From e9b9d6cf141c6de1450f1c4f36a0438a0f96c84c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David <>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 19:04:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] add random timing offset to blink frequency

 src/application/application_definitions.h |  12 +-
 src/application/instance.c                | 238 ++++++----------------
 src/application/instance.h                |   2 -
 src/application/instance_common.c         | 163 ++-------------
 src/application/tdma_handler.c            |  93 ++++-----
 src/application/tdma_handler.h            |   1 +
 6 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 381 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/application/application_definitions.h b/src/application/application_definitions.h
index a138959..cc4c2c9 100644
--- a/src/application/application_definitions.h
+++ b/src/application/application_definitions.h
@@ -264,16 +264,20 @@ enum
 #define RANGE_DURATION_MS						MAX(18, POLL_SLEEP_DELAY)  //to increase time between ranging, modify POLL_SLEEP_DELAY
-//#define BLINK_FREQUENCY							0.0001
-#define BLINK_PERIOD_MS							1000     //time to wait between sending blink messages
+#define BLINK_PERIOD_MS							900     //time to wait between sending blink messages
+#define BLINK_PERIOD_RAND_MS					200
-#define RX_CHECK_ON_PERIOD						200 //TODO modify
+#define RANGE_INIT_RAND							2000		//in DW1000 device time
+#define RX_CHECK_ON_PERIOD						200 	//TODO modify
 // Reception start-up time, in symbols.
 #define RX_START_UP_SY 16
 //TDMA defines
-#define MIN_FRAMELENGTH							4 //minimum size by TDMA E-ASAP
+#define MIN_FRAMELENGTH							4 		//minimum size by TDMA E-ASAP
 typedef uint64_t        uint64 ;
 typedef int64_t         int64 ;
diff --git a/src/application/instance.c b/src/application/instance.c
index 3c75779..1311237 100644
--- a/src/application/instance.c
+++ b/src/application/instance.c
@@ -469,33 +469,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
         case TA_INIT :
-        	//TODO REMOVE test below
-//        	//test out how improved timestamping works!!!
-//        	uint64 tsu1 = portGetTickCntMicro();
-//        	uint32 tsm1 = portGetTickCnt();
-//        	int a = 0;
-//        	while(a < 130)
-//        	{
-//        		a = a + 1;
-//        		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "%i :", a);
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
-//        	}
-//        	uint64 tsu2 = portGetTickCntMicro();
-//			uint32 tsm2 = portGetTickCnt();
-//			uint64 dtsu = tsu2 - tsu1;//systick counts down!!!
-//			uint32 dtsm = tsm2 - tsm1;
-//			int b = a;
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "%llu %lu %i :", dtsu, dtsm, b);
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
             switch (inst->mode)
                 case DISCOVERY:
@@ -508,19 +481,20 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-					inst->uwbShortAdd = inst->eui64[0] + (inst->eui64[1] << 8);//TODO use a hashing algorithm
+					//seed random number generator with our 64-bit address
+				    uint64 seed = 0;
+				    seed |= (uint64) inst->eui64[0];
+				    seed |= (uint64) inst->eui64[1] << 8;
+				    seed |= (uint64) inst->eui64[2] << 16;
+				    seed |= (uint64) inst->eui64[3] << 24;
+				    seed |= (uint64) inst->eui64[4] << 32;
+				    seed |= (uint64) inst->eui64[5] << 40;
+				    seed |= (uint64) inst->eui64[6] << 48;
+				    seed |= (uint64) inst->eui64[7] << 56;
+				    srand(seed);
-//					while(TRUE){
-//						uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//						uint64 my_addr = inst->uwbShortAdd;
-//						char *msg = "RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL";
-//						int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s,%llu,xxxx", msg, my_addr);
-////						int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "ADDR,%llu", my_addr);
-//						send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//						usb_run();
-//						Sleep(100);
-//					}
+					inst->uwbShortAdd = inst->eui64[0] + (inst->eui64[1] << 8);//TODO use a hashing algorithm
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==0)
@@ -529,7 +503,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 					memcpy(&inst->uwbList[0][0], &inst->eui64, inst->addrByteSize);
 					inst->uwbListLen = 1;
-//					inst->uwbListType[0] = UWB_LIST_SELF;
 					tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].connectionType = UWB_LIST_SELF;
                     mode = (DWT_PRESRV_SLEEP|DWT_CONFIG|DWT_TANDV);
@@ -546,8 +519,9 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
-                    // First time listening we don't do a delayed RX
+                    // First time listening, do not delay RX
 					//change to next state - wait to receive a message
 					tdma_handler->discoveryStartTime = portGetTickCnt();
 					tdma_handler->last_blink_time = portGetTickCnt();
@@ -557,52 +531,13 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 					inst->canPrintInfo = 1;
 					inst->wait4ack = 0;
-//					uint16 resp_dly_us, resp_dly;
-//					uint32 final_reply_delay_us;
-//					// First response delay to send is anchor's response delay.
-//					resp_dly_us = ANC_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[POLL];
-//								+ ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
-//					inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] = resp_dly & 0xFFFF; //TODO make sure that we only want the 16 lowest bits
-//					// Second response delay to send is tag's response delay.
-//					// Get response delays from message and update internal timings accordingly
-//					resp_dly_us = TAG_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[RESP];
-//								+ ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
-//					inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] = resp_dly & 0xFFFF; //TODO make sure that we only want the 16 lowest bits
-//					for (int i = 0; i < RESP_DLY_NB; i++)
-//					{
-//						if (((inst->resp_dly[i] & RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK) >> RESP_DLY_UNIT_SHIFT) == RESP_DLY_UNIT_MS)
-//						{
-//							// Remove unit bit and convert to microseconds.
-//							inst->resp_dly[i] &= ~RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK;
-//							inst->resp_dly[i] *= 1000;
-//						}
-//					}
-//					// Update delay between poll transmission and response reception.
-//					// Use uint64 for resp_dly here to avoid overflows if it is more than 400 ms.
-//					inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy = US_TO_SY_INT((uint64)inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] - inst->frameLengths_us[POLL]) - RX_START_UP_SY;
-//					// Update delay between poll transmission and final transmission.
-//					final_reply_delay_us = inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] + inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG];
-//					inst->finalReplyDelay = convertmicrosectodevicetimeu(final_reply_delay_us);
-//					inst->finalReplyDelay_ms = CEIL_DIV(final_reply_delay_us, 1000);
-					// If we are using long response delays, deactivate sleep.
+					// If we are using long response delays, disable sleep.
 					if (inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] >= LONG_RESP_DLY_LIMIT_US
 						|| inst->resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] >= LONG_RESP_DLY_LIMIT_US)
 						inst->sleepingEabled = 0;
@@ -618,11 +553,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
         case TA_TX_SELECT :
 //        	send_statetousb(inst);
-            // select whether to blink or send out a range poll message.
-            // select a uwb from the list if sending out a range poll message
-//        	int uwb_index = inst->tx_scheduler.tx_select(&inst->tx_scheduler);
           	//select a TX action, return TRUE if we should move on to another state
         	if(tdma_handler->tx_select(tdma_handler) == TRUE)
@@ -727,50 +657,50 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                 inst->testAppState = inst->nextState;
                 inst->nextState = 0; //clear
-            break ; // end case TA_TXE_WAIT
-        }
+            break ;
+        }// end case TA_TXE_WAIT
         case TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND :
-            {
-                int flength = (BLINK_FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS + FRAME_CRC);
+		{
 //                //blink frames with IEEE EUI-64 tag ID
-                inst->blinkmsg.seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
+			inst->blinkmsg.seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
-				//using wait for response to do delayed receive
-				inst->wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
+			//using wait for response to do delayed receive
+			inst->wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
-				dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)inst->fwtoTimeB_sy*0);  //units are symbols
-				//set the delayed rx on time (the ranging init will be sent after this delay)
-				dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint32)inst->rnginitW4Rdelay_sy*0);  //units are 1.0256us - wait for wait4respTIM before RX on (delay RX)
+			//TODO modify timeout values to account for max value of RANGE_INIT_RAND
+			dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)inst->fwtoTimeB_sy*0);  //units are symbols
+			//set the delayed rx on time (the ranging init will be sent after this delay)
+			dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint32)inst->rnginitW4Rdelay_sy*0);  //units are 1.0256us - wait for wait4respTIM before RX on (delay RX)
-				dwt_writetxdata(flength, (uint8 *)  (&inst->blinkmsg), 0) ; // write the frame data
-				dwt_writetxfctrl(flength, 0, 1);
+			dwt_writetxdata(flength, (uint8 *)  (&inst->blinkmsg), 0) ; // write the frame data
+			dwt_writetxfctrl(flength, 0, 1);
-                if(dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE | inst->wait4ack) == 0) //always using immediate TX and enable delayed RX
-                {
-					uint8 debug_msg[100];
+			if(dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE | inst->wait4ack) == 0) //always using immediate TX and enable delayed RX
+			{
+				uint8 debug_msg[100];
 //					int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_BLINK,%llX,NULL", instance_get_addr());
-					int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_BLINK,%04llX,NULL", instance_get_addr());
-					send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-					usb_run();
-					inst->blink0range1 = 0;
-                    inst->blink_start = portGetTickCnt();
-                    inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
-                    tdma_handler->last_blink_time = portGetTickCnt();
+				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_BLINK,%04llX,NULL", instance_get_addr());
+				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+				usb_run();
-                }
+				inst->blink_start = portGetTickCnt();
+				inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+				tdma_handler->last_blink_time = portGetTickCnt();
+				tdma_handler->blinkPeriodRand = (uint32)rand()%BLINK_PERIOD_RAND_MS;
+			}
-                inst->goToSleep = 1; //go to Sleep after this blink
-                inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ; // wait confirmation //TODO move this into the if statement above?
-                inst->previousState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND ;				//TODO move this into the ...
-                done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out (set below)
-            }
-            break ; // end case TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND
+			inst->goToSleep = 1; //go to Sleep after this blink
+			inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ; // wait confirmation //TODO move this into the if statement above?
+			inst->previousState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND ;				//TODO move this into the ...
+			done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out (set below)
+			break ;
+		}// end case TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND
             int psduLength = RANGINGINIT_MSG_LEN;
@@ -975,7 +905,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
             done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out (set below)
             inst->range_start = portGetTickCnt();
-            inst->blink0range1 = 1; //TODO check if this is still needed...
 //            //test between 0CD6 and 118C
@@ -1352,8 +1281,8 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         inst->canPrintInfo = 1;
-                        //if using longer reply delay time (e.g. if interworking with a PC application)
-                        inst->delayedReplyTime = (dw_event->timeStamp + inst->rnginitReplyDelay) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the blink response
+                        //TODO add a small random number to this to reduce chance of collisions
+                        inst->delayedReplyTime = (dw_event->timeStamp + inst->rnginitReplyDelay + (uint32)rand()%RANGE_INIT_RAND) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the blink response
                         //set destination address
                         memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.destAddr[0], &(dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]), BLINK_FRAME_SOURCE_ADDRESS); //remember who to send the reply to
@@ -1524,6 +1453,12 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         		//1.) sync our frame start time to the local network
                         		//2.) collect and combine tdma info so we can construct a SUG packet and send it out
+                        		if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_INIT)
+                        		{
+                        			//if we receive network traffic while waiting for INF_INIT, transition to collecting INF messages
+                        			tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, COLLECT_INF_REG, time_now);
+                        		}
                         		if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_REG) //treat INF_UPDATE and INF_SUG the same
                         			//synchronize the frames //TODO don't need to sync frame at this point...?
@@ -1535,13 +1470,6 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         		else if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == COLLECT_INF_REG)
-                        			//TODO handle the case where we are collecting from two different UWB networks that are not synchronized
-                        			//in case there are multiple subnetworks... only collect average frame start times for one of them...
-                        			//send out INF_SUG in that 0th frame with rebase to the other subnetwork's frame. but what if there are two other networks?
-                        			//instead send out INF fug in that 0th frame with rebase to that frame. Hopefully the other networks will get the message.
-                        			//if not, the discrepency will eventually be taken care of the ANCHOR and TAG logic, regarless of how many subnetworks there are.
-                        			//sync to the largest subnetwork...
                         			//synchronize the frames
 									tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_COLLECT);
 									//collecting tdma info, append to previously stored info
@@ -1568,48 +1496,11 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 								//collecting tdma info, append to previously stored info
 								bool tdma_modified = tdma_handler->process_inf_msg(tdma_handler, messageData, srcIndex, CLEAR_LISTED_COPY);
-//								uint16 dest_addr = 0x118C;
-//								uint16 my_addr = inst->uwbShortAdd;
-//								if(memcmp(&my_addr, &dest_addr, sizeof(uint16))==0)
-//								{
-//									uint16 test_addr = 0x0CD6;
-//									if(memcmp(&test_addr, &srcAddr, sizeof(uint16))==0)
-//									{
-//										uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//										int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "range_end,xxxx,xxxx");
-//										send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//										usb_run();
-//									}
-//								}
+									//only repopulate the INF message if there was a modification to the TDMA configuration
 									tdma_handler->populate_inf_msg(tdma_handler, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE);//TODO populate at slot start while waiting for buffer to expire
-//								//clear all tdma information
-//								tdma_handler->tdma_free_all_slots(tdma_handler);
-//								//build the initial TDMA
-//								tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
-//								tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
-//								tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 1);
-//								tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0],  2);
-//								tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 3);
-//								tdma_handler->populate_inf_msg(tdma_handler, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE);
-								//TODO left off here! make sure the logic below is enforced in the RX callback
-								//NOTE i can think of some differences between SUG/UPDATE/REG...
-								//when waiting to send INF_SUG, ignore everything else?
-								//when waiting to send INF_UPDATE, ignore INF_REG?
 							//wait for next RX
@@ -1630,32 +1521,19 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 							uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 							uint8 srcIndex = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &srcAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize);
-//							//clear all tdma information
-//							tdma_handler->tdma_free_all_slots(tdma_handler);
-//							//build the initial TDMA
-//							tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
-//							tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
 							uint8 framelength;
 							uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us = 0;
 							memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[TDMA_FRAMELENGTH], sizeof(uint8));
 							memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart_us, &messageData[TDMA_TSFS], 6);
-							//synchronise the frames
+							//synchronize the frames
 							tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_ADOPT);
 							//copy the TDMA network configuration directly
 							tdma_handler->process_inf_msg(tdma_handler, messageData, srcIndex, CLEAR_ALL_COPY);
 							//copy new TDMA configuration into the INF message that this UWB will send out
-							tdma_handler->populate_inf_msg(tdma_handler, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE); //TODO set some sort of flag that tells us to send INF_UPDATE?
+							tdma_handler->populate_inf_msg(tdma_handler, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE);
 							//set discovery mode to EXIT
-							tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, EXIT, time_now); //TODO do I really need EXIT?
-//							tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 1);
-//							tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0],  2);
-//							tdma_handler->assign_slot(&tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 3);
-//							tdma_handler->populate_inf_msg(tdma_handler, RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE);
+							tdma_handler->set_discovery_mode(tdma_handler, EXIT, time_now);
 							inst->mode = ANCHOR;
diff --git a/src/application/instance.h b/src/application/instance.h
index c3d5149..d827e63 100644
--- a/src/application/instance.h
+++ b/src/application/instance.h
@@ -179,8 +179,6 @@ typedef struct
 	uint8 dweventPeek;
 	uint8 monitor;
 	uint32 timeofTx;
-	uint64 timeofRxCallback;
-	uint64 timeofRxCallback_dwtime;
 	uint8 smartPowerEn;
 	uint32 currentStateStartTime;
diff --git a/src/application/instance_common.c b/src/application/instance_common.c
index ac1cb51..3874e13 100644
--- a/src/application/instance_common.c
+++ b/src/application/instance_common.c
@@ -280,7 +280,6 @@ int instgetuwblistindex(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr, uint8 addrByteSiz
 	if(match == FALSE)
-//		instance_data_t *inst = &instance_data[instance];
 		uint8 debug_msg[100];
 		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "match not found");
 		 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
@@ -296,7 +295,6 @@ int instgetuwblistindex(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr, uint8 addrByteSiz
                 memcpy(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &uwbAddr[0], addrByteSize) ;
                 inst->uwbListLen = i + 1 ;
-//				inst->uwbTimeout[i] = 1;
 				return i;
@@ -1310,11 +1308,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 			uint8 destAddr_index = FRAME_CTRLP;
-//#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==0)
-//			if(memcmp(&instance_data[instance].uwbShortAdd, &dw_event.msgu.frame[destAddr_index], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize) != 0)
-//    		if(memcmp(&instance_data[instance].eui64[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[destAddr_index], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize) != 0)
 			if(memcmp(&instance_data[instance].uwbList[0][0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[destAddr_index], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize) != 0)
 //				uint8 debug_msg[150];
@@ -1362,17 +1355,12 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 		//must be a neighbor
-//		uwb_index = instgetuwblistindex(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize);
 		uwb_index = instgetuwblistindex(&instance_data[instance], &blink_address[0], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize);
-//		instance_data[instance].uwbListType[uwb_index] = UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR;
 		if(uwb_index > 0 && uwb_index < UWB_LIST_SIZE)
-	//		instance_data[instance].uwbListType[uwb_index] = UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR;
 			tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].connectionType = UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR;
-	//		instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
 			tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].lastCommNeighbor = time_now;
-//			instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
@@ -1391,11 +1379,8 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 		if(uwb_index > 0 && uwb_index < UWB_LIST_SIZE)
 			//TODO maybe do this somewhere else...
-	//		instance_data[instance].uwbListType[uwb_index] = UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR;
 			tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].connectionType = UWB_LIST_NEIGHBOR;
-	//		instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
 			tdma_handler.uwbListTDMAInfo[uwb_index].lastCommNeighbor = time_now;
-//			instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
@@ -1475,7 +1460,7 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 							dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE ||
 							dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG)
-						if(tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_REG || tdma_handler.discovery_mode == COLLECT_INF_REG)
+						if(tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_REG || tdma_handler.discovery_mode == COLLECT_INF_REG || tdma_handler.discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_INIT)
 							accept_inf = TRUE;
@@ -1496,10 +1481,10 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 //						send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
 //						usb_run();
-						if(num_neighbors <= 1)
-						{
+//						if(num_neighbors <= 1) //TODO i don't think I want this
+//						{
 							instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = uwb_index;
-						}
+//						}
@@ -1532,19 +1517,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 	if(accept_inf == TRUE)
-		//NOTE: these could get messed up if other messages trigger rxcallback before being processed by frame sync...
-		//should these be folded into the dw_event?
-		//TODO only do this when we need to (we are accepting and INF message)
-		instance_data[instance].timeofRxCallback = time_now_us;
-		//TODO only do this when we need to (we are accepting and INF message)
-		uint8 sys_time_arr[5] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-		dwt_readsystime(sys_time_arr);
-		instance_data[instance].timeofRxCallback_dwtime = (uint64)sys_time_arr[0] + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[1] << 8) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[2] << 16) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[3] << 24) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[4] << 32);
-//		instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
-//		instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
 		place_event = 1;
@@ -1556,9 +1528,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 //			usb_run();
 	else if(uwb_index != 255 && instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith == uwb_index)
@@ -1568,14 +1537,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 			//process RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL immediately.
 			if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL)
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "RX_POLL");
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
-//				instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
-//				instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
 				uint16 frameLength = 0;
 				instance_data[instance].tagPollRxTime = dw_event.timeStamp ; //Poll's Rx time
@@ -1592,48 +1553,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
-//				instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
-//				//program option octet and parameters (not used currently)
-//				instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[RES_R1] = 0x2; // "activity"
-//				instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[RES_R2] = 0x0; //
-//				instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[RES_R3] = 0x0;
-//				memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].destAddr[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
-//				//if tof not zero, set tof, else memset 0
-//				//also include next TX_ACCEPT node time (offset from now)
-//				// Write calculated TOF into response message
-//				memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[TOFR], &instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index], 6); //TODO fix number of bytes...
-//				uint8 num_active = 0;
-//				for(int i = 0; i < instance_data[instance].uwbListLen; i++){
-//					if(!instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[i]){
-//						num_active++;
-//					}
-//				}
-//				memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[NTAG], &num_active, 1);
-//				//get time till the next RX_ACCEPT
-////				uint32 time_till = 0;
-////				if(instance_data[instance].time_till_next_reported[uwb_index] == 0){
-////					time_till =	instance_data[instance].rx_scheduler.get_time_till_next_rx_accept(&instance_data[instance].rx_scheduler);
-////					instance_data[instance].time_till_next_reported[uwb_index] = 1;
-////				}
-////				memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[TIME_TILL], &time_till, 4);
-////				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////				uint64 mtof = instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[TOFR];
-////				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TOF in resp %llu", mtof);
-////				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-////				usb_run();
-////				instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index] = 0; //clear ToF ..
-//				instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].seqNum = instance_data[instance].frameSN++;
 				instance_data[instance].msg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
 				memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg.destAddr[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
@@ -1649,7 +1568,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 				instance_data[instance].wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
 				dwt_writetxfctrl(frameLength, 0, 1);
-//				dwt_writetxdata(frameLength, (uint8 *)  &instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index], 0) ;	// write the frame data
 				dwt_writetxdata(frameLength, (uint8 *)  &instance_data[instance].msg, 0) ;	// write the frame data
@@ -1668,64 +1586,22 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 					dw_event.typePend = DWT_SIG_TX_PENDING ; // exit this interrupt and notify the application/instance that TX is in progress.
 					instance_data[instance].timeofTx = time_now;
-				//report out which message is being sent!
-//				send_txmsgtousb(get_msg_fcode_string((int)instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[FCODE]));
-//				int64 mtof = 0;
-//				memcpy(&mtof, &instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[TOFR], sizeof(int64));
-//				int64 mtof2 = 0;
-//				memcpy(&mtof2, &instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index], sizeof(int64));
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, ".instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith %d, tof[uwb_index] %lld, .msg[uwb_index].messageData[TOFR] %lld",instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith, mtof2, mtof);
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
+				instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index] = 0; //clear ToF .. //TODO does this need to be here?
-//				uint32 time_till_cpy = 0;
-//				memcpy(&time_till_cpy, &instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[TIME_TILL], sizeof(uint32));
-//				uint8 debug_msg[200];
-//				int n = 0;
-//				n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "time_till %lu, memcpy time_till %lu", time_till, time_till_cpy);
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
-				instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index] = 0; //clear ToF ..
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				 n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX TAG_POLL ACCEPTED ANCH_RESP sent <- uwb %d", uwb_index);
-//				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				 usb_run();
-			}
-			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP)
-			{
-//				uint32 response_time = portGetTickCnt() - instance_data[instance].range_start;
-//				instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
-//				instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: ANCH_RESP <- uwb_index %d", uwb_index);
-//				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				 usb_run();
-			}
-			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT)
-			{
-//				instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
-//				instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: RNG_INIT <- uwb_index %d", uwb_index);
-//				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				 usb_run();
-			}
-			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL)
-			{
-//				instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = time_now;
-//				instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[uwb_index] = 0;
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: TAG_FINAL <- uwb_index %d", uwb_index);
-//				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				 usb_run();
+//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP)
+//			{
+//			}
+//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT)
+//			{
+//			}
+//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL)
+//			{
+//			}
 //			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT)
 //			{
 //				instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = portGetTickCnt();
@@ -1745,11 +1621,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 		else if (rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK)
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: BLINK <- uwb %d", uwb_index);
-//			 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			 usb_run();
 			place_event = 1;
diff --git a/src/application/tdma_handler.c b/src/application/tdma_handler.c
index e5c1118..6da5ec2 100644
--- a/src/application/tdma_handler.c
+++ b/src/application/tdma_handler.c
@@ -546,50 +546,54 @@ static bool tx_select(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 		if(this->discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_REG)
-			//start blinking if enough time has passed since entering DISCOVERY mode
-			uint32 timeSinceDiscoverStart = get_dt32(this->discoveryStartTime, time_now);
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "discovery wait inf reg");
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
-	//		uint8 debug_msg[100];
-	//		int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "timeSinceDiscoverStart %lu, maxFrameDuration %lu ", timeSinceDiscoverStart, maxFrameDuration);
-	//		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-	//		usb_run();
-			if(timeSinceDiscoverStart > this->waitInfDuration)
+			if(this->check_blink(this))
-				//enforce blink period
-				uint32 timeSinceLastBlink = get_dt32(this->last_blink_time, time_now);
-	//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-	//			int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "timeSinceLastBlink %lu, BLINK_PERIOD_MS %lu ", timeSinceLastBlink, (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS);
-	//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-	//			usb_run();
-				if(timeSinceLastBlink  > (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS + (uint32)(rand() % 100))
-				{
-					//time to blink
-					uwb_index = 255;
-					this->set_discovery_mode(this, WAIT_RNG_INIT, time_now);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					//not time to blink yet, keep waiting for RNG_INIT
-					inst->wait4ack = 0;
-					inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
-					return TRUE;
-				}
+				//time to blink
+				uwb_index = 255;
+				this->set_discovery_mode(this, WAIT_RNG_INIT, time_now);
-				//shouldn't be in this mode, should be listening for INF messages
+				//not time to blink yet, keep waiting for RNG_INIT
 				inst->wait4ack = 0;
 				inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
 				return TRUE;
+//			//start blinking if enough time has passed since entering DISCOVERY mode
+//			uint32 timeSinceDiscoverStart = get_dt32(this->discoveryStartTime, time_now);
+//			if(timeSinceDiscoverStart > this->waitInfDuration)
+//			{
+//				//enforce blink period
+//				uint32 timeSinceLastBlink = get_dt32(this->last_blink_time, time_now);
+//	//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
+//	//			int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "timeSinceLastBlink %lu, BLINK_PERIOD_MS %lu ", timeSinceLastBlink, (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS);
+//	//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+//	//			usb_run();
+//				if(timeSinceLastBlink  > (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS + this->blinkPeriodRand)
+//				{
+//					//time to blink
+//					uwb_index = 255;
+//					this->set_discovery_mode(this, WAIT_RNG_INIT, time_now);
+//				}
+//				else
+//				{
+//					//not time to blink yet, keep waiting for RNG_INIT
+//					inst->wait4ack = 0;
+//					inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
+//					return TRUE;
+//				}
+//			}
+//			else
+//			{
+//				//shouldn't be in this mode, should be listening for INF messages
+//				inst->wait4ack = 0;
+//				inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
+//				return TRUE;
+//			}
 		else if(this->discovery_mode == SEND_SUG)
@@ -755,21 +759,11 @@ static bool check_blink(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 		uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 		uint32 timeSinceDiscoveryStart = get_dt32(this->discoveryStartTime, time_now);
-		if(timeSinceDiscoveryStart > this->maxFramelength*this->slotDuration_ms )
+		if(timeSinceDiscoveryStart > this->waitInfDuration )
-//			uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//			int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "in RX_WAIT_DATA, portGetTickCnt(): %lu, inst->last_blink_time: %lu, BLINK_PERIOD_MS: %lu", portGetTickCnt(), inst->last_blink_time, (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS);
-//			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//			usb_run();
 			uint32 timeSinceBlink = get_dt32(this->last_blink_time, time_now);
-			if(timeSinceBlink > (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS + (uint32)(rand()%100)){
-//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "in RX_WAIT_DATA, siwtch to TA_TX_SELECT");
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
-//				this->discovery_mode = WAIT_RNG_INIT;
+			if(timeSinceBlink > (uint32)BLINK_PERIOD_MS + this->blinkPeriodRand)
+			{
 				retval = TRUE;
@@ -3255,6 +3249,7 @@ static struct TDMAHandler new(){
 //    ret.collectInfDuration = ret.maxFramelength*ret.slotDuration;
     ret.collectInfDuration = 10000; //TODO change this back
 	ret.waitInfDuration = ret.collectInfDuration;
+	ret.blinkPeriodRand = (uint32)rand()%BLINK_PERIOD_RAND_MS;
 	return ret;
diff --git a/src/application/tdma_handler.h b/src/application/tdma_handler.h
index 9e7001c..0f2bfad 100644
--- a/src/application/tdma_handler.h
+++ b/src/application/tdma_handler.h
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ struct TDMAHandler
 	//discovery variables
 	DISCOVERY_MODE discovery_mode;
 	uint32 last_blink_time;	   //timestamp of most recent blink
+	uint32 blinkPeriodRand;		//random number used to vary blink message transmission interval
 	uint32 discoveryStartTime; //time that we started listening for other UWBs
 	uint32 discovery_mode_start_time;
 	uint32 discovery_mode_duration;