diff --git a/common/network-common/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/network/util/JavaUtils.java b/common/network-common/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/network/util/JavaUtils.java
index f3eaf22c0166e73ef38de8152972c39068ee2cc1..51d7fda0cb260cc0d40afacbfd00bb400b0e9de2 100644
--- a/common/network-common/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/network/util/JavaUtils.java
+++ b/common/network-common/src/main/java/org/apache/spark/network/util/JavaUtils.java
@@ -18,9 +18,11 @@
 package org.apache.spark.network.util;
 import java.io.Closeable;
+import java.io.EOFException;
 import java.io.File;
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
 import java.util.regex.Matcher;
@@ -344,4 +346,17 @@ public class JavaUtils {
+  /**
+   * Fills a buffer with data read from the channel.
+   */
+  public static void readFully(ReadableByteChannel channel, ByteBuffer dst) throws IOException {
+    int expected = dst.remaining();
+    while (dst.hasRemaining()) {
+      if (channel.read(dst) < 0) {
+        throw new EOFException(String.format("Not enough bytes in channel (expected %d).",
+          expected));
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/broadcast/TorrentBroadcast.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/broadcast/TorrentBroadcast.scala
index 22d01c47e645d034c02fedf8ab49e6e7958d216f..039df75ce74fd6a7a0c6a243e09a4673a8c62d11 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/broadcast/TorrentBroadcast.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/broadcast/TorrentBroadcast.scala
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import org.apache.spark._
 import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
 import org.apache.spark.io.CompressionCodec
 import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer
-import org.apache.spark.storage.{BlockId, BroadcastBlockId, StorageLevel}
+import org.apache.spark.storage._
 import org.apache.spark.util.{ByteBufferInputStream, Utils}
 import org.apache.spark.util.io.{ChunkedByteBuffer, ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream}
@@ -141,10 +141,10 @@ private[spark] class TorrentBroadcast[T: ClassTag](obj: T, id: Long)
   /** Fetch torrent blocks from the driver and/or other executors. */
-  private def readBlocks(): Array[ChunkedByteBuffer] = {
+  private def readBlocks(): Array[BlockData] = {
     // Fetch chunks of data. Note that all these chunks are stored in the BlockManager and reported
     // to the driver, so other executors can pull these chunks from this executor as well.
-    val blocks = new Array[ChunkedByteBuffer](numBlocks)
+    val blocks = new Array[BlockData](numBlocks)
     val bm = SparkEnv.get.blockManager
     for (pid <- Random.shuffle(Seq.range(0, numBlocks))) {
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ private[spark] class TorrentBroadcast[T: ClassTag](obj: T, id: Long)
                 throw new SparkException(
                   s"Failed to store $pieceId of $broadcastId in local BlockManager")
-              blocks(pid) = b
+              blocks(pid) = new ByteBufferBlockData(b, true)
             case None =>
               throw new SparkException(s"Failed to get $pieceId of $broadcastId")
@@ -219,18 +219,22 @@ private[spark] class TorrentBroadcast[T: ClassTag](obj: T, id: Long)
         case None =>
           logInfo("Started reading broadcast variable " + id)
           val startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis()
-          val blocks = readBlocks().flatMap(_.getChunks())
+          val blocks = readBlocks()
           logInfo("Reading broadcast variable " + id + " took" + Utils.getUsedTimeMs(startTimeMs))
-          val obj = TorrentBroadcast.unBlockifyObject[T](
-            blocks, SparkEnv.get.serializer, compressionCodec)
-          // Store the merged copy in BlockManager so other tasks on this executor don't
-          // need to re-fetch it.
-          val storageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK
-          if (!blockManager.putSingle(broadcastId, obj, storageLevel, tellMaster = false)) {
-            throw new SparkException(s"Failed to store $broadcastId in BlockManager")
+          try {
+            val obj = TorrentBroadcast.unBlockifyObject[T](
+              blocks.map(_.toInputStream()), SparkEnv.get.serializer, compressionCodec)
+            // Store the merged copy in BlockManager so other tasks on this executor don't
+            // need to re-fetch it.
+            val storageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK
+            if (!blockManager.putSingle(broadcastId, obj, storageLevel, tellMaster = false)) {
+              throw new SparkException(s"Failed to store $broadcastId in BlockManager")
+            }
+            obj
+          } finally {
+            blocks.foreach(_.dispose())
-          obj
@@ -277,12 +281,11 @@ private object TorrentBroadcast extends Logging {
   def unBlockifyObject[T: ClassTag](
-      blocks: Array[ByteBuffer],
+      blocks: Array[InputStream],
       serializer: Serializer,
       compressionCodec: Option[CompressionCodec]): T = {
     require(blocks.nonEmpty, "Cannot unblockify an empty array of blocks")
-    val is = new SequenceInputStream(
-      blocks.iterator.map(new ByteBufferInputStream(_)).asJavaEnumeration)
+    val is = new SequenceInputStream(blocks.iterator.asJavaEnumeration)
     val in: InputStream = compressionCodec.map(c => c.compressedInputStream(is)).getOrElse(is)
     val ser = serializer.newInstance()
     val serIn = ser.deserializeStream(in)
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/security/CryptoStreamUtils.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/security/CryptoStreamUtils.scala
index cdd3b8d8512b1949ba054d109c1522eb5b53ad62..78dabb42ac9d252d66b4facc60837ee6f3b8427d 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/security/CryptoStreamUtils.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/security/CryptoStreamUtils.scala
@@ -16,20 +16,23 @@
 package org.apache.spark.security
-import java.io.{InputStream, OutputStream}
+import java.io.{EOFException, InputStream, OutputStream}
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import java.nio.channels.{ReadableByteChannel, WritableByteChannel}
 import java.util.Properties
 import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator
 import javax.crypto.spec.{IvParameterSpec, SecretKeySpec}
 import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams
 import org.apache.commons.crypto.random._
 import org.apache.commons.crypto.stream._
 import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
 import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
 import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
-import org.apache.spark.network.util.CryptoUtils
+import org.apache.spark.network.util.{CryptoUtils, JavaUtils}
  * A util class for manipulating IO encryption and decryption streams.
@@ -48,12 +51,27 @@ private[spark] object CryptoStreamUtils extends Logging {
       os: OutputStream,
       sparkConf: SparkConf,
       key: Array[Byte]): OutputStream = {
-    val properties = toCryptoConf(sparkConf)
-    val iv = createInitializationVector(properties)
+    val params = new CryptoParams(key, sparkConf)
+    val iv = createInitializationVector(params.conf)
-    val transformationStr = sparkConf.get(IO_CRYPTO_CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION)
-    new CryptoOutputStream(transformationStr, properties, os,
-      new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv))
+    new CryptoOutputStream(params.transformation, params.conf, os, params.keySpec,
+      new IvParameterSpec(iv))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Wrap a `WritableByteChannel` for encryption.
+   */
+  def createWritableChannel(
+      channel: WritableByteChannel,
+      sparkConf: SparkConf,
+      key: Array[Byte]): WritableByteChannel = {
+    val params = new CryptoParams(key, sparkConf)
+    val iv = createInitializationVector(params.conf)
+    val helper = new CryptoHelperChannel(channel)
+    helper.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(iv))
+    new CryptoOutputStream(params.transformation, params.conf, helper, params.keySpec,
+      new IvParameterSpec(iv))
@@ -63,12 +81,27 @@ private[spark] object CryptoStreamUtils extends Logging {
       is: InputStream,
       sparkConf: SparkConf,
       key: Array[Byte]): InputStream = {
-    val properties = toCryptoConf(sparkConf)
     val iv = new Array[Byte](IV_LENGTH_IN_BYTES)
-    is.read(iv, 0, iv.length)
-    val transformationStr = sparkConf.get(IO_CRYPTO_CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION)
-    new CryptoInputStream(transformationStr, properties, is,
-      new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"), new IvParameterSpec(iv))
+    ByteStreams.readFully(is, iv)
+    val params = new CryptoParams(key, sparkConf)
+    new CryptoInputStream(params.transformation, params.conf, is, params.keySpec,
+      new IvParameterSpec(iv))
+  }
+  /**
+   * Wrap a `ReadableByteChannel` for decryption.
+   */
+  def createReadableChannel(
+      channel: ReadableByteChannel,
+      sparkConf: SparkConf,
+      key: Array[Byte]): ReadableByteChannel = {
+    val iv = new Array[Byte](IV_LENGTH_IN_BYTES)
+    val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(iv)
+    JavaUtils.readFully(channel, buf)
+    val params = new CryptoParams(key, sparkConf)
+    new CryptoInputStream(params.transformation, params.conf, channel, params.keySpec,
+      new IvParameterSpec(iv))
   def toCryptoConf(conf: SparkConf): Properties = {
@@ -102,4 +135,34 @@ private[spark] object CryptoStreamUtils extends Logging {
+  /**
+   * This class is a workaround for CRYPTO-125, that forces all bytes to be written to the
+   * underlying channel. Since the callers of this API are using blocking I/O, there are no
+   * concerns with regards to CPU usage here.
+   */
+  private class CryptoHelperChannel(sink: WritableByteChannel) extends WritableByteChannel {
+    override def write(src: ByteBuffer): Int = {
+      val count = src.remaining()
+      while (src.hasRemaining()) {
+        sink.write(src)
+      }
+      count
+    }
+    override def isOpen(): Boolean = sink.isOpen()
+    override def close(): Unit = sink.close()
+  }
+  private class CryptoParams(key: Array[Byte], sparkConf: SparkConf) {
+    val keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES")
+    val transformation = sparkConf.get(IO_CRYPTO_CIPHER_TRANSFORMATION)
+    val conf = toCryptoConf(sparkConf)
+  }
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/serializer/SerializerManager.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/serializer/SerializerManager.scala
index 96b288b9cfb817d8601e46393d651c21245a428c..bb7ed8709ba8a9ebbd670c4f31d964c91ab3eb1b 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/serializer/SerializerManager.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/serializer/SerializerManager.scala
@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@ private[spark] class SerializerManager(
    * Wrap an output stream for compression if block compression is enabled for its block type
-  private[this] def wrapForCompression(blockId: BlockId, s: OutputStream): OutputStream = {
+  def wrapForCompression(blockId: BlockId, s: OutputStream): OutputStream = {
     if (shouldCompress(blockId)) compressionCodec.compressedOutputStream(s) else s
    * Wrap an input stream for compression if block compression is enabled for its block type
-  private[this] def wrapForCompression(blockId: BlockId, s: InputStream): InputStream = {
+  def wrapForCompression(blockId: BlockId, s: InputStream): InputStream = {
     if (shouldCompress(blockId)) compressionCodec.compressedInputStream(s) else s
@@ -167,30 +167,26 @@ private[spark] class SerializerManager(
     val byteStream = new BufferedOutputStream(outputStream)
     val autoPick = !blockId.isInstanceOf[StreamBlockId]
     val ser = getSerializer(implicitly[ClassTag[T]], autoPick).newInstance()
-    ser.serializeStream(wrapStream(blockId, byteStream)).writeAll(values).close()
+    ser.serializeStream(wrapForCompression(blockId, byteStream)).writeAll(values).close()
   /** Serializes into a chunked byte buffer. */
   def dataSerialize[T: ClassTag](
       blockId: BlockId,
-      values: Iterator[T],
-      allowEncryption: Boolean = true): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
-    dataSerializeWithExplicitClassTag(blockId, values, implicitly[ClassTag[T]],
-      allowEncryption = allowEncryption)
+      values: Iterator[T]): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
+    dataSerializeWithExplicitClassTag(blockId, values, implicitly[ClassTag[T]])
   /** Serializes into a chunked byte buffer. */
   def dataSerializeWithExplicitClassTag(
       blockId: BlockId,
       values: Iterator[_],
-      classTag: ClassTag[_],
-      allowEncryption: Boolean = true): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
+      classTag: ClassTag[_]): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
     val bbos = new ChunkedByteBufferOutputStream(1024 * 1024 * 4, ByteBuffer.allocate)
     val byteStream = new BufferedOutputStream(bbos)
     val autoPick = !blockId.isInstanceOf[StreamBlockId]
     val ser = getSerializer(classTag, autoPick).newInstance()
-    val encrypted = if (allowEncryption) wrapForEncryption(byteStream) else byteStream
-    ser.serializeStream(wrapForCompression(blockId, encrypted)).writeAll(values).close()
+    ser.serializeStream(wrapForCompression(blockId, byteStream)).writeAll(values).close()
@@ -200,15 +196,13 @@ private[spark] class SerializerManager(
   def dataDeserializeStream[T](
       blockId: BlockId,
-      inputStream: InputStream,
-      maybeEncrypted: Boolean = true)
+      inputStream: InputStream)
       (classTag: ClassTag[T]): Iterator[T] = {
     val stream = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream)
     val autoPick = !blockId.isInstanceOf[StreamBlockId]
-    val decrypted = if (maybeEncrypted) wrapForEncryption(inputStream) else inputStream
     getSerializer(classTag, autoPick)
-      .deserializeStream(wrapForCompression(blockId, decrypted))
+      .deserializeStream(wrapForCompression(blockId, inputStream))
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
index 991346a40af4e29bbe300fd7db97b7a3fb404ff8..fcda9fa65303acbbe9de5554c1a17f144d910647 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManager.scala
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ package org.apache.spark.storage
 import java.io._
 import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import java.nio.channels.Channels
 import scala.collection.mutable
 import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
@@ -35,7 +36,7 @@ import org.apache.spark.executor.{DataReadMethod, ShuffleWriteMetrics}
 import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
 import org.apache.spark.memory.{MemoryManager, MemoryMode}
 import org.apache.spark.network._
-import org.apache.spark.network.buffer.{ManagedBuffer, NettyManagedBuffer}
+import org.apache.spark.network.buffer.ManagedBuffer
 import org.apache.spark.network.netty.SparkTransportConf
 import org.apache.spark.network.shuffle.ExternalShuffleClient
 import org.apache.spark.network.shuffle.protocol.ExecutorShuffleInfo
@@ -55,6 +56,55 @@ private[spark] class BlockResult(
     val readMethod: DataReadMethod.Value,
     val bytes: Long)
+ * Abstracts away how blocks are stored and provides different ways to read the underlying block
+ * data. Callers should call [[dispose()]] when they're done with the block.
+ */
+private[spark] trait BlockData {
+  def toInputStream(): InputStream
+  /**
+   * Returns a Netty-friendly wrapper for the block's data.
+   *
+   * @see [[ManagedBuffer#convertToNetty()]]
+   */
+  def toNetty(): Object
+  def toChunkedByteBuffer(allocator: Int => ByteBuffer): ChunkedByteBuffer
+  def toByteBuffer(): ByteBuffer
+  def size: Long
+  def dispose(): Unit
+private[spark] class ByteBufferBlockData(
+    val buffer: ChunkedByteBuffer,
+    val shouldDispose: Boolean) extends BlockData {
+  override def toInputStream(): InputStream = buffer.toInputStream(dispose = false)
+  override def toNetty(): Object = buffer.toNetty
+  override def toChunkedByteBuffer(allocator: Int => ByteBuffer): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
+    buffer.copy(allocator)
+  }
+  override def toByteBuffer(): ByteBuffer = buffer.toByteBuffer
+  override def size: Long = buffer.size
+  override def dispose(): Unit = {
+    if (shouldDispose) {
+      buffer.dispose()
+    }
+  }
  * Manager running on every node (driver and executors) which provides interfaces for putting and
  * retrieving blocks both locally and remotely into various stores (memory, disk, and off-heap).
@@ -94,7 +144,7 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
   // Actual storage of where blocks are kept
   private[spark] val memoryStore =
     new MemoryStore(conf, blockInfoManager, serializerManager, memoryManager, this)
-  private[spark] val diskStore = new DiskStore(conf, diskBlockManager)
+  private[spark] val diskStore = new DiskStore(conf, diskBlockManager, securityManager)
   // Note: depending on the memory manager, `maxMemory` may actually vary over time.
@@ -304,7 +354,8 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
     } else {
       getLocalBytes(blockId) match {
-        case Some(buffer) => new BlockManagerManagedBuffer(blockInfoManager, blockId, buffer)
+        case Some(blockData) =>
+          new BlockManagerManagedBuffer(blockInfoManager, blockId, blockData, true)
         case None =>
           // If this block manager receives a request for a block that it doesn't have then it's
           // likely that the master has outdated block statuses for this block. Therefore, we send
@@ -463,21 +514,22 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
           val ci = CompletionIterator[Any, Iterator[Any]](iter, releaseLock(blockId))
           Some(new BlockResult(ci, DataReadMethod.Memory, info.size))
         } else if (level.useDisk && diskStore.contains(blockId)) {
+          val diskData = diskStore.getBytes(blockId)
           val iterToReturn: Iterator[Any] = {
-            val diskBytes = diskStore.getBytes(blockId)
             if (level.deserialized) {
               val diskValues = serializerManager.dataDeserializeStream(
-                diskBytes.toInputStream(dispose = true))(info.classTag)
+                diskData.toInputStream())(info.classTag)
               maybeCacheDiskValuesInMemory(info, blockId, level, diskValues)
             } else {
-              val stream = maybeCacheDiskBytesInMemory(info, blockId, level, diskBytes)
-                .map {_.toInputStream(dispose = false)}
-                .getOrElse { diskBytes.toInputStream(dispose = true) }
+              val stream = maybeCacheDiskBytesInMemory(info, blockId, level, diskData)
+                .map { _.toInputStream(dispose = false) }
+                .getOrElse { diskData.toInputStream() }
               serializerManager.dataDeserializeStream(blockId, stream)(info.classTag)
-          val ci = CompletionIterator[Any, Iterator[Any]](iterToReturn, releaseLock(blockId))
+          val ci = CompletionIterator[Any, Iterator[Any]](iterToReturn,
+            releaseLockAndDispose(blockId, diskData))
           Some(new BlockResult(ci, DataReadMethod.Disk, info.size))
         } else {
@@ -488,7 +540,7 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
    * Get block from the local block manager as serialized bytes.
-  def getLocalBytes(blockId: BlockId): Option[ChunkedByteBuffer] = {
+  def getLocalBytes(blockId: BlockId): Option[BlockData] = {
     logDebug(s"Getting local block $blockId as bytes")
     // As an optimization for map output fetches, if the block is for a shuffle, return it
     // without acquiring a lock; the disk store never deletes (recent) items so this should work
@@ -496,9 +548,9 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
       val shuffleBlockResolver = shuffleManager.shuffleBlockResolver
       // TODO: This should gracefully handle case where local block is not available. Currently
       // downstream code will throw an exception.
-      Option(
-        new ChunkedByteBuffer(
-          shuffleBlockResolver.getBlockData(blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]).nioByteBuffer()))
+      val buf = new ChunkedByteBuffer(
+        shuffleBlockResolver.getBlockData(blockId.asInstanceOf[ShuffleBlockId]).nioByteBuffer())
+      Some(new ByteBufferBlockData(buf, true))
     } else {
       blockInfoManager.lockForReading(blockId).map { info => doGetLocalBytes(blockId, info) }
@@ -510,7 +562,7 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
    * Must be called while holding a read lock on the block.
    * Releases the read lock upon exception; keeps the read lock upon successful return.
-  private def doGetLocalBytes(blockId: BlockId, info: BlockInfo): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
+  private def doGetLocalBytes(blockId: BlockId, info: BlockInfo): BlockData = {
     val level = info.level
     logDebug(s"Level for block $blockId is $level")
     // In order, try to read the serialized bytes from memory, then from disk, then fall back to
@@ -525,17 +577,19 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
       } else if (level.useMemory && memoryStore.contains(blockId)) {
         // The block was not found on disk, so serialize an in-memory copy:
-        serializerManager.dataSerializeWithExplicitClassTag(
-          blockId, memoryStore.getValues(blockId).get, info.classTag)
+        new ByteBufferBlockData(serializerManager.dataSerializeWithExplicitClassTag(
+          blockId, memoryStore.getValues(blockId).get, info.classTag), true)
       } else {
     } else {  // storage level is serialized
       if (level.useMemory && memoryStore.contains(blockId)) {
-        memoryStore.getBytes(blockId).get
+        new ByteBufferBlockData(memoryStore.getBytes(blockId).get, false)
       } else if (level.useDisk && diskStore.contains(blockId)) {
-        val diskBytes = diskStore.getBytes(blockId)
-        maybeCacheDiskBytesInMemory(info, blockId, level, diskBytes).getOrElse(diskBytes)
+        val diskData = diskStore.getBytes(blockId)
+        maybeCacheDiskBytesInMemory(info, blockId, level, diskData)
+          .map(new ByteBufferBlockData(_, false))
+          .getOrElse(diskData)
       } else {
@@ -761,43 +815,15 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
    * '''Important!''' Callers must not mutate or release the data buffer underlying `bytes`. Doing
    * so may corrupt or change the data stored by the `BlockManager`.
-   * @param encrypt If true, asks the block manager to encrypt the data block before storing,
-   *                when I/O encryption is enabled. This is required for blocks that have been
-   *                read from unencrypted sources, since all the BlockManager read APIs
-   *                automatically do decryption.
    * @return true if the block was stored or false if an error occurred.
   def putBytes[T: ClassTag](
       blockId: BlockId,
       bytes: ChunkedByteBuffer,
       level: StorageLevel,
-      tellMaster: Boolean = true,
-      encrypt: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
+      tellMaster: Boolean = true): Boolean = {
     require(bytes != null, "Bytes is null")
-    val bytesToStore =
-      if (encrypt && securityManager.ioEncryptionKey.isDefined) {
-        try {
-          val data = bytes.toByteBuffer
-          val in = new ByteBufferInputStream(data)
-          val byteBufOut = new ByteBufferOutputStream(data.remaining())
-          val out = CryptoStreamUtils.createCryptoOutputStream(byteBufOut, conf,
-            securityManager.ioEncryptionKey.get)
-          try {
-            ByteStreams.copy(in, out)
-          } finally {
-            in.close()
-            out.close()
-          }
-          new ChunkedByteBuffer(byteBufOut.toByteBuffer)
-        } finally {
-          bytes.dispose()
-        }
-      } else {
-        bytes
-      }
-    doPutBytes(blockId, bytesToStore, level, implicitly[ClassTag[T]], tellMaster)
+    doPutBytes(blockId, bytes, level, implicitly[ClassTag[T]], tellMaster)
@@ -828,8 +854,9 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
       val replicationFuture = if (level.replication > 1) {
         Future {
           // This is a blocking action and should run in futureExecutionContext which is a cached
-          // thread pool
-          replicate(blockId, bytes, level, classTag)
+          // thread pool. The ByteBufferBlockData wrapper is not disposed of to avoid releasing
+          // buffers that are owned by the caller.
+          replicate(blockId, new ByteBufferBlockData(bytes, false), level, classTag)
       } else {
@@ -1008,8 +1035,9 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
               // Not enough space to unroll this block; drop to disk if applicable
               if (level.useDisk) {
                 logWarning(s"Persisting block $blockId to disk instead.")
-                diskStore.put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
-                  serializerManager.dataSerializeStream(blockId, fileOutputStream, iter)(classTag)
+                diskStore.put(blockId) { channel =>
+                  val out = Channels.newOutputStream(channel)
+                  serializerManager.dataSerializeStream(blockId, out, iter)(classTag)
                 size = diskStore.getSize(blockId)
               } else {
@@ -1024,8 +1052,9 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
               // Not enough space to unroll this block; drop to disk if applicable
               if (level.useDisk) {
                 logWarning(s"Persisting block $blockId to disk instead.")
-                diskStore.put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
-                  partiallySerializedValues.finishWritingToStream(fileOutputStream)
+                diskStore.put(blockId) { channel =>
+                  val out = Channels.newOutputStream(channel)
+                  partiallySerializedValues.finishWritingToStream(out)
                 size = diskStore.getSize(blockId)
               } else {
@@ -1035,8 +1064,9 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
       } else if (level.useDisk) {
-        diskStore.put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
-          serializerManager.dataSerializeStream(blockId, fileOutputStream, iterator())(classTag)
+        diskStore.put(blockId) { channel =>
+          val out = Channels.newOutputStream(channel)
+          serializerManager.dataSerializeStream(blockId, out, iterator())(classTag)
         size = diskStore.getSize(blockId)
@@ -1065,7 +1095,7 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
           try {
             replicate(blockId, bytesToReplicate, level, remoteClassTag)
           } finally {
-            bytesToReplicate.unmap()
+            bytesToReplicate.dispose()
           logDebug("Put block %s remotely took %s"
             .format(blockId, Utils.getUsedTimeMs(remoteStartTime)))
@@ -1089,29 +1119,29 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
       blockInfo: BlockInfo,
       blockId: BlockId,
       level: StorageLevel,
-      diskBytes: ChunkedByteBuffer): Option[ChunkedByteBuffer] = {
+      diskData: BlockData): Option[ChunkedByteBuffer] = {
     if (level.useMemory) {
       // Synchronize on blockInfo to guard against a race condition where two readers both try to
       // put values read from disk into the MemoryStore.
       blockInfo.synchronized {
         if (memoryStore.contains(blockId)) {
-          diskBytes.dispose()
+          diskData.dispose()
         } else {
           val allocator = level.memoryMode match {
             case MemoryMode.ON_HEAP => ByteBuffer.allocate _
             case MemoryMode.OFF_HEAP => Platform.allocateDirectBuffer _
-          val putSucceeded = memoryStore.putBytes(blockId, diskBytes.size, level.memoryMode, () => {
+          val putSucceeded = memoryStore.putBytes(blockId, diskData.size, level.memoryMode, () => {
             // https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-6076
             // If the file size is bigger than the free memory, OOM will happen. So if we
             // cannot put it into MemoryStore, copyForMemory should not be created. That's why
             // this action is put into a `() => ChunkedByteBuffer` and created lazily.
-            diskBytes.copy(allocator)
+            diskData.toChunkedByteBuffer(allocator)
           if (putSucceeded) {
-            diskBytes.dispose()
+            diskData.dispose()
           } else {
@@ -1203,7 +1233,7 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
         replicate(blockId, data, storageLevel, info.classTag, existingReplicas)
       } finally {
         logDebug(s"Releasing lock for $blockId")
-        releaseLock(blockId)
+        releaseLockAndDispose(blockId, data)
@@ -1214,7 +1244,7 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
   private def replicate(
       blockId: BlockId,
-      data: ChunkedByteBuffer,
+      data: BlockData,
       level: StorageLevel,
       classTag: ClassTag[_],
       existingReplicas: Set[BlockManagerId] = Set.empty): Unit = {
@@ -1256,7 +1286,7 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
-          new NettyManagedBuffer(data.toNetty),
+          new BlockManagerManagedBuffer(blockInfoManager, blockId, data, false),
         logTrace(s"Replicated $blockId of ${data.size} bytes to $peer" +
@@ -1339,10 +1369,11 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
       logInfo(s"Writing block $blockId to disk")
       data() match {
         case Left(elements) =>
-          diskStore.put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
+          diskStore.put(blockId) { channel =>
+            val out = Channels.newOutputStream(channel)
-              fileOutputStream,
+              out,
         case Right(bytes) =>
@@ -1434,6 +1465,11 @@ private[spark] class BlockManager(
+  def releaseLockAndDispose(blockId: BlockId, data: BlockData): Unit = {
+    blockInfoManager.unlock(blockId)
+    data.dispose()
+  }
   def stop(): Unit = {
     if (shuffleClient ne blockTransferService) {
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerManagedBuffer.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerManagedBuffer.scala
index f66f94279855064c0fde3976d945d217e4b6f644..1ea0d378cbe871ffc29adcc1091d3d78875d367d 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerManagedBuffer.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerManagedBuffer.scala
@@ -17,31 +17,52 @@
 package org.apache.spark.storage
-import org.apache.spark.network.buffer.{ManagedBuffer, NettyManagedBuffer}
+import java.io.InputStream
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
+import org.apache.spark.network.buffer.ManagedBuffer
 import org.apache.spark.util.io.ChunkedByteBuffer
- * This [[ManagedBuffer]] wraps a [[ChunkedByteBuffer]] retrieved from the [[BlockManager]]
+ * This [[ManagedBuffer]] wraps a [[BlockData]] instance retrieved from the [[BlockManager]]
  * so that the corresponding block's read lock can be released once this buffer's references
  * are released.
+ * If `dispose` is set to true, the [[BlockData]]will be disposed when the buffer's reference
+ * count drops to zero.
+ *
  * This is effectively a wrapper / bridge to connect the BlockManager's notion of read locks
  * to the network layer's notion of retain / release counts.
 private[storage] class BlockManagerManagedBuffer(
     blockInfoManager: BlockInfoManager,
     blockId: BlockId,
-    chunkedBuffer: ChunkedByteBuffer) extends NettyManagedBuffer(chunkedBuffer.toNetty) {
+    data: BlockData,
+    dispose: Boolean) extends ManagedBuffer {
+  private val refCount = new AtomicInteger(1)
+  override def size(): Long = data.size
+  override def nioByteBuffer(): ByteBuffer = data.toByteBuffer()
+  override def createInputStream(): InputStream = data.toInputStream()
+  override def convertToNetty(): Object = data.toNetty()
   override def retain(): ManagedBuffer = {
-    super.retain()
+    refCount.incrementAndGet()
     val locked = blockInfoManager.lockForReading(blockId, blocking = false)
-  }
+ }
   override def release(): ManagedBuffer = {
-    super.release()
+    if (refCount.decrementAndGet() == 0 && dispose) {
+      data.dispose()
+    }
+    this
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskStore.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskStore.scala
index ca23e2391ed0294314daae05800663896fad483e..c6656341fcd15ceef821779e0b5de58f61456963 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskStore.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskStore.scala
@@ -17,48 +17,67 @@
 package org.apache.spark.storage
-import java.io.{FileOutputStream, IOException, RandomAccessFile}
+import java.io._
 import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import java.nio.channels.{Channels, ReadableByteChannel, WritableByteChannel}
 import java.nio.channels.FileChannel.MapMode
+import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
-import com.google.common.io.Closeables
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
+import com.google.common.io.{ByteStreams, Closeables, Files}
+import io.netty.channel.FileRegion
+import io.netty.util.AbstractReferenceCounted
+import org.apache.spark.{SecurityManager, SparkConf}
 import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
-import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
+import org.apache.spark.network.buffer.ManagedBuffer
+import org.apache.spark.network.util.JavaUtils
+import org.apache.spark.security.CryptoStreamUtils
+import org.apache.spark.util.{ByteBufferInputStream, Utils}
 import org.apache.spark.util.io.ChunkedByteBuffer
  * Stores BlockManager blocks on disk.
-private[spark] class DiskStore(conf: SparkConf, diskManager: DiskBlockManager) extends Logging {
+private[spark] class DiskStore(
+    conf: SparkConf,
+    diskManager: DiskBlockManager,
+    securityManager: SecurityManager) extends Logging {
   private val minMemoryMapBytes = conf.getSizeAsBytes("spark.storage.memoryMapThreshold", "2m")
+  private val blockSizes = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Long]()
-  def getSize(blockId: BlockId): Long = {
-    diskManager.getFile(blockId.name).length
-  }
+  def getSize(blockId: BlockId): Long = blockSizes.get(blockId.name)
    * Invokes the provided callback function to write the specific block.
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the block already exists in the disk store.
-  def put(blockId: BlockId)(writeFunc: FileOutputStream => Unit): Unit = {
+  def put(blockId: BlockId)(writeFunc: WritableByteChannel => Unit): Unit = {
     if (contains(blockId)) {
       throw new IllegalStateException(s"Block $blockId is already present in the disk store")
     logDebug(s"Attempting to put block $blockId")
     val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
     val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId)
-    val fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file)
+    val out = new CountingWritableChannel(openForWrite(file))
     var threwException: Boolean = true
     try {
-      writeFunc(fileOutputStream)
+      writeFunc(out)
+      blockSizes.put(blockId.name, out.getCount)
       threwException = false
     } finally {
       try {
-        Closeables.close(fileOutputStream, threwException)
+        out.close()
+      } catch {
+        case ioe: IOException =>
+          if (!threwException) {
+            threwException = true
+            throw ioe
+          }
       } finally {
          if (threwException) {
@@ -73,41 +92,46 @@ private[spark] class DiskStore(conf: SparkConf, diskManager: DiskBlockManager) e
   def putBytes(blockId: BlockId, bytes: ChunkedByteBuffer): Unit = {
-    put(blockId) { fileOutputStream =>
-      val channel = fileOutputStream.getChannel
-      Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
-        bytes.writeFully(channel)
-      } {
-        channel.close()
-      }
+    put(blockId) { channel =>
+      bytes.writeFully(channel)
-  def getBytes(blockId: BlockId): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
+  def getBytes(blockId: BlockId): BlockData = {
     val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId.name)
-    val channel = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r").getChannel
-    Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
-      // For small files, directly read rather than memory map
-      if (file.length < minMemoryMapBytes) {
-        val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(file.length.toInt)
-        channel.position(0)
-        while (buf.remaining() != 0) {
-          if (channel.read(buf) == -1) {
-            throw new IOException("Reached EOF before filling buffer\n" +
-              s"offset=0\nfile=${file.getAbsolutePath}\nbuf.remaining=${buf.remaining}")
+    val blockSize = getSize(blockId)
+    securityManager.getIOEncryptionKey() match {
+      case Some(key) =>
+        // Encrypted blocks cannot be memory mapped; return a special object that does decryption
+        // and provides InputStream / FileRegion implementations for reading the data.
+        new EncryptedBlockData(file, blockSize, conf, key)
+      case _ =>
+        val channel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel()
+        if (blockSize < minMemoryMapBytes) {
+          // For small files, directly read rather than memory map.
+          Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
+            val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(blockSize.toInt)
+            JavaUtils.readFully(channel, buf)
+            buf.flip()
+            new ByteBufferBlockData(new ChunkedByteBuffer(buf), true)
+          } {
+            channel.close()
+          }
+        } else {
+          Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
+            new ByteBufferBlockData(
+              new ChunkedByteBuffer(channel.map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, file.length)), true)
+          } {
+            channel.close()
-        buf.flip()
-        new ChunkedByteBuffer(buf)
-      } else {
-        new ChunkedByteBuffer(channel.map(MapMode.READ_ONLY, 0, file.length))
-      }
-    } {
-      channel.close()
   def remove(blockId: BlockId): Boolean = {
+    blockSizes.remove(blockId.name)
     val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId.name)
     if (file.exists()) {
       val ret = file.delete()
@@ -124,4 +148,142 @@ private[spark] class DiskStore(conf: SparkConf, diskManager: DiskBlockManager) e
     val file = diskManager.getFile(blockId.name)
+  private def openForWrite(file: File): WritableByteChannel = {
+    val out = new FileOutputStream(file).getChannel()
+    try {
+      securityManager.getIOEncryptionKey().map { key =>
+        CryptoStreamUtils.createWritableChannel(out, conf, key)
+      }.getOrElse(out)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        Closeables.close(out, true)
+        file.delete()
+        throw e
+    }
+  }
+private class EncryptedBlockData(
+    file: File,
+    blockSize: Long,
+    conf: SparkConf,
+    key: Array[Byte]) extends BlockData {
+  override def toInputStream(): InputStream = Channels.newInputStream(open())
+  override def toNetty(): Object = new ReadableChannelFileRegion(open(), blockSize)
+  override def toChunkedByteBuffer(allocator: Int => ByteBuffer): ChunkedByteBuffer = {
+    val source = open()
+    try {
+      var remaining = blockSize
+      val chunks = new ListBuffer[ByteBuffer]()
+      while (remaining > 0) {
+        val chunkSize = math.min(remaining, Int.MaxValue)
+        val chunk = allocator(chunkSize.toInt)
+        remaining -= chunkSize
+        JavaUtils.readFully(source, chunk)
+        chunk.flip()
+        chunks += chunk
+      }
+      new ChunkedByteBuffer(chunks.toArray)
+    } finally {
+      source.close()
+    }
+  }
+  override def toByteBuffer(): ByteBuffer = {
+    // This is used by the block transfer service to replicate blocks. The upload code reads
+    // all bytes into memory to send the block to the remote executor, so it's ok to do this
+    // as long as the block fits in a Java array.
+    assert(blockSize <= Int.MaxValue, "Block is too large to be wrapped in a byte buffer.")
+    val dst = ByteBuffer.allocate(blockSize.toInt)
+    val in = open()
+    try {
+      JavaUtils.readFully(in, dst)
+      dst.flip()
+      dst
+    } finally {
+      Closeables.close(in, true)
+    }
+  }
+  override def size: Long = blockSize
+  override def dispose(): Unit = { }
+  private def open(): ReadableByteChannel = {
+    val channel = new FileInputStream(file).getChannel()
+    try {
+      CryptoStreamUtils.createReadableChannel(channel, conf, key)
+    } catch {
+      case e: Exception =>
+        Closeables.close(channel, true)
+        throw e
+    }
+  }
+private class ReadableChannelFileRegion(source: ReadableByteChannel, blockSize: Long)
+  extends AbstractReferenceCounted with FileRegion {
+  private var _transferred = 0L
+  private val buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(64 * 1024)
+  buffer.flip()
+  override def count(): Long = blockSize
+  override def position(): Long = 0
+  override def transfered(): Long = _transferred
+  override def transferTo(target: WritableByteChannel, pos: Long): Long = {
+    assert(pos == transfered(), "Invalid position.")
+    var written = 0L
+    var lastWrite = -1L
+    while (lastWrite != 0) {
+      if (!buffer.hasRemaining()) {
+        buffer.clear()
+        source.read(buffer)
+        buffer.flip()
+      }
+      if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
+        lastWrite = target.write(buffer)
+        written += lastWrite
+      } else {
+        lastWrite = 0
+      }
+    }
+    _transferred += written
+    written
+  }
+  override def deallocate(): Unit = source.close()
+private class CountingWritableChannel(sink: WritableByteChannel) extends WritableByteChannel {
+  private var count = 0L
+  def getCount: Long = count
+  override def write(src: ByteBuffer): Int = {
+    val written = sink.write(src)
+    if (written > 0) {
+      count += written
+    }
+    written
+  }
+  override def isOpen(): Boolean = sink.isOpen()
+  override def close(): Unit = sink.close()
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/StorageUtils.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/StorageUtils.scala
index 5efdd23f79a21df90292b9eebebe0dc32dcaf162..241aacd74b5860d5887c0fb27a5dfd199f95416a 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/StorageUtils.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/StorageUtils.scala
@@ -236,14 +236,6 @@ class StorageStatus(val blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, val maxMem: Long) {
 /** Helper methods for storage-related objects. */
 private[spark] object StorageUtils extends Logging {
-  // Ewwww... Reflection!!! See the unmap method for justification
-  private val memoryMappedBufferFileDescriptorField = {
-    val mappedBufferClass = classOf[java.nio.MappedByteBuffer]
-    val fdField = mappedBufferClass.getDeclaredField("fd")
-    fdField.setAccessible(true)
-    fdField
-  }
    * Attempt to clean up a ByteBuffer if it is direct or memory-mapped. This uses an *unsafe* Sun
    * API that will cause errors if one attempts to read from the disposed buffer. However, neither
@@ -251,8 +243,6 @@ private[spark] object StorageUtils extends Logging {
    * pressure on the garbage collector. Waiting for garbage collection may lead to the depletion of
    * off-heap memory or huge numbers of open files. There's unfortunately no standard API to
    * manually dispose of these kinds of buffers.
-   *
-   * See also [[unmap]]
   def dispose(buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
     if (buffer != null && buffer.isInstanceOf[MappedByteBuffer]) {
@@ -261,28 +251,6 @@ private[spark] object StorageUtils extends Logging {
-  /**
-   * Attempt to unmap a ByteBuffer if it is memory-mapped. This uses an *unsafe* Sun API that will
-   * cause errors if one attempts to read from the unmapped buffer. However, the file descriptors of
-   * memory-mapped buffers do not put pressure on the garbage collector. Waiting for garbage
-   * collection may lead to huge numbers of open files. There's unfortunately no standard API to
-   * manually unmap memory-mapped buffers.
-   *
-   * See also [[dispose]]
-   */
-  def unmap(buffer: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
-    if (buffer != null && buffer.isInstanceOf[MappedByteBuffer]) {
-      // Note that direct buffers are instances of MappedByteBuffer. As things stand in Java 8, the
-      // JDK does not provide a public API to distinguish between direct buffers and memory-mapped
-      // buffers. As an alternative, we peek beneath the curtains and look for a non-null file
-      // descriptor in mappedByteBuffer
-      if (memoryMappedBufferFileDescriptorField.get(buffer) != null) {
-        logTrace(s"Unmapping $buffer")
-        cleanDirectBuffer(buffer.asInstanceOf[DirectBuffer])
-      }
-    }
-  }
   private def cleanDirectBuffer(buffer: DirectBuffer) = {
     val cleaner = buffer.cleaner()
     if (cleaner != null) {
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/memory/MemoryStore.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/memory/MemoryStore.scala
index fb54dd66a39a90cc129ce0dd0c2d4ab312838e22..90e3af2d0ec74e116d1c0b3679422ccfcf802b1f 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/memory/MemoryStore.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/memory/MemoryStore.scala
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ private[spark] class MemoryStore(
     val serializationStream: SerializationStream = {
       val autoPick = !blockId.isInstanceOf[StreamBlockId]
       val ser = serializerManager.getSerializer(classTag, autoPick).newInstance()
-      ser.serializeStream(serializerManager.wrapStream(blockId, redirectableStream))
+      ser.serializeStream(serializerManager.wrapForCompression(blockId, redirectableStream))
     // Request enough memory to begin unrolling
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/io/ChunkedByteBuffer.scala b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/io/ChunkedByteBuffer.scala
index 1667516663b35b0cd5e1bdc4d046cc4c2259dec9..2f905c8af0f6394d5a7d0c4d3fcf587fb4b10aff 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/io/ChunkedByteBuffer.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/util/io/ChunkedByteBuffer.scala
@@ -138,8 +138,6 @@ private[spark] class ChunkedByteBuffer(var chunks: Array[ByteBuffer]) {
    * Attempt to clean up any ByteBuffer in this ChunkedByteBuffer which is direct or memory-mapped.
    * See [[StorageUtils.dispose]] for more information.
-   *
-   * See also [[unmap]]
   def dispose(): Unit = {
     if (!disposed) {
@@ -148,18 +146,6 @@ private[spark] class ChunkedByteBuffer(var chunks: Array[ByteBuffer]) {
-  /**
-   * Attempt to unmap any ByteBuffer in this ChunkedByteBuffer if it is memory-mapped. See
-   * [[StorageUtils.unmap]] for more information.
-   *
-   * See also [[dispose]]
-   */
-  def unmap(): Unit = {
-    if (!disposed) {
-      chunks.foreach(StorageUtils.unmap)
-      disposed = true
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/DistributedSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/DistributedSuite.scala
index 4e36adc8baf3fcc6adc6723bf1955a035ecb7c42..84f7f1fc8eb096d123535e1fe2afdf79e6c8eab1 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/DistributedSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/DistributedSuite.scala
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts._
 import org.scalatest.Matchers
 import org.scalatest.time.{Millis, Span}
+import org.apache.spark.security.EncryptionFunSuite
 import org.apache.spark.storage.{RDDBlockId, StorageLevel}
 import org.apache.spark.util.io.ChunkedByteBuffer
@@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ class NotSerializableClass
 class NotSerializableExn(val notSer: NotSerializableClass) extends Throwable() {}
-class DistributedSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with LocalSparkContext {
+class DistributedSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with LocalSparkContext
+  with EncryptionFunSuite {
   val clusterUrl = "local-cluster[2,1,1024]"
@@ -149,8 +151,8 @@ class DistributedSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with LocalSparkContex
     sc.parallelize(1 to 10).count()
-  private def testCaching(storageLevel: StorageLevel): Unit = {
-    sc = new SparkContext(clusterUrl, "test")
+  private def testCaching(conf: SparkConf, storageLevel: StorageLevel): Unit = {
+    sc = new SparkContext(conf.setMaster(clusterUrl).setAppName("test"))
     sc.jobProgressListener.waitUntilExecutorsUp(2, 30000)
     val data = sc.parallelize(1 to 1000, 10)
     val cachedData = data.persist(storageLevel)
@@ -187,8 +189,8 @@ class DistributedSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with LocalSparkContex
     "caching in memory and disk, replicated" -> StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_2,
     "caching in memory and disk, serialized, replicated" -> StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2
   ).foreach { case (testName, storageLevel) =>
-    test(testName) {
-      testCaching(storageLevel)
+    encryptionTest(testName) { conf =>
+      testCaching(conf, storageLevel)
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/broadcast/BroadcastSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/broadcast/BroadcastSuite.scala
index 6646068d5080ba89d7b27451ec296c5c8eca7fa6..82760fe92f76ade28caf0e2a65ac18a6077dec18 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/broadcast/BroadcastSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/broadcast/BroadcastSuite.scala
@@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ import org.scalatest.Assertions
 import org.apache.spark._
 import org.apache.spark.io.SnappyCompressionCodec
 import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
+import org.apache.spark.security.EncryptionFunSuite
 import org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaSerializer
 import org.apache.spark.storage._
+import org.apache.spark.util.io.ChunkedByteBuffer
 // Dummy class that creates a broadcast variable but doesn't use it
 class DummyBroadcastClass(rdd: RDD[Int]) extends Serializable {
@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ class DummyBroadcastClass(rdd: RDD[Int]) extends Serializable {
-class BroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
+class BroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext with EncryptionFunSuite {
   test("Using TorrentBroadcast locally") {
     sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
@@ -61,9 +63,8 @@ class BroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
     assert(results.collect().toSet === (1 to 10).map(x => (x, 10)).toSet)
-  test("Accessing TorrentBroadcast variables in a local cluster") {
+  encryptionTest("Accessing TorrentBroadcast variables in a local cluster") { conf =>
     val numSlaves = 4
-    val conf = new SparkConf
     conf.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
     conf.set("spark.broadcast.compress", "true")
     sc = new SparkContext("local-cluster[%d, 1, 1024]".format(numSlaves), "test", conf)
@@ -85,7 +86,9 @@ class BroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
       val size = 1 + rand.nextInt(1024 * 10)
       val data: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](size)
-      val blocks = blockifyObject(data, blockSize, serializer, compressionCodec)
+      val blocks = blockifyObject(data, blockSize, serializer, compressionCodec).map { b =>
+        new ChunkedByteBuffer(b).toInputStream(dispose = true)
+      }
       val unblockified = unBlockifyObject[Array[Byte]](blocks, serializer, compressionCodec)
       assert(unblockified === data)
@@ -137,9 +140,8 @@ class BroadcastSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
-  test("Cache broadcast to disk") {
-    val conf = new SparkConf()
-      .setMaster("local")
+  encryptionTest("Cache broadcast to disk") { conf =>
+    conf.setMaster("local")
       .set("spark.memory.useLegacyMode", "true")
       .set("spark.storage.memoryFraction", "0.0")
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/security/CryptoStreamUtilsSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/security/CryptoStreamUtilsSuite.scala
index 0f3a4a03618eddbb10b3ce8a9cf1a3a490dab7e7..608052f5ed855609c8968604600448b4c0cd3701 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/security/CryptoStreamUtilsSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/security/CryptoStreamUtilsSuite.scala
@@ -16,9 +16,11 @@
 package org.apache.spark.security
-import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream}
+import java.io.{ByteArrayInputStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream}
+import java.nio.channels.Channels
 import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
-import java.util.UUID
+import java.nio.file.Files
+import java.util.{Arrays, Random, UUID}
 import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams
@@ -121,6 +123,46 @@ class CryptoStreamUtilsSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
+  test("crypto stream wrappers") {
+    val testData = new Array[Byte](128 * 1024)
+    new Random().nextBytes(testData)
+    val conf = createConf()
+    val key = createKey(conf)
+    val file = Files.createTempFile("crypto", ".test").toFile()
+    val outStream = createCryptoOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file), conf, key)
+    try {
+      ByteStreams.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(testData), outStream)
+    } finally {
+      outStream.close()
+    }
+    val inStream = createCryptoInputStream(new FileInputStream(file), conf, key)
+    try {
+      val inStreamData = ByteStreams.toByteArray(inStream)
+      assert(Arrays.equals(inStreamData, testData))
+    } finally {
+      inStream.close()
+    }
+    val outChannel = createWritableChannel(new FileOutputStream(file).getChannel(), conf, key)
+    try {
+      val inByteChannel = Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(testData))
+      ByteStreams.copy(inByteChannel, outChannel)
+    } finally {
+      outChannel.close()
+    }
+    val inChannel = createReadableChannel(new FileInputStream(file).getChannel(), conf, key)
+    try {
+      val inChannelData = ByteStreams.toByteArray(Channels.newInputStream(inChannel))
+      assert(Arrays.equals(inChannelData, testData))
+    } finally {
+      inChannel.close()
+    }
+  }
   private def createConf(extra: (String, String)*): SparkConf = {
     val conf = new SparkConf()
     extra.foreach { case (k, v) => conf.set(k, v) }
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/security/EncryptionFunSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/security/EncryptionFunSuite.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f52dc41abf6dadfe7d40b4c661c50795754523b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/security/EncryptionFunSuite.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.security
+import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkFunSuite}
+import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
+trait EncryptionFunSuite {
+  this: SparkFunSuite =>
+  /**
+   * Runs a test twice, initializing a SparkConf object with encryption off, then on. It's ok
+   * for the test to modify the provided SparkConf.
+   */
+  final protected def encryptionTest(name: String)(fn: SparkConf => Unit) {
+    Seq(false, true).foreach { encrypt =>
+      test(s"$name (encryption = ${ if (encrypt) "on" else "off" })") {
+        val conf = new SparkConf().set(IO_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED, encrypt)
+        fn(conf)
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala
index 64a67b4c4cbab542d3ef9214de6dc639db032b8b..a8b960489983823e05315df866a37517caedab58 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/BlockManagerSuite.scala
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts._
 import org.apache.spark._
 import org.apache.spark.broadcast.BroadcastManager
 import org.apache.spark.executor.DataReadMethod
+import org.apache.spark.internal.config._
 import org.apache.spark.memory.UnifiedMemoryManager
 import org.apache.spark.network.{BlockDataManager, BlockTransferService}
 import org.apache.spark.network.buffer.{ManagedBuffer, NioManagedBuffer}
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ import org.apache.spark.network.netty.NettyBlockTransferService
 import org.apache.spark.network.shuffle.BlockFetchingListener
 import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcEnv
 import org.apache.spark.scheduler.LiveListenerBus
+import org.apache.spark.security.{CryptoStreamUtils, EncryptionFunSuite}
 import org.apache.spark.serializer.{JavaSerializer, KryoSerializer, SerializerManager}
 import org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort.SortShuffleManager
 import org.apache.spark.storage.BlockManagerMessages.BlockManagerHeartbeat
@@ -49,7 +51,8 @@ import org.apache.spark.util._
 import org.apache.spark.util.io.ChunkedByteBuffer
 class BlockManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterEach
-  with PrivateMethodTester with LocalSparkContext with ResetSystemProperties {
+  with PrivateMethodTester with LocalSparkContext with ResetSystemProperties
+  with EncryptionFunSuite {
   import BlockManagerSuite._
@@ -75,16 +78,24 @@ class BlockManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterE
       maxMem: Long,
       name: String = SparkContext.DRIVER_IDENTIFIER,
       master: BlockManagerMaster = this.master,
-      transferService: Option[BlockTransferService] = Option.empty): BlockManager = {
-    conf.set("spark.testing.memory", maxMem.toString)
-    conf.set("spark.memory.offHeap.size", maxMem.toString)
-    val serializer = new KryoSerializer(conf)
+      transferService: Option[BlockTransferService] = Option.empty,
+      testConf: Option[SparkConf] = None): BlockManager = {
+    val bmConf = testConf.map(_.setAll(conf.getAll)).getOrElse(conf)
+    bmConf.set("spark.testing.memory", maxMem.toString)
+    bmConf.set("spark.memory.offHeap.size", maxMem.toString)
+    val serializer = new KryoSerializer(bmConf)
+    val encryptionKey = if (bmConf.get(IO_ENCRYPTION_ENABLED)) {
+      Some(CryptoStreamUtils.createKey(bmConf))
+    } else {
+      None
+    }
+    val bmSecurityMgr = new SecurityManager(bmConf, encryptionKey)
     val transfer = transferService
       .getOrElse(new NettyBlockTransferService(conf, securityMgr, "localhost", "localhost", 0, 1))
-    val memManager = UnifiedMemoryManager(conf, numCores = 1)
-    val serializerManager = new SerializerManager(serializer, conf)
-    val blockManager = new BlockManager(name, rpcEnv, master, serializerManager, conf,
-      memManager, mapOutputTracker, shuffleManager, transfer, securityMgr, 0)
+    val memManager = UnifiedMemoryManager(bmConf, numCores = 1)
+    val serializerManager = new SerializerManager(serializer, bmConf)
+    val blockManager = new BlockManager(name, rpcEnv, master, serializerManager, bmConf,
+      memManager, mapOutputTracker, shuffleManager, transfer, bmSecurityMgr, 0)
@@ -610,8 +621,8 @@ class BlockManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterE
     assert(store.memoryStore.contains(rdd(0, 3)), "rdd_0_3 was not in store")
-  test("on-disk storage") {
-    store = makeBlockManager(1200)
+  encryptionTest("on-disk storage") { _conf =>
+    store = makeBlockManager(1200, testConf = Some(_conf))
     val a1 = new Array[Byte](400)
     val a2 = new Array[Byte](400)
     val a3 = new Array[Byte](400)
@@ -623,34 +634,35 @@ class BlockManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterE
     assert(store.getSingleAndReleaseLock("a1").isDefined, "a1 was in store")
-  test("disk and memory storage") {
-    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, getAsBytes = false)
+  encryptionTest("disk and memory storage") { _conf =>
+    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, getAsBytes = false, testConf = conf)
-  test("disk and memory storage with getLocalBytes") {
-    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, getAsBytes = true)
+  encryptionTest("disk and memory storage with getLocalBytes") { _conf =>
+    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK, getAsBytes = true, testConf = conf)
-  test("disk and memory storage with serialization") {
-    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, getAsBytes = false)
+  encryptionTest("disk and memory storage with serialization") { _conf =>
+    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, getAsBytes = false, testConf = conf)
-  test("disk and memory storage with serialization and getLocalBytes") {
-    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, getAsBytes = true)
+  encryptionTest("disk and memory storage with serialization and getLocalBytes") { _conf =>
+    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER, getAsBytes = true, testConf = conf)
-  test("disk and off-heap memory storage") {
-    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.OFF_HEAP, getAsBytes = false)
+  encryptionTest("disk and off-heap memory storage") { _conf =>
+    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.OFF_HEAP, getAsBytes = false, testConf = conf)
-  test("disk and off-heap memory storage with getLocalBytes") {
-    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.OFF_HEAP, getAsBytes = true)
+  encryptionTest("disk and off-heap memory storage with getLocalBytes") { _conf =>
+    testDiskAndMemoryStorage(StorageLevel.OFF_HEAP, getAsBytes = true, testConf = conf)
   def testDiskAndMemoryStorage(
       storageLevel: StorageLevel,
-      getAsBytes: Boolean): Unit = {
-    store = makeBlockManager(12000)
+      getAsBytes: Boolean,
+      testConf: SparkConf): Unit = {
+    store = makeBlockManager(12000, testConf = Some(testConf))
     val accessMethod =
       if (getAsBytes) store.getLocalBytesAndReleaseLock else store.getSingleAndReleaseLock
     val a1 = new Array[Byte](4000)
@@ -678,8 +690,8 @@ class BlockManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterE
-  test("LRU with mixed storage levels") {
-    store = makeBlockManager(12000)
+  encryptionTest("LRU with mixed storage levels") { _conf =>
+    store = makeBlockManager(12000, testConf = Some(_conf))
     val a1 = new Array[Byte](4000)
     val a2 = new Array[Byte](4000)
     val a3 = new Array[Byte](4000)
@@ -700,8 +712,8 @@ class BlockManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterE
     assert(store.getSingleAndReleaseLock("a4").isDefined, "a4 was not in store")
-  test("in-memory LRU with streams") {
-    store = makeBlockManager(12000)
+  encryptionTest("in-memory LRU with streams") { _conf =>
+    store = makeBlockManager(12000, testConf = Some(_conf))
     val list1 = List(new Array[Byte](2000), new Array[Byte](2000))
     val list2 = List(new Array[Byte](2000), new Array[Byte](2000))
     val list3 = List(new Array[Byte](2000), new Array[Byte](2000))
@@ -728,8 +740,8 @@ class BlockManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterE
     assert(store.getAndReleaseLock("list3") === None, "list1 was in store")
-  test("LRU with mixed storage levels and streams") {
-    store = makeBlockManager(12000)
+  encryptionTest("LRU with mixed storage levels and streams") { _conf =>
+    store = makeBlockManager(12000, testConf = Some(_conf))
     val list1 = List(new Array[Byte](2000), new Array[Byte](2000))
     val list2 = List(new Array[Byte](2000), new Array[Byte](2000))
     val list3 = List(new Array[Byte](2000), new Array[Byte](2000))
@@ -1325,7 +1337,8 @@ private object BlockManagerSuite {
     val getAndReleaseLock: (BlockId) => Option[BlockResult] = wrapGet(store.get)
     val getSingleAndReleaseLock: (BlockId) => Option[Any] = wrapGet(store.getSingle)
     val getLocalBytesAndReleaseLock: (BlockId) => Option[ChunkedByteBuffer] = {
-      wrapGet(store.getLocalBytes)
+      val allocator = ByteBuffer.allocate _
+      wrapGet { bid => store.getLocalBytes(bid).map(_.toChunkedByteBuffer(allocator)) }
diff --git a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskStoreSuite.scala b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskStoreSuite.scala
index 9e6b02b9eac4d8ea474b83f7f8021f97e0bbed93..67fc084e8a13d3da548ba0b73bc8339840e3aa6e 100644
--- a/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskStoreSuite.scala
+++ b/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/storage/DiskStoreSuite.scala
@@ -18,15 +18,23 @@
 package org.apache.spark.storage
 import java.nio.{ByteBuffer, MappedByteBuffer}
-import java.util.Arrays
+import java.util.{Arrays, Random}
-import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkFunSuite}
+import com.google.common.io.{ByteStreams, Files}
+import io.netty.channel.FileRegion
+import org.apache.spark.{SecurityManager, SparkConf, SparkFunSuite}
+import org.apache.spark.network.util.{ByteArrayWritableChannel, JavaUtils}
+import org.apache.spark.security.CryptoStreamUtils
 import org.apache.spark.util.io.ChunkedByteBuffer
 import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
 class DiskStoreSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
   test("reads of memory-mapped and non memory-mapped files are equivalent") {
+    val conf = new SparkConf()
+    val securityManager = new SecurityManager(conf)
     // It will cause error when we tried to re-open the filestore and the
     // memory-mapped byte buffer tot he file has not been GC on Windows.
@@ -37,16 +45,18 @@ class DiskStoreSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
     val byteBuffer = new ChunkedByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes))
     val blockId = BlockId("rdd_1_2")
-    val diskBlockManager = new DiskBlockManager(new SparkConf(), deleteFilesOnStop = true)
+    val diskBlockManager = new DiskBlockManager(conf, deleteFilesOnStop = true)
-    val diskStoreMapped = new DiskStore(new SparkConf().set(confKey, "0"), diskBlockManager)
+    val diskStoreMapped = new DiskStore(conf.clone().set(confKey, "0"), diskBlockManager,
+      securityManager)
     diskStoreMapped.putBytes(blockId, byteBuffer)
-    val mapped = diskStoreMapped.getBytes(blockId)
+    val mapped = diskStoreMapped.getBytes(blockId).asInstanceOf[ByteBufferBlockData].buffer
-    val diskStoreNotMapped = new DiskStore(new SparkConf().set(confKey, "1m"), diskBlockManager)
+    val diskStoreNotMapped = new DiskStore(conf.clone().set(confKey, "1m"), diskBlockManager,
+      securityManager)
     diskStoreNotMapped.putBytes(blockId, byteBuffer)
-    val notMapped = diskStoreNotMapped.getBytes(blockId)
+    val notMapped = diskStoreNotMapped.getBytes(blockId).asInstanceOf[ByteBufferBlockData].buffer
     // Not possible to do isInstanceOf due to visibility of HeapByteBuffer
@@ -63,4 +73,95 @@ class DiskStoreSuite extends SparkFunSuite {
     assert(Arrays.equals(mapped.toArray, bytes))
     assert(Arrays.equals(notMapped.toArray, bytes))
+  test("block size tracking") {
+    val conf = new SparkConf()
+    val diskBlockManager = new DiskBlockManager(conf, deleteFilesOnStop = true)
+    val diskStore = new DiskStore(conf, diskBlockManager, new SecurityManager(conf))
+    val blockId = BlockId("rdd_1_2")
+    diskStore.put(blockId) { chan =>
+      val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(new Array[Byte](32))
+      while (buf.hasRemaining()) {
+        chan.write(buf)
+      }
+    }
+    assert(diskStore.getSize(blockId) === 32L)
+    diskStore.remove(blockId)
+    assert(diskStore.getSize(blockId) === 0L)
+  }
+  test("block data encryption") {
+    val testDir = Utils.createTempDir()
+    val testData = new Array[Byte](128 * 1024)
+    new Random().nextBytes(testData)
+    val conf = new SparkConf()
+    val securityManager = new SecurityManager(conf, Some(CryptoStreamUtils.createKey(conf)))
+    val diskBlockManager = new DiskBlockManager(conf, deleteFilesOnStop = true)
+    val diskStore = new DiskStore(conf, diskBlockManager, securityManager)
+    val blockId = BlockId("rdd_1_2")
+    diskStore.put(blockId) { chan =>
+      val buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(testData)
+      while (buf.hasRemaining()) {
+        chan.write(buf)
+      }
+    }
+    assert(diskStore.getSize(blockId) === testData.length)
+    val diskData = Files.toByteArray(diskBlockManager.getFile(blockId.name))
+    assert(!Arrays.equals(testData, diskData))
+    val blockData = diskStore.getBytes(blockId)
+    assert(blockData.isInstanceOf[EncryptedBlockData])
+    assert(blockData.size === testData.length)
+    Map(
+      "input stream" -> readViaInputStream _,
+      "chunked byte buffer" -> readViaChunkedByteBuffer _,
+      "nio byte buffer" -> readViaNioBuffer _,
+      "managed buffer" -> readViaManagedBuffer _
+    ).foreach { case (name, fn) =>
+      val readData = fn(blockData)
+      assert(readData.length === blockData.size, s"Size of data read via $name did not match.")
+      assert(Arrays.equals(testData, readData), s"Data read via $name did not match.")
+    }
+  }
+  private def readViaInputStream(data: BlockData): Array[Byte] = {
+    val is = data.toInputStream()
+    try {
+      ByteStreams.toByteArray(is)
+    } finally {
+      is.close()
+    }
+  }
+  private def readViaChunkedByteBuffer(data: BlockData): Array[Byte] = {
+    val buf = data.toChunkedByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate _)
+    try {
+      buf.toArray
+    } finally {
+      buf.dispose()
+    }
+  }
+  private def readViaNioBuffer(data: BlockData): Array[Byte] = {
+    JavaUtils.bufferToArray(data.toByteBuffer())
+  }
+  private def readViaManagedBuffer(data: BlockData): Array[Byte] = {
+    val region = data.toNetty().asInstanceOf[FileRegion]
+    val byteChannel = new ByteArrayWritableChannel(data.size.toInt)
+    while (region.transfered() < region.count()) {
+      region.transferTo(byteChannel, region.transfered())
+    }
+    byteChannel.close()
+    byteChannel.getData
+  }
diff --git a/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/rdd/WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD.scala b/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/rdd/WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD.scala
index d0864fd3678b287e8c059bcbbd9b0c13aa47956f..844760ab61d2e839d6447d24af391713957b7fc1 100644
--- a/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/rdd/WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD.scala
+++ b/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/rdd/WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD.scala
@@ -158,16 +158,14 @@ class WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDD[T: ClassTag](
       logInfo(s"Read partition data of $this from write ahead log, record handle " +
       if (storeInBlockManager) {
-        blockManager.putBytes(blockId, new ChunkedByteBuffer(dataRead.duplicate()), storageLevel,
-          encrypt = true)
+        blockManager.putBytes(blockId, new ChunkedByteBuffer(dataRead.duplicate()), storageLevel)
         logDebug(s"Stored partition data of $this into block manager with level $storageLevel")
-          new ChunkedByteBuffer(dataRead).toInputStream(),
-          maybeEncrypted = false)(elementClassTag)
+          new ChunkedByteBuffer(dataRead).toInputStream())(elementClassTag)
diff --git a/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/receiver/ReceivedBlockHandler.scala b/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/receiver/ReceivedBlockHandler.scala
index 2b488038f06206fb997df67e815797969faaffc0..80c07958b41f24ab7fa2e17bfe81994bd71e1cb5 100644
--- a/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/receiver/ReceivedBlockHandler.scala
+++ b/streaming/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/receiver/ReceivedBlockHandler.scala
@@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ private[streaming] class BlockManagerBasedBlockHandler(
       case ByteBufferBlock(byteBuffer) =>
-          blockId, new ChunkedByteBuffer(byteBuffer.duplicate()), storageLevel, tellMaster = true,
-          encrypt = true)
+          blockId, new ChunkedByteBuffer(byteBuffer.duplicate()), storageLevel, tellMaster = true)
       case o =>
         throw new SparkException(
           s"Could not store $blockId to block manager, unexpected block type ${o.getClass.getName}")
@@ -176,11 +175,10 @@ private[streaming] class WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler(
     val serializedBlock = block match {
       case ArrayBufferBlock(arrayBuffer) =>
         numRecords = Some(arrayBuffer.size.toLong)
-        serializerManager.dataSerialize(blockId, arrayBuffer.iterator, allowEncryption = false)
+        serializerManager.dataSerialize(blockId, arrayBuffer.iterator)
       case IteratorBlock(iterator) =>
         val countIterator = new CountingIterator(iterator)
-        val serializedBlock = serializerManager.dataSerialize(blockId, countIterator,
-          allowEncryption = false)
+        val serializedBlock = serializerManager.dataSerialize(blockId, countIterator)
         numRecords = countIterator.count
       case ByteBufferBlock(byteBuffer) =>
@@ -195,8 +193,7 @@ private[streaming] class WriteAheadLogBasedBlockHandler(
-        tellMaster = true,
-        encrypt = true)
+        tellMaster = true)
       if (!putSucceeded) {
         throw new SparkException(
           s"Could not store $blockId to block manager with storage level $storageLevel")
diff --git a/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/ReceivedBlockHandlerSuite.scala b/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/ReceivedBlockHandlerSuite.scala
index c2b0389b8c6f0bdc79f0f356681c7f3c721c9b77..3c4a2716caf9012e5e96b01028164ba1f14a9e6e 100644
--- a/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/ReceivedBlockHandlerSuite.scala
+++ b/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/ReceivedBlockHandlerSuite.scala
@@ -175,8 +175,7 @@ abstract class BaseReceivedBlockHandlerSuite(enableEncryption: Boolean)
-            new ChunkedByteBuffer(bytes).toInputStream(),
-            maybeEncrypted = false)(ClassTag.Any).toList
+            new ChunkedByteBuffer(bytes).toInputStream())(ClassTag.Any).toList
         loggedData shouldEqual data
@@ -357,7 +356,7 @@ abstract class BaseReceivedBlockHandlerSuite(enableEncryption: Boolean)
     def dataToByteBuffer(b: Seq[String]) =
-      serializerManager.dataSerialize(generateBlockId, b.iterator, allowEncryption = false)
+      serializerManager.dataSerialize(generateBlockId, b.iterator)
     val blocks = data.grouped(10).toSeq
diff --git a/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/rdd/WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDDSuite.scala b/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/rdd/WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDDSuite.scala
index 2ac0dc96916c551109bbe61e3a2612bb13e05aba..aa69be7ca993912effc4e4d166029e0c089e6db6 100644
--- a/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/rdd/WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDDSuite.scala
+++ b/streaming/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/streaming/rdd/WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDDSuite.scala
@@ -250,8 +250,7 @@ class WriteAheadLogBackedBlockRDDSuite
     require(blockData.size === blockIds.size)
     val writer = new FileBasedWriteAheadLogWriter(new File(dir, "logFile").toString, hadoopConf)
     val segments = blockData.zip(blockIds).map { case (data, id) =>
-      writer.write(serializerManager.dataSerialize(id, data.iterator, allowEncryption = false)
-        .toByteBuffer)
+      writer.write(serializerManager.dataSerialize(id, data.iterator).toByteBuffer)