From c801533453d93723a228e717bdb4c1d8c0f3be4a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David <>
Date: Sun, 4 Oct 2020 16:09:01 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] subnetwork sync implemented

 src/application/application_definitions.h |  18 ++--
 src/application/dw_main.c                 |  12 +--
 src/application/instance.c                | 120 +++++++++++++---------
 src/application/instance.h                |   5 +-
 src/application/instance_common.c         |  12 ++-
 src/application/tdma_handler.c            | 105 +++++++++++++------
 src/application/tdma_handler.h            |  10 +-
 7 files changed, 183 insertions(+), 99 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/application/application_definitions.h b/src/application/application_definitions.h
index 18cec85..3aa5dc4 100644
--- a/src/application/application_definitions.h
+++ b/src/application/application_definitions.h
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ enum
-    INF,
-    FRAME_TYPE_NB //TODO add in RNG_REPORT? would be useful in calculating how long a frame slot should be... if so, dont forget to update the init_timings function...
+    SYNC,
 //TWO WAY RANGING function codes
@@ -74,16 +74,17 @@ enum
 #define RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_INIT              (0x14)          // TDMA coordination info packet
 #define RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG              	(0x15)          // TDMA coordination info packet
 #define RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE            (0x16)          // TDMA coordination info packet
-#define RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT            (0x11)			// Report of calculated range back to the Tag
+#define RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT            (0x11)			// Report of calculated range to network
+#define RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC					(0x22)			// Inform other UWBs to sync their TDMA frame start times
 //lengths including the Decaranging Message Function Code byte
 #define TAG_POLL_MSG_LEN                    1				// FunctionCode(1),
 #define ANCH_RESPONSE_MSG_LEN               15 //TODO shorten!              // FunctionCode(1), RespOption (1), OptionParam(2), Number of Tags(1), Measured_TOF_Time(6), Time Till next window reserved for catching a blink message (4)
 #define TAG_FINAL_MSG_LEN                   16              // FunctionCode(1), Poll_TxTime(5), Resp_RxTime(5), Final_TxTime(5)
-//#define RANGINGINIT_MSG_LEN					7				// FunctionCode(1), Tag Address (2), Response Time (2) * 2
 #define RANGINGINIT_MSG_LEN					1				// FunctionCode(1)
 #define RNG_REPORT_MSG_LEN_SHORT		    9			// FunctionCode(1), time of flight (6), short address (2)
 #define RNG_REPORT_MSG_LEN_LONG		    	15			// FunctionCode(1), time of flight (6), long address (8)
+#define SYNC_MSG_LEN						8			// FunctionCode (1), framelength (1), time since frame start (6)
 #define MAX_MAC_MSG_DATA_LEN                (TAG_FINAL_MSG_LEN) //max message len of the above
@@ -126,11 +127,13 @@ enum
 #define BLINK_FRAME_CONTROL_BYTES       (1)
@@ -189,6 +192,10 @@ enum
 #define REPORT_TOF                          1               // Offset to put ToF values in the report message.			  (6 bytes)
 #define REPORT_ADDR							7				// Offset to put address of other UWB involved in the range report (2 [short address] or 8 [long address] bytes)
+#define SYNC_FRAMELENGTH					1				// offset to put the framelength in the sync message
+#define SYNC_TSFS							2				// offset to put the time since TDMA frame start in the sync message
 //TODO remove below
 // Ranging init message byte offsets. Composed of tag short address, anchor
 // response delay and tag response delay.
@@ -245,7 +252,7 @@ enum
 // Default tag turn-around time: cannot be less than 300 us. Defined as 500 us
 // so that the tag is not transmitting more than one frame by millisecond (for
 // power management purpose).
-#define TAG_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US 1500 //TODO tune again!!! (300)
+#define TAG_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US 2500 //TODO tune again!!! (300)
 // "Long" response delays value. Over this limit, special processes must be
 // applied.
@@ -275,7 +282,6 @@ enum
 #define MIN_FRAMELENGTH							4 //minimum size by TDMA E-ASAP
 typedef uint64_t        uint64 ;
 typedef int64_t         int64 ;
diff --git a/src/application/dw_main.c b/src/application/dw_main.c
index 9514861..b49a499 100644
--- a/src/application/dw_main.c
+++ b/src/application/dw_main.c
@@ -539,12 +539,12 @@ int dw_main(void)
 			if(instance_mode == TAG)
-//				uint64 aaddr = instancenewrangeancadd();
-//				uint64 taddr = instancenewrangetagadd();
-////				int n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "RANGE_COMPLETE,%llX,%llX", taddr, aaddr);
-//				int n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "RANGE_COMPLETE,%04llX,%04llX", taddr, aaddr);
-//				send_usbmessage(&dataseq[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
+				uint64 aaddr = instancenewrangeancadd();
+				uint64 taddr = instancenewrangetagadd();
+//				int n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "RANGE_COMPLETE,%llX,%llX", taddr, aaddr);
+				int n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "RANGE_COMPLETE,%04llX,%04llX", taddr, aaddr);
+				send_usbmessage(&dataseq[0], n);
+				usb_run();
diff --git a/src/application/instance.c b/src/application/instance.c
index d2d5193..b4cb4b6 100644
--- a/src/application/instance.c
+++ b/src/application/instance.c
@@ -69,23 +69,6 @@ int usbtxdebugdataprev_size = 0;
 void instanceconfigframeheader(instance_data_t *inst)
-//	//configure ranging message(s)
-//	for(int i = 0; i < UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)//TODO only have one msg
-//	{
-//		inst->msg[i].panID[0] = (inst->panID) & 0xff;
-//		inst->msg[i].panID[1] = inst->panID >> 8;
-//		//set frame type (0-2), SEC (3), Pending (4), ACK (5), PanIDcomp(6)
-//		inst->msg[i].frameCtrl[0] = 0x1 /*frame type 0x1 == data*/ | 0x40 /*PID comp*/;
-//#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
-//		    //source/dest addressing modes and frame version
-//		inst->msg[i].frameCtrl[1] = 0xC /*dest extended address (64bits)*/ | 0xC0 /*src extended address (64bits)*/;
-//		inst->msg[i].frameCtrl[1] = 0x8 /*dest short address (16bits)*/ | 0x80 /*src short address (16bits)*/;
-//	}
 	//configure ranging message
 	inst->msg.panID[0] = (inst->panID) & 0xff;
 	inst->msg.panID[1] = inst->panID >> 8;
@@ -127,7 +110,6 @@ void instanceconfigframeheader(instance_data_t *inst)
 	//configure RNG_REPORT
 	inst->report_msg.panID[0] = (inst->panID) & 0xff;
 	inst->report_msg.panID[1] = inst->panID >> 8;
@@ -141,6 +123,20 @@ void instanceconfigframeheader(instance_data_t *inst)
+	//configure SYNC message
+	inst->sync_msg.panID[0] = (inst->panID) & 0xff;
+	inst->sync_msg.panID[1] = inst->panID >> 8;
+	//set frame type (0-2), SEC (3), Pending (4), ACK (5), PanIDcomp(6)
+	inst->sync_msg.frameCtrl[0] = 0x1 /*frame type 0x1 == data*/ | 0x40 /*PID comp*/;
+#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
+	//source/dest addressing modes and frame version
+	inst->sync_msg.frameCtrl[1] = 0x8 /*dest short address (16bits)*/ | 0xC0 /*src extended address (64bits)*/;
+	inst->sync_msg.frameCtrl[1] = 0x8 /*dest short address (16bits)*/ | 0x80 /*src short address (16bits)*/;
 	//configure BLINK
 	//blink frames with IEEE EUI-64 tag ID
 	inst->blinkmsg.frameCtrl = 0xC5 ;
@@ -226,6 +222,11 @@ void instanceconfigmessages(instance_data_t *inst)
 	inst->report_msg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
+	//configure SYNC message
+	memcpy(&inst->sync_msg.sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
+	memcpy(&inst->sync_msg.destAddr[0], &broadcast_address, 2);
+	inst->sync_msg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
 	//configure BLINK message
 	memcpy(&inst->blinkmsg.tagID[0], &inst->eui64[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
@@ -960,11 +961,11 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
             dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->msg, 0) ; // write the frame data
             dwt_writetxfctrl(psduLength, 0, 1);
             if(dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE | inst->wait4ack) == 0){
-//            	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL,%llX,%llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
-//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL,%04llX,%04llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
-//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//				usb_run();
+            	uint8 debug_msg[100];
+//				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL,%llX,%llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
+				int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL,%04llX,%04llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
+				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+				usb_run();
             inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ;   //TODO move to if statement above?                                       // wait confirmation
@@ -1463,6 +1464,23 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         } //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT
+                        case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC :
+                        {
+                        	uint8 srcIndex = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &srcAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize);
+                        	uint8 framelength;
+							uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us = 0;
+							memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[SYNC_FRAMELENGTH], sizeof(uint8));
+							memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart_us, &messageData[SYNC_TSFS], 6);
+							if(inst->mode == ANCHOR || inst->mode == TAG)
+							{
+								//evaluate our frame synchronization to see if we need to snap to the incoming value
+								//and rebroadcast a SYNC message
+								tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_EVAL);
+							}
+                        	break;
+                        }
                         case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE : //fall through
                         case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG :    //fall through
                         case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_REG :
@@ -1470,6 +1488,11 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 							uint32 time_now = portGetTickCnt();
 							uint8 srcIndex = instgetuwblistindex(inst, &srcAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize);
+							uint8 framelength;
+							uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us = 0;
+							memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[TDMA_FRAMELENGTH], sizeof(uint8));
+							memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart_us, &messageData[TDMA_TSFS], 6);
 							//return to dicovery mode if no slots assigned to this UWB
 							if(inst->mode == ANCHOR || inst->mode == TAG)
@@ -1489,7 +1512,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         		if(tdma_handler->discovery_mode == WAIT_INF_REG) //treat INF_UPDATE and INF_SUG the same
                         			//synchronize the frames //TODO don't need to sync frame at this point...?
-                        			tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, messageData, srcIndex, FS_ADOPT);
+                        			tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_ADOPT);
 //                        			//initialize collection of tdma info, clear any previously stored info
                         			tdma_handler->process_inf_msg(tdma_handler, messageData, srcIndex, CLEAR_ALL_COPY);
 //                        			//set discovery mode to COLLECT_INF_REG
@@ -1505,7 +1528,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         			//sync to the largest subnetwork...
                         			//synchronize the frames
-									tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, messageData, srcIndex, FS_COLLECT);
+									tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_COLLECT);
 									//collecting tdma info, append to previously stored info
                         			tdma_handler->process_inf_msg(tdma_handler, messageData, srcIndex, COPY);
@@ -1513,7 +1536,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         			//process frame sync while waiting to send sug so we maintain syn with selected (sub)network
                         			//also give ourselves the opportunity to detect the need to transmit frame sync rebase messages
-									tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, messageData, srcIndex, FS_AVERAGE);
+									tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_AVERAGE);
                         	else if(inst->mode == ANCHOR || inst->mode == TAG)
@@ -1525,7 +1548,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
                         		//2.) check for and adopt any tdma changes, sending an INF_UPDATE or INF_REG accordingly
                         		//synchronize the frames
-								tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, messageData, srcIndex, FS_AVERAGE);
+								tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_AVERAGE);
 								//collecting tdma info, append to previously stored info
 								bool tdma_modified = tdma_handler->process_inf_msg(tdma_handler, messageData, srcIndex, CLEAR_LISTED_COPY);
@@ -1599,9 +1622,13 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 //							tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
 //							tdma_handler->uwbListTDMAInfo[inst->uwbToRangeWith].framelength = (uint8)MIN_FRAMELENGTH;
+							uint8 framelength;
+							uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us = 0;
+							memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[TDMA_FRAMELENGTH], sizeof(uint8));
+							memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart_us, &messageData[TDMA_TSFS], 6);
 							//synchronise the frames
-							tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, messageData, srcIndex, FS_ADOPT);
+							tdma_handler->frame_sync(tdma_handler, dw_event, framelength, timeSinceFrameStart_us, srcIndex, FS_ADOPT);
 							//copy the TDMA network configuration directly
 							tdma_handler->process_inf_msg(tdma_handler, messageData, srcIndex, CLEAR_ALL_COPY);
 							//copy new TDMA configuration into the INF message that this UWB will send out
@@ -1820,11 +1847,11 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 								inst->lastRangeTimeStamp[inst->uwbToRangeWith] = portGetTickCnt();
-//								uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////								int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "POLL_COMPLETE,%llX,%llX", inst->newRangeTagAddress, inst->newRangeAncAddress);
-//								int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "POLL_COMPLETE,%04llX,%04llX", inst->newRangeTagAddress, inst->newRangeAncAddress);
-//								send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//								usb_run();
+								uint8 debug_msg[100];
+//								int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "POLL_COMPLETE,%llX,%llX", inst->newRangeTagAddress, inst->newRangeAncAddress);
+								int n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "POLL_COMPLETE,%04llX,%04llX", inst->newRangeTagAddress, inst->newRangeAncAddress);
+								send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+								usb_run();
 								//TODO remember that below is for testing out if its better to send INF as last message
@@ -1907,19 +1934,19 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, struct TDMAHandler *tdma_handler, int mess
 					else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND)
-//						uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL_TIMEOUT,%llX,%llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
-//						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL_TIMEOUT,%04llX,%04llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
-//						send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//						usb_run();
+						uint8 debug_msg[100];
+//						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL_TIMEOUT,%llX,%llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
+						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL_TIMEOUT,%04llX,%04llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
+						send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+						usb_run();
 					else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND)
-//						uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL_TIMEOUT,%llX,%llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
-//						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL_TIMEOUT,%04llX,%04llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
-//						send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//						usb_run();
+						uint8 debug_msg[100];
+//						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL_TIMEOUT,%llX,%llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
+						n = sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "TX_POLL_TIMEOUT,%04llX,%04llX", instance_get_addr(), instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->uwbToRangeWith));
+						send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+						usb_run();
                     instance_getevent(17); //get and clear this event
@@ -2038,10 +2065,9 @@ void instance_init_timings(void)
     uint32 pre_len;
     int sfd_len;
-	static const int data_len_bytes[FRAME_TYPE_NB - 1] = {
+	static const int data_len_bytes[FRAME_TYPE_NB] = {
     // Margin used for timeouts computation.
@@ -2094,7 +2120,7 @@ void instance_init_timings(void)
     inst->storePreLen_us = CEIL_DIV(pre_len, 100000);
     // Second step is data length for all frame types.
-    for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_TYPE_NB - 1; i++)//exclude INF message, since it changes size
+    for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_TYPE_NB; i++)
     	inst->frameLengths_us[i] = instance_getmessageduration_us(data_len_bytes[i]);
diff --git a/src/application/instance.h b/src/application/instance.h
index 7ebb8f4..99b10c1 100644
--- a/src/application/instance.h
+++ b/src/application/instance.h
@@ -76,11 +76,14 @@ typedef struct
     srd_ext_msg_dlsl msg; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using long addresses
 	srd_ext_msg_dssl inf_msg;         	  // extended inf message containing frame lengths and slot assignments
     srd_ext_msg_dssl report_msg;          // extended report message containing the calculated range
+    srd_ext_msg_dssl sync_msg;		      // extended message indicating the need to resync TDMA frame
+    //TODO make sure the dssl are correct! (ds for broadcast?)
 	srd_msg_dlss rng_initmsg ;  // ranging init message (destination long, source short)
     srd_ext_msg_dsss msg; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using short addresses
     srd_ext_msg_dsss inf_msg;         	  // extended inf message containing frame lengths and slot assignments
-    srd_ext_msg_dsss report_msg;			// extended report message containing the calculated range
+    srd_ext_msg_dsss report_msg;		  // extended report message containing the calculated range
+    srd_ext_msg_dsss sync_msg;		      // extended message indicating the need to resync TDMA frame
 	iso_IEEE_EUI64_blink_msg blinkmsg ; // frame structure (used for tx blink message)
diff --git a/src/application/instance_common.c b/src/application/instance_common.c
index 93c3308..735ee78 100644
--- a/src/application/instance_common.c
+++ b/src/application/instance_common.c
@@ -1220,7 +1220,6 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 					srcAddr_index = FRAME_CTRLP + ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S;
@@ -1275,13 +1274,12 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 				rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
 		else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] != RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_REG &&
 				dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] != RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_INIT &&
 				dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] != RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_SUG &&
 				dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] != RTLS_DEMO_MSG_INF_UPDATE &&
-				dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] != RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT)
+				dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] != RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT &&
+				dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] != RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC)
 			rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
 //			uint8 debug_msg[150];
@@ -1455,7 +1453,7 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 	if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY && uwb_index != 255)
 		//always accept.
-		if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT)
+		if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_REPORT || dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC)
 //			uint8 debug_msg[100];
 //			 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: RNG_REPORT <- uwb_index %d", uwb_index);
@@ -1671,6 +1669,10 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 //				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: RNG_REPORT <- uwb_index %d", uwb_index);
 //				 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
 //				 usb_run();
+//			}
+//			else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_SYNC)
+//			{
 //			}
diff --git a/src/application/tdma_handler.c b/src/application/tdma_handler.c
index 3dda51a..e87cddf 100644
--- a/src/application/tdma_handler.c
+++ b/src/application/tdma_handler.c
@@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ static bool slot_transition(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 			uint64 frameDuration64 = this->slotDuration_us*this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength;
 			if(timeSinceFrameStart64 >= frameDuration64)
-				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-////				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "NEW FRAME, %llX,  this->frameStartTime: %lu, this->slotDuration*this->framelength: %lu", instance_get_addr(), this->frameStartTime, (this->slotDuration*this->framelength));
-				int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "%llX, %llu, %llu", instance_get_addr(), this->lastFST, time_now_us);
-				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-				usb_run();
+//				uint8 debug_msg[100];
+//////				 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "NEW FRAME, %llX,  this->frameStartTime: %lu, this->slotDuration*this->framelength: %lu", instance_get_addr(), this->frameStartTime, (this->slotDuration*this->framelength));
+//				int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "%llX, %llu, %llu", instance_get_addr(), this->lastFST, time_now_us);
+//				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+//				usb_run();
 				//TODO think about adopting rebase AFTER all neighbors have had a chance to TX the rebase in their INF message as well.
 //				this->rebase_pending = FALSE;
@@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ static bool slot_transition(struct TDMAHandler *this)
 //static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint16 rxLength, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
-static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *messageData, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
+//static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *messageData, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
+static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 framelength, uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
 	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
@@ -126,13 +127,12 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *
 	dwt_time_now = (uint64)sys_time_arr[0] + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[1] << 8) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[2] << 16) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[3] << 24) + ((uint64)sys_time_arr[4] << 32);
 	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
-	uint8 framelength;
-	uint32 timeSinceFrameStart64 = 0;
-	memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[TDMA_FRAMELENGTH], 1);
-	//timeSinceFrameStart in message
-	memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart64, &messageData[TDMA_TSFS], 6);
+//	uint8 framelength;
+//	uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us = 0;
+//	memcpy(&framelength, &messageData[TDMA_FRAMELENGTH], sizeof(uint8));
+//	//timeSinceFrameStart in message
+//	memcpy(&timeSinceFrameStart_us, &messageData[TDMA_TSFS], 6);
 	//time from message to tx
 	//assuming zero since we use DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE
@@ -140,11 +140,6 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *
 	//tx antenna delay
 	uint64 tx_antenna_delay = (uint64)inst->txAntennaDelay;
-	//time for xmission (only count once, happens on both sides near simultaneously)
-	//TODO make sure this is correct...
-	//easiest way to check would be to see if it is the same as the defines for other standard messages...
-//	inst->frameLengths_us[INF] = instance_getmessageduration_us(dw_event->rxLength); //TODO should maybe make sure extended framelength cannot overflow a uint32
 	//time to propagate
 	//NOTE: assuming zero since difference for speed of light travel time over 10cm and 100m is negligible for frame sync purposes
@@ -156,10 +151,10 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *
 	uint64 txrx_delay =  (uint64)(convertdevicetimetosec(tx_antenna_delay + rxfs_process_delay)*1000000.0) + inst->storePreLen_us;
-	uint64 hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us = timeSinceFrameStart64 + txrx_delay;
+	uint64 hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us = timeSinceFrameStart_us + txrx_delay;
 	this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[srcIndex] = timestamp_subtract64(time_now_us, hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us); //TODO consider applying the diff!
-	if(mode == FS_ADOPT)
+	if(mode == FS_ADOPT) //TODO this might not be right! incoming framelength not always the same as ours!
 		this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[srcIndex];
 		uint8 slot = hisTimeSinceFrameStart_us/this->slotDuration_us; //integer division rounded down
@@ -169,9 +164,9 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *
-	else if(mode == FS_AVERAGE) //TODO consider using a weighted average. perhaps use threshholds to determine if instead we should just use the ADOPT logic
+	else// if(mode == FS_AVERAGE || mode == FS_EVAL) //TODO consider using a weighted average. perhaps use threshholds to determine if instead we should just use the ADOPT logic
-		uint64 myFramelengthDuration_us = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength*this->slotDuration_us;
+//		uint64 myFramelengthDuration_us = this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength*this->slotDuration_us;
 		uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], time_now_us);
 		////OLD WAY
@@ -283,13 +278,20 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *
-		uint64 threshold = 2*this->slotStartDelay_us;//TODO make this a permanent variable
-		if(diff_us > threshold)
+		if(diff_us > this->frameSyncThreshold_us)
-			return;//TODO send out a rebase message!
+			this->tx_sync_msg(this);
+		}
+		else if(mode == FS_EVAL)
+		{
+			return;
+		uint8 div = 2;
+		if(mode == FS_EVAL)
+		{
+			div = 1;
+		}
 		if(diff_add == TRUE)
@@ -298,8 +300,8 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *
 //			 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
 //			 usb_run();
-			this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_add64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/2);
-			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_add64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/2);
+			this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_add64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/div);
+			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_add64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/div);
@@ -307,8 +309,8 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *
 //			 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "subtract %llu", diff_us);
 //			 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
 //			 usb_run();
-			this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_subtract64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/2);
-			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_subtract64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/2);
+			this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0] = timestamp_subtract64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], diff_us/div);
+			this->lastSlotStartTime64 = timestamp_subtract64(this->lastSlotStartTime64, diff_us/div);
@@ -316,6 +318,45 @@ static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *
+static bool tx_sync_msg(struct TDMAHandler *this)
+	instance_data_t *inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
+	uint64 time_now_us = portGetTickCntMicro();
+	uint64 myTimeSinceFrameStart_us = get_dt64(this->uwbFrameStartTimes64[0], time_now_us);
+	memcpy(&inst->sync_msg.messageData[SYNC_FRAMELENGTH], &this->uwbListTDMAInfo[0].framelength, sizeof(uint8));
+	memcpy(&inst->sync_msg.messageData[SYNC_TSFS], &myTimeSinceFrameStart_us, 6);
+	int psduLength = 0;
+	inst->sync_msg.seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
+#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
+	dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)&inst->sync_msg, 0) ; // write the frame data
+	inst->wait4ack = 0;
+	if(instancesendpacket(psduLength, DWT_START_RX_IMMEDIATE, 0))
+	{
+		inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
+		return FALSE;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		inst->previousState = inst->testAppState;
+		inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;	// wait confirmation
+		return TRUE;
+	}
 ////static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, uint8 *messageData, uint16 rxLength, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
 //static void frame_sync(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *messageData, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode)
@@ -2683,11 +2724,10 @@ static void set_discovery_mode(struct TDMAHandler *this, DISCOVERY_MODE discover
 //						}
 //					}
-					uint64 threshold = this->slotStartDelay_us*2; //TODO make a permanent variable for this threshold
 					//if difference is below the threshold, it belongs to this subnetwork
 					//if not, it may belong to another one already listed,
 					//if not, create a new one...
-					if(diff_us < threshold)
+					if(diff_us < this->frameSyncThreshold_us)
 						sub_network_membership[i] = j;
@@ -2990,6 +3030,7 @@ static struct TDMAHandler new(){
 	ret.slot_transition = &slot_transition;
 	ret.frame_sync = &frame_sync;
+	ret.tx_sync_msg = &tx_sync_msg;
 	ret.tx_select  = &tx_select;
 	ret.check_blink  = &check_blink;
@@ -3013,6 +3054,7 @@ static struct TDMAHandler new(){
 	ret.check_discovery_mode_expiration = &check_discovery_mode_expiration;
 	ret.usb_dump_tdma = &usb_dump_tdma;
 	ret.deconflict_slot_assignments = &deconflict_slot_assignments;
 	ret.deconflict_uwb_pair = &deconflict_uwb_pair;
 	ret.deconflict_slot_pair = &deconflict_slot_pair;
@@ -3044,6 +3086,7 @@ static struct TDMAHandler new(){
     ret.infSentThisSlot = FALSE;
     ret.pollSentThisSlot = FALSE;
     ret.slotStartDelay_us = 4000;
+    ret.frameSyncThreshold_us = 2*ret.slotStartDelay_us;
     ret.infMessageLength = 0;
     ret.rebase_pending = FALSE;
 	ret.rebase_tx = FALSE;
diff --git a/src/application/tdma_handler.h b/src/application/tdma_handler.h
index a5e0aaa..78b7cc4 100644
--- a/src/application/tdma_handler.h
+++ b/src/application/tdma_handler.h
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ typedef enum frame_sync_mode
-//	FS_REBASE //TODO remove
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ struct TDMAHandler
 	//TODO can probably use a smaller data type...
 	uint64 slotStartDelay_us; //time between slot start and transmission within that slot
+	uint64 frameSyncThreshold_us;
 	//discovery variables
 	DISCOVERY_MODE discovery_mode;
@@ -74,7 +75,9 @@ struct TDMAHandler
     //class functions
 	bool (*slot_transition)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
-	void (*frame_sync)(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *messageData, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode);
+//	void (*frame_sync)(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 *messageData, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode);
+	void (*frame_sync)(struct TDMAHandler *this, event_data_t *dw_event, uint8 framelength, uint64 timeSinceFrameStart_us, uint8 srcIndex, FRAME_SYNC_MODE mode);
+	bool (*tx_sync_msg)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
 	void (*update_inf_tsfs)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
 	bool (*tx_select)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
     bool (*check_blink)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
@@ -87,6 +90,7 @@ struct TDMAHandler
     void (*check_discovery_mode_expiration)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
     void (*usb_dump_tdma)(struct TDMAHandler *this);
     //TODO left off here. updating messageData as well as
     //TODO revisit anything that works with messageData!!!
     bool (*slot_assigned)(struct TDMAInfo *info, uint8 slot);