when waiting for the slotStartDelay to pass
 		//do nothing
@@ -778,7 +472,6 @@ static void populate_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 inf_msg_type)
 	int num_neighbors = instfindnumneighbors(inst);
 	int num_hidden = instfindnumhidden(inst);
-//	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 	int msgDataIndex = FCODE;
@@ -786,16 +479,7 @@ static void populate_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 inf_msg_type)
 	//time since frame start
-	//populated directly before being sent
-//	msgDataIndex = TDMA_TSFS;
-//	uint32 timeSinceFrameStart = get_dt32(this->uwbFrameStartTimes[0], time_now); //TODO handle number wrapping
-//	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &timeSinceFrameStart, sizeof(uint32));
-//	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TX MSG_INF timeSinceFrameStart: %lu", timeSinceFrameStart);
-//	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	 usb_run();
+	//populated immediately before being sent
 	//number of neighbors
 	msgDataIndex = TDMA_NUMN;
@@ -805,7 +489,6 @@ static void populate_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 inf_msg_type)
 	msgDataIndex = TDMA_NUMH;
 	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &num_hidden, sizeof(uint8));
 	//self framelength
 	msgDataIndex = TDMA_FRAMELENGTH;
 	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength, sizeof(uint8));
@@ -825,7 +508,6 @@ static void populate_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 inf_msg_type)
 	//neighbor address, framelength, number of slots, and slot assignments
 	for(int i = 1; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++) //slot 0 reserved for self
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
 		if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
 			struct TDMAInfo *info = &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i];
@@ -854,7 +536,6 @@ static void populate_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 inf_msg_type)
 	//hidden address, framelength, number of slots, and slot assignments
 	for(int i = 1; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++) //slot 0 reserved for self
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN)
 		if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN)
 			struct TDMAInfo *info = &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i];
@@ -892,11 +573,8 @@ static void populate_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 inf_msg_type)
 static void update_inf_tsfs(struct TDMAHandler *this)
-	//TODO check if tsfs is greater than frameDuration, update if so
 	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
 	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
-	int msgDataIndex = TDMA_TSFS;
 	uint64 timeSinceFrameStart64 = get_dt64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime, time_now_us);
 	uint64 frameDuration = this->slotDuration_us*this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength;
@@ -915,11 +593,11 @@ static void update_inf_tsfs(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 		timeSinceFrameStart64 = 0;
-	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &timeSinceFrameStart64, 6);
+	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[TDMA_TSFS], &timeSinceFrameStart64, 6);
+//TODO check below for accuracy
 //Procedure for processing INF SUG, INF REG, and INF UPDATE
 //1. Check for differences with locally stored TDMA assignment information
 //		(a) exit if none exist
@@ -940,12 +618,6 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 	//NOTE: this function does not handle TDMA deconflict
-//	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "process INF");
-//	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	 usb_run();
 	bool tdma_modified = FALSE;
 	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
@@ -964,7 +636,6 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 		safeAssign = TRUE;
 	uint8 inf_msg_type;
 	memcpy(&inf_msg_type, &messageData[FCODE], sizeof(uint8));
@@ -994,7 +665,6 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 	int msgDataIndex = TDMA_NUMS + 1;
-	//TODO have deconflict mode???
 	bool uwbListInMsg[UWB_LIST_SIZE];
 	for(int i = 0; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)
@@ -1043,7 +713,8 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 	if(mode == CLEAR_LISTED_COPY)
-		this->free_slots(info); //do after cheking framelength because framelength will be reset
+		//do after cheking framelength because framelength will be reset
+		this->free_slots(info);
 	info->framelength = MAX(framelength, info->framelength);
@@ -1055,14 +726,8 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 		this->assign_slot(info, slot, safeAssign);
-//		if(this->assign_slot(info, slot) == TRUE)
-//		{
-//			tdma_modified = TRUE;  //TODO this is not right, it should somehow compare before and after...
-//		}
 	for(int i = 0; i < numNeighbors; i++)
 		uint8 address[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
@@ -1072,21 +737,17 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 		uint8 uwb_index = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &address[0], inst->addrByteSize);
 		if(uwb_index != 0)
-//			if(inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] == UWB_LIST_INACTIVE || inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN)
 			if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].connectionType == UWB_LIST_INACTIVE || this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].connectionType == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN)
-//				inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] = UWB_LIST_HIDDEN;
 				this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].connectionType = UWB_LIST_HIDDEN;
-//			inst->lastHiddenTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
 			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].lastCommHidden = time_now;
 		info = &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index];
 		uwbListInMsg[uwb_index] = TRUE;
 		memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[msgDataIndex], sizeof(uint8));
 		memcpy(&numSlots, &messageData[msgDataIndex], sizeof(uint8));
@@ -1120,7 +781,8 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 		if(mode == CLEAR_LISTED_COPY)
-			this->free_slots(info); //do after checking framelength because framelength reset
+			//do after checking framelength because framelength reset
+			this->free_slots(info);
 		info->framelength = MAX(framelength, info->framelength);
@@ -1132,10 +794,6 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 			this->assign_slot(info, slot, safeAssign);
-//			if(this->assign_slot(info, slot) == TRUE)
-//			{
-//				tdma_modified = TRUE; //TODO also not right! need to check modification
-//			}
@@ -1148,14 +806,11 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 		uint8 uwb_index = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &address[0], inst->addrByteSize);
 		if(uwb_index != 0)//0 reserved for self
-//			if(inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] == UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
 			if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].connectionType == UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
-//				inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] = UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN;
 				this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].connectionType = UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN;
-//			inst->lastTwiceHiddenTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
 			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].lastCommTwiceHidden = time_now;
@@ -1195,27 +850,21 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 		if(mode == CLEAR_LISTED_COPY)
-			this->free_slots(info); //do after checking for difference because will reset framelength as well
+			//do after checking for difference because will reset framelength as well
+			this->free_slots(info);
 		info->framelength = MAX(framelength, info->framelength);
 		msgDataIndex = msgDataIndexSave;
-//		int msgDataIndex = msgDataIndexSave;
 		for(int s = 0; s < numSlots; s++)
 			memcpy(&slot, &messageData[msgDataIndex], sizeof(uint8));
 			this->assign_slot(info, slot, safeAssign);
-//			if(this->assign_slot(info, slot) == TRUE) //the only problem i see with this is that it does not give me a good way to isolate which ones were or weren't modified, this is a problem for deconflict logic...
-//			{
-//				tdma_modified = TRUE;
-//			}
-	//handle deconflict???
 	if(mode == CLEAR_LISTED_COPY)
 		//deconflict uncopied against copied. (excluding self)
@@ -1225,11 +874,6 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
 				if((uwbListInMsg[i] == FALSE && uwbListInMsg[j] == TRUE) || (uwbListInMsg[i] == TRUE && uwbListInMsg[j] == FALSE))
-//					if((inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR) ||
-//					   (inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN)   ||
-//					   (inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR) ||
-//					   (inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN))
 					if((this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && this->uwbListTDMAInfo[j].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR) ||
 					   (this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && this->uwbListTDMAInfo[j].connectionType == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN)   ||
 					   (this->uwbListTDMAInfo[j].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR) ||
@@ -1258,530 +902,9 @@ static bool process_inf_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8
-//	uint32 deltat = get_dt32(time_now, portGetTickCnt());
-//	if(deltat > 1)
-//	{
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "process_inf_time:%lu,%04X,xxxx", deltat, inst->uwbShortAdd);
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
-//	}
 	return tdma_modified;
-static bool check_tdma_diff(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8 *srcIndex)
-	return TRUE;
-//	struct TDMAInfo info = &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[srcIndex];
-//	if(info->framelength != framelength || info->slotsLength != numSlots)
-//	{
-//		return TRUE;
-//	}
-//	for(int s = 0; s < numSlots; s++)
-//	{
-//		memcpy(&slot, &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//		msgDataIndex++;
-//		if(this->slot_assigned(info, slot) == FALSE)
-//		{
-//			return TRUE;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	for(int i = 0; i < numNeighbors; i++)
-//	{
-//		memcpy(&address, &messageData[msgDataIndex], inst->addrByteSize);
-//		msgDataIndex += inst->addrByteSize;
-//		uint8 uwb_index = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &address[0], inst->addrByteSize);
-//		info = &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index];
-//		memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//		msgDataIndex++;
-//		memcpy(&numSlots, &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//		msgDataIndex++;
-//		if(info->framelength != framelength || info->slotsLength != numSlots)
-//		{
-//			return TRUE;
-//		}
-//		for(int s = 0; s < numSlots; s++)
-//		{
-//			memcpy(&slot, &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//			msgDataIndex++;
-//			if(this->slot_assigned(info, slot) == FALSE)
-//			{
-//				return TRUE;
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
-//	for(int i = 0; i < numHidden; i++)
-//	{
-//		memcpy(&address, &messageData[msgDataIndex], inst->addrByteSize);
-//		msgDataIndex += inst->addrByteSize;
-//		uint8 uwb_index = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &address[0], inst->addrByteSize);
-//		info = &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index];
-//		memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//		msgDataIndex++;
-//		memcpy(&numSlots, &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//		msgDataIndex++;
-//		if(info->framelength != framelength || info->slotsLength != numSlots)
-//		{
-//			return TRUE;
-//		}
-//		for(int s = 0; s < numSlots; s++)
-//		{
-//			memcpy(&slot, &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//			msgDataIndex++;
-//			if(this->slot_assigned(info, slot) == FALSE)
-//			{
-//				return TRUE;
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
-//	return FALSE;
-//TODO add conflict detection/resolution!!!
-//static void populate_sug_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this)
-//	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-//	//if I'm here, i should clear my own assignment information
-//	if(this->mySlots != NULL && this->mySlotsLength != 0)
-//	{
-//		this->mySlotsLength = 0;
-//		free(this->mySlots);
-//		this->mySlots = NULL;
-//	}
-//	uint8 unassigned = 255;
-//	for(int i = 0; i < this->maxFramelength; i++)
-//	{
-//		memcpy(&this->slotAssignments[i], &unassigned, sizeof(uint8));
-//	}
-//	this->framelength = MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
-//	inst->inf_msg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG;
-//	int msgDataIndex = FCODE + 1;
-//	int num_neighbors = instfindnumactiveneighbors(inst);
-//	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
-//	//TODO build framelength after creating slot assignments...
-////	//framelength
-////	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &this->framelength, 1);
-//	msgDataIndex++;
-//	uint32 timeSinceFrameStart = get_dt32(this->frameStartTime, time_now); //TODO handle number wrapping
-//	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &timeSinceFrameStart, sizeof(uint32));
-//	msgDataIndex += sizeof(timeSinceFrameStart);
-////	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TX MSG_INF timeSinceFrameStart: %lu", timeSinceFrameStart);
-////	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-////	 usb_run();
-//	//number of neighbors
-//	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &num_neighbors, 1);
-//	msgDataIndex++;
-//	//neighbor addresses
-//	for(int i = 0; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)
-//	{
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
-//		{
-//			memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &inst->uwbList[i][0], inst->addrByteSize);
-//			msgDataIndex += inst->addrByteSize;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	//neighbor framelength
-//	for(int i = 0; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)
-//	{
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
-//		{
-//			memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &this->uwbFramelengths[i], 1);
-//			msgDataIndex++;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	//addresses in each TDMA slot
-////	for(int i = 0; i < this->framelength; i++)
-////	{
-////		memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &this->slotAssignments[i], 2);
-////		msgDataIndex += 2;
-////	}
-//	//TODO check for conflicts at some point
-//	//use the slotAssignements array to combine the collected information
-//	//note: try to keep framelength as small as possible
-//	//note: if we have to increase the framelength, start over!
-////	uint8 mfl = this->framelength;
-////	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "this->framelength: %u", this->framelength);
-////	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-////	 usb_run();
-//	//getting stuck in here... somehow this->framelength is getting set to 0
-//	for(int i = 0; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)
-//	{
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[i] != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
-//		{
-//			uint8 framelength_i = this->uwbFramelengths[i];
-//			for(int j = 0; j < this->uwbListSlotsLengths[i]; j++)
-//			{
-//				//get slot
-//				uint8 slot_j;
-//				bool double_frame = FALSE;
-//				memcpy(&slot_j, &this->uwbListSlots[i][j], 1);
-//				//check if slot is taken
-//				if(slot_j >= this->framelength)
-//				{
-//					uint8 mod_slot = slot_j%this->framelength;
-//					if(mod_slot == 0)
-//					{
-//						//slots not allowed to be assigned to the zeroth slot
-//						double_frame = TRUE;
-//					}
-//					else
-//					{
-////						if(memcmp(&this->slotAssignments[mod_slot], &zero, sizeof(uint8)) == 0)
-//						if(memcmp(&this->slotAssignments[mod_slot], &unassigned, sizeof(uint8)) == 0)
-//						{
-//							//slot not assigned
-//							memcpy(&this->slotAssignments[mod_slot], &i, sizeof(uint8));
-//						}
-//						else if(memcmp(&this->slotAssignments[mod_slot], &i, sizeof(uint8)) != 0)
-//						{
-//							//already assigned to another UWB,
-//							//double the frame and start over!(?) should I instead consider framelengths and such?
-//							double_frame = TRUE;
-//						}
-//					}
-//				}
-//				else if(slot_j < this->framelength)
-//				{
-//					while(slot_j < this->framelength)
-//					{
-//						if(memcmp(&this->slotAssignments[slot_j], &unassigned, sizeof(uint8)) == 0)
-//						{
-//							//slot not assigned
-//							memcpy(&this->slotAssignments[slot_j], &i, sizeof(uint8));
-//						}
-//						else if(memcmp(&this->slotAssignments[slot_j], &i, sizeof(uint8)) != 0)
-//						{
-//							//already assigned to another UWB,
-//							//double the frame and start over!(?) should I instead consider framelengths and such?
-//							double_frame = TRUE;
-//							break;
-//						}
-//						slot_j += framelength_i;
-//					}
-//				}
-//				if(double_frame == TRUE)
-//				{
-//					this->framelength *= 2;
-//					i = 0;
-//					j = 0;
-//				}
-//	//			uint16 uwbShortAdd = address64to16(&inst->uwbList[i][0]);
-//	//			uint8 index = msgDataIndex + 2*this->uwbListSlots[i][j];
-//	//			memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex + (int)(inst->addrByteSize*this->uwbListSlots[i][j])], &uwbShortAdd, 2);
-//			}
-//		}
-//	}
-//	//if we are here, then we should've successfully combined the INF message information
-//	bool assigned = FALSE;
-//	while(assigned == FALSE)
-//	{
-//		//first try GU (Get Unassigned) slot
-//		for(int i = 1; i < this->framelength; i++)//start at i = 1 because 0 is a reserved slot
-//		{
-////			if(memcmp(&this->slotAssignments[i], &zero, sizeof(uint8)) == 0)
-//			if(memcmp(&this->slotAssignments[i], &unassigned, sizeof(uint8)) == 0)
-//			{
-//				//empty slot, assign
-//				this->assign_slot(&this->myTDMAInfo, i);
-//				assigned = TRUE;
-//			}
-//		}
-//		//no open slots for GU
-//		//next try RMA (Release Multiple Assigned) slot
-//		if(assigned == FALSE)
-//		{
-//			uint8 most_slots = 1;
-//			uint8 most_slots_index = 255;
-//			uint8 release_slot = 255;
-//			uint8 assign_slot = 255;
-//			for(int i = 0; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)
-//			{
-//				//TODO do I only need to consider neighbors or also hidden?
-//				if(inst->uwbListType[i] != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
-//				{
-//					uint8 uwbSlotsLen;
-//					memcpy(&uwbSlotsLen, &this->uwbListSlotsLengths[i], sizeof(uint8));
-//					if(uwbSlotsLen > most_slots)
-//					{
-//						bool slot_found = FALSE;
-//						//check if the slot to be released can be assigned within our framelength
-//						for(int j = 0; j < uwbSlotsLen; j++)
-//						{
-//							uint8 slot;
-//							memcpy(&slot, &this->uwbListSlots[i][j], sizeof(uint8));
-//							uint8 mod_slot = slot%this->framelength;
-//							if(mod_slot != 0 && memcmp(&this->slotAssignments[mod_slot], &i, sizeof(uint8)) == 0)
-//							{
-//								release_slot = slot;
-//								assign_slot = mod_slot;
-//								slot_found = TRUE;
-//								break;
-//							}
-//						}
-//						if(slot_found == TRUE)
-//						{
-//							most_slots =  uwbSlotsLen;
-//							most_slots_index = i;
-//						}
-//					}
-//				}
-//			}
-//			if(most_slots_index != 255) //what about self? 254?
-//			{
-//				this->assign_slot(&this->myTDMAInfo, assign_slot);
-//				this->uwblist_free_slot(this, most_slots_index, release_slot);
-//				memcpy(&this->slotAssignments[assign_slot], &this->slotAssingmentSelfIndex, sizeof(uint8));
-//				assigned = TRUE;
-//			}
-//		}
-//		//no slots released via RMA
-//		//DF (Double Frame), and assign via GU
-//		if(assigned == FALSE)
-//		{
-//			memcpy(&this->slotAssignments[(int)this->framelength], &this->slotAssingmentSelfIndex, sizeof(uint8));
-//			for(int i = 1; i < this->framelength; i++)
-//			{
-//				memcpy(&this->slotAssignments[i + (int)this->framelength], &this->slotAssignments[i], sizeof(uint8));
-//			}
-//			this->framelength *= 2;
-//			assigned = TRUE;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	for(int i = 0; i < this->framelength; i++)
-//	{
-//		//TODO handle the case where we are assigned to the slot
-//		uint8 slot_index;
-//		memcpy(&slot_index, &this->slotAssignments[i], sizeof(uint8));
-//		memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[msgDataIndex], &inst->uwbList[slot_index], sizeof(inst->addrByteSize));
-//		msgDataIndex += sizeof(inst->addrByteSize);
-//	}
-//	memcpy(&inst->inf_msg.messageData[FCODE + 1], &this->framelength, 1);
-//	dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)0);
-////	this->usb_dump_tdma(this);
-//void process_sug_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8 *srcAddr)
-//	//how to compare and integrate changes???
-//	//first add any addresses to my list
-//	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-//	uint8 srcIndex = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &srcAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize);
-//	inst->uwbListType[srcIndex] = UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR;
-//	uint8 neighborAddressN[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-//	uint8 neighborFramelengthN;
-//	uint8 slotAddress[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-//	uint8 blankAddress[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-//	uint32 timeSinceFrameStart;
-////	if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_REG)
-////	{
-////		tdma_handler->tdma_free_all_slots(tdma_handler);
-////	}
-//	int msgDataIndex = FCODE + 1;
-//	memcpy(&tdma_handler->uwbFramelengths[srcIndex], &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//	msgDataIndex++;
-//	//TODO use range to help sync frame start time
-//	memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart, &messageData[msgDataIndex], sizeof(timeSinceFrameStart));
-//	msgDataIndex += sizeof(timeSinceFrameStart);
-//	memcpy(&srcNumNeighbors, &messageData[msgDataIndex], 1);
-//	msgDataIndex++;
-//	int fl_index_offset = (int)(inst->addrByteSize*srcNumNeighbors);
-//	for(int n = 0; n < srcNumNeighbors; n++)
-//	{
-//		int framelength_index = msgDataIndex + fl_index_offset;
-//		memcpy(&neighborAddressN, &messageData[msgDataIndex], inst->addrByteSize);
-//		memcpy(&neighborFramelengthN, &messageData[framelength_index], sizeof(neighborFramelengthN));
-//		msgDataIndex += (int)inst->addrByteSize;
-//		uint8 uwb_index = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &neighborAddressN[0], inst->addrByteSize);
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] != UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
-//		{
-//			inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] = UWB_LIST_HIDDEN;
-//		}
-//		tdma_handler->uwbFramelengths[uwb_index] = neighborFramelengthN;
-//	}
-//	msgDataIndex += sizeof(uint8)*srcNumNeighbors;
-//	//now process the slot assignments
-//	for(int i = 0; i < tdma_handler->uwbFramelengths[srcIndex]-1; i++)//zeroth slot not included in INF
-//	{
-//		uint8 slot = i + 1;
-//		memcpy(&slotAddress, &messageData[msgDataIndex], inst->addrByteSize);
-//		//see who the address belongs to
-//#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==0)
-//		if(memcmp(&inst->uwbShortAdd, &slotAddress, inst->addrByteSize) == 0)
-//		if(memcmp(&inst->eui64[0], &slotAddress, inst->addrByteSize) == 0)
-//		{
-//			//assignment is self
-//		}
-//		else
-//		{
-//			//assignment in UWB list if not unassigned
-//			if(memcmp(&inst->eui64[0], &blankAddress, inst->addrByteSize) != 0)
-//			{
-//				//find in our list (or add as hidden)
-//				uint8 uwb_index = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &slotAddress[0], inst->addrByteSize);
-//				if(inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] != UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
-//				{
-//					inst->uwbListType[uwb_index] = UWB_LIST_HIDDEN;
-//				}
-//				//what to do with the information???
-//				//TODO left off here!!!
-////				tdma_handler->uwblist_assign_slot(tdma_handler, uwb_index, slot);
-//			}
-//		}
-//		msgDataIndex += (int)inst->addrByteSize;
-//	}
-//	//account for the delay between transmission and reception of the INF message
-//	//TODO make this a function of the data rate as well!
-//	//TODO experimentally found this number to be +- 1 millisecond for some reason. figure out why
-//	//experimentally found formula is 0.079667x + 0.85611
-//	uint32 txrx_delay = (uint32)(0.079667*(float)(dw_event->rxLength) + 0.85611); //TODO make this function of message length!
-//	tdma_handler->uwbFrameStartTimes[srcIndex] = time_now - (timeSinceFrameStart + txrx_delay);
-//	uint32 myFramelengthDuration = tdma_handler->framelength*tdma_handler->slotDuration;
-//	uint32 myTimeSinceFrameStart = get_dt32(tdma_handler->frameStartTime, time_now);
-//	//NEW
-//	if(tdma_handler->framelength <= tdma_handler->uwbFramelengths[srcIndex])
-//	{
-//		uint32 timeSinceFrameStartMod = (timeSinceFrameStart + txrx_delay)%myFramelengthDuration;
-//		if(myTimeSinceFrameStart > timeSinceFrameStartMod)
-//		{
-//			uint32 diff = myTimeSinceFrameStart - timeSinceFrameStartMod;
-//			tdma_handler->frameStartTime += diff/2;
-//			tdma_handler->lastSlotStartTime += diff/2;
-//		}
-//		else
-//		{
-//			uint32 diff = timeSinceFrameStartMod - myTimeSinceFrameStart;
-//			tdma_handler->frameStartTime -= diff/2;
-//			tdma_handler->lastSlotStartTime -= diff/2;
-//		}
-//	}
-//	else
-//	{
-//		uint32 hisFramelengthDuration = tdma_handler->uwbFramelengths[srcIndex]*tdma_handler->slotDuration;
-//		uint32 myTimeSinceFrameStartMod = (myTimeSinceFrameStart - txrx_delay)%hisFramelengthDuration;
-//		if(timeSinceFrameStart > myTimeSinceFrameStartMod)
-//		{
-//			uint32 diff = timeSinceFrameStart - myTimeSinceFrameStartMod;
-//			tdma_handler->frameStartTime -= diff/2;
-//			tdma_handler->lastSlotStartTime -= diff/2;
-//		}
-//		else
-//		{
-//			uint32 diff = myTimeSinceFrameStartMod - timeSinceFrameStart;
-//			tdma_handler->frameStartTime += diff/2;
-//			tdma_handler->lastSlotStartTime += diff/2;
-//		}
-//	}
 static bool poll_delay(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint32 time_now_offset, uint32 offset)
 	bool delay = FALSE;
@@ -1854,6 +977,7 @@ static bool assign_slot(struct TDMAInfo *info, uint8 slot, bool safeAssign)
 	return retval;
+//TODO check below and clean up description
 //finding and assigning a slot works according to the following:
 //1.) Set framelength to 4
 //2.) Get Unassigned Slots (GU)
@@ -1960,11 +1084,11 @@ static void find_assign_slot(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 		//find UWB with greatest number of slot assignments
-		uint8 max_assignments = 0; //TODO may need uint16?
+		uint8 max_assignments = 0;
 		uint8 max_uwb_index = 255;
 		for(uint8 u = 1; u < inst->uwbListLen; u++)//0 reserved for self
-			uint8 slotsLength = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[u].slotsLength; //TODO may need uint16?
+			uint8 slotsLength = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[u].slotsLength;
 			if(info->framelength > this->uwbListTDMAInfo[u].framelength && this->uwbListTDMAInfo[u].slotsLength != 0)
 				slotsLength *= info->framelength/this->uwbListTDMAInfo[u].framelength;
@@ -1984,7 +1108,7 @@ static void find_assign_slot(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 			uint8 mod_slot = slot % info->framelength;
 			this->assign_slot(info, mod_slot, TRUE);
-			this->deconflict_uwb_pair(this, info, &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[max_uwb_index]); //TODO consider handling differently (could maybe be more efficient?)
+			this->deconflict_uwb_pair(this, info, &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[max_uwb_index]);
 			assignment_made = TRUE;
@@ -2001,23 +1125,16 @@ static void find_assign_slot(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 static void build_new_network(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-//	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
-	uint32 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
+	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
 	bool safeAssign = FALSE;
 	//clear all tdma information
 	//build the initial TDMA
-//	this->uwbFrameStartTimes_stm32[0] = time_now - this->slotDuration_ms;//TODO handle timer wrapping...
-//	this->lastSlotStartTime_stm32 = time_now;
-	//build the initial TDMA
-//	this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_subtract64(time_now_us, this->slotDuration_us);
 	this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = timestamp_subtract64(time_now_us, this->slotDuration_us);
 	this->lastSlotStartTime64 = time_now_us;
 	this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
 	this->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
@@ -2038,19 +1155,13 @@ static bool deconflict_slot_assignments(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 		//first deconflict slots in neighbor, hidden, and twice hidden
 		for(int i = 1; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)//0 reserved for self
-//			if(inst->uwbListType[i] != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
 			if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
 				for(int j = i+1; j < inst->uwbListLen; j++)
-//					if(inst->uwbListType[j] != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE && j != i)
 					if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[j].connectionType != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE && j != i)
 						//first check if their list type requires deconflicting
-//						if((inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
-//						   (inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
-//						   (inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN && inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
-//						   (inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN && inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN))
 						if((this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && this->uwbListTDMAInfo[j].connectionType == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
 						   (this->uwbListTDMAInfo[j].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
 						   (this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN && this->uwbListTDMAInfo[j].connectionType == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
@@ -2080,11 +1191,9 @@ static bool deconflict_slot_assignments(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 		//next deconflict slots between self and neighbor, hidden, and twice hidden
 		for(int i = 1; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)//0 reserved for self
-//			if(inst->uwbListType[i] != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
 			if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
 				if(this->deconflict_uwb_pair(this, &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0], &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i]))
@@ -2110,84 +1219,6 @@ static bool deconflict_slot_assignments(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 	return conflict;
-//bool indexed_deconflict_slot_assignments(struct TDMAHandler *this, bool selfDeconflict, bool *uwbListDeconflict)
-//	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-//	bool conflict = FALSE;
-//	while(TRUE)
-//	{
-//		bool conflict_this_iter = FALSE;
-//		//first deconflict slots in neighbor, hidden, and twice hidden
-//		for(int i = 0; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)
-//		{
-//			if(inst->uwbListType[i] != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
-//			{
-//				for(int j = i+1; j < inst->uwbListLen; j++)
-//				{
-//					if(inst->uwbListType[j] != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE && j != i)
-//					{
-//						//first check if their list type requires deconflicting
-//						if((inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
-//						   (inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
-//						   (inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN && inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN) ||
-//						   (inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN && inst->uwbListType[j] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN))
-//						{
-//							continue;
-//						}
-//						if(this->deconflict_uwb_pair(this, &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i], &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[j]))
-//						{
-//							conflict = TRUE;
-//							conflict_this_iter = TRUE;
-//							break;
-//						}
-//					}
-//				}
-//			}
-//			if(conflict_this_iter)
-//			{
-//				break;
-//			}
-//		}
-//		if(conflict_this_iter)
-//		{
-//			continue;
-//		}
-//		//next deconflict slots between self and neighbor, hidden, and twice hidden
-//		for(int i = 0; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)
-//		{
-//			if(inst->uwbListType[i] != UWB_LIST_INACTIVE)
-//			{
-//				if(this->deconflict_uwb_pair(this, &this->myTDMAInfo, &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i]))
-//				{
-//					conflict = TRUE;
-//					conflict_this_iter = TRUE;
-//				}
-//			}
-//			if(conflict_this_iter)
-//			{
-//				break;
-//			}
-//		}
-//		if(conflict_this_iter)
-//		{
-//			continue;
-//		}
-//		break; //no conflicts found this iteration, break out of while loop
-//	}
-//	return conflict;
 //return true if a conflict was found
 static bool deconflict_uwb_pair(struct TDMAHandler *this, struct TDMAInfo *info_a, struct TDMAInfo *info_b)
@@ -2207,7 +1238,6 @@ static bool deconflict_uwb_pair(struct TDMAHandler *this, struct TDMAInfo *info_
 				uint8 slot_sb;
 				memcpy(&slot_sb, &info_b->slots[sb], 1);
 				//check if slot is taken
 				if(slot_sa >= info_b->framelength)
@@ -2264,10 +1294,9 @@ static bool deconflict_uwb_pair(struct TDMAHandler *this, struct TDMAInfo *info_
 	return conflict;
-//TODO assign reference in class struct!!! same with others written today
 static void deconflict_slot_pair(struct TDMAHandler *this, struct TDMAInfo *info_a, struct TDMAInfo *info_b, uint8 slot_idx_a, uint8 slot_idx_b)
+	//TODO double check for accruacy!
 	//procedure for deconflicting slots (PDS)
 	//1.) delete a conflicting slot
 	//		applicable if all but node with fewest slots has more than one slot assignment
@@ -2359,9 +1388,6 @@ static bool self_conflict(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 	for(int b = 1; b < inst->uwbListLen; b++)
-//		if(inst->uwbListType[b] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR ||
-//		   inst->uwbListType[b] == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN   ||
-//		   inst->uwbListType[b] == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN)
 		if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[b].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR ||
 			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[b].connectionType == UWB_LIST_HIDDEN   ||
 			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[b].connectionType == UWB_LIST_TWICE_HIDDEN)
@@ -2447,7 +1473,6 @@ static void free_slot(struct TDMAInfo *info, uint8 slot)
@@ -2469,10 +1494,6 @@ static void uwblist_free_slots(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 uwb_index)
 	if(uwb_index >= inst->uwbListLen)
 		//out of bounds!
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "uwblist_free_slots: uwb_index %u out of bounds", uwb_index);
-//		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		 usb_run();
@@ -2499,12 +1520,8 @@ static void tdma_free_all_slots(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 static void enter_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this)
-//	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-//	inst->inf_msg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_INIT;
 	uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 	this->discoveryStartTime = time_now;
 	this->last_blink_time = time_now;
@@ -2519,12 +1536,6 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
 	this->discovery_mode_start_time = time_now;
 	this->discovery_mode = discovery_mode;
-//	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//	 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "set_discovery_mode: %s", get_discovery_modes_string(discovery_mode));
-//	 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	 usb_run();
 	switch (discovery_mode)//TODO make sure all modes are captured here...
 		case WAIT_INF_REG:
@@ -2554,20 +1565,12 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
 		case WAIT_SEND_SUG:
-//			uint8 debug_msg[200];
-//			int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "SET WAIT_SEND_SUG start");
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
 			//find common frame start time among neighbors
 			instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-			//TODO need to modify this.
-			//need to discriminate between different subnetworks.
 			//count the number of UWBs that belong to each subnetwork
 			//select the subnetwork with the largest number of UWBs
 			//find the common frame start time among the UWBs in that network
-			//if subnetworks do indeed exist, set the appropriate rebase variables here and in our inf_message
 			//keep track of which number each UWB belongs to
 			//then keep track of which was selected so we can iterate over it later in this function
@@ -2577,24 +1580,19 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
 			uint8 sub_network_members[UWB_LIST_SIZE-1] = {0}; //cannot be more subnetworks than other UWBs
 			uint64 sub_network_tsfs[UWB_LIST_SIZE-1] = {0};
 			uint8 sub_network_base_framelength[UWB_LIST_SIZE-1] = {0};
-			//TODO handle number wrapping
 			uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
-			uint64 tcommon;
+			uint64 tcommon = 0;
 			uint64 shortestFrameDuration = this->maxFramelength*this->slotDuration_us;
 			for(int i=1; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++) //zero reserved for self
-//				if(inst->uwbListType[i] != UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
 				if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType != UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR)
-					continue; //TODO consider a way to account for hidden and twice hidden to determine which network is larger
+					continue;
 				struct TDMAInfo *info_i = &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i];
-//				uint64 framelengthDuration_us = info_i->framelength*this->slotDuration_us;
-//				uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[i], time_now_us);
 				uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].frameStartTime, time_now_us);
 				if(timeSinceFrameStart_us > 100000000)
@@ -2603,8 +1601,6 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
-				//if tsfs > framelengthDuration_us, reduce it by framelengthDuration_us
 				//test the ith UWB against the jth subnetwork
 				for(int j=0; j < num_sub_networks; j++)
@@ -2672,11 +1668,6 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
-//			debug_msg[200];
-//			n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "checkpoint 1");
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
 			//now select the subnetwork with the greatest number of uwbs
 			uint8 max_num = 0;
 			for(int i=0; i < num_sub_networks; i++)
@@ -2688,19 +1679,17 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
-			uint64 tnext[max_num]; //TODO zero?
-			uint8 neighborIndices[max_num]; //TODO zero?
-			uint64 latest_tnext;
+			uint64 tnext[max_num];
+			uint8 neighborIndices[max_num];
+			uint64 latest_tnext = 0;
 			uint8 nidx = 0;
 			uint64 slotDuration_us = this->slotDuration_us;
 			for(int i = 1; i < inst->uwbListLen; i++)//0 reserved for self
-//				if(inst->uwbListType[i] == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && sub_network_membership[i] == sub_network_selected)
 				if(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].connectionType == UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR && sub_network_membership[i] == sub_network_selected)
 					neighborIndices[nidx] = i;
-//					tnext[nidx] = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[i];
 					tnext[nidx] = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[i].frameStartTime;
 					while(time_now_us > tnext[nidx]) //TODO handle number wrapping...
@@ -2715,11 +1704,6 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
-//			debug_msg[200];
-//			n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "checkpoint 2");
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
 			tcommon = tnext[0];
 			latest_tnext = tcommon;
 			bool converged = FALSE;
@@ -2748,18 +1732,8 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
-//			if(num_sub_networks > 1)
-//			{
-//				//need indicate rebase in inf message so other networks will have a chance to rebase to the network selected by this UWB
-//				this->rebase_pending = TRUE;
-//				this->rebase_tx = FALSE;
-//				this->rebase_frameStartTime64 = latest_tnext;
-//			}
 			//expire as the beginning of the common frame start time
-			this->discovery_mode_duration = (uint32)(get_dt64(time_now_us, latest_tnext)/1000); //TODO make duration in us?
+			this->discovery_mode_duration = (uint32)(get_dt64(time_now_us, latest_tnext)/1000);
 			this->discovery_mode_expires = TRUE;
@@ -2771,14 +1745,11 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
 			//back-track the frame start time so we can inform the need to rebase
 			//and keep in sync with the subnetwork we initially chose to sync with
-//			this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = latest_tnext;
 			this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime = latest_tnext;
 			//TODO handle number wrapping
 			uint64 myFrameDuration = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength*this->slotDuration_us;
-//			while(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] > time_now_us)
 			while(this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime > time_now_us)
-//				this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] -= myFrameDuration;
 				this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime -= myFrameDuration;
@@ -2786,13 +1757,12 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
 			uint8 slot = myTimeSinceFrameStart/this->slotDuration_us; //integer division rounded down
 			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].frameStartTime + (uint64)(this->slotDuration_us*slot);
-//			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0];
-//			debug_msg[200];
-//			n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "SET WAIT_SEND_SUG end");
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
+			break;
+		}
+		case SEND_SUG:
+		{
+			this->discovery_mode_duration = this->slotStartDelay_us*2;//TODO make sure this works as intended
+			this->discovery_mode_expires = TRUE;
 		case EXIT:
@@ -2828,26 +1798,10 @@ static void check_discovery_mode_expiration(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 				if(this->discovery_mode == COLLECT_INF_REG)
 					new_mode = WAIT_SEND_SUG;
-//					inst->testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT;
 					inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT; //still collect RNG_REPORT messages while we wait to send our SUG message
-					//NOTE moved to set_discovery_mode for WAIT_SEND_SUG
-					//TODO remove below
-					//deconflict gathered tdma info
-//					this->deconflict_slot_assignments(this);
-//					//assign self slot
-//					this->find_assign_slot(this);
-//					//construct SUG packet
-//					this->populate_inf_msg(this, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG);
-					//TODO how to actually send SUG message? TA_TX_SELECT?
-					//could go directly to TA_TXSUG_WAIT_SEND and delay until start of next frame...
-					//that could remove the need for extra logic in TA_TX_SELECT...
 				else if(this->discovery_mode == WAIT_SEND_SUG)
-//					this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = portGetTickCntMicro();
-//					this->lastSlotStartTime64 = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0];
 					inst->testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT;
 					new_mode = SEND_SUG;
@@ -3168,9 +2122,6 @@ static void usb_dump_tdma(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 static struct TDMAHandler new(){
 	struct TDMAHandler ret = {};
-	ret.slotDuration_ms = 50; //TODO should be a function of the data rate and the max number of UWBs
-	ret.slotDuration_us = ret.slotDuration_ms*1000;
 	ret.slot_transition = &slot_transition;
 	ret.frame_sync = &frame_sync;
 	ret.tx_sync_msg = &tx_sync_msg;
@@ -3180,7 +2131,6 @@ static struct TDMAHandler new(){
 	ret.populate_inf_msg = &populate_inf_msg;
 	ret.update_inf_tsfs = &update_inf_tsfs;
 	ret.process_inf_msg = &process_inf_msg;
-	ret.check_tdma_diff = &check_tdma_diff;
 	ret.poll_delay = &poll_delay;
 	ret.slot_assigned = &slot_assigned;
@@ -3205,11 +2155,11 @@ static struct TDMAHandler new(){
 	ret.deconflict_slot_pair = &deconflict_slot_pair;
 	ret.self_conflict = &self_conflict;
-	uint32 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
-	//TODO create a function to clear the frame information!
-	//and have it called in enter_discovery function!
+	ret.slotDuration_ms = 50; //TODO should be a function of the data rate and the max number of UWBs
+	ret.slotDuration_us = ret.slotDuration_ms*1000;
+	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
 	ret.maxFramelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
 	while(ret.maxFramelength < (int)UWB_LIST_SIZE + 1)
@@ -3219,7 +2169,6 @@ static struct TDMAHandler new(){
 	for(int i = 0; i < UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
-//		ret.uwbListTDMAInfo[i].uwbIndex = i;
 		ret.uwbListTDMAInfo[i].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
 		ret.uwbListTDMAInfo[i].slots = NULL;
 		ret.uwbListTDMAInfo[i].slotsLength = 0;
@@ -3241,9 +2190,6 @@ static struct TDMAHandler new(){
     ret.slotStartDelay_us = 4000;
     ret.frameSyncThreshold_us = 2*ret.slotStartDelay_us;
     ret.infMessageLength = 0;
-    ret.rebase_pending = FALSE;
-	ret.rebase_tx = FALSE;
-	ret.rebase_frameStartTime64 = time_now_us;
 //    ret.collectInfDuration = ret.maxFramelength*ret.slotDuration;
diff --git a/src/application/tdma_handler.h b/src/application/tdma_handler.h
index 0f2bfad..29aa932 100644
--- a/src/application/tdma_handler.h
+++ b/src/application/tdma_handler.h
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
 struct TDMAInfo
-//	uint8 uwbIndex; //TODO remove if unused
 	uint32 lastCommNeighbor;	//milliseconds
 	uint32 lastCommHidden;		//milliseconds
@@ -45,8 +44,6 @@ struct TDMAHandler
 	struct TDMAInfo uwbListTDMAInfo[UWB_LIST_SIZE];
-	//TODO use smaller data types where possible
 	uint64 lastFST;
 	uint64 lastSlotStartTime64;
 	uint32 slotDuration_ms;   //TODO make variable in duration based on UWB_LIST_SIZE
@@ -55,11 +52,7 @@ struct TDMAHandler
 	bool firstPollSentThisSlot;
 	bool firstPollComplete;
 	bool secondPollSentThisSlot;
-	bool rebase_pending;
-	bool rebase_tx;
-	uint64 rebase_frameStartTime64; //TODO rename 64 to us!
-	//TODO can probably use a smaller data type...
 	uint64 slotStartDelay_us; //time between slot start and transmission within that slot
 	uint64 frameSyncThreshold_us;
@@ -86,7 +79,6 @@ struct TDMAHandler
     bool (*check_blink)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
     void (*populate_inf_msg)(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 inf_msg_type);
     bool (*process_inf_msg)(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8 srcIndex, INF_PROCESS_MODE mode);
-    bool (*check_tdma_diff)(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint8 *srcAddr);
     bool (*poll_delay)(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint32 time_now_offset, uint32 offset);
     void (*enter_discovery_mode)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
     void (*set_discovery_mode)(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE mode, uint32 time_now);
@@ -105,7 +97,7 @@ struct TDMAHandler
 	//run through all uwb pairs
-    bool (*deconflict_slot_assignments)(struct TDMAHandler *this); //TODO implement
+    bool (*deconflict_slot_assignments)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
     //run through each slot of two uwbs
     bool (*deconflict_uwb_pair)(struct TDMAHandler *this, struct TDMAInfo *info_a, struct TDMAInfo *info_b);
     //deconflict two specific slots
diff --git a/src/decadriver/deca_device.c b/src/decadriver/deca_device.c
index d8cf0f9..a398c88 100644
--- a/src/decadriver/deca_device.c
+++ b/src/decadriver/deca_device.c
@@ -2213,17 +2213,7 @@ uint8 dwt_checkirq(void)
 void dwt_isr(void)
     uint32 status = dw1000local.cbData.status = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_STATUS_ID); // Read status register low 32bits
-//    uint8 status_high = dwt_read8bitoffsetreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, 4);
-//    uint32 mask = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID);
-//    uint8 debug_msg[50];
-//	int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "dwt_isr SYS_STATUS: %lu", status);
-//	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//	usb_run();
     uint8 callback_triggered = 0;
@@ -2313,22 +2303,6 @@ void dwt_isr(void)
     	callback_triggered = 1;
-//    	uint32 and_status = status & SYS_STATUS_ALL_RX_TO;
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		int n = 0;
-//		n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "rx_timeout!!! and_status: %lu", and_status);
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
-//		if(and_status & SYS_STATUS_AFFREJ){
-//			uint32 sys_cfg_reg = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_CFG_ID);
-//			n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "rx_timeout!!! sys_cfg_reg: %lu", sys_cfg_reg);
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
-//		}
         dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, SYS_STATUS_RXRFTO); // Clear RX timeout event bits
         dw1000local.wait4resp = 0;
@@ -2351,24 +2325,6 @@ void dwt_isr(void)
     	callback_triggered = 1;
-//    	uint32 and_status = status & SYS_STATUS_ALL_RX_ERR;
-//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		int n = 0;
-//		n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "rx_error!!! and_status: %lu", and_status);
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
-//		n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "rx_error!!! sys_status: %lu", status);
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
-//		if(and_status & SYS_STATUS_AFFREJ){
-//			uint32 sys_cfg_reg = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_CFG_ID);
-//			n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "rx_error!!! sys_cfg_reg: %lu", sys_cfg_reg);
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
-//		}
         dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, SYS_STATUS_ALL_RX_ERR); // Clear RX error event bits
         dw1000local.wait4resp = 0;
@@ -2386,18 +2342,15 @@ void dwt_isr(void)
-    //
+    //IRQ line high but no callbacks triggered.
     if(callback_triggered == 0)
-    	//clear status register
-    	uint32 SYS_STATUS_ALL_INT = 1073217534; //TODO cleanup
-    	dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, SYS_STATUS_ALL_INT);
-//    	uint8 debug_msg[50];
-//		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "unsubscribed callback");
-//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		usb_run();
+    	//clear and reset SYS_MASK register
+    	dwt_setinterrupt(SYS_MASK_MASK_32, 0); //disable all
+    	dwt_setinterrupt(SYS_MASK_VAL, 1);
+    	//clear SYS_STATUS register
+    	dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, SYS_STATUS_MASK_32);
@@ -2687,11 +2640,6 @@ int dwt_starttx(uint8 mode)
-//        	uint8 debug_msg[150];
-//			int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "SYS_STATUS: %u", checkTxOK);
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
             // I am taking DSHP set to Indicate that the TXDLYS was set too late for the specified DX_TIME.
             // Remedial Action - (a) cancel delayed send
             temp = (uint8)SYS_CTRL_TRXOFF; // This assumes the bit is in the lowest byte
@@ -2726,113 +2674,21 @@ int dwt_starttx(uint8 mode)
 void dwt_forcetrxoff(void)
-	uint32 SYS_MASK_VAL = 605278336;
-	uint32 SYS_MASK_RESERVED = 0xC0080001;
-	uint32 SYS_STATUS_ALL_INT= 1073217534;
     decaIrqStatus_t stat ;
-    uint32 mask;
-    mask = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID) ; // Read set interrupt mask
-//    if(mask != SYS_MASK_VAL){
-//		uint8 mismatch = 1;
-//	}
+    dwt_setinterrupt(SYS_MASK_MASK_32, 0); // Clear interrupt mask - so we don't get any unwanted events
     // Need to beware of interrupts occurring in the middle of following read modify write cycle
     // We can disable the radio, but before the status is cleared an interrupt can be set (e.g. the
     // event has just happened before the radio was disabled)
     // thus we need to disable interrupt during this operation
     stat = decamutexon() ;
-    //this is writing to the reserved bits!!!
-	//dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID, 0) ; // Clear interrupt mask - so we don't get any unwanted events
-    dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID, mask) ; // Clear interrupt mask - so we don't get any unwanted events
     dwt_write8bitoffsetreg(SYS_CTRL_ID, SYS_CTRL_OFFSET, (uint8)SYS_CTRL_TRXOFF) ; // Disable the radio
+	decamutexoff(stat) ;
-    // Forcing Transceiver off - so we do not want to see any new events that may have happened
-    dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_STATUS_ID, SYS_STATUS_ALL_INT);
-    dwt_syncrxbufptrs();
-    mask |= SYS_MASK_VAL;  //set out desired sys_mask values
-    dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID, mask);
-//    // Reset the IC (might be needed if not getting here from POWER ON)
-//        dwt_softreset();
-//    	//we can enable any configuration loading from OTP/ROM on initialization
-//        result = dwt_initialise(DWT_LOADUCODE) ;
-//        //this is platform dependent - only program if DW EVK/EVB
-//        dwt_setleds(3) ; //configure the GPIOs which control the leds on EVBs
-//        if (DWT_SUCCESS != result)
-//        {
-//            return (-1) ;   // device initialize has failed
-//        }
-//        //enable TX, RX states on GPIOs 6 and 5
-//        dwt_setlnapamode(1,1);
-//        instanceclearcounts() ;
-//        instance_data[instance].sleepingEabled = 1;
-//        instance_data[instance].panID = 0xdeca ;
-//        instance_data[instance].wait4ack = 0;
-//        instance_data[instance].instanceTimerEnabled = 0;
-//        instance_clearevents();
-//        dwt_geteui(instance_data[instance].eui64);
-//        instance_data[instance].canPrintInfo = 0;
-//        instance_data[instance].clockOffset = 0;
-//        instance_data[instance].monitor = 0;
-//    	dwt_setdblrxbuffmode(1);
-    uint32 new_mask = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID);
-    new_mask &= SYS_MASK_VAL;
-//    uint8 mismatch = 0;
-//    while(new_mask != SYS_MASK_VAL){
-//	if(new_mask != SYS_MASK_VAL){
-////		dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID, mask);
-////		new_mask = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID);
-////		new_mask &= SYS_MASK_VAL;
-//		mismatch = 1;
-//    }
-//    if(mismatch == 1){
-//		 uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//		 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "mismatch occurred!");
-//		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//		 usb_run();
-//    }
-//    if(new_mask != mask){
-//    	uint8 mismatch = 1;
-//    }
-//    if(new_mask != mask){
-//    	uint8 mismatch = 1;
-//    }
-    // Enable/restore interrupts again...
-    decamutexoff(stat) ;
-    dw1000local.wait4resp = 0;
+	// Enable/restore interrupts again...
+	dwt_setinterrupt(SYS_MASK_VAL, 1);
+	dw1000local.wait4resp = 0;
 } // end deviceforcetrxoff()
@@ -3115,12 +2971,6 @@ void dwt_setinterrupt(uint32 bitmask, uint8 enable)
     // Need to beware of interrupts occurring in the middle of following read modify write cycle
     stat = decamutexon() ;
-//    C0080001
-//    uint32 reserved_mask = 0xC0080001;
-//	mask &= reserved_mask; //preserve reserved bits
-//	mask |= SYS_MASK_VAL;  //set out desired sys_mask values
-//	dwt_write32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID, mask);
     mask = dwt_read32bitreg(SYS_MASK_ID) ; // Read register
diff --git a/src/decadriver/deca_regs.h b/src/decadriver/deca_regs.h
index fc0791d..5e6e819 100644
--- a/src/decadriver/deca_regs.h
+++ b/src/decadriver/deca_regs.h
@@ -242,6 +242,10 @@ extern "C" {
 #define SYS_MASK_MTXBERR        0x10000000UL    /* Mask Transmit Buffer Error event */
 #define SYS_MASK_MAFFREJ        0x20000000UL    /* Mask Automatic Frame Filtering rejection event   */
+/* default SYS_MASK settings that will be used in the application */
  * @brief Bit definitions for register SYS_STATUS
@@ -249,7 +253,8 @@ extern "C" {
 #define SYS_STATUS_OFFSET       0x00
 #define SYS_STATUS_LEN          (5)             /* Note 40 bit register */
 /*masks */
-#define SYS_STATUS_MASK_32      0xFFF7FFFFUL    /* System event Status Register access mask (all unused fields should always be writen as zero) */
+//#define SYS_STATUS_MASK_32      0xFFF7FFFFUL    /* System event Status Register access mask (all unused fields should always be writen as zero) */
+#define SYS_STATUS_MASK_32      0x3FF7FFFF    /* System event Status Register access mask (all unused fields should always be writen as zero) */
 /*offset 0 */
 #define SYS_STATUS_IRQS         0x00000001UL    /* Interrupt Request Status READ ONLY */
 #define SYS_STATUS_CPLOCK       0x00000002UL    /* Clock PLL Lock */
diff --git a/src/platform/port.c b/src/platform/port.c
index cd81730..c8df270 100644
--- a/src/platform/port.c
+++ b/src/platform/port.c
@@ -67,29 +67,19 @@ unsigned long long portGetTickCntMicro(void)
 	uint64_t major_incr2 = (uint64_t)time32_incr;
 	uint32_t minor_incr2 = SysTick->VAL;
+	unsigned long long microsec;
+	//72 comes from SystemCoreClock / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000
 	if(major_incr1 == major_incr2)
-		//72 comes from SystemCoreClock / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000
-		return  major_incr1*1000 + 1000 - (uint64_t)(minor_incr1/72);
+		microsec = major_incr1*1000 + 1000 - (uint64_t)(minor_incr1/72);
-		//72 comes from SystemCoreClock / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000
-		return  major_incr2*1000 + 1000 - (uint64_t)(minor_incr2/72);
+		microsec = major_incr2*1000 + 1000 - (uint64_t)(minor_incr2/72);
-//	__asm__ volatile("dmb");
-//	//72 comes from SystemCoreClock / CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000
-//	return  time64_incr*1000 + 1000 - (uint64_t)(SysTick->VAL/72);
-////	major = SysTickMajor;
-////	minor = SysTick->VAL;
-////	__asm__ volatile("dmb");
-////	if (major != SysTickMajor)
-////	    return SysTickMajor - SysTick->Val;
-////	return major - minor;
+	return microsec;
 uint16_t portGetTIM3()
@@ -171,32 +161,6 @@ int peripherals_init (void)
-	//TODO remove
-//	  /* make sure the peripheral is clocked */
-////	  RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd (RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, ENABLE);
-//	  RCC_ClocksTypeDef RCC_Clocks;
-//	  RCC_GetClocksFreq (&RCC_Clocks);
-//	  uint32_t multiplier;
-//	  if (RCC_Clocks.PCLK1_Frequency == RCC_Clocks.SYSCLK_Frequency) {
-//	    multiplier = 1;
-//	  } else {
-//	    multiplier = 2;
-//	  }
-//	  uint32_t TIM3CLK_Frequency = multiplier * RCC_Clocks.PCLK1_Frequency;
-//	  uint32_t TIM3COUNTER_Frequency = 1000;//1000000;
-//	  uint16_t prescaler = (TIM3CLK_Frequency / TIM3COUNTER_Frequency) - 1;
-//	  uint16_t reload = 0xFFFF;//(25) - 1;    // Tevt = 25 us
-//	  TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure;
-//	  /* set everything back to default values */
-//	  TIM_TimeBaseStructInit (&TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
-//	  /* only changes from the defaults are needed */
-//	  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = reload;
-//	  TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = prescaler;
-//	  TIM_TimeBaseInit (TIM3, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure);
-//	  TIM_Cmd(TIM3, ENABLE);
 	return 0;
@@ -351,10 +315,6 @@ int RCC_Configuration(void)
 						RCC_APB2Periph_GPIOE | RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO,
-	/* Enable TIM3 clock */ //TODO remove
-//	RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, ENABLE);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/src/platform/port.h b/src/platform/port.h
index 44e7c8c..aff6f3f 100644
--- a/src/platform/port.h
+++ b/src/platform/port.h
@@ -150,7 +150,6 @@ typedef enum
 void Sleep(uint32_t Delay);
 unsigned long portGetTickCnt(void);
 unsigned long long portGetTickCntMicro(void);
-//uint16_t portGetTIM3(); //TODO remove
 #define S1_SWITCH_ON  (1)
 #define S1_SWITCH_OFF (0)