#----- Set the beam energy profile ----- /gps/particle opticalphoton /gps/ene/type Gauss /gps/ene/mono 3.4 eV /gps/ene/sigma 1 eV /gps/polarization 0 0 0 #----- Set the beam geometry ----- # Circular beam source. Simulates a single fiber optic /gps/pos/type Beam /gps/pos/shape Circle #/gps/pos/radius 0.75 mm /gps/pos/radius 102 mm #/gps/pos/sigma_r 0.002 mm # Rectangular plane for infinite resolution #/gps/pos/type Plane #/gps/pos/shape Rectangle #/gps/pos/halfx 40 mm #/gps/pos/halfy 68 mm # the incident surface is in the x-z plane just below the gas /gps/pos/rot1 1 0 0 /gps/pos/rot2 0 0 1 /gps/pos/centre 0. -0.1 0. mm # the photons are emitted around the y-axis /gps/ang/rot1 1 0 0 /gps/ang/rot2 0 0 1 /gps/ang/type beam1d #----- Set beam angular dispersion from histogram ----- /gps/ang/surfnorm false /gps/ang/type user /control/execute hist.mac #----- Set beam angular dispersion for fiber optic ----- # N.A. is 0.22 so acceptance cone is ~25.4 degrees #/gps/ang/sigma_r 25.40 deg