diff --git a/python/pyspark/sql/readwriter.py b/python/pyspark/sql/readwriter.py
index bd728c97c82a8b4ec9b33c351bba14955ca37390..7fd7583972c7586d69bbf598b9d9ecbdb4951a8a 100644
--- a/python/pyspark/sql/readwriter.py
+++ b/python/pyspark/sql/readwriter.py
@@ -402,10 +402,9 @@ class DataFrameReader(object):
     def orc(self, path):
         """Loads an ORC file, returning the result as a :class:`DataFrame`.
-        ::Note: Currently ORC support is only available together with
-        :class:`HiveContext`.
+        .. note:: Currently ORC support is only available together with Hive support.
-        >>> df = hiveContext.read.orc('python/test_support/sql/orc_partitioned')
+        >>> df = spark.read.orc('python/test_support/sql/orc_partitioned')
         >>> df.dtypes
         [('a', 'bigint'), ('b', 'int'), ('c', 'int')]
@@ -415,28 +414,31 @@ class DataFrameReader(object):
     def jdbc(self, url, table, column=None, lowerBound=None, upperBound=None, numPartitions=None,
              predicates=None, properties=None):
-        Construct a :class:`DataFrame` representing the database table accessible
-        via JDBC URL `url` named `table` and connection `properties`.
+        Construct a :class:`DataFrame` representing the database table named ``table``
+        accessible via JDBC URL ``url`` and connection ``properties``.
-        The `column` parameter could be used to partition the table, then it will
-        be retrieved in parallel based on the parameters passed to this function.
+        Partitions of the table will be retrieved in parallel if either ``column`` or
+        ``predicates`` is specified.
-        The `predicates` parameter gives a list expressions suitable for inclusion
-        in WHERE clauses; each one defines one partition of the :class:`DataFrame`.
+        If both ``column`` and ``predicates`` are specified, ``column`` will be used.
-        ::Note: Don't create too many partitions in parallel on a large cluster;
+        .. note:: Don't create too many partitions in parallel on a large cluster; \
         otherwise Spark might crash your external database systems.
-        :param url: a JDBC URL
-        :param table: name of table
-        :param column: the column used to partition
-        :param lowerBound: the lower bound of partition column
-        :param upperBound: the upper bound of the partition column
+        :param url: a JDBC URL of the form ``jdbc:subprotocol:subname``
+        :param table: the name of the table
+        :param column: the name of an integer column that will be used for partitioning;
+                       if this parameter is specified, then ``numPartitions``, ``lowerBound``
+                       (inclusive), and ``upperBound`` (exclusive) will form partition strides
+                       for generated WHERE clause expressions used to split the column
+                       ``column`` evenly
+        :param lowerBound: the minimum value of ``column`` used to decide partition stride
+        :param upperBound: the maximum value of ``column`` used to decide partition stride
         :param numPartitions: the number of partitions
-        :param predicates: a list of expressions
-        :param properties: JDBC database connection arguments, a list of arbitrary string
-                           tag/value. Normally at least a "user" and "password" property
-                           should be included.
+        :param predicates: a list of expressions suitable for inclusion in WHERE clauses;
+                           each one defines one partition of the :class:`DataFrame`
+        :param properties: a dictionary of JDBC database connection arguments; normally,
+                           at least a "user" and "password" property should be included
         :return: a DataFrame
         if properties is None:
@@ -538,7 +540,7 @@ class DataFrameWriter(object):
     def queryName(self, queryName):
         """Specifies the name of the :class:`ContinuousQuery` that can be started with
         :func:`startStream`. This name must be unique among all the currently active queries
-        in the associated spark
+        in the associated SparkSession.
         .. note:: Experimental.
@@ -808,8 +810,7 @@ class DataFrameWriter(object):
     def orc(self, path, mode=None, partitionBy=None, compression=None):
         """Saves the content of the :class:`DataFrame` in ORC format at the specified path.
-        ::Note: Currently ORC support is only available together with
-        :class:`HiveContext`.
+        .. note:: Currently ORC support is only available together with Hive support.
         :param path: the path in any Hadoop supported file system
         :param mode: specifies the behavior of the save operation when data already exists.
@@ -823,7 +824,7 @@ class DataFrameWriter(object):
                             known case-insensitive shorten names (none, snappy, zlib, and lzo).
                             This will overwrite ``orc.compress``.
-        >>> orc_df = hiveContext.read.orc('python/test_support/sql/orc_partitioned')
+        >>> orc_df = spark.read.orc('python/test_support/sql/orc_partitioned')
         >>> orc_df.write.orc(os.path.join(tempfile.mkdtemp(), 'data'))
@@ -837,7 +838,7 @@ class DataFrameWriter(object):
     def jdbc(self, url, table, mode=None, properties=None):
         """Saves the content of the :class:`DataFrame` to a external database table via JDBC.
-        .. note:: Don't create too many partitions in parallel on a large cluster;\
+        .. note:: Don't create too many partitions in parallel on a large cluster; \
         otherwise Spark might crash your external database systems.
         :param url: a JDBC URL of the form ``jdbc:subprotocol:subname``
@@ -864,30 +865,32 @@ def _test():
     import doctest
     import os
     import tempfile
+    import py4j
     from pyspark.context import SparkContext
-    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row, HiveContext
+    from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, Row
     import pyspark.sql.readwriter
     globs = pyspark.sql.readwriter.__dict__.copy()
     sc = SparkContext('local[4]', 'PythonTest')
+    try:
+        spark = SparkSession.withHiveSupport(sc)
+    except py4j.protocol.Py4JError:
+        spark = SparkSession(sc)
     globs['tempfile'] = tempfile
     globs['os'] = os
     globs['sc'] = sc
-    globs['spark'] = SparkSession.builder\
-        .enableHiveSupport()\
-        .getOrCreate()
-    globs['hiveContext'] = HiveContext._createForTesting(sc)
-    globs['df'] = globs['spark'].read.parquet('python/test_support/sql/parquet_partitioned')
+    globs['spark'] = spark
+    globs['df'] = spark.read.parquet('python/test_support/sql/parquet_partitioned')
     globs['sdf'] = \
-        globs['spark'].read.format('text').stream('python/test_support/sql/streaming')
+        spark.read.format('text').stream('python/test_support/sql/streaming')
     (failure_count, test_count) = doctest.testmod(
         pyspark.sql.readwriter, globs=globs,
         optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS | doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE | doctest.REPORT_NDIFF)
-    globs['sc'].stop()
+    sc.stop()
     if failure_count: