From 5657234be9b545362a0b0c1fc6e3d66166187611 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 13:56:57 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Removed printf (too slow). Implemented short addresses.
 Renamed Variables

 DecaRanging.coproj                         |   21 +-
 Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport/core_cm3.h |    1 +
 semihosting/semihosting.c                  |   72 --
 semihosting/semihosting.h                  |   25 -
 semihosting/sh_cmd.s                       |   77 --
 src/application/dw_main.c                  |  100 +-
 src/application/instance.c                 | 1248 ++++++++------------
 src/application/instance.h                 |   68 +-
 src/application/instance_common.c          |  618 ++++------
 src/decadriver/deca_device.c               |   11 +-
 src/platform/port.c                        |    1 +
 stdio/printf.c                             |  559 ---------
 12 files changed, 775 insertions(+), 2026 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 semihosting/semihosting.c
 delete mode 100644 semihosting/semihosting.h
 delete mode 100644 semihosting/sh_cmd.s
 delete mode 100644 stdio/printf.c

diff --git a/DecaRanging.coproj b/DecaRanging.coproj
index daa3c74..4f99c98 100644
--- a/DecaRanging.coproj
+++ b/DecaRanging.coproj
@@ -68,28 +68,25 @@
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.adapter" value="ST-Link"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.debugMode" value="SWD"/>
-      <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.clockDiv" value="2M"/>
+      <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.clockDiv" value="1M"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.corerunToMain" value="1"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.jlinkgdbserver" value=""/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.userDefineGDBScript" value=""/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.targetEndianess" value="0"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.jlinkResetMode" value="Type 0: Normal"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.resetMode" value="SYSRESETREQ"/>
-      <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.ifSemihost" value="1"/>
+      <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.ifSemihost" value="0"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.ifCacheRom" value="1"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.ipAddress" value=""/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.portNumber" value="2009"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.autoDownload" value="1"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.verify" value="1"/>
       <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.downloadFuction" value="Erase Effected"/>
-      <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.defaultAlgorithm" value="./stm32f10x_cl_256.elf"/>
+      <Option name="org.coocox.codebugger.gdbjtag.core.defaultAlgorithm" value="STM32F10x_CL_256.elf"/>
-  <Components path="./">
-    <Component id="31" name="Retarget printf" path="" type="2"/>
-    <Component id="33" name="Semihosting" path="" type="2"/>
-  </Components>
+  <Components path="./"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_ioreq.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_ioreq.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_fsmc.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_fsmc.h" type="1"/>
@@ -121,7 +118,6 @@
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_iwdg.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_iwdg.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_bkp.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_bkp.h" type="1"/>
-    <File name="stdio/printf.c" path="stdio/printf.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/compiler/compiler.h" path="src/compiler/compiler.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="src/platform/deca_mutex.c" path="src/platform/deca_mutex.c" type="1"/>
@@ -130,7 +126,6 @@
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_dma.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_dma.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_crc.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_crc.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_rcc.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_rcc.h" type="1"/>
-    <File name="stdio" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_can.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_can.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_sdio.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_sdio.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src/usb_hcd_int.c" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/src/usb_hcd_int.c" type="1"/>
@@ -139,9 +134,9 @@
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_wwdg.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_wwdg.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/decadriver/deca_device.c" path="src/decadriver/deca_device.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_exti.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_exti.c" type="1"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h" type="1"/>
-    <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rtc.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_rtc.c" type="1"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_adc.h" type="1"/>
+    <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_req.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_fsmc.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_fsmc.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_otg.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_otg.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/usb_conf.h" path="src/usb/usb_conf.h" type="1"/>
@@ -174,12 +169,10 @@
     <File name="src/decadriver/deca_param_types.h" path="src/decadriver/deca_param_types.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/deca_usb_bsp_evk1000.c" path="src/usb/deca_usb_bsp_evk1000.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/startup/startup_stm32f10x_cl.S" path="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport/ST/STM32F10x/startup/startup_stm32f10x_cl.S" type="1"/>
-    <File name="semihosting/sh_cmd.s" path="semihosting/sh_cmd.s" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_bsp.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_bsp.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/platform/stm32f10x_conf.h" path="src/platform/stm32f10x_conf.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries" path="" type="2"/>
-    <File name="semihosting/semihosting.c" path="semihosting/semihosting.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/decadriver/deca_types.h" path="src/decadriver/deca_types.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/deca_usb.h" path="src/usb/deca_usb.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc" path="" type="2"/>
@@ -205,7 +198,6 @@
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_core.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Core/inc/usbd_core.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/DeviceSupport" path="" type="2"/>
-    <File name="semihosting" path="" type="2"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_dcd_int.h" path="Libraries/STM32_USB_OTG_Driver/inc/usb_dcd_int.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_dac.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_dac.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport/core_cm3.h" path="Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport/core_cm3.h" type="1"/>
@@ -229,7 +221,6 @@
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/src/stm32f10x_dbgmcu.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/decadriver/deca_regs.h" path="src/decadriver/deca_regs.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_pwr.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_pwr.h" type="1"/>
-    <File name="semihosting/semihosting.h" path="semihosting/semihosting.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/usb/usbd_usr.c" path="src/usb/usbd_usr.c" type="1"/>
     <File name="src/application/instance.h" path="src/application/instance.h" type="1"/>
     <File name="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_gpio.h" path="Libraries/STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Driver/inc/stm32f10x_gpio.h" type="1"/>
diff --git a/Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport/core_cm3.h b/Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport/core_cm3.h
index 2b6b51a..7354dcb 100644
--- a/Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport/core_cm3.h
+++ b/Libraries/CMSIS/CM3/CoreSupport/core_cm3.h
@@ -1697,6 +1697,7 @@ static __INLINE uint32_t SysTick_Config(uint32_t ticks)
   SysTick->LOAD  = (ticks & SysTick_LOAD_RELOAD_Msk) - 1;      /* set reload register */
   NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, (1<<__NVIC_PRIO_BITS) - 1);  /* set Priority for Cortex-M0 System Interrupts */
+  // NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, 1);  /* set Priority for Cortex-M0 System Interrupts */
   SysTick->VAL   = 0;                                          /* Load the SysTick Counter Value */
   SysTick->CTRL  = SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Msk | 
                    SysTick_CTRL_TICKINT_Msk   | 
diff --git a/semihosting/semihosting.c b/semihosting/semihosting.c
deleted file mode 100644
index cb16156..0000000
--- a/semihosting/semihosting.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file      semihosting.c
- * @author    Coocox
- * @version   V1.0
- * @date      09/10/2011
- * @brief     Semihosting LowLayer GetChar/SendChar Implement.
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- */
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include "semihosting.h"
-static char g_buf[16];
-static char g_buf_len = 0;
- * @brief  Transmit a char on semihosting mode.
- *
- * @param  ch is the char that to send.
- *
- * @return Character to write.
- *****************************************************************************/
-void SH_SendChar(int ch) {
-	g_buf[g_buf_len++] = ch;
-	g_buf[g_buf_len] = '\0';
-	if (g_buf_len + 1 >= sizeof(g_buf) || ch == '\n' || ch == '\0') {
-		g_buf_len = 0;
-		/* Send the char */
-		if (SH_DoCommand(0x04, (int) g_buf, NULL) != 0) {
-			return;
-		}
-	}
- * @brief  Transmit a null-terminated string on semihosting mode.
- *
- * @param  str is the string that to send.
- *
- * @return Character to write.
- *****************************************************************************/
-void SH_SendString(const char *str)
-	int j;
-	if (SH_DoCommand(0x04, (int)str, NULL) != 0) {
-		return;
-	}
- * @brief  Read a char on semihosting mode.
- *
- * @param  None.
- *
- * @return Character that have read.
- *****************************************************************************/
-char SH_GetChar() {
-	int nRet;
-	while (SH_DoCommand(0x101, 0, &nRet) != 0) {
-		if (nRet != 0) {
-			SH_DoCommand(0x07, 0, &nRet);
-			return (char) nRet;
-		}
-	}
-	return 0;
diff --git a/semihosting/semihosting.h b/semihosting/semihosting.h
deleted file mode 100644
index caa55d1..0000000
--- a/semihosting/semihosting.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file      semihosting.h
- * @author    Coocox
- * @version   V1.0
- * @date      09/10/2011
- * @brief     Semihosting Low Layer GetChar/SendChar API.
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- */
- * Semihosting functions prototype
-extern int SH_DoCommand(int n32In_R0, int n32In_R1, int *pn32Out_R0);
-void SH_SendChar(int ch);
-void SH_SendString(const char *str);
-char SH_GetChar(void);
diff --git a/semihosting/sh_cmd.s b/semihosting/sh_cmd.s
deleted file mode 100644
index f82b129..0000000
--- a/semihosting/sh_cmd.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- ******************************************************************************
- * @file      semihost_cmd.s
- * @author    Coocox
- * @version   V1.0
- * @date      09/10/2011
- * @brief     Semihost command support.
- *
- *******************************************************************************
- */
-.text SH_DoCommand
-//.global HardFault_Handler
-.code 16
-.syntax unified
-.type SH_DoCommand, function
-//.type HardFault_Handler, function
-  * @brief  prototype: int SH_DoCommand(int n32In_R0, int n32In_R1, int *pn32Out_R0)
-  *
-  * @param  n32In_R0	R0
-  * @param  n32In_R1    R1
-  * @param  pn32Out_R0  R2
-  *
-  * @retval None
-  *****************************************************************************/
-    BKPT 0xAB                 		/* Wait ICE or HardFault */
-                              		/* ICE will step over BKPT directly */
-                              		/* HardFault will step BKPT and the next line */
-    B SH_ICE
-SH_HardFault:                 		/* Captured by HardFault */
-    MOVS   R0, #0             		/* Set return value to 0 */
-    BX LR                         	/* Return */
-SH_ICE:                           	/* Captured by ICE */
-                                  	/* Save return value */
-    CMP R2, #0
-    BEQ SH_End
-    STR R0, [R2]                  	/* Save the return value to *pn32Out_R0 */
-    MOVS R0, #1                   	/* Set return value to 1 */
-	BX LR                         	/* Return */
-  * @brief  HardFault Handler
-  *
-  * @param  None.
-  *
-  * Skip the semihost command in free run mode.
-  *
-  * @retval None
-  *****************************************************************************/
-	LDR    R0, [R13, #24]         	/* Get previous PC */
-	LDRH   R1, [R0]               	/* Get instruction */
-	LDR    R2, =0xBEAB            	/* The sepcial BKPT instruction */
-	CMP    R1, R2                 	/* Test if the instruction at previous PC is BKPT */
-	BNE    HardFault_Handler_Ret  	/* Not BKPT */
-	ADDS   R0, #4                 	/* Skip BKPT and next line */
-	STR    R0, [R13, #24]         	/* Save previous PC */
-	BX     LR
-	B      .
diff --git a/src/application/dw_main.c b/src/application/dw_main.c
index 6e1774c..42a3a8f 100644
--- a/src/application/dw_main.c
+++ b/src/application/dw_main.c
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ int dw_main(void)
     int i = 0;
     int toggle = 1;
     double range_result = 0;
-    double avg_result = 0;
+//    double avg_result = 0;
     int canSleep;
     led_off(LED_ALL); //turn off all the LEDs
@@ -464,33 +464,12 @@ int dw_main(void)
 		instance_data_t* inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
 		canSleep = instance_run(); //run the state machine!!!
-        //if delayed TX scheduled but did not happen after expected time then it has failed... (has to be < slot period)
-        //if anchor just go into RX and wait for next message from tags/anchors
-        //if tag handle as a timeout
-        if((inst->monitor == 1) && ((portGetTickCnt() - inst->timeofTx) > inst->finalReplyDelay_ms))
-        {
-			inst->wait4ack = 0;
-			if(instance_mode == TAG)
-			{
-				inst_processrxtimeout(inst);
-			}
-			else //if(instance_mode == ANCHOR)
-			{
-				dwt_forcetrxoff();	//this will clear all events
-				//enable the RX
-				inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;
-			}
-			inst->monitor = 0;
-        }
-        	int n, l = 0, /*txl = 0, rxl = 0,*/ aaddr, taddr, txa, rxa, rng, rng_raw;
+        	int n, /* txl = 0, rxl = 0,*/ aaddr, taddr, txa, rxa, rng, rng_raw;
             ranging = 1;
             //send the new range information to LCD and/or USB
-            range_result = instance_get_idist();
-            avg_result = instance_get_adist();
+            range_result = instance_get_idist(inst->newRangeUWBIndex);
             dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
             writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
@@ -499,45 +478,34 @@ int dw_main(void)
             memset(dataseq1, ' ', LCD_BUFF_LEN);
             sprintf((char*)&dataseq[1], "LAST: %4.2f m", range_result);
             writetoLCD( 40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-            sprintf((char*)&dataseq1[1], "AVG8: %4.2f m", avg_result);
+            sprintf((char*)&dataseq1[0], "%llX", instance_get_uwbaddr(inst->newRangeUWBIndex));
+            // sprintf((char*)&dataseq1[1], "            ");
             writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq1); //send some data
-            l = instance_get_lcount();
-            //txl = instance_get_txl();
-            //rxl = instance_get_rxl();
             aaddr = instancenewrangeancadd();
             taddr = instancenewrangetagadd();
             txa =  instancetxantdly();
             rxa =  instancerxantdly();
             rng = (int) (range_result*1000);
-            rng_raw = (int) (instance_get_idistraw()*1000);
+            rng_raw = (int) (instance_get_idistraw(inst->newRangeUWBIndex)*1000); //TODO change this to use actual tag
             if(instance_mode == TAG)
                 //n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %02x %02x t", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, l, txa, rxa, txl, rxl);
-            	n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %08x %08x %04x %04x %04x t", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, l, txa, rxa);
+            	// n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %08x %08x %04x %04x %04x t", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, l, txa, rxa);
+                n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %08x %08x %04x %04x t", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, txa, rxa);
                 //n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %04x %02x %02x a", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, l, txa, rxa, txl, rxl);
             	//n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %08x %08x %04x %04x %04x %2.2f a", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, l, txa, rxa, instance_data[0].clockOffset);
-            	n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %08x %08x %04x %04x %04x a", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, l, txa, rxa);
-                //n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "TEST");
+            	// n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %08x %08x %04x %04x %04x a", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, l, txa, rxa);
+                n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "ia%04x t%04x %08x %08x %04x %04x a", aaddr, taddr, rng, rng_raw, txa, rxa);
-//            ranging = 0;
-//            resetinstanceanchorwaiting();
-//            dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
-//            writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
-//            memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "     RESET      ", 16);
-//           writetoLCD( 40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-//            memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "     RANGING    ", 16);
-//            writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
 #ifdef USB_SUPPORT //this is set in the port.h file
             send_usbmessage(&dataseq[0], n);
@@ -550,14 +518,6 @@ int dw_main(void)
         if(ranging == 0) //discovery/initialization mode for anchor and tag
-            // dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
-            // writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
-            // memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "     RANGING    ", 16);
-            // writetoLCD( 40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-            // memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "      == 0      ", 16);
-            // writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-            //Sleep(1000);
             if(instance_mode != ANCHOR)
@@ -588,34 +548,18 @@ int dw_main(void)
                     ranging = 1;
                     dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
                     writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
-                    memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "    RANGING WITH", 16);
+                    memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "    RANGING     ", 16);
                     writetoLCD( 40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                    sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "%016llX", instance_get_anchaddr());
+                    memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "    STARTED     ", 16);
                     writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
             else //if(instance_mode == ANCHOR)
-                // dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
-                // writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
-                // memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "   AM AN        ", 16);
-                // writetoLCD( 40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                // memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "    ANCHOR      ", 16);
-                // writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                //Sleep(1000);
-                    // dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
-                    // writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
-                    // memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) " ANCHOR WAITING ", 16);
-                    // writetoLCD( 40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                    // memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "      == 1      ", 16);
-                    // writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                    //Sleep(1000);
@@ -639,33 +583,23 @@ int dw_main(void)
                             sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "%llX", instance_get_addr());
                             writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                    // Sleep(1000);
                 else if(instanceanchorwaiting() == 2)
-                    // dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
-                    // writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
-                    // memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) " ANCHOR WAITING ", 16);
-                    // writetoLCD( 40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                    // memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "      == 2      ", 16);
-                    // writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                    //Sleep(1000);
                     dataseq[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
                     writetoLCD( 1, 0,  dataseq);
-                    memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "    RANGING WITH", 16);
+                    memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "    RANGING     ", 16);
                     writetoLCD( 40, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                    sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "%llX", instance_get_tagaddr());
+                    memcpy(&dataseq[0], (const uint8 *) "    STARTED     ", 16);
                     writetoLCD( 16, 1, dataseq); //send some data
-                    //Sleep(1000);
 #ifdef USB_SUPPORT //this is set in the port.h file
-        // int n = sprintf((char*)&dataseq[0], "Main Loop");
-        // send_usbmessage(&dataseq[0], n);
diff --git a/src/application/instance.c b/src/application/instance.c
index d098d0a..7a28461 100644
--- a/src/application/instance.c
+++ b/src/application/instance.c
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 #include "lib.h"
 #include "instance.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
@@ -67,16 +66,16 @@ int usbtxdebugdataprev_size = 0;
 void instanceconfigframeheader(instance_data_t *inst)
-    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].panID[0] = (inst->panID) & 0xff;
-    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].panID[1] = inst->panID >> 8;
+    inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].panID[0] = (inst->panID) & 0xff;
+    inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].panID[1] = inst->panID >> 8;
     //set frame type (0-2), SEC (3), Pending (4), ACK (5), PanIDcomp(6)
-    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].frameCtrl[0] = 0x1 /*frame type 0x1 == data*/ | 0x40 /*PID comp*/;
+    inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].frameCtrl[0] = 0x1 /*frame type 0x1 == data*/ | 0x40 /*PID comp*/;
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
     //source/dest addressing modes and frame version
-    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].frameCtrl[1] = 0xC /*dest extended address (64bits)*/ | 0xC0 /*src extended address (64bits)*/;
+    inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].frameCtrl[1] = 0xC /*dest extended address (64bits)*/ | 0xC0 /*src extended address (64bits)*/;
-    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].frameCtrl[1] = 0x8 /*dest short address (16bits)*/ | 0x80 /*src short address (16bits)*/;
+    inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].frameCtrl[1] = 0x8 /*dest short address (16bits)*/ | 0x80 /*src short address (16bits)*/;
@@ -183,19 +182,10 @@ void send_statetousb(instance_data_t *inst)
     int usbdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbdebugdata[0], "%s , %s , %s , %s", get_inst_states_string(inst->testAppState), get_inst_states_string(inst->previousState), get_inst_states_string(inst->nextState), get_instanceModes_string(inst->mode));
-    // memcpy(usbdebugdata, usbdebugdata, usbdebugdata_size);
-    // if (strncmp(usbdebugdataprev, usbdebugdata, usbdebugdata_size) != 0 || usbdebugdata_size != usbdebugdataprev_size)
     if (memcmp(usbdebugdataprev, usbdebugdata, usbdebugdata_size) != 0 || usbdebugdata_size != usbdebugdataprev_size)
-        // send_usbmessage("start", 5);
-        // usb_run();
         send_usbmessage(&usbdebugdata[0], usbdebugdata_size);
-        // send_usbmessage(&usbdebugdataprev[0], usbdebugdataprev_size);
-        // usb_run();
-        // usbrxdebugdataprev[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
         usbdebugdataprev_size = usbdebugdata_size;
         memcpy(usbdebugdataprev, usbdebugdata, usbdebugdata_size);
@@ -203,24 +193,12 @@ void send_statetousb(instance_data_t *inst)
 void send_rxmsgtousb(char *data)
-    // usbrxdebugdata[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
     int usbrxdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbrxdebugdata[0], "%s", data);
-    //memcpy(usbrxdebugdata, usbrxdebugdata, usbrxdebugdata_size);
-    // if (strncmp(usbrxdebugdataprev, usbrxdebugdata, usbrxdebugdata_size) != 0 || usbrxdebugdata_size != usbrxdebugdataprev_size)
     if (memcmp(usbrxdebugdataprev, usbrxdebugdata, usbrxdebugdata_size) != 0 || usbrxdebugdata_size != usbrxdebugdataprev_size)
-        // n = sprintf((char*)&usbtmpmsg[0], "prev: %s curr: %s", (char*)&usbrxdebugdata, (char*)&usbrxdebugdataprev);
-        // send_usbmessage(&usbtmpmsg[0], n);
-        // send_usbmessage("start", 5);
-        // usb_run();
         send_usbmessage(&usbrxdebugdata[0], usbrxdebugdata_size);
-        // send_usbmessage(&usbrxdebugdataprev[0], usbrxdebugdataprev_size);
-        // usb_run();
-        // usbrxdebugdataprev[0] = 0x2 ;  //return cursor home
         usbrxdebugdataprev_size = usbrxdebugdata_size;
         memcpy(usbrxdebugdataprev, usbrxdebugdata, usbrxdebugdata_size);
@@ -230,15 +208,8 @@ void send_txmsgtousb(char *data)
     int usbtxdebugdata_size = sprintf((char*)&usbtxdebugdata[0], "TX message: %s", data);
-    // memcpy(usbtxdebugdata, usbtxdebugdata, usbtxdebugdata_size);
-    // if (strncmp(usbtxdebugdataprev, usbtxdebugdata, usbtxdebugdata_size) != 0 || usbtxdebugdata_size != usbtxdebugdataprev_size)
-    // {
-        send_usbmessage(&usbtxdebugdata[0], usbtxdebugdata_size);
-        usb_run();
-    //     usbtxdebugdataprev_size = usbtxdebugdata_size;
-    //     memcpy(usbtxdebugdataprev, usbtxdebugdata, usbtxdebugdata_size);
-    // }
+    send_usbmessage(&usbtxdebugdata[0], usbtxdebugdata_size);
+    usb_run();
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -251,51 +222,41 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
     int done = INST_NOT_DONE_YET;
-    printf("Test 123");
-    // uint8 debug_msg[100];
-    // int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "Test app run");
-    // send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-    // usb_run();
-    // uint8 debug_msg2[100];
-    // int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg2[0], "TTRW %i", inst->tagToRangeWith);
-    // send_usbmessage(&debug_msg2[0], n);
-    // usb_run();
     switch (inst->testAppState)
         case TA_INIT :
+        {
             // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
             // {
-                send_statetousb(inst);
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
             // }
-            // printf("TA_INIT") ;
             switch (inst->mode)
                 case TAG:
-                    Sleep(5000);
                     int mode = 0;
                     dwt_enableframefilter(DWT_FF_DATA_EN | DWT_FF_ACK_EN); //allow data, ACK frames;
                     inst->frameFilteringEnabled = 1 ;
+                    inst->uwbShortAdd = inst->eui64[0] + (inst->eui64[1] << 8);
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==0)
-                    //the short address is assigned by the anchor
+                    dwt_setaddress16(inst->uwbShortAdd);
                     //set source address into the message structure
-                    for(int i=0; i<TAG_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+                    for(int i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
-                        memcpy(&inst->msg[i].sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
+                        memcpy(&inst->msg[i].sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
-                    //change to next state - send a Poll message to 1st anchor in the list
-                    //inst->mode = TAG_TDOA ;
                     inst->testAppState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND;
-                    memcpy(inst->blinkmsg.tagID, inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
+                    memcpy(&inst->blinkmsg.tagID[0], &inst->eui64[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
                     mode = (DWT_PRESRV_SLEEP|DWT_CONFIG|DWT_TANDV);
@@ -318,28 +279,19 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
+                    inst->uwbShortAdd = inst->eui64[0] + (inst->eui64[1] << 8);
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==0)
-                    {
-                        uint16 addr = inst->eui64[0] + (inst->eui64[1] << 8);
-                        dwt_setaddress16(addr);
-                        //set source address into the message structure
-                        for(int i=0; i<TAG_LIST_SIZE; i++)
-                        {
-                            memcpy(&inst->msg[i].sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S);
-                        }
-                        //set source address into the message structure
-                        memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S);
-                    }
+                    dwt_setaddress16(inst->uwbShortAdd);
                     //set source address into the message structure
-                    for(int i=0; i<TAG_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+                    for(int i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
-                        memcpy(&inst->msg[i].sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
+                        memcpy(&inst->msg[i].sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
                     //set source address into the message structure
-                    memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.sourceAddr[0], inst->eui64, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
+                    memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.sourceAddr[0], &inst->eui64[0], inst->addrByteSize);
                     // First time anchor listens we don't do a delayed RX
@@ -360,54 +312,43 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
                     inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;
                 break ; // end case TA_INIT
             break; // end case TA_INIT
+        }
         case TA_TX_SELECT:
-            {
-            // uint8 debug_msg[100];
-            // int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TA_TX_SELECT");
-            // send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-            // usb_run();
-            uint8 debug_msg[100];
-            int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TA_TX_SELECT: inst->tagListLen: %i, inst->tagToRangeWith: %i", inst->tagListLen, inst->tagToRangeWith);
-            send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-            usb_run();
+        {
             // select whether to blink or send out a range poll message.
-            // select a tag from the list if sending out a range poll message
-            if(inst->tagListLen == 0) //no known anchors yet, send out blink
+            // select a uwb from the list if sending out a range poll message
+            if(inst->uwbListLen == 0) //no known anchors yet, send out blink
                 inst->testAppState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND;
-                inst->tagToRangeWith = 255;
+                inst->uwbToRangeWith = 255;
-                //for now, blink after attempting to poll each tag in the list
-                if((inst->tagToRangeWith >= inst->tagListLen) || (inst->tagTimeout[inst->tagToRangeWith] == 1))
+                //for now, blink after attempting to poll each uwb in the list
+                if((inst->uwbToRangeWith >= inst->uwbListLen) || (inst->uwbTimeout[inst->uwbToRangeWith] == 1))
                     inst->testAppState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND;
-                    inst->tagToRangeWith = 255;
+                    inst->uwbToRangeWith = 255;
-                    // inst->tagToRangeWith = inst->tagToRangeWith + 1;
                     inst->testAppState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND;
-            send_statetousb(inst);
             break; // end case TA_TX_SELECT
-            }
+        }
         case TA_SLEEP_DONE :
             // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
             // {
-                send_statetousb(inst);
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
             // }
             event_data_t* dw_event = instance_getevent(10); //clear the event from the queue
             // waiting for timout from application to wakup IC
@@ -440,20 +381,19 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
                 dwt_settxantennadelay(inst->txAntennaDelay) ;
             instancesetantennadelays(); //this will update the antenna delay if it has changed
-        }
-            break;
+            break;
+        }
         case TA_TXE_WAIT : //either go to sleep or proceed to TX a message
+        {
             // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
             // {
-                send_statetousb(inst);
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
             // }
-            // printf("TA_TXE_WAIT") ;
             //if we are scheduled to go to sleep before next sending then sleep first.
             if(((inst->nextState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND)
-                || (inst->nextState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND) || (inst->nextState == TA_TX_SELECT)) //add TA_TX_SELECT???
+                || (inst->nextState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND) || (inst->nextState == TA_TX_SELECT))
                     && (inst->goToSleep)  //go to sleep before sending the next poll
@@ -462,10 +402,7 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
                 done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT_TO; //don't sleep here but kick off the TagTimeoutTimer (instancetimer)
                 inst->testAppState = TA_SLEEP_DONE;
-                // if(inst->mode == TAG_TDOA) //once we start ranging we want to display the new range
-                // {
                 inst->canPrintInfo = 1;
-                // }
 #if (DEEP_SLEEP == 1)
                 if (inst->sleepingEabled)
@@ -475,15 +412,18 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
                 //DW1000 gone to sleep - report the received range
-                if(inst->tof[inst->tagToRangeWith] > 0) //if ToF == 0 - then no new range to report
+                if(inst->newRangeUWBIndex != 255)
-                    if(reportTOF(inst)==0)
+                    if(inst->tof[inst->newRangeUWBIndex] > 0) //if ToF == 0 - then no new range to report
-                        inst->newRange = 1;
+                        if(reportTOF(inst, inst->newRangeUWBIndex)==0)
+                        {
+                            inst->newRange = 1;
+                        }
                 //inst->deviceissleeping = 1; //this is to stop polling device status register (as it will wake it up)
             else //proceed to configuration and transmission of a frame
@@ -491,12 +431,12 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
                 inst->nextState = 0; //clear
             break ; // end case TA_TXE_WAIT
+        }
         case TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND :
                 // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
                 // {
-                    send_statetousb(inst);
+                //     send_statetousb(inst);
                 // }
                 int flength = (BLINK_FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS + FRAME_CRC);
@@ -519,13 +459,14 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
                 if(tx_stat == 0)
-                    send_txmsgtousb("BLINK-SUCCESS");
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    send_txmsgtousb("BLINK-ERROR");
+                    // send_txmsgtousb("BLINK-SUCCESS");
+                    inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+                // else
+                // {
+                //     send_txmsgtousb("BLINK-ERROR");
+                // }
                 inst->goToSleep = 1; //go to Sleep after this blink
                 inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ; // wait confirmation
@@ -536,290 +477,289 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
             break ; // end case TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND
-                {
-                if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-                {
-                    send_statetousb(inst);
-                }
-                send_txmsgtousb("RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT");
-                // TODO should only send RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT if handshake not already complete 
-                uint16 resp_dly_us, resp_dly;
-                int psduLength = RANGINGINIT_MSG_LEN;
-                //tell Tag what it's address will be for the ranging exchange
-                inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_LO] = inst->tagShortAdd & 0xFF;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_HI] = (inst->tagShortAdd >> 8) & 0xFF;
-                // First response delay to send is anchor's response delay.
-                resp_dly_us = ANC_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[POLL];
-                resp_dly = ((RESP_DLY_UNIT_US << RESP_DLY_UNIT_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK)
-                           + ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
-                inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_LO] = resp_dly & 0xFF;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_HI] = (resp_dly >> 8) & 0xFF;
-                // Second response delay to send is tag's response delay.
-                resp_dly_us = TAG_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[RESP];
-                resp_dly = ((RESP_DLY_UNIT_US << RESP_DLY_UNIT_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK)
-                           + ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
-                inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_LO] = resp_dly & 0xFF;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_HI] = (resp_dly >> 8) & 0xFF;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.frameCtrl[0] = 0x41; //
-#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
-                inst->rng_initmsg.frameCtrl[1] = 0xCC;
-                psduLength += FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_L + FRAME_CRC;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.frameCtrl[1] = 0x8C;
-                psduLength += FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_LS + FRAME_CRC;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.panID[0] = (inst->panID) & 0xff;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.panID[1] = inst->panID >> 8;
-                inst->rng_initmsg.seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
+        {
+            // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+            // {
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
+            // }
+            // send_txmsgtousb("RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT");
-                inst->wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
+            uint16 resp_dly_us, resp_dly;
-                inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                                               // wait confirmation
-                inst->previousState = TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND ;
+            int psduLength = RANGINGINIT_MSG_LEN;
-                dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->rng_initmsg, 0) ; // write the frame data
+            inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT;
+            //these bytes not used, zero them out.
+            inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_LO] = 0x00;
+            inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_HI] = 0x00;
+            // First response delay to send is anchor's response delay.
+            resp_dly_us = ANC_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[POLL];
+            resp_dly = ((RESP_DLY_UNIT_US << RESP_DLY_UNIT_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK)
+                        + ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
+            inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_LO] = resp_dly & 0xFF;
+            inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_HI] = (resp_dly >> 8) & 0xFF;
+            // Second response delay to send is tag's response delay.
+            resp_dly_us = TAG_TURN_AROUND_TIME_US + inst->frameLengths_us[RESP];
+            resp_dly = ((RESP_DLY_UNIT_US << RESP_DLY_UNIT_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK)
+                        + ((resp_dly_us << RESP_DLY_VAL_SHIFT) & RESP_DLY_VAL_MASK);
+            inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_LO] = resp_dly & 0xFF;
+            inst->rng_initmsg.messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_HI] = (resp_dly >> 8) & 0xFF;
+            inst->rng_initmsg.frameCtrl[0] = 0x41;
-                //anchor - we don't use timeout, just wait for next frame
-                if(instancesendpacket(psduLength, DWT_START_TX_DELAYED | DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED, inst->delayedReplyTime))
-                {
-                    dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
-                    inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;  // wait to receive a new blink or poll message
-                    inst->wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
-                    inst->lateTX++;
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ;                                               // wait confirmation
-                    inst->previousState = TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND ;
-                    done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;  //no timeout
-                    //CONFIGURE FIXED PARTS OF RESPONSE MESSAGE FRAME (these won't change)
-                    //program option octet and parameters (not used currently)
-                    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[RES_R1] = 0x2; // "activity"
-                    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[RES_R2] = 0x0; //
-                    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[RES_R3] = 0x0;
-                    //set the destination address in the TWR response message
-#if 0
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
-                    memcpy(&inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].destAddr[0], &inst->rng_initmsg.destAddr[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
+            inst->rng_initmsg.frameCtrl[1] = 0xCC;
+            psduLength += FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_L + FRAME_CRC;
-                    memcpy(&inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].destAddr[0], &inst->tagShortAdd, ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
+            inst->rng_initmsg.frameCtrl[1] = 0x8C;
+            psduLength += FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_LS + FRAME_CRC;
+            inst->rng_initmsg.panID[0] = (inst->panID) & 0xff;
+            inst->rng_initmsg.panID[1] = inst->panID >> 8;
-                    inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
+            inst->rng_initmsg.seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
-                    instanceconfigframeheader(inst);
-                    //inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
-                    //inst->monitor = 1;
-                }
+            inst->wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
-            }
-            break;
+            inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                           // wait confirmation
+            inst->previousState = TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND ;
-        case TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND :
+            dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->rng_initmsg, 0) ; // write the frame data
+            //anchor - we don't use timeout, just wait for next frame
+            if(instancesendpacket(psduLength, DWT_START_TX_DELAYED | DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED, inst->delayedReplyTime))
+            {
+                dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
+                inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;  // wait to receive a new blink or poll message
+                inst->wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
+                inst->lateTX++;
+            }
+            else
-                send_statetousb(inst);
-                // send_txmsgtousb("RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL");
-                int psduLength = 0;
-                //NOTE the anchor address is set after receiving the ranging initialisation message
-                inst->goToSleep = 1; //go to Sleep after this poll
+                inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ;                                               // wait confirmation
+                inst->previousState = TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND ;
+                done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;  //no timeout
-                inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
-                inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
+                //CONFIGURE FIXED PARTS OF RESPONSE MESSAGE FRAME (these won't change)
+                //program option octet and parameters (not used currently)
+                inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[RES_R1] = 0x2; // "activity"
+                inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[RES_R2] = 0x0; //
+                inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[RES_R3] = 0x0;
+                inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
-#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
+                inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+                //inst->monitor = 1;
+            }
-                psduLength = TAG_POLL_MSG_LEN + FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_L + FRAME_CRC;
+            break;
+        }
+        case TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND :
+        {
+            // uint8 debug_msg[100];
+            // sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL -> uwb %i ", inst->uwbToRangeWith);
+            // send_txmsgtousb((char *)&debug_msg);
+            int psduLength = 0;
+            inst->goToSleep = 1; //go to Sleep after this poll
+            inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].seqNum = inst->frameSN++;
+            inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
+            instanceconfigframeheader(inst);
+#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
-                psduLength = TAG_POLL_MSG_LEN + FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_S + FRAME_CRC;
-                //set the delayed rx on time (the response message will be sent after this delay)
-                dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy);
-                dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)inst->fwtoTime_sy);
+            //set the delayed rx on time (the response message will be sent after this delay)
+            dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy);
+            dwt_setrxtimeout((uint16)inst->fwtoTime_sy);
-                dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith], 0) ; // write the frame data
+            dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 0) ; // write the frame data
-                //response is expected
-                inst->wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
+            //response is expected
+            inst->wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
-                dwt_writetxfctrl(psduLength, 0, 1);
-                dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE | inst->wait4ack);
+            dwt_writetxfctrl(psduLength, 0, 1);
+            dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_IMMEDIATE | inst->wait4ack);
-                inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ;                                               // wait confirmation
-                inst->previousState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ;
-                done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out (set below)
+            inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF ;                                          // wait confirmation
+            inst->previousState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ;
+            done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out (set below)
-            }
+            inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+        }
         case TA_TXRESPONSE_WAIT_SEND : //the frame is loaded and sent from the RX callback
-            {
-                send_statetousb(inst);
-               //printf("TA_TXRESPONSE\n") ;
-                inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                                               // wait confirmation
-                inst->previousState = TA_TXRESPONSE_WAIT_SEND ;
-            }
+        {
+            // if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+            // {
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
+            // }
+            inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                                       // wait confirmation
+            inst->previousState = TA_TXRESPONSE_WAIT_SEND ;
+        }
         case TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND :
-            {
-                send_statetousb(inst);
-                // send_txmsgtousb("RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL");
-                int psduLength = 0;
-                // Embbed into Final message:40-bit respRxTime
-                // Write Response RX time field of Final message
-                memcpy(&(inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[RRXT]), (uint8 *)&inst->anchorRespRxTime, 5);
+        {
+            int psduLength = 0;
+            // Embbed into Final message:40-bit respRxTime
+            // Write Response RX time field of Final message
+            memcpy(&(inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[RRXT]), (uint8 *)&inst->anchorRespRxTime, 5);
-                inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
+            inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[FCODE] = RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL; //message function code (specifies if message is a poll, response or other...)
-                instanceconfigframeheader(inst);
+            instanceconfigframeheader(inst);
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
-                psduLength = TAG_FINAL_MSG_LEN + FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_L + FRAME_CRC;
-                psduLength = TAG_FINAL_MSG_LEN + FRAME_CRTL_AND_ADDRESS_S + FRAME_CRC;
-                dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith], 0) ; // write the frame data
+            dwt_writetxdata(psduLength, (uint8 *)  &inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith], 0) ; // write the frame data
-                if(instancesendpacket(psduLength, DWT_START_TX_DELAYED, inst->delayedReplyTime))
-                {
-                    // initiate the re-transmission
-                    inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT ;
-                    inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ;
-                    inst->wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
-                    inst->lateTX++;
+            if(instancesendpacket(psduLength, DWT_START_TX_DELAYED, inst->delayedReplyTime))
+            {
+                // initiate the re-transmission
+                inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT ;
+                inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ;
+                inst->wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
+                inst->lateTX++;
-                    break; //exit this switch case...
-                }
-                else
-                {
-                    inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                                               // wait confirmation
-                    inst->previousState = TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND;
-                    done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out  (set below)
-                    // inst->responseTimeouts = 0; //reset response timeout count
-                    inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
-                    inst->monitor = 1;
-                    send_txmsgtousb("RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL");
-                }
+                break; //exit this switch case...
-            break;
+            else
+            {
+                inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                                               // wait confirmation
+                inst->previousState = TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND;
+                done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT; //will use RX FWTO to time out  (set below)
+                inst->timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
+                inst->monitor = 1;
+                // uint8 debug_msg[100];
+                // sprintf((char *)&debug_msg, "RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL -> tag %i ", inst->uwbToRangeWith);
+                // send_txmsgtousb((char *)&debug_msg);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
         case TA_TX_WAIT_CONF :
-           //printf("TA_TX_WAIT_CONF %d m%d states %08x %08x\n", inst->previousState, message, dwt_read32bitreg(0x19), dwt_read32bitreg(0x0f)) ;
+        {
+            // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+            // {
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
+            // }
+            event_data_t* dw_event = instance_getevent(11); //get and clear this event
+            //NOTE: Can get the ACK before the TX confirm event for the frame requesting the ACK
+            //this happens because if polling the ISR the RX event will be processed 1st and then the TX event
+            //thus the reception of the ACK will be processed before the TX confirmation of the frame that requested it.
+            if(dw_event->type != DWT_SIG_TX_DONE) //wait for TX done confirmation
-                // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-                // {
-                    send_statetousb(inst);
-                // }
-                event_data_t* dw_event = instance_getevent(11); //get and clear this event
-                //NOTE: Can get the ACK before the TX confirm event for the frame requesting the ACK
-                //this happens because if polling the ISR the RX event will be processed 1st and then the TX event
-                //thus the reception of the ACK will be processed before the TX confirmation of the frame that requested it.
-                if(dw_event->type != DWT_SIG_TX_DONE) //wait for TX done confirmation
+                if(dw_event->type == DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT) //got RX timeout - i.e. did not get the response (e.g. ACK)
-                    if(dw_event->type == DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT) //got RX timeout - i.e. did not get the response (e.g. ACK)
-                    {
-                        // printf("RX timeout in TA_TX_WAIT_CONF (%d)\n", inst->previousState);
-                        //we need to wait for SIG_TX_DONE and then process the timeout and re-send the frame if needed
-                        inst->gotTO = 1;
-                    }
-                    send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: (1st) got TO in TA_TX_WAIT_CONF");
-                    done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;
-                    break;
+                    //we need to wait for SIG_TX_DONE and then process the timeout and re-send the frame if needed
+                    inst->gotTO = 1;
-                done = INST_NOT_DONE_YET;
+                done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;
+                //sometimes the DW1000 tx callback (TXFRS) fails to trigger and the the SYS_STATE register
+                //reads IDLE for for PMSC, RX, and TX so we need another way to timeout since RX FWTO won't be triggered.
+                uint32 ptc = portGetTickCnt(); 
-                if(inst->previousState == TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND) //TAG operations
-                {
-                    inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT ;
-                    //inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ; 
-                    //inst->nextState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND ;
-                    inst->nextState = TA_TX_SELECT;
-                    uint8 idx = inst->tagToRangeWith + 1;
-                    inst->tagToRangeWith = instfindfirstawaketaginlist(inst, idx);
-                    break;
-                }
-                else if (inst->gotTO) //timeout
+                if(inst->previousState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND ||
+                    inst->previousState == TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND ||
+                    inst->previousState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ||
+                    inst->previousState == TA_TXRESPONSE_WAIT_SEND)
-                    // printf("got TO in TA_TX_WAIT_CONF\n");
-                    // send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: (2nd) got TO in TA_TX_WAIT_CONF");
-                    inst_processrxtimeout(inst);
-                    inst->gotTO = 0;
-                    inst->wait4ack = 0 ; //clear this
-                    break;
+                    //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
+                    if(ptc - (uint32)inst->timeofTx > 10)                         {
+                        inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst);
+                    }                
-                else 
+                else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND)
-                    inst->txu.txTimeStamp = dw_event->timeStamp;
-                    if(inst->previousState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND) //TAG operations
+                    //NOTE timeout duration found experimentally, may need to be changed if the delays in instance.h are modified
+                    if(ptc - (uint32)inst->timeofTx > 180)
-                        uint64 tagCalculatedFinalTxTime ;
-                        // Embed into Final message: 40-bit pollTXTime,  40-bit respRxTime,  40-bit finalTxTime
-                        tagCalculatedFinalTxTime = (inst->txu.txTimeStamp + inst->finalReplyDelay) & MASK_TXDTS;  // time we should send the response
-                        inst->delayedReplyTime = tagCalculatedFinalTxTime >> 8;
-                        // Calculate Time Final message will be sent and write this field of Final message
-                        // Sending time will be delayedReplyTime, snapped to ~125MHz or ~250MHz boundary by
-                        // zeroing its low 9 bits, and then having the TX antenna delay added
-                        // getting antenna delay from the device and add it to the Calculated TX Time
-                        tagCalculatedFinalTxTime = tagCalculatedFinalTxTime + inst->txAntennaDelay;
-                        tagCalculatedFinalTxTime &= MASK_40BIT;
-                        // Write Calculated TX time field of Final message
-                        memcpy(&(inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[FTXT]), (uint8 *)&tagCalculatedFinalTxTime, 5);
-                        // Write Poll TX time field of Final message
-                        memcpy(&(inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].messageData[PTXT]), (uint8 *)&inst->txu.tagPollTxTime, 5);
+                        inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst);
-                    inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;                      // After sending, tag expects response/report, anchor waits to receive a final/new poll
-                    //fall into the next case (turn on the RX)
-                    message = 0;
+                break;
-            //break ; // end case TA_TX_WAIT_CONF
+            done = INST_NOT_DONE_YET;
+            if(inst->previousState == TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND) //TAG operations
+            {
+                inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT ;
+                inst->nextState = TA_TX_SELECT;
+                inst->uwbToRangeWith = instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(inst, inst->uwbToRangeWith + 1);
+                break;
+            }
+            else if (inst->gotTO) //timeout
+            {
+                // send_txmsgtousb("(2nd) got TO in TA_TX_WAIT_CONF");
+                inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst);
+                inst->gotTO = 0;
+                inst->wait4ack = 0 ; //clear this
+                break;
+            }
+            else 
+            {
+                inst->txu.txTimeStamp = dw_event->timeStamp;
+                if(inst->previousState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND) //TAG operations
+                {
+                    uint64 tagCalculatedFinalTxTime ;
+                    // Embed into Final message: 40-bit pollTXTime,  40-bit respRxTime,  40-bit finalTxTime
+                    tagCalculatedFinalTxTime = (inst->txu.txTimeStamp + inst->finalReplyDelay) & MASK_TXDTS;  // time we should send the response
+                    inst->delayedReplyTime = tagCalculatedFinalTxTime >> 8;
+                    // Calculate Time Final message will be sent and write this field of Final message
+                    // Sending time will be delayedReplyTime, snapped to ~125MHz or ~250MHz boundary by
+                    // zeroing its low 9 bits, and then having the TX antenna delay added
+                    // getting antenna delay from the device and add it to the Calculated TX Time
+                    tagCalculatedFinalTxTime = tagCalculatedFinalTxTime + inst->txAntennaDelay;
+                    tagCalculatedFinalTxTime &= MASK_40BIT;
+                    // Write Calculated TX time field of Final message
+                    memcpy(&(inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[FTXT]), (uint8 *)&tagCalculatedFinalTxTime, 5);
+                    // Write Poll TX time field of Final message
+                    memcpy(&(inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].messageData[PTXT]), (uint8 *)&inst->txu.tagPollTxTime, 5);
+                }
+                inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;       // After sending, tag expects response/report, anchor waits to receive a final/new poll
+                //fall into the next case (turn on the RX)
+                message = 0;
+            } 
+        }// end case TA_TX_WAIT_CONF
         case TA_RXE_WAIT :
-        // printf("TA_RXE_WAIT") ;
-            if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-            {
-                send_statetousb(inst);
-            }
+            // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+            // {
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
+            // }
             if(inst->wait4ack == 0) //if this is set the RX will turn on automatically after TX
                 //turn RX on
-                instancerxon(inst, 0, 0) ;   // turn RX on, with/without delay
+                instancerxon(inst, 0, 0) ;   // turn RX on, without delay
@@ -835,91 +775,51 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
             inst->testAppState = TA_RX_WAIT_DATA;   // let this state handle it
             // end case TA_RXE_WAIT, don't break, but fall through into the TA_RX_WAIT_DATA state to process it immediately.
-            if(message == 0) break;
-        }
-        case TA_RX_WAIT_DATA :     
-            if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+            if(message == 0) 
-                send_statetousb(inst);
+                break;
-            // Wait RX data
-           //printf("TA_RX_WAIT_DATA %d", message) ;
+        }
+        case TA_RX_WAIT_DATA :
+        {     
+            // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+            // {
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
+            // }
+            // Wait RX data
             switch (message)
                 case DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK :
-                    send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK ");
+                    // send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK ");
                     event_data_t* dw_event = instance_getevent(12); //get and clear this event
-                    //printf("we got blink message from %08X\n", ( tagaddr& 0xFFFF));
                     if((inst->mode == LISTENER) || (inst->mode == ANCHOR))
                         inst->canPrintInfo = 1;
-                        // if(inst->tagToRangeWith == 255)
-                        // {
-                        //     instaddtagtolist(inst, &(dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]));
-                        //     // int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "BLINK!!! tagToRangeWith after %i", inst->tagToRangeWith);
-                        //     // send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-                        //     // usb_run();
-                        //     //initiate ranging message this is a Blink from the Tag we would like to range to
-                        //     //NOTE not sure if this check is needed... but leave it for now
-                        //     if(memcmp(&inst->tagList[inst->tagToRangeWith][0],  &(dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]), BLINK_FRAME_SOURCE_ADDRESS) == 0)
-                        //     {
-                        //         inst->tagShortAdd = (dwt_getpartid() & 0xFF);
-                        //         inst->tagShortAdd =  (inst->tagShortAdd << 8) + dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0] ; //TODO need to figure this out...
-                        //         //if using longer reply delay time (e.g. if interworking with a PC application)
-                        //         inst->delayedReplyTime = (dw_event->timeStamp + inst->rnginitReplyDelay) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the blink response
-                        //         //set destination address
-                        //         memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.destAddr[0], &(dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]), BLINK_FRAME_SOURCE_ADDRESS); //remember who to send the reply to
-                        //         inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT;
-                        //         inst->nextState = TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND ;
-                        //         break;
-                        //     }
-                        //     //else stay in RX
-                        // }
-                        uint8 debug_msg[100];
-                        int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "memcmp tagList & tagID: %i   %i", inst->tagList[inst->tagToRangeWith][0], dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]);
-                        send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-                        usb_run();
+                        //if using longer reply delay time (e.g. if interworking with a PC application)
+                        inst->delayedReplyTime = (dw_event->timeStamp + inst->rnginitReplyDelay) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the blink response
-                        if(memcmp(&inst->tagList[inst->tagToRangeWith][0],  &(dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]), BLINK_FRAME_SOURCE_ADDRESS) == 0)
-                        {
-                            inst->tagShortAdd = (dwt_getpartid() & 0xFF);
-                            inst->tagShortAdd =  (inst->tagShortAdd << 8) + dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0] ; //TODO need to figure this out...
+                        //set destination address
+                        memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.destAddr[0], &(dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]), BLINK_FRAME_SOURCE_ADDRESS); //remember who to send the reply to
-                            //if using longer reply delay time (e.g. if interworking with a PC application)
-                            inst->delayedReplyTime = (dw_event->timeStamp + inst->rnginitReplyDelay) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the blink response
-                            //set destination address
-                            memcpy(&inst->rng_initmsg.destAddr[0], &(dw_event->msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]), BLINK_FRAME_SOURCE_ADDRESS); //remember who to send the reply to
+                        inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT;
+                        inst->nextState = TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND ;
-                            inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT;
-                            inst->nextState = TA_TXRANGINGINIT_WAIT_SEND ;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        //else stay in RX
-                    //else //not initiating ranging - continue to receive
+                    else //not initiating ranging - continue to receive
                         inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
                         done = INST_NOT_DONE_YET;
+                    break;
-                break;
-                //if we have received a DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY event - this means that the message is IEEE data type - need to check frame control to know which addressing mode is used
                 case DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY :
+                    //if we have received a DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY event - this means that the message is IEEE data type - need to check frame control to know which addressing mode is used
                     event_data_t* dw_event = instance_getevent(15); //get and clear this event
                     uint8  srcAddr[8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
@@ -930,394 +830,269 @@ int testapprun(instance_data_t *inst, int message)
                     // 16 or 64 bit addresses
-                        case 0xCC: //
+                        case 0xCC:
                             memcpy(&srcAddr[0], &(dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ll.sourceAddr[0]), ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
                             fn_code = dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ll.messageData[FCODE];
                             messageData = &dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ll.messageData[0];
-                        case 0xC8: //
+                        case 0xC8:
                             memcpy(&srcAddr[0], &(dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_sl.sourceAddr[0]), ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L);
                             fn_code = dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_sl.messageData[FCODE];
                             messageData = &dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_sl.messageData[0];
-                        case 0x8C: //
+                        case 0x8C:
                             memcpy(&srcAddr[0], &(dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ls.sourceAddr[0]), ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S);
                             fn_code = dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ls.messageData[FCODE];
                             messageData = &dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ls.messageData[0];
-                        case 0x88: //
+                        case 0x88:
                             memcpy(&srcAddr[0], &(dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ss.sourceAddr[0]), ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S);
                             fn_code = dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ss.messageData[FCODE];
                             messageData = &dw_event->msgu.rxmsg_ss.messageData[0];
+                    fcode = fn_code;
+                    switch(fcode)
-                        if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+                        case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT:
-#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
+                            // send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT");
-                            if(memcmp(&inst->tagList[inst->tagToRangeWith][0], &srcAddr[0], BLINK_FRAME_SOURCE_ADDRESS) == 0) //if the Tag's address does not match (ignore the message)
-                            //if using 16-bit addresses the ranging messages from tag are using the short address tag was given in the ranging init message
-                            if(inst->tagShortAdd == (srcAddr[0] + (srcAddr[1] << 8)))
-                            //only process messages from the associated tag
-                            {
-                                fcode = fn_code;
-                            }
-// #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==1)
-//                             if(instchecktaginlist(&inst, &srcAddr[0]) != 255) //if the Tag's address does not match (ignore the message)
-// #else
-//                             //if using 16-bit addresses the ranging messages from tag are using the short address tag was given in the ranging init message
-//                             if(inst->tagShortAdd == (srcAddr[0] + (srcAddr[1] << 8)))
-// #endif
-//                             //only process messages from an associated tag
-//                             {
-//                                 fcode = fn_code;
-//                             }
-//                             else
-//                             {
-//                                 uint8 debug_msg[100];
-//                                 int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "Tag not in list, RX message not processed");
-//                                 send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-//                                 usb_run();
-//                             }
-                        }
-                        else // LISTENER or TAG
-                        {
-                            fcode = fn_code;
-                        }
+                            uint32 final_reply_delay_us;
+                            uint32 resp_dly[RESP_DLY_NB];
+                            int i;
-                        switch(fcode)
-                        {
-                            case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT: //TAG operations
+                            inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT;
+                            inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ; // send next poll
+                            // Get response delays from message and update internal timings accordingly
+                            resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] =  messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_LO]
+                                                        + (messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_HI] << 8);
+                            resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] =  messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_LO]
+                                                        + (messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_HI] << 8);
+                            for (i = 0; i < RESP_DLY_NB; i++)
-                                send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT");
-                                // send_rxmsgtousb("RX message fcode: RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT");
-                                //shouldn't use different tag modes. should only accept if not in list already
-                                //NOTE this is the poll message sent by the tag to initiate the handshake
-                                uint32 final_reply_delay_us;
-                                uint32 resp_dly[RESP_DLY_NB];
-                                int i;
-                                inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT;
-                                inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ; // send next poll
-                                inst->tagShortAdd = messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_LO]
-                                                    + (messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_HI] << 8) ;
-                                // Get response delays from message and update internal timings accordingly
-                                resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] =  messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_LO]
-                                                            + (messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_HI] << 8);
-                                resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] =  messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_LO]
-                                                            + (messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_HI] << 8);
-                                for (i = 0; i < RESP_DLY_NB; i++)
-                                {
-                                    if (((resp_dly[i] & RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK) >> RESP_DLY_UNIT_SHIFT) == RESP_DLY_UNIT_MS)
-                                    {
-                                        // Remove unit bit and convert to microseconds.
-                                        resp_dly[i] &= ~RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK;
-                                        resp_dly[i] *= 1000;
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                // Update delay between poll transmission and response reception.
-                                // Use uint64 for resp_dly here to avoid overflows if it is more than 400 ms.
-                                inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy = US_TO_SY_INT((uint64)resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] - inst->frameLengths_us[POLL]) - RX_START_UP_SY;
-                                // Update delay between poll transmission and final transmission.
-                                final_reply_delay_us = resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] + resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG];
-                                inst->finalReplyDelay = convertmicrosectodevicetimeu(final_reply_delay_us);
-                                inst->finalReplyDelay_ms = CEIL_DIV(final_reply_delay_us, 1000);
-                                // If we are using long response delays, deactivate sleep.
-                                if (resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] >= LONG_RESP_DLY_LIMIT_US
-                                    || resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] >= LONG_RESP_DLY_LIMIT_US)
+                                if (((resp_dly[i] & RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK) >> RESP_DLY_UNIT_SHIFT) == RESP_DLY_UNIT_MS)
-                                    inst->sleepingEabled = 0;
+                                    // Remove unit bit and convert to microseconds.
+                                    resp_dly[i] &= ~RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK;
+                                    resp_dly[i] *= 1000;
-#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
-                                memcpy(&inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].destAddr[0], &srcAddr[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); //set the anchor address for the reply (set destination address)
-                                memcpy(&inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].destAddr[0], &srcAddr[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S); //set anchor address for the reply (set destination address)
-                                inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].sourceAddr[0] =  messageData[RES_R1]; //set tag short address
-                                inst->msg[inst->tagToRangeWith].sourceAddr[1] =  messageData[RES_R2];
-                                dwt_setaddress16(inst->tagShortAdd); //NOTE tagShortAdd might need to be reworked for TAG...
-                                //NOTE this might be a problem...
-                                memcpy(&inst->relpyAddress[0], &srcAddr[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
-                                inst->mode = TAG ;
-                                //inst->responseTimeouts = 0; //reset timeout count
-                                inst->goToSleep = 0; //don't go to sleep - start ranging instead and then sleep after 1 range is done or poll times out
-                                inst->instanceTimerTimeSaved = inst->instanceTimerTime = portGetTickCnt(); //set timer base
-//                                 //NOTE this is the poll message sent by the tag to initiate the handshake
-//                                 if(inst->mode == TAG_TDOA) //only start ranging with someone if not ranging already
-//                                 {
-//                                     uint32 final_reply_delay_us;
-//                                     uint32 resp_dly[RESP_DLY_NB];
-//                                     int i;
-//                                     inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT;
-//                                     inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ; // send next poll
-//                                     inst->tagShortAdd = messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_LO]
-//                                                         + (messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_SHORT_ADDR_HI] << 8) ;
-//                                     // Get response delays from message and update internal timings accordingly
-//                                     resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] =  messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_LO]
-//                                                               + (messageData[RNG_INIT_ANC_RESP_DLY_HI] << 8);
-//                                     resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] =  messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_LO]
-//                                                               + (messageData[RNG_INIT_TAG_RESP_DLY_HI] << 8);
-//                                     for (i = 0; i < RESP_DLY_NB; i++)
-//                                     {
-//                                         if (((resp_dly[i] & RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK) >> RESP_DLY_UNIT_SHIFT) == RESP_DLY_UNIT_MS)
-//                                         {
-//                                             // Remove unit bit and convert to microseconds.
-//                                             resp_dly[i] &= ~RESP_DLY_UNIT_MASK;
-//                                             resp_dly[i] *= 1000;
-//                                         }
-//                                     }
-//                                     // Update delay between poll transmission and response reception.
-//                                     // Use uint64 for resp_dly here to avoid overflows if it is more than 400 ms.
-//                                     inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy = US_TO_SY_INT((uint64)resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] - inst->frameLengths_us[POLL]) - RX_START_UP_SY;
-//                                     // Update delay between poll transmission and final transmission.
-//                                     final_reply_delay_us = resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] + resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG];
-//                                     inst->finalReplyDelay = convertmicrosectodevicetimeu(final_reply_delay_us);
-//                                     inst->finalReplyDelay_ms = CEIL_DIV(final_reply_delay_us, 1000);
-//                                     // If we are using long response delays, deactivate sleep.
-//                                     if (resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] >= LONG_RESP_DLY_LIMIT_US
-//                                         || resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] >= LONG_RESP_DLY_LIMIT_US)
-//                                     {
-//                                         inst->sleepingEabled = 0;
-//                                     }
-// #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
-//                                     memcpy(&inst->msg.destAddr[0], &srcAddr[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); //set the anchor address for the reply (set destination address)
-// #else
-//                                     memcpy(&inst->msg.destAddr[0], &srcAddr[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S); //set anchor address for the reply (set destination address)
-//                                     inst->msg.sourceAddr[0] =  messageData[RES_R1]; //set tag short address
-//                                     inst->msg.sourceAddr[1] =  messageData[RES_R2];
-//                                     dwt_setaddress16(inst->tagShortAdd);
-// #endif
-//                                     memcpy(&inst->relpyAddress[0], &srcAddr[0], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
-//                                     inst->mode = TAG ;
-//                                     //inst->responseTimeouts = 0; //reset timeout count
-//                                     inst->goToSleep = 0; //don't go to sleep - start ranging instead and then sleep after 1 range is done or poll times out
-//                                     inst->instanceTimerTimeSaved = inst->instanceTimerTime = portGetTickCnt(); //set timer base
-//                                 }
-                                //printf("GOT RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT - start ranging - \n");
-                                //else we ignore this message if already associated... (not TAG_TDOA)
-                            break; //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT
-                            case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL:
+                            // Update delay between poll transmission and response reception.
+                            // Use uint64 for resp_dly here to avoid overflows if it is more than 400 ms.
+                            inst->txToRxDelayTag_sy = US_TO_SY_INT((uint64)resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] - inst->frameLengths_us[POLL]) - RX_START_UP_SY;
+                            // Update delay between poll transmission and final transmission.
+                            final_reply_delay_us = resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] + resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG];
+                            inst->finalReplyDelay = convertmicrosectodevicetimeu(final_reply_delay_us);
+                            inst->finalReplyDelay_ms = CEIL_DIV(final_reply_delay_us, 1000);
+                            // If we are using long response delays, deactivate sleep.
+                            if (resp_dly[RESP_DLY_ANC] >= LONG_RESP_DLY_LIMIT_US
+                                || resp_dly[RESP_DLY_TAG] >= LONG_RESP_DLY_LIMIT_US)
-                                // send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL ");
-                                // send_rxmsgtousb("RX message fcode: RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL");
-                                if(inst->mode == LISTENER) //don't process any ranging messages when in Listener mode
-                                {
-                                    //only enable receiver when not using double buffering
-                                    inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
-                                    break;
-                                }
+                                inst->sleepingEabled = 0;
+                            }
-                                if (!inst->frameFilteringEnabled) //NOTE this might cause problems... might need to move somewhere else
-                                {
-                                    // if we missed the ACK to the ranging init message we may not have turned frame filtering on
-                                    dwt_enableframefilter(DWT_FF_DATA_EN | DWT_FF_ACK_EN); //we are starting ranging - enable the filter....
-                                    inst->frameFilteringEnabled = 1 ;
-                                }
+                            memcpy(&inst->msg[inst->uwbToRangeWith].destAddr[0], &srcAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize); //set the anchor address for the reply (set destination address)
-                                if(dw_event->typePend == DWT_SIG_TX_PENDING)
-                                {
-                                    inst->canPrintInfo = 0;
-                                    inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                                               // wait confirmation
-                                    inst->previousState = TA_TXRESPONSE_WAIT_SEND ;
-                                }
-                                else
-                                {
-                                    //stay in RX wait for next frame...
-                                    inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
-                                }
+                            inst->mode = TAG ;
+                            //inst->responseTimeouts = 0; //reset timeout count
+                            inst->goToSleep = 0; //don't go to sleep - start ranging instead and then sleep after 1 range is done or poll times out
+                            inst->instanceTimerTimeSaved = inst->instanceTimerTime = portGetTickCnt(); //set timer base
+                            break; 
+                        } //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT
+                        case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL:
+                        {
+                            if(inst->mode == LISTENER) //don't process any ranging messages when in Listener mode
+                            {
+                                //only enable receiver when not using double buffering
+                                inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;  // wait for next frame
+                                break;
-                            break; //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL
-                            case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP:
+                            if (!inst->frameFilteringEnabled) //NOTE this might cause problems... might need to move somewhere else
-                                // send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP ");
-                                // send_rxmsgtousb("RX message fcode: RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP");
-                                if(inst->mode == LISTENER) //don't process any ranging messages when in Listener mode
-                                {
-                                    inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
-                                    break;
-                                }
-                                inst->anchorRespRxTime = dw_event->timeStamp ; //Response's Rx time
-                                inst->testAppState = TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND ; // send our response / the final
-                                inst->canPrintInfo = 2;
-                                inst->tof[inst->tagToRangeWith] = 0;
-                                //copy previously calculated ToF
-                                memcpy(&inst->tof[inst->tagToRangeWith], &(messageData[TOFR]), 5);
+                                // if we missed the ACK to the ranging init message we may not have turned frame filtering on
+                                dwt_enableframefilter(DWT_FF_DATA_EN | DWT_FF_ACK_EN); //we are starting ranging - enable the filter....
+                                inst->frameFilteringEnabled = 1 ;
+                            }
-                                inst->newRangeAncAddress = srcAddr[0] + ((uint16) srcAddr[1] << 8);
-                                inst->newRangeTagAddress = inst->eui64[0] + ((uint16) inst->eui64[1] << 8);
+                            if(dw_event->typePend == DWT_SIG_TX_PENDING)
+                            {
+                                inst->canPrintInfo = 0;
+                                inst->testAppState = TA_TX_WAIT_CONF;                                               // wait confirmation
+                                inst->previousState = TA_TXRESPONSE_WAIT_SEND ;
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                //stay in RX wait for next frame...
+                                inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
-                            break; //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP
-                            case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL:
+                            break; 
+                        }//RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL
+                        case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP:
+                        {
+                            // send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP ");
+                            if(inst->mode == LISTENER) //don't process any ranging messages when in Listener mode
-                                send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL ");
-                                int64 Rb, Da, Ra, Db ;
-                                uint64 tagFinalTxTime  = 0;
-                                uint64 tagFinalRxTime  = 0;
-                                uint64 tagPollTxTime  = 0;
-                                uint64 anchorRespRxTime  = 0;
-                                double RaRbxDaDb = 0;
-                                double RbyDb = 0;
-                                double RayDa = 0;
-                                if(inst->mode == LISTENER) //don't process any ranging messages when in Listener mode
-                                {
-                                    inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
-                                    break;
-                                }
+                                inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
+                                break;
+                            }
-                                // time of arrival of Final message
-                                tagFinalRxTime = dw_event->timeStamp ; //Final's Rx time
+                            inst->anchorRespRxTime = dw_event->timeStamp ; //Response's Rx time
-                                inst->delayedReplyTime = 0 ;
+                            inst->testAppState = TA_TXFINAL_WAIT_SEND ; // send our response / the final
-                                // times measured at Tag extracted from the message buffer
-                                // extract 40bit times
-                                memcpy(&tagPollTxTime, &(messageData[PTXT]), 5);
-                                memcpy(&anchorRespRxTime, &(messageData[RRXT]), 5);
-                                memcpy(&tagFinalTxTime, &(messageData[FTXT]), 5);
+                            inst->canPrintInfo = 2;
-                                // poll response round trip delay time is calculated as
-                                // (anchorRespRxTime - tagPollTxTime) - (anchorRespTxTime - tagPollRxTime)
-                                Ra = (int64)((anchorRespRxTime - tagPollTxTime) & MASK_40BIT);
-                                Db = (int64)((inst->txu.anchorRespTxTime - inst->tagPollRxTime) & MASK_40BIT);
+                            inst->tof[inst->uwbToRangeWith] = 0;
+                            //copy previously calculated ToF
+                            memcpy(&inst->tof[inst->uwbToRangeWith], &(messageData[TOFR]), 5);
-                                // response final round trip delay time is calculated as
-                                // (tagFinalRxTime - anchorRespTxTime) - (tagFinalTxTime - anchorRespRxTime)
-                                Rb = (int64)((tagFinalRxTime - inst->txu.anchorRespTxTime) & MASK_40BIT);
-                                Da = (int64)((tagFinalTxTime - anchorRespRxTime) & MASK_40BIT);
+                            inst->newRangeUWBIndex = inst->uwbToRangeWith;
+                            //TODO remove or update below?
+                            inst->newRangeAncAddress = (uint16) srcAddr[0] + ((uint16) srcAddr[1] << 8);
+                            inst->newRangeTagAddress = (uint16) inst->eui64[0] + ((uint16) inst->eui64[1] << 8);
+                            break; 
+                        } //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP
+                        case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL:
+                        {
+                            // send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL ");
+                            int64 Rb, Da, Ra, Db ;
+                            uint64 tagFinalTxTime  = 0;
+                            uint64 tagFinalRxTime  = 0;
+                            uint64 tagPollTxTime  = 0;
+                            uint64 anchorRespRxTime  = 0;
+                            double RaRbxDaDb = 0;
+                            double RbyDb = 0;
+                            double RayDa = 0;
+                            if(inst->mode == LISTENER) //don't process any ranging messages when in Listener mode
+                            {
+                                inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
+                                break;
+                            }
-                                RaRbxDaDb = (((double)Ra))*(((double)Rb))
-                                - (((double)Da))*(((double)Db));
+                            // time of arrival of Final message
+                            tagFinalRxTime = dw_event->timeStamp ; //Final's Rx time
-                                RbyDb = ((double)Rb + (double)Db);
+                            inst->delayedReplyTime = 0 ;
-                                RayDa = ((double)Ra + (double)Da);
+                            // times measured at Tag extracted from the message buffer
+                            // extract 40bit times
+                            memcpy(&tagPollTxTime, &(messageData[PTXT]), 5);
+                            memcpy(&anchorRespRxTime, &(messageData[RRXT]), 5);
+                            memcpy(&tagFinalTxTime, &(messageData[FTXT]), 5);
-                                //time-of-flight
-                                inst->tof[inst->tagToRangeWith] = (int64) ( RaRbxDaDb/(RbyDb + RayDa) );
+                            // poll response round trip delay time is calculated as
+                            // (anchorRespRxTime - tagPollTxTime) - (anchorRespTxTime - tagPollRxTime)
+                            Ra = (int64)((anchorRespRxTime - tagPollTxTime) & MASK_40BIT);
+                            Db = (int64)((inst->txu.anchorRespTxTime - inst->tagPollRxTime) & MASK_40BIT);
-                                if(reportTOF(inst) == 0)
-                                {
-                                    inst->newRange = 1;
-                                }
-                                inst->newRangeTagAddress = srcAddr[0] + ((uint16) srcAddr[1] << 8);
-                                inst->newRangeAncAddress = inst->eui64[0] + ((uint16) inst->eui64[1] << 8);
-                                //inst->lastReportTime = time_ms;
+                            // response final round trip delay time is calculated as
+                            // (tagFinalRxTime - anchorRespTxTime) - (tagFinalTxTime - anchorRespRxTime)
+                            Rb = (int64)((tagFinalRxTime - inst->txu.anchorRespTxTime) & MASK_40BIT);
+                            Da = (int64)((tagFinalTxTime - anchorRespRxTime) & MASK_40BIT);
-                                // inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
-                                // ranging complete with one of the tags, lets go back to listening for blinks/polls!
-                                //keep track of when the tag was last ranged to
-                                // inst->finalTimeStamp[inst->tagToRangeWith] = tagFinalRxTime;
-                                inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;
-                                inst->previousState = TA_INIT;
-                                inst->nextState = TA_INIT;
-                                inst->prevTagToRangeWith = inst->tagToRangeWith;
-                                inst->tagToRangeWith = 255;
-                                inst->frameFilteringEnabled = 0;
-                                dwt_enableframefilter(DWT_FF_NOTYPE_EN);
-                                dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
+                            RaRbxDaDb = (((double)Ra))*(((double)Rb)) - (((double)Da))*(((double)Db));
+                            RbyDb = ((double)Rb + (double)Db);
+                            RayDa = ((double)Ra + (double)Da);
-                                instancesetantennadelays(); //this will update the antenna delay if it has changed
+                            //time-of-flight
+                            inst->tof[inst->uwbToRangeWith] = (int64) ( RaRbxDaDb/(RbyDb + RayDa) );
+                            inst->newRangeUWBIndex = inst->uwbToRangeWith;
+                            if(reportTOF(inst, inst->newRangeUWBIndex) == 0)
+                            {
+                                inst->newRange = 1;
-                            break; //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL
+                            //TODO update or remove?
+                            inst->newRangeTagAddress = (uint16) srcAddr[0] + ((uint16) srcAddr[1] << 8);
+                            inst->newRangeAncAddress = (uint16) inst->eui64[0] + ((uint16) inst->eui64[1] << 8);
+                            inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;
+                            inst->previousState = TA_INIT;
+                            inst->nextState = TA_INIT;
+                            inst->uwbToRangeWith = 255;
+                            inst->frameFilteringEnabled = 0;
+                            dwt_enableframefilter(DWT_FF_NOTYPE_EN);
+                            dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
+                            instancesetantennadelays(); //this will update the antenna delay if it has changed
-                            default:
-                            {
-                                if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-                                {
-                                    send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-default ");
-                                }
-                                //send_rxmsgtousb("RX message fcode: default");
-                                inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
-                                dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        } //end switch (fcode)
-                    } //end else
+                            break; 
+                        } //RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL
+                        default:
+                        {
+                            // if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+                            // {
+                            //     send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-default ");
+                            // }
+                            inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
+                            dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
+                            break;    
+                        }
+                    } //end switch (fcode)
                     if((inst->goToSleep == 0) && (inst->mode == LISTENER) /*|| (inst->mode == ANCHOR)*/)//update received data, and go back to receiving frames
                         inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT ;              // wait for next frame
-                }
-                break ; //end of DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY
+                    break ; 
+                } //end of DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY
                 case DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT :
-                    // if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-                    // {
-                        send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT ");
-                    // }
+                {    
+                    // send_txmsgtousb("RX process: DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT ");
                     instance_getevent(17); //get and clear this event
-                    //printf("PD_DATA_TIMEOUT %d\n", inst->previousState) ;
-                    inst_processrxtimeout(inst);
+                    inst_processtxrxtimeout(inst);
                     message = 0; //clear the message as we have processed the event
-                break ;
+                    break;
+                }
                 case DWT_SIG_TX_AA_DONE: //ignore this event - just process the rx frame that was received before the ACK response
                 case 0:
                 default :
-                    if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
-                    {   
-                        send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: default ");
-                    }
-                    //if(DWT_SIG_TX_AA_DONE == message) printf("Got SIG_TX_AA_DONE in RX wait - ignore\n");
-                    if(done == INST_NOT_DONE_YET) done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;
-                    // inst->testAppState = TA_RXE_WAIT;
+                    // if(inst->mode == ANCHOR)
+                    // {   
+                    //     send_rxmsgtousb("RX process: default ");
+                    // }
+                    if(done == INST_NOT_DONE_YET)
+                    {
+                        done = INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT;
+                    } 
+                    break;
-                break;
+            } // end of switch on message 
-            }
-            break ; // end case TA_RX_WAIT_DATA
+            break;
+        } // end case TA_RX_WAIT_DATA
+        {
             // if (inst->mode == ANCHOR)
             // {
-                send_statetousb(inst);
+            //     send_statetousb(inst);
             // }
-                //printf("\nERROR - invalid state %d - what is going on??\n", inst->testAppState) ;
+        }
     } // end switch on testAppState
     return done;
@@ -1350,9 +1125,13 @@ int instance_init_s(int mode)
     dwt_setcallbacks(instance_txcallback, instance_rxgoodcallback, instance_rxtimeoutcallback, instance_rxerrorcallback);
-    //inst->anchorListIndex = 0 ;
-    inst->tagToRangeWith = 255;
-    inst->prevTagToRangeWith = 255;
+#if (USING_64BIT_ADDR==0)
+    inst->addrByteSize = ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S;
+    inst->addrByteSize = ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L;
+    inst->uwbToRangeWith = 255;
     return 0 ;
@@ -1493,36 +1272,21 @@ uint64 instance_get_addr(void) //get own address
     return (x);
-uint64 instance_get_tagaddr(void) //get own address
+uint64 instance_get_uwbaddr(uint8 uwb_index) //get uwb address by index
     instance_data_t* inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-    uint64 x = (uint64) inst->tagList[0][0];
-    x |= (uint64) inst->tagList[0][1] << 8;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->tagList[0][2] << 16;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->tagList[0][3] << 24;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->tagList[0][4] << 32;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->tagList[0][5] << 40;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->tagList[0][6] << 48;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->tagList[0][7] << 56;
+    uint64 x = (uint64) inst->uwbList[uwb_index][0];
+    x |= (uint64) inst->uwbList[uwb_index][1] << 8;
+    x |= (uint64) inst->uwbList[uwb_index][2] << 16;
+    x |= (uint64) inst->uwbList[uwb_index][3] << 24;
+    x |= (uint64) inst->uwbList[uwb_index][4] << 32;
+    x |= (uint64) inst->uwbList[uwb_index][5] << 40;
+    x |= (uint64) inst->uwbList[uwb_index][6] << 48;
+    x |= (uint64) inst->uwbList[uwb_index][7] << 56;
     return (x);
-uint64 instance_get_anchaddr(void) //get anchor address (that sent the ToF)
-    instance_data_t* inst = instance_get_local_structure_ptr(0);
-    uint64 x = (uint64) inst->relpyAddress[0];
-    x |= (uint64) inst->relpyAddress[1] << 8;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->relpyAddress[2] << 16;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->relpyAddress[3] << 24;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->relpyAddress[4] << 32;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->relpyAddress[5] << 40;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->relpyAddress[6] << 48;
-    x |= (uint64) inst->relpyAddress[7] << 56;
-    return (x);
 void instance_readaccumulatordata(void)
diff --git a/src/application/instance.h b/src/application/instance.h
index 366abe6..b587d81 100644
--- a/src/application/instance.h
+++ b/src/application/instance.h
@@ -134,13 +134,11 @@ enum
-#define TAG_LIST_SIZE				    (10)	//anchor will range with 1st Tag it gets blink from
-#define TAG_COMM_TIMEOUT                3000    //ms
+#define UWB_LIST_SIZE				    (10)	//maximum number of UWBs to range with
+#define UWB_COMM_TIMEOUT                3000    //ms
 #define BLINK_SLEEP_DELAY					1000    //ms
 #define POLL_SLEEP_DELAY					500     //ms
-//#define POLL_SLEEP_DELAY					50      //ms	//NOTE 200 gives 5 Hz range period
@@ -381,7 +379,7 @@ typedef struct {
 typedef struct
-    INST_MODE mode;				//instance mode (tag or anchor)
+    INST_MODE mode;				        //instance mode (tag or anchor)
     INST_STATES testAppState ;			//state machine - current state
     INST_STATES nextState ;				//state machine - next state
     INST_STATES previousState ;			//state machine - previous state
@@ -424,20 +422,23 @@ typedef struct
 	//message structures used for transmitted messages
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
 	srd_msg_dlsl rng_initmsg ;	// ranging init message (destination long, source long)
-    srd_msg_dlsl msg[TAG_LIST_SIZE] ; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using long addresses
+    srd_msg_dlsl msg[UWB_LIST_SIZE] ; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using long addresses
 	srd_msg_dlss rng_initmsg ;  // ranging init message (destination long, source short)
-    srd_msg_dsss msg[TAG_LIST_SIZE] ; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using short addresses
+    srd_msg_dsss msg[UWB_LIST_SIZE] ; // simple 802.15.4 frame structure (used for tx message) - using short addresses
 	iso_IEEE_EUI64_blink_msg blinkmsg ; // frame structure (used for tx blink message)
 	//Tag function address/message configuration
 	uint8   eui64[8];				// devices EUI 64-bit address
-	uint16  tagShortAdd ;		    // Tag's short address (16-bit) used when USING_64BIT_ADDR == 0
+	uint16  uwbShortAdd;		    // UWB's short address (16-bit) used when USING_64BIT_ADDR == 0
     uint8   frameSN;				// modulo 256 frame sequence number - it is incremented for each new frame transmittion
 	uint16  panID ;					// panid used in the frames
-    uint8 relpyAddress[8] ;         // address of the anchor the tag is ranging with
+    uint8 addrByteSize;             // The bytelength used for addresses. 
+    // uint8 relpyAddress[8] ;         // address of the anchor the tag is ranging with
 	//64 bit timestamps
 	//union of TX timestamps
@@ -460,9 +461,7 @@ typedef struct
     //diagnostic counters/data, results and logging
-    // int32 tof32 ;
-    int64 tof[TAG_LIST_SIZE] ;
+    int64 tof[UWB_LIST_SIZE] ;
     double clockOffset ;
     //counts for debug
@@ -478,24 +477,27 @@ typedef struct
     int tofIndex ;
     int tofCount ;
-    double idistance ; // instantaneous distance
+    uint8 newRangeUWBIndex;
     int newRange;
     int newRangeAncAddress; //last 4 bytes of anchor address
     int newRangeTagAddress; //last 4 bytes of tag address
+    double idistance[UWB_LIST_SIZE];
+    double idistanceraw[UWB_LIST_SIZE];
     //if set to 1 then it means that DW1000 is in DEEP_SLEEP
     //so the ranging has finished and micro can output on USB/LCD
     //if sending data to LCD during ranging this limits the speed of ranging
     uint8 canPrintInfo ;
-	uint8 tagToRangeWith;	//it is the index of the tagList array which contains the address of the Tag we are ranging with
-    uint8 tagListLen ;
-    uint8 prevTagToRangeWith ;
-	uint8 tagList[TAG_LIST_SIZE][8];
+	uint8 uwbToRangeWith;	//it is the index of the uwbList array which contains the address of the UWB we are ranging with
+    uint8 uwbListLen ;
+    // uint8 prevTagToRangeWith ;
+	uint8 uwbList[UWB_LIST_SIZE][8];
-    // keep track of when final messages so we can drop tags that we havent communicated with in a while
-    uint32 lastCommTimeStamp[TAG_LIST_SIZE] ;
-    uint8 tagTimeout[TAG_LIST_SIZE] ;    
+    // keep track of when final messages so we can drop uwbs that we havent communicated with in a while
+    uint32 lastCommTimeStamp[UWB_LIST_SIZE] ;
+    uint8 uwbTimeout[UWB_LIST_SIZE] ;    
 	//event queue - used to store DW1000 events as they are processed by the dw_isr/callback functions
@@ -516,14 +518,14 @@ typedef struct
 // function to calculate and report the Time of Flight to the GUI/display
-int reportTOF(instance_data_t *inst);
+int reportTOF(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 uwb_index);
 // clear the status/ranging data 
 void instanceclearcounts(void) ;
-void instcleartaglist(void);
-void instsettagtorangewith(int tagID);
-int instaddwaketagilist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *tagAddr);
-int instcheckawaketaginlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *tagAddr);
-int instfindfirstawaketaginlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 startindex);
+void instclearuwblist(void);
+// void instsetuwbtorangewith(int uwbID);
+int instaddactivateuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr);
+int instcheckactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr);
+int instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 startindex);
 void instance_readaccumulatordata(void);
@@ -542,7 +544,7 @@ int instance_init_s(int mode);
 void instance_config(instanceConfig_t *config) ;  
 void instancerxon(instance_data_t *inst, int delayed, uint64 delayedReceiveTime);
-void inst_processrxtimeout(instance_data_t *inst);
+void inst_processtxrxtimeout(instance_data_t *inst);
 int instancesendpacket(uint16 length, uint8 txmode, uint32 dtime);
@@ -572,14 +574,14 @@ int instancegetrole(void) ;
 uint32 instancereaddeviceid(void) ;                                 // Return Device ID reg, enables validation of physical device presence
 void instancerxon(instance_data_t *inst, int delayed, uint64 delayedReceiveTime);
-double instance_get_adist(void);
-double instance_get_idist(void);
-double instance_get_idistraw(void);
-int instance_get_lcount(void);
+// double instance_get_adist(void);
+double instance_get_idist(uint8 uwb_index);
+double instance_get_idistraw(uint8 uwb_index);
+// int instance_get_lcount(void);
 uint64 instance_get_addr(void); //get own address (8 bytes)
-uint64 instance_get_tagaddr(void); //get tag address (8 bytes)
-uint64 instance_get_anchaddr(void); //get anchor address (that sent the ToF)
+uint64 instance_get_uwbaddr(uint8 uwb_index); //get uwb address (8 bytes)
+// uint64 instance_get_anchaddr(void); //get anchor address (that sent the ToF)
 int instancenewrangeancadd(void);
 int instancenewrangetagadd(void);
diff --git a/src/application/instance_common.c b/src/application/instance_common.c
index 69915eb..e45b0ff 100644
--- a/src/application/instance_common.c
+++ b/src/application/instance_common.c
@@ -14,9 +14,10 @@
 #include "port.h"
 #include "deca_device_api.h"
 #include "deca_spi.h"
 #include "instance.h"
+#include <inttypes.h>
 extern void usb_run(void);
 extern int usb_init(void);
 extern void usb_printconfig(int, uint8*, int);
@@ -29,18 +30,11 @@ extern void send_usbmessage(uint8*, int);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-double inst_idist = 0;
-double inst_idistraw = 0;
-double inst_adist = 0;
-double inst_ldist = 0;
 static instance_data_t instance_data[NUM_INST] ;
 extern const uint16 rfDelays[2];
 extern const tx_struct txSpectrumConfig[8];
 extern double dwt_getrangebias(uint8 chan, float range, uint8 prf);
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -113,16 +107,21 @@ double convertdevicetimetosec8(uint8* dt)
-int reportTOF(instance_data_t *inst)
+int reportTOF(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 uwb_index)
+	//not TOF to report if not a uwb that we are tracking
+	if(uwb_index > UWB_LIST_SIZE)
+	{
+		return -1;
+	}
 	double distance ;
 	double distance_to_correct ;
 	double tof ;
-	double ltave;
 	int64 tofi ;
 	// check for negative results and accept them making them proper negative integers
-	tofi = inst->tof[inst->tagToRangeWith] ;                          // make it signed
+	tofi = inst->tof[uwb_index] ;                          // make it signed
 	if (tofi > 0x007FFFFFFFFF)                          // MP counter is 40 bits,  close up TOF may be negative
 		tofi -= 0x010000000000 ;                       // subtract fill 40 bit range to make it negative
@@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ int reportTOF(instance_data_t *inst)
 	// convert to seconds (as floating point)
 	tof = convertdevicetimetosec(tofi);          //this is divided by 4 to get single time of flight
-	inst_idistraw = distance = tof * SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
+	inst->idistanceraw[uwb_index] = distance = tof * SPEED_OF_LIGHT;
 	//for the 6.81Mb data rate we assume gating gain of 6dB is used,
@@ -157,82 +156,53 @@ int reportTOF(instance_data_t *inst)
 	if ((distance < 0) || (distance > 20000.000))    // discount any items with error
-		inst_idist = 0;
+		inst->idistance[uwb_index] = 0;
 		return -1;
-	inst_idist = distance;
-	inst->longTermRangeSum+= distance ;
-	inst->longTermRangeCount++ ;                          // for computing a long term average
-	ltave = inst->longTermRangeSum / inst->longTermRangeCount ;
-	inst_ldist = ltave ;
-	inst->adist[inst->tofIndex++] = distance;
-	if(inst->tofIndex == RTD_MED_SZ) inst->tofIndex = 0;
-	if(inst->tofCount == RTD_MED_SZ)
-	{
-		int i;
-		double avg;
-		avg = 0;
-		for(i = 0; i < inst->tofCount; i++)
-		{
-			avg += inst->adist[i];
-		}
-		avg /= inst->tofCount;
-		inst_adist = avg ;
-	}
-	else
-		inst->tofCount++;
+	inst->idistance[uwb_index] = distance;
     return 0;
 }// end of reportTOF
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// function to select the destination address (e.g. the address of the next anchor to poll)
+// function to add new UWBs to the uwb list or remove timeout status from UWBs already in uwb list
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// return 1 if tag added to list or already in list but woke up from timeout status 
-// return 0 if tag not added list or woke up from timeout status
-int instaddwaketagilist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *tagAddr)
+// return 1 if UWB added to list or removed from timeout status 
+// return 0 if UWB not added list or removed from timeout status
+int instaddactivateuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr)
     uint8 i;
     uint8 blank[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-    //add the new Tag to the list, if not already there and there is space
-    for(i=0; i<TAG_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+    //add the new UWB to the list, if not already there and there is space
+    for(i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
-        if(memcmp(&inst->tagList[i][0], &tagAddr[0], 8) != 0)
+        if(memcmp(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &uwbAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize) != 0)
-            if(memcmp(&inst->tagList[i][0], &blank[0], 8) == 0) //blank entry
+            if(memcmp(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &blank[0], inst->addrByteSize) == 0) //blank entry
-                memcpy(&inst->tagList[i][0], &tagAddr[0], 8) ;
-                inst->tagListLen = i + 1 ;
-				inst->tagToRangeWith = i;
-				inst->tagTimeout[i] = 0;
+                memcpy(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &uwbAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize) ;
+                inst->uwbListLen = i + 1 ;
+				inst->uwbToRangeWith = i;
+				inst->uwbTimeout[i] = 0;
 				return 1;
-                // break;
-			if(inst->tagTimeout[i])
+			if(inst->uwbTimeout[i])
-				//tag has timed out, wake it up
-				inst->tagToRangeWith = i;
-				inst->tagTimeout[i] = 0;
+				//uwb has timed out, wake it up
+				inst->uwbToRangeWith = i;
+				inst->uwbTimeout[i] = 0;
 				return 1;
-				//we already have this Tag in the list and it has not timed out
+				//we already have this uwb in the list and it has not timed out
@@ -243,34 +213,34 @@ int instaddwaketagilist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *tagAddr)
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// function to check if a tag is already in our list and not in a timeout status
+// function to check if a UWB is already in our list and not in a timeout status
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// return index if tag in list and not timed out
-// return 255 if tag not in list or is but has timed out
-int instcheckawaketaginlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *tagAddr)
+// return index if UWB in list and not timed out
+// return 255 if UWB not in list or is but has timed out
+int instcheckactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *uwbAddr)
     uint8 i;
     uint8 blank[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-    //add the new Tag to the list, if not already there and there is space
-    for(i=0; i<TAG_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+    //add the new UWB to the list, if not already there and there is space
+    for(i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
-        if(memcmp(&inst->tagList[i][0], &tagAddr[0], 8) == 0)
+        if(memcmp(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &uwbAddr[0], inst->addrByteSize) == 0)
-			if(inst->tagTimeout[i])
+			if(inst->uwbTimeout[i])
-				//tag in list, but timed out 
+				//UWB in list, but timed out 
-				return i; //we already have this Tag in the list
+				return i; //we already have this UWB in the list
-			if(memcmp(&inst->tagList[i][0], &blank[0], 8) == 0) //blank entry
+			if(memcmp(&inst->uwbList[i][0], &blank[0], 8) == 0) //blank entry
@@ -282,18 +252,18 @@ int instcheckawaketaginlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 *tagAddr)
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// function to find the first tag in our list that is not in a timeout status, starting with the given index
+// function to find the first UWB in our list that is not in a timeout status, starting with the given index
 // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// return index for first tag in list that is not timed out
-// return 255 if all tags in list (from the starting index) are timed out
-int instfindfirstawaketaginlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 startindex)
+// return index for first UWB in list that is not timed out
+// return 255 if all UWBs in list (from the starting index) are timed out
+int instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 startindex)
     uint8 i;
-    for(i=startindex; i<inst->tagListLen; i++)
+    for(i=startindex; i<inst->uwbListLen; i++)
-		if(!inst->tagTimeout[i])
+		if(!inst->uwbTimeout[i])
 			return i;
@@ -308,22 +278,21 @@ int instfindfirstawaketaginlist(instance_data_t *inst, uint8 startindex)
 #error These functions assume one instance only
-void instcleartaglist(void)
+void instclearuwbList(void)
     int instance = 0 ;
     uint8 blank[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
-    instance_data[instance].tagListLen = 0 ;
-    instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith = 255;
-	instance_data[instance].prevTagToRangeWith = 255;
-	for(int i=0; i<TAG_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+    instance_data[instance].uwbListLen = 0 ;
+    instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = 255;
+	for(int i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
 		instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[i] = 0;
-		instance_data[instance].tagTimeout[i] = 0;
+		instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[i] = 0;
+		memcpy(&instance_data[instance].uwbList[i][0], &blank[0], 8);
-    memcpy(&instance_data[instance].tagList[0][0], &blank[0], 8);
@@ -395,7 +364,7 @@ void instanceclearcounts(void)
     instance_data[instance].longTermRangeSum  = 0;
     instance_data[instance].longTermRangeCount  = 0;
-    instcleartaglist();
+    instclearuwbList();
 } // end instanceclearcounts()
@@ -416,10 +385,13 @@ int instance_init(void)
     instance_data[instance].tofIndex = 0;
     instance_data[instance].tofCount = 0;
-    for(uint8 i=0; i<TAG_LIST_SIZE; i++)
+    for(uint8 i=0; i<UWB_LIST_SIZE; i++)
 		instance_data[instance].tof[i] = 0;
+		instance_data[instance].idistance[i] = 0;
+		instance_data[instance].idistanceraw[i] = 0;
+	instance_data[instance].newRangeUWBIndex = 0;
     // Reset the IC (might be needed if not getting here from POWER ON)
@@ -690,31 +662,17 @@ void instancesettagsleepdelay(int sleepdelay, int blinksleepdelay) //sleep in ms
     instance_data[instance].tagBlinkSleepTime_ms = blinksleepdelay ;
-// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-double instance_get_ldist(void) //get long term average range
-    double x = inst_ldist;
-    return (x);
-int instance_get_lcount(void) //get count of ranges used for calculation of lt avg
+double instance_get_idist(uint8 uwb_index) //get instantaneous range
-    int x = instance_data[0].longTermRangeCount;
+    double x = instance_data[0].idistance[uwb_index];
     return (x);
-double instance_get_idist(void) //get instantaneous range
+double instance_get_idistraw(uint8 uwb_index) //get instantaneous range
-    double x = inst_idist;
-    return (x);
-double instance_get_idistraw(void) //get instantaneous range
-    double x = inst_idistraw;
+    double x = instance_data[0].idistanceraw[uwb_index];
     return (x);
@@ -747,23 +705,14 @@ int instance_get_rxl(void) //get number of late Tx frames
     return (x);
-double instance_get_adist(void) //get average range
+void inst_processtxrxtimeout(instance_data_t *inst)
-    double x = inst_adist;
-    return (x);
+	// send_statetousb(inst);
-void inst_processrxtimeout(instance_data_t *inst)
-	send_statetousb(inst);
-#ifdef USB_SUPPORT //this is set in the port.h file
-	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-	int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "inst_processrxtimeout(), tagToRangeWith: %i, taglistlen: %i", inst->tagToRangeWith, inst->tagListLen);
-	send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-	usb_run();
+	// uint8 debug_msg[100];
+	// int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "inst_processrxtimeout(), uwbToRangeWith: %i, uwbListlen: %i", inst->uwbToRangeWith, inst->uwbListLen);
+	// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+	// usb_run();
     if(inst->mode == ANCHOR) //we did not receive the final/ACK - wait for next poll
@@ -777,36 +726,13 @@ void inst_processrxtimeout(instance_data_t *inst)
 		inst->testAppState = TA_TX_SELECT ;
 		if(inst->previousState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND)
-			inst->tagToRangeWith = instfindfirstawaketaginlist(inst, 0);
-			// inst->tagToRangeWith = 0;
+			inst->uwbToRangeWith = instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(inst, 0);
 		else if(inst->previousState == TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND)
-			uint8 idx = inst->tagToRangeWith + 1;
-			inst->tagToRangeWith = instfindfirstawaketaginlist(inst, idx);
-			// inst->tagToRangeWith = inst->tagToRangeWith + 1;
+			uint8 idx = inst->uwbToRangeWith + 1;
+			inst->uwbToRangeWith = instfindfirstactiveuwbinlist(inst, idx);
-		// inst->testAppState = TA_TXE_WAIT ;
-		// if(inst->previousState == TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND)
-		// {
-		// 	inst->nextState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND ;
-		// }
-		// else
-		// {
-		// 	inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ;
-		// }
-		// if(inst->mode == TAG)
-		// {
-		// 	inst->nextState = TA_TXPOLL_WAIT_SEND ;
-		// }
-		// else //TAG_TDOA
-		// {
-		// 	inst->nextState = TA_TXBLINK_WAIT_SEND ;
-		// }
     //timeout - disable the radio (if using SW timeout the rx will not be off)
@@ -830,6 +756,12 @@ void instance_txcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *txd)
 	dw_event.rxLength = 0;
 	dw_event.typeSave = dw_event.type = DWT_SIG_TX_DONE ;
+	// uint32 dt = portGetTickCnt() - instance_data[instance].timeofTx;
+	// char debug_msg[100];
+	// int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TX CALLBACK: DWT_SIG_TX_DONE. dt: %lu ", dt);
+	// send_usbmessage((uint8*)&debug_msg[0], n);
+	// usb_run();
 #if (DEEP_SLEEP == 1)
@@ -859,7 +791,6 @@ void instance_rxerrorcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 	event_data_t dw_event;
 	//re-enable the receiver
 	//for ranging application rx error frame is same as TO - as we are not going to get the expected frame
-	// if((instance_data[instance].mode == TAG) || (instance_data[instance].mode == TAG_TDOA))
 	if(instance_data[instance].mode == TAG)
 		dw_event.type = DWT_SIG_RX_TIMEOUT;
@@ -877,10 +808,8 @@ void instance_rxerrorcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
-	uint8 debug_msg[100];
-    // int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK");
-    // send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-	// usb_run();
+//	uint8 debug_msg[200];
+//	int n = 0;
 	int instance = 0;
 	uint8 rxTimeStamp[5]  = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
@@ -888,9 +817,8 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
     uint8 rxd_event = 0;
 	uint8 fcode_index  = 0;
 	event_data_t dw_event;
 	//if we got a frame with a good CRC - RX OK
 	rxd_event = DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY;
 	dw_event.rxLength = rxd->datalength;
@@ -903,13 +831,13 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 			if(rxd->datalength == 12)
 				rxd_event = DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK;
-				int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK: DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK");
-				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-				usb_run();
+				// int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK: DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK");
+				// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+				// usb_run();
 				rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
 		//ACK type frame - not supported in this SW - set as unknown (re-enable RX)
@@ -924,6 +852,7 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 			if(rxd->datalength > STANDARD_FRAME_SIZE)
 				rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
 			//need to check the destination/source address mode
 			if((rxd->fctrl[1] & 0xCC) == 0x88) //dest & src short (16 bits)
@@ -947,7 +876,9 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 					srcAddr_index = FRAME_CTRLP + ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S;
 		//any other frame types are not supported by this application
@@ -976,323 +907,194 @@ void instance_rxgoodcallback(const dwt_cb_data_t *rxd)
 	//TWR - here we check if we need to respond to a TWR Poll or Response Messages
-	//TODO need some way to drop tags from list after a certain period of time
+	//dont process unkown signals or non-blinks that aren't addressed to this UWB 
+	if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY)
+	{
+		if((dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT ) || 
+		   (dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL ) ||
+		   (dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_ANCH_RESP) ||
+		   (dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_FINAL))
+		{
+			uint8 destAddr_index = FRAME_CTRLP;
+			if(memcmp(&instance_data[instance].eui64[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[destAddr_index], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize) != 0)
+			{
+				// n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX Message not addressed to me");
+				// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+				// usb_run();
+				rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			rxd_event = SIG_RX_UNKNOWN;
+		}
+	}
-	int tag_index = 255;
+	int uwb_index = 255;
 	if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK)
-		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK RECEIVED: BLINK");
-		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-		usb_run();
-		tag_index = instcheckawaketaginlist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]);
+		uwb_index = instcheckactiveuwbinlist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]);
+		// n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK RECEIVED: BLINK <- uwb %d", uwb_index);
+		// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+		// usb_run();
-	else
+	else if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY)
-		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK RECEIVED: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]));
-		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-		usb_run();
+		uwb_index = instcheckactiveuwbinlist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index]);
-		tag_index = instcheckawaketaginlist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index]);
+		// n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CB RX: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s <- uwb %d ", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]), uwb_index);
+		// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+		// usb_run();
-	// instcheckawaketaginlist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index]);
-	// int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX callback: tag_index: %i, tagToRangeWith: %i", tag_index, instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith);
-    // send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-	// usb_run();
-	// select a tag to range with if certain messages are received when not currently ranging with another tag
-	if (instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith == 255)
+	// select a uwb to range with if certain messages are received when not currently ranging with another uwb
+	if (instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith == 255 && rxd_event != SIG_RX_UNKNOWN)
-		// if(instance_data[instance].mode == ANCHOR)
-		// {
-		// 	if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK)
-		// 	{
-		// 	}
-		// 	else if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL)
-		// 	{
-		// 	}
-		// }
-		// else if(instance_data[instance].mode == TAG)
-		// {
-		// 	if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT)
-		// 	{
-		// 		if(instaddwaketagilist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index]))
-		// 		{
-		// 			tag_index = instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith;
-		// 		}
-		// 		else
-		// 		{
-		// 			tag_index = 255;
-		// 			instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith == 255;
-		// 		}
-		// 	}
-		// }
-		if(tag_index == 255) //tag not yet in list, or timed out
+		if(uwb_index == 255) //uwb not yet in list, or timed out
 			if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_RNG_INIT && instance_data[instance].mode == TAG)
 				//only process range init from anchors not already in our list, or those that have timed out
-				if(instaddwaketagilist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index]))
+				if(instaddactivateuwbinlist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index]))
-					tag_index = instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith;
+					uwb_index = instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith;
-					tag_index = 255;
-					instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith = 255;
+					uwb_index = 255;
+					instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = 255;
 			else if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK && instance_data[instance].mode == ANCHOR)
 				//only process blinks from tags not already in our list, or those that have timed out
-				if(instaddwaketagilist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]))
+				if(instaddactivateuwbinlist(&instance_data[instance], &dw_event.msgu.rxblinkmsg.tagID[0]))
-					tag_index = instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith;
+					uwb_index = instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith;
-					tag_index = 255;
-					instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith = 255;
+					uwb_index = 255;
+					instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = 255;
-		else //tag_index != 255 tag already in list and not timed out
+		else //uwb_index != 255, uwb already in list and not timed out
 			if (dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL && instance_data[instance].mode == ANCHOR) 
-				instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith = tag_index; 
+				instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = uwb_index; 
-	int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX callback: tag_index: %i, tagToRangeWith: %i", tag_index, instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith);
-    send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-	usb_run();
 	int event_placed = 0; 
-	if(tag_index != 255 && instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith == tag_index)
+	if(uwb_index != 255 && instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith == uwb_index)
 		//update the timestamp for the most recent communication
-		instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[tag_index] = portGetTickCnt();
+		instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[uwb_index] = portGetTickCnt();
 		if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY)
-			// int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]));
-			// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-			// usb_run();
-			if(instance_data[instance].tagListLen > 0) //NOTE shouldn't need this check if here.
-			{	
-				//process RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL immediately.
-				if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL)
-				{
-					uint16 frameLength = 0;
+			//process RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL immediately.
+			if(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index] == RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL)
+			{
+				uint16 frameLength = 0;
-					instance_data[instance].tagPollRxTime = dw_event.timeStamp ; //Poll's Rx time
+				instance_data[instance].tagPollRxTime = dw_event.timeStamp ; //Poll's Rx time
-					instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime = (instance_data[instance].tagPollRxTime + instance_data[instance].responseReplyDelay) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the response
+				instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime = (instance_data[instance].tagPollRxTime + instance_data[instance].responseReplyDelay) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the response
-					instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime = 0;
+				instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime = 0;
 #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
-					memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg[tag_index].destAddr[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
-					memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg[tag_index].destAddr[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
-					// Write calculated TOF into response message
-					memcpy(&(instance_data[instance].msg[tag_index].messageData[TOFR]), &instance_data[instance].tof[tag_index], 5);
-					instance_data[instance].tof[tag_index] = 0; //clear ToF ..
+				memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].destAddr[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index], instance_data[instance].addrByteSize); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
+				// Write calculated TOF into response message
+				memcpy(&(instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[TOFR]), &instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index], 5);
-					instance_data[instance].msg[tag_index].seqNum = instance_data[instance].frameSN++;
+				instance_data[instance].tof[uwb_index] = 0; //clear ToF ..
+				instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].seqNum = instance_data[instance].frameSN++;
-					//set the delayed rx on time (the final message will be sent after this delay)
-					dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint32)instance_data[instance].txToRxDelayAnc_sy);  //units are 1.0256us - wait for wait4respTIM before RX on (delay RX)
+				//set the delayed rx on time (the final message will be sent after this delay)
+				dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint32)instance_data[instance].txToRxDelayAnc_sy);  //units are 1.0256us - wait for wait4respTIM before RX on (delay RX)
-					//response is expected
-					instance_data[instance].wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
+				//response is expected
+				instance_data[instance].wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
-					dwt_writetxfctrl(frameLength, 0, 1);
-					dwt_writetxdata(frameLength, (uint8 *)  &instance_data[instance].msg[tag_index], 0) ;	// write the frame data
+				dwt_writetxfctrl(frameLength, 0, 1);
+				dwt_writetxdata(frameLength, (uint8 *)  &instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index], 0) ;	// write the frame data
-					//report out which message is being sent!
-					// send_rxmsgtousb("RX message: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL ");
-					send_txmsgtousb(get_msg_fcode_string((int)instance_data[instance].msg[tag_index].messageData[FCODE]));
+				//report out which message is being sent!
+				// send_txmsgtousb(get_msg_fcode_string((int)instance_data[instance].msg[uwb_index].messageData[FCODE]));
-					if(instancesendpacket(frameLength, DWT_START_TX_DELAYED | DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED, instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime))
-					{
-						dw_event.typePend = DWT_SIG_TX_ERROR ;
-						dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
-						instance_data[instance].wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
-						instance_data[instance].lateTX++;
-					}
-					else
+				if(instancesendpacket(frameLength, DWT_START_TX_DELAYED | DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED, instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime))
+				{
+					dw_event.typePend = DWT_SIG_TX_ERROR ;
+					dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
+					instance_data[instance].wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
+					instance_data[instance].lateTX++;
+				}
+				else
-					{
-						dw_event.typePend = DWT_SIG_TX_PENDING ; // exit this interrupt and notify the application/instance that TX is in progress.
-					}
+				{
+					dw_event.typePend = DWT_SIG_TX_PENDING ; // exit this interrupt and notify the application/instance that TX is in progress.
+					instance_data[instance].timeofTx = portGetTickCnt();
 			event_placed = 1;
 #if (DEEP_SLEEP == 1)
 			if (instance_data[instance].sleepingEabled)
+			{
+			}
 		else if (rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK)
-			int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: BLINK");
-			send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-			usb_run();
+			// n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK ACCEPTED: BLINK");
+			// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+			// usb_run();
 			event_placed = 1;
 #if (DEEP_SLEEP == 1)
 			if (instance_data[instance].sleepingEabled)
+			{
+			}
-	//NOTE maybe don't want to do this. maybe just process actual error signals... or dont process errors at all.
-	//treat as error
-		instance_rxerrorcallback(rxd);
-		//instancerxon(&instance_data[instance], 0, 0); //immediate enable 
+		// instance_rxerrorcallback(rxd);
+		instancerxon(&instance_data[instance], 0, 0); //immediately reenable RX
-// 	//Process good frames
-// 	// only process DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY events for the selected tag in our list
-// 	if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY & tag_index != 255 & instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith == tag_index)
-// 	// if(rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY)
-// 	{
-// 		int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "RX CALLBACK: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-%s", get_msg_fcode_string(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index]));
-// 		send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-// 		usb_run();
-// 		//check if this is a TWR message (and also which one)
-// 		if(instance_data[instance].tagListLen > 0)
-// 		{
-// 			switch(dw_event.msgu.frame[fcode_index])
-// 			{
-// 				case RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL:
-// 				{
-// 					// if(tag_index != 255 & tag_index == instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith)
-// 					// {
-// 						uint16 frameLength = 0;
-// 						instance_data[instance].tagPollRxTime = dw_event.timeStamp ; //Poll's Rx time
-// 						instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime = (instance_data[instance].tagPollRxTime + instance_data[instance].responseReplyDelay) >> 8 ;  // time we should send the response
-// #else
-// 						instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime = 0;
-// #endif
-// #if (USING_64BIT_ADDR == 1)
-// 						memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg.destAddr[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_L); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
-// #else
-// 						memcpy(&instance_data[instance].msg.destAddr[0], &dw_event.msgu.frame[srcAddr_index], ADDR_BYTE_SIZE_S); //remember who to send the reply to (set destination address)
-// #endif
-// 						// Write calculated TOF into response message
-// 						memcpy(&(instance_data[instance].msg.messageData[TOFR]), &instance_data[instance].tof, 5);
-// 						instance_data[instance].tof = 0; //clear ToF ..
-// 						instance_data[instance].msg.seqNum = instance_data[instance].frameSN++;
-// 						//set the delayed rx on time (the final message will be sent after this delay)
-// 						dwt_setrxaftertxdelay((uint32)instance_data[instance].txToRxDelayAnc_sy);  //units are 1.0256us - wait for wait4respTIM before RX on (delay RX)
-// 						//response is expected
-// 						instance_data[instance].wait4ack = DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED;
-// 						dwt_writetxfctrl(frameLength, 0, 1);
-// 						dwt_writetxdata(frameLength, (uint8 *)  &instance_data[instance].msg, 0) ;	// write the frame data
-// 						//report out which message is being sent!
-// 						send_rxmsgtousb("RX message: DWT_SIG_RX_OKAY-RTLS_DEMO_MSG_TAG_POLL ");
-// 						send_txmsgtousb(get_msg_fcode_string((int)instance_data[instance].msg.messageData[FCODE]));
-// #else
-// 						if(instancesendpacket(frameLength, DWT_START_TX_DELAYED | DWT_RESPONSE_EXPECTED, instance_data[instance].delayedReplyTime))
-// 						{
-// 							dw_event.typePend = DWT_SIG_TX_ERROR ;
-// 							dwt_setrxaftertxdelay(0);
-// 							instance_data[instance].wait4ack = 0; //clear the flag as the TX has failed the TRX is off
-// 							instance_data[instance].lateTX++;
-// 						}
-// 						else
-// #endif
-// 						{
-// 							dw_event.typePend = DWT_SIG_TX_PENDING ; // exit this interrupt and notify the application/instance that TX is in progress.
-// 						}
-// 					// }
-// 				}
-// 				break;
-// 				default: //process rx frame in the application state machine
-// 				break;
-// 			}
-// 		}
-// 		instance_putevent(dw_event);
-// #if (DEEP_SLEEP == 1)
-// 		if (instance_data[instance].sleepingEabled)
-// 			instance_data[instance].rxmsgcount++;
-// #endif
-// 	}
-// 	else if (rxd_event == DWT_SIG_RX_BLINK)// & tag_index == 255) //only accept blinks from tags that aren't already in our taglist
-// 	{
-// 		instance_putevent(dw_event);
-// #if (DEEP_SLEEP == 1)
-// 		if (instance_data[instance].sleepingEabled)
-// 			instance_data[instance].rxmsgcount++;
-// #endif
-// 	}
-// 	else
-// 	//if (rxd_event == SIG_RX_UNKNOWN) //need to re-enable the rx
-// 	{
-// 		instance_rxerrorcallback(rxd);
-// 	}
@@ -1329,8 +1131,6 @@ event_data_t* instance_getevent(int x)
 	int instance = 0;
 	int indexOut = instance_data[instance].dweventIdxOut;
-	instance_data_t idt = instance_data[instance];
 	if(instance_data[instance].dwevent[indexOut].type == 0) //exit with "no event"
 		dw_event_g.type = 0;
@@ -1386,42 +1186,32 @@ int instance_run(void)
     int done = INST_NOT_DONE_YET;
     int message = instance_peekevent(); //get any of the received events from ISR
-	// send_rxmsgtousb("Instance Run 1");
 	while(done == INST_NOT_DONE_YET)
 		//int state = instance_data[instance].testAppState;
-		done = testapprun(&instance_data[instance], message) ;                                               // run the communications application
+		done = testapprun(&instance_data[instance], message) ; // run the communications application
-		{
-			// uint8 debug_msg[100];
-			// int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "done == INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT");
-			// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-			// usb_run();
-			// send_rxmsgtousb("done == INST_DONE_WAIT_FOR_NEXT_EVENT");
-		}
 		//we've processed message
 		message = 0;
-	//check if lastCommTimeStamp has expired for any of the tags in our list
-	for(int i=0; i < instance_data[instance].tagListLen; i++)
+	//check if lastCommTimeStamp has expired for any of the uwbs in our list
+	for(int i=0; i < instance_data[instance].uwbListLen; i++)
-		if(instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[i] + TAG_COMM_TIMEOUT < portGetTickCnt())
+		if(instance_data[instance].lastCommTimeStamp[i] + UWB_COMM_TIMEOUT < portGetTickCnt())
-			if(instance_data[instance].tagTimeout[i] == 0)
+			if(instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[i] == 0)
-				instance_data[instance].tagTimeout[i] = 1;
+				instance_data[instance].uwbTimeout[i] = 1;
-				uint8 debug_msg[100];
-				int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TIMEOUT: tag %i", i);
-				send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
-				usb_run();	
+				// uint8 debug_msg[100];
+				// int n = sprintf((char*)&debug_msg[0], "TIMEOUT: uwb %i", i);
+				// send_usbmessage(&debug_msg[0], n);
+				// usb_run();	
-			if(instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith == i)
+			if(instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith == i)
-				instance_data[instance].tagToRangeWith = 255;	
+				instance_data[instance].uwbToRangeWith = 255;	
 				//NOTE this might need to be changed for TAG operations
 				if(instance_data[instance].mode == ANCHOR)
diff --git a/src/decadriver/deca_device.c b/src/decadriver/deca_device.c
index 1a79588..45d985e 100644
--- a/src/decadriver/deca_device.c
+++ b/src/decadriver/deca_device.c
@@ -584,8 +584,8 @@ void dwt_settxantennadelay(uint16 txDelay)
  *                         standard PHR mode allows up to 127 bytes
  *                         if > 127 is programmed, DWT_PHRMODE_EXT needs to be set in the phrMode configuration
  *                         see dwt_configure function
- * @param txFrameBytes   - Pointer to the user’s buffer containing the data to send.
- * @param txBufferOffset - This specifies an offset in the DW1000’s TX Buffer at which to start writing data.
+ * @param txFrameBytes   - Pointer to the user�s buffer containing the data to send.
+ * @param txBufferOffset - This specifies an offset in the DW1000�s TX Buffer at which to start writing data.
  * output parameters
@@ -2625,7 +2625,7 @@ void dwt_syncrxbufptrs(void)
  * @param enable - 1 to enable SNIFF mode, 0 to disable. When 0, all other parameters are not taken into account.
  * @param timeOn - duration of receiver ON phase, expressed in multiples of PAC size. The counter automatically adds 1 PAC
  *                 size to the value set. Min value that can be set is 1 (i.e. an ON time of 2 PAC size), max value is 15.
- * @param timeOff - duration of receiver OFF phase, expressed in multiples of 128/125 µs (~1 µs). Max value is 255.
+ * @param timeOff - duration of receiver OFF phase, expressed in multiples of 128/125 �s (~1 �s). Max value is 255.
  * output parameters
@@ -2705,9 +2705,9 @@ void dwt_setlowpowerlistening(int enable)
  * @brief Set duration of "short sleep" phase when in low-power listening mode.
  * input parameters:
- * @param snooze_time - "short sleep" phase duration, expressed in multiples of 512/19.2 µs (~26.7 µs). The counter
+ * @param snooze_time - "short sleep" phase duration, expressed in multiples of 512/19.2 �s (~26.7 �s). The counter
  *                      automatically adds 1 to the value set. The smallest working value that should be set is 1,
- *                      i.e. giving a snooze time of 2 units (or ~53 µs).
+ *                      i.e. giving a snooze time of 2 units (or ~53 �s).
  * output parameters
@@ -3237,7 +3237,6 @@ uint8 dwt_readwakeupvbat(void)
     return dwt_read8bitoffsetreg(TX_CAL_ID, TC_SARL_SAR_LVBAT_OFFSET);
 /* ===============================================================================================
    List of expected (known) device ID handled by this software
diff --git a/src/platform/port.c b/src/platform/port.c
index 42de344..71f5bae 100644
--- a/src/platform/port.c
+++ b/src/platform/port.c
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ int SysTick_Configuration(void)
 		while (1);
 	NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, 5);
+	// NVIC_SetPriority (SysTick_IRQn, 1);
 	return 0;
diff --git a/stdio/printf.c b/stdio/printf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ec2e4c..0000000
--- a/stdio/printf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
- * @file     printf.c
- * @brief    Implementation of several stdio.h methods, such as printf(), 
- *           sprintf() and so on. This reduces the memory footprint of the
- *           binary when using those methods, compared to the libc implementation.
- ********************************************************************************/
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-extern SH_SendChar(int c);
- * @brief  Transmit a char, if you want to use printf(), 
- *         you need implement this function
- *
- * @param  pStr	Storage string.
- * @param  c    Character to write.
- */
-void PrintChar(char c)
-	SH_SendChar(c);
-	/* Send a char like: 
-	   while(Transfer not completed);
-	   Transmit a char;
-	*/	
-/** Maximum string size allowed (in bytes). */
-#define MAX_STRING_SIZE         100
-/** Required for proper compilation. */
-struct _reent r = {0, (FILE *) 0, (FILE *) 1, (FILE *) 0};
-//struct _reent *_impure_ptr = &r;
- * @brief  Writes a character inside the given string. Returns 1.
- *
- * @param  pStr	Storage string.
- * @param  c    Character to write.
- */
-signed int PutChar(char *pStr, char c)
-    *pStr = c;
-    return 1;
- * @brief  Writes a string inside the given string.
- *
- * @param  pStr     Storage string.
- * @param  pSource  Source string.
- * @return  The size of the written
- */
-signed int PutString(char *pStr, const char *pSource)
-    signed int num = 0;
-    while (*pSource != 0) {
-        *pStr++ = *pSource++;
-        num++;
-    }
-    return num;
- * @brief  Writes an unsigned int inside the given string, using the provided fill &
- *         width parameters.
- *
- * @param  pStr  Storage string.
- * @param  fill  Fill character.
- * @param  width  Minimum integer width.
- * @param  value  Integer value.   
- */
-signed int PutUnsignedInt(
-    char *pStr,
-    char fill,
-    signed int width,
-    unsigned int value)
-    signed int num = 0;
-    /* Take current digit into account when calculating width */
-    width--;
-    /* Recursively write upper digits */
-    if ((value / 10) > 0) {
-        num = PutUnsignedInt(pStr, fill, width, value / 10);
-        pStr += num;
-    }
-    /* Write filler characters */
-    else {
-        while (width > 0) {
-            PutChar(pStr, fill);
-            pStr++;
-            num++;
-            width--;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Write lower digit */
-    num += PutChar(pStr, (value % 10) + '0');
-    return num;
- * @brief  Writes a signed int inside the given string, using the provided fill & width
- *         parameters.
- *
- * @param pStr   Storage string.
- * @param fill   Fill character.
- * @param width  Minimum integer width.
- * @param value  Signed integer value.
- */
-signed int PutSignedInt(
-    char *pStr,
-    char fill,
-    signed int width,
-    signed int value)
-    signed int num = 0;
-    unsigned int absolute;
-    /* Compute absolute value */
-    if (value < 0) {
-        absolute = -value;
-    }
-    else {
-        absolute = value;
-    }
-    /* Take current digit into account when calculating width */
-    width--;
-    /* Recursively write upper digits */
-    if ((absolute / 10) > 0) {
-        if (value < 0) {
-            num = PutSignedInt(pStr, fill, width, -(absolute / 10));
-        }
-        else {
-            num = PutSignedInt(pStr, fill, width, absolute / 10);
-        }
-        pStr += num;
-    }
-    else {
-        /* Reserve space for sign */
-        if (value < 0) {
-            width--;
-        }
-        /* Write filler characters */
-        while (width > 0) {
-            PutChar(pStr, fill);
-            pStr++;
-            num++;
-            width--;
-        }
-        /* Write sign */
-        if (value < 0) {
-            num += PutChar(pStr, '-');
-            pStr++;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Write lower digit */
-    num += PutChar(pStr, (absolute % 10) + '0');
-    return num;
- * @brief  Writes an hexadecimal value into a string, using the given fill, width &
- *         capital parameters.
- *
- * @param pStr   Storage string.
- * @param fill   Fill character.
- * @param width  Minimum integer width.
- * @param maj    Indicates if the letters must be printed in lower- or upper-case.
- * @param value  Hexadecimal value.
- *
- * @return  The number of char written
- */
-signed int PutHexa(
-    char *pStr,
-    char fill,
-    signed int width,
-    unsigned char maj,
-    unsigned int value)
-    signed int num = 0;
-    /* Decrement width */
-    width--;
-    /* Recursively output upper digits */
-    if ((value >> 4) > 0) {
-        num += PutHexa(pStr, fill, width, maj, value >> 4);
-        pStr += num;
-    }
-    /* Write filler chars */
-    else {
-        while (width > 0) {
-            PutChar(pStr, fill);
-            pStr++;
-            num++;
-            width--;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Write current digit */
-    if ((value & 0xF) < 10) {
-        PutChar(pStr, (value & 0xF) + '0');
-    }
-    else if (maj) {
-        PutChar(pStr, (value & 0xF) - 10 + 'A');
-    }
-    else {
-        PutChar(pStr, (value & 0xF) - 10 + 'a');
-    }
-    num++;
-    return num;
-/* Global Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
- * @brief  Stores the result of a formatted string into another string. Format
- *         arguments are given in a va_list instance.
- *
- * @param pStr    Destination string.
- * @param length  Length of Destination string.
- * @param pFormat Format string.
- * @param ap      Argument list.
- *
- * @return  The number of characters written.
- */
-signed int vsnprintf(char *pStr, size_t length, const char *pFormat, va_list ap)
-    char          fill;
-    unsigned char width;
-    signed int    num = 0;
-    signed int    size = 0;
-    /* Clear the string */
-    if (pStr) {
-        *pStr = 0;
-    }
-    /* Phase string */
-    while (*pFormat != 0 && size < length) {
-        /* Normal character */
-        if (*pFormat != '%') {
-            *pStr++ = *pFormat++;
-            size++;
-        }
-        /* Escaped '%' */
-        else if (*(pFormat+1) == '%') {
-            *pStr++ = '%';
-            pFormat += 2;
-            size++;
-        }
-        /* Token delimiter */
-        else {
-            fill = ' ';
-            width = 0;
-            pFormat++;
-            /* Parse filler */
-            if (*pFormat == '0') {
-                fill = '0';
-                pFormat++;
-            }
-            /* Parse width */
-            while ((*pFormat >= '0') && (*pFormat <= '9')) {
-                width = (width*10) + *pFormat-'0';
-                pFormat++;
-            }
-            /* Check if there is enough space */
-            if (size + width > length) {
-                width = length - size;
-            }
-            /* Parse type */
-            switch (*pFormat) {
-            case 'd': 
-            case 'i': num = PutSignedInt(pStr, fill, width, va_arg(ap, signed int)); break;
-            case 'u': num = PutUnsignedInt(pStr, fill, width, va_arg(ap, unsigned int)); break;
-            case 'x': num = PutHexa(pStr, fill, width, 0, va_arg(ap, unsigned int)); break;
-            case 'X': num = PutHexa(pStr, fill, width, 1, va_arg(ap, unsigned int)); break;
-            case 's': num = PutString(pStr, va_arg(ap, char *)); break;
-            case 'c': num = PutChar(pStr, va_arg(ap, unsigned int)); break;
-            default:
-                return EOF;
-            }
-            pFormat++;
-            pStr += num;
-            size += num;
-        }
-    }
-    /* NULL-terminated (final \0 is not counted) */
-    if (size < length) {
-        *pStr = 0;
-    }
-    else {
-        *(--pStr) = 0;
-        size--;
-    }
-    return size;
- * @brief  Stores the result of a formatted string into another string. Format
- *         arguments are given in a va_list instance.
- *
- * @param pStr    Destination string.
- * @param length  Length of Destination string.
- * @param pFormat Format string.
- * @param ...     Other arguments
- *
- * @return  The number of characters written.
- */
-signed int snprintf(char *pString, size_t length, const char *pFormat, ...)
-    va_list    ap;
-    signed int rc;
-    va_start(ap, pFormat);
-    rc = vsnprintf(pString, length, pFormat, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return rc;
- * @brief  Stores the result of a formatted string into another string. Format
- *         arguments are given in a va_list instance.
- *
- * @param pString  Destination string.
- * @param length   Length of Destination string.
- * @param pFormat  Format string.
- * @param ap       Argument list.
- *
- * @return  The number of characters written.
- */
-signed int vsprintf(char *pString, const char *pFormat, va_list ap)
-   return vsnprintf(pString, MAX_STRING_SIZE, pFormat, ap);
- * @brief  Outputs a formatted string on the given stream. Format arguments are given
- *         in a va_list instance.
- *
- * @param pStream  Output stream.
- * @param pFormat  Format string
- * @param ap       Argument list. 
- */
-signed int vfprintf(FILE *pStream, const char *pFormat, va_list ap)
-    char pStr[MAX_STRING_SIZE];
-    char pError[] = "stdio.c: increase MAX_STRING_SIZE\n\r";
-    /* Write formatted string in buffer */
-    if (vsprintf(pStr, pFormat, ap) >= MAX_STRING_SIZE) {
-        fputs(pError, stderr);
-        while (1); /* Increase MAX_STRING_SIZE */
-    }
-    /* Display string */
-    return fputs(pStr, pStream);
- * @brief  Outputs a formatted string on the DBGU stream. Format arguments are given
- *         in a va_list instance.
- *
- * @param pFormat  Format string.
- * @param ap  Argument list.
- */
-signed int vprintf(const char *pFormat, va_list ap)
-    return vfprintf(stdout, pFormat, ap);
- * @brief  Outputs a formatted string on the given stream, using a variable 
- *         number of arguments.
- *
- * @param pStream  Output stream.
- * @param pFormat  Format string.
- */
-signed int fprintf(FILE *pStream, const char *pFormat, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    signed int result;
-    /* Forward call to vfprintf */
-    va_start(ap, pFormat);
-    result = vfprintf(pStream, pFormat, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return result;
- * @brief  Outputs a formatted string on the DBGU stream, using a variable number of
- *         arguments.
- *
- * @param  pFormat  Format string.
- */
-signed int printf(const char *pFormat, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    signed int result;
-    /* Forward call to vprintf */
-    va_start(ap, pFormat);
-    result = vprintf(pFormat, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return result;
- * @brief  Writes a formatted string inside another string.
- *
- * @param pStr     torage string.
- * @param pFormat  Format string.
- */
-signed int sprintf(char *pStr, const char *pFormat, ...)
-    va_list ap;
-    signed int result;
-    // Forward call to vsprintf
-    va_start(ap, pFormat);
-    result = vsprintf(pStr, pFormat, ap);
-    va_end(ap);
-    return result;
- * @brief  Outputs a string on stdout.
- *
- * @param pStr  String to output. 
- */
-signed int puts(const char *pStr)
-    return fputs(pStr, stdout);
- * @brief  Implementation of fputc using the DBGU as the standard output. Required
- *         for printf().
- *
- * @param c        Character to write.
- * @param pStream  Output stream.
- * @param The character written if successful, or -1 if the output stream is
- *        not stdout or stderr.
- */
-signed int fputc(signed int c, FILE *pStream)
-    if ((pStream == stdout) || (pStream == stderr)) {
-    	PrintChar(c);
-        return c;
-    }
-    else {
-        return EOF;
-    }
- * @brief  Implementation of fputs using the DBGU as the standard output. Required
- *         for printf().
- *
- * @param pStr     String to write.
- * @param pStream  Output stream.
- *
- * @return  Number of characters written if successful, or -1 if the output
- *          stream is not stdout or stderr.
- */
-signed int fputs(const char *pStr, FILE *pStream)
-    signed int num = 0;
-    while (*pStr != 0) {
-        if (fputc(*pStr, pStream) == -1) {
-            return -1;
-        }
-        num++;
-        pStr++;
-    }
-    return num;
-/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */