diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/CheckAnalysis.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/CheckAnalysis.scala
index aa77a6efef347add5ca255b5595dde59e12788e1..65a2a7b04dd8f496c8eb916590c3f87bd8876a27 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/CheckAnalysis.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/analysis/CheckAnalysis.scala
@@ -117,66 +117,72 @@ trait CheckAnalysis extends PredicateHelper {
                 failAnalysis(s"Window specification $s is not valid because $m")
               case None => w
-          case s @ ScalarSubquery(query, conditions, _)
+          case s @ ScalarSubquery(query, conditions, _) =>
             // If no correlation, the output must be exactly one column
-            if (conditions.isEmpty && query.output.size != 1) =>
+            if (conditions.isEmpty && query.output.size != 1) {
                 s"Scalar subquery must return only one column, but got ${query.output.size}")
+            }
+            else if (conditions.nonEmpty) {
+              // Collect the columns from the subquery for further checking.
+              var subqueryColumns = conditions.flatMap(_.references).filter(query.output.contains)
+              def checkAggregate(agg: Aggregate): Unit = {
+                // Make sure correlated scalar subqueries contain one row for every outer row by
+                // enforcing that they are aggregates containing exactly one aggregate expression.
+                // The analyzer has already checked that subquery contained only one output column,
+                // and added all the grouping expressions to the aggregate.
+                val aggregates = agg.expressions.flatMap(_.collect {
+                  case a: AggregateExpression => a
+                })
+                if (aggregates.isEmpty) {
+                  failAnalysis("The output of a correlated scalar subquery must be aggregated")
+                }
-          case s @ ScalarSubquery(query, conditions, _) if conditions.nonEmpty =>
-            // Collect the columns from the subquery for further checking.
-            var subqueryColumns = conditions.flatMap(_.references).filter(query.output.contains)
-            def checkAggregate(agg: Aggregate): Unit = {
-              // Make sure correlated scalar subqueries contain one row for every outer row by
-              // enforcing that they are aggregates which contain exactly one aggregate expressions.
-              // The analyzer has already checked that subquery contained only one output column,
-              // and added all the grouping expressions to the aggregate.
-              val aggregates = agg.expressions.flatMap(_.collect {
-                case a: AggregateExpression => a
-              })
-              if (aggregates.isEmpty) {
-                failAnalysis("The output of a correlated scalar subquery must be aggregated")
+                // SPARK-18504/SPARK-18814: Block cases where GROUP BY columns
+                // are not part of the correlated columns.
+                val groupByCols = AttributeSet(agg.groupingExpressions.flatMap(_.references))
+                val correlatedCols = AttributeSet(subqueryColumns)
+                val invalidCols = groupByCols -- correlatedCols
+                // GROUP BY columns must be a subset of columns in the predicates
+                if (invalidCols.nonEmpty) {
+                  failAnalysis(
+                    "A GROUP BY clause in a scalar correlated subquery " +
+                      "cannot contain non-correlated columns: " +
+                      invalidCols.mkString(","))
+                }
-              // SPARK-18504/SPARK-18814: Block cases where GROUP BY columns
-              // are not part of the correlated columns.
-              val groupByCols = AttributeSet(agg.groupingExpressions.flatMap(_.references))
-              val correlatedCols = AttributeSet(subqueryColumns)
-              val invalidCols = groupByCols -- correlatedCols
-              // GROUP BY columns must be a subset of columns in the predicates
-              if (invalidCols.nonEmpty) {
-                failAnalysis(
-                  "A GROUP BY clause in a scalar correlated subquery " +
-                    "cannot contain non-correlated columns: " +
-                    invalidCols.mkString(","))
-              }
-            }
+              // Skip subquery aliases added by the Analyzer and the SQLBuilder.
+              // For projects, do the necessary mapping and skip to its child.
+              def cleanQuery(p: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = p match {
+                case s: SubqueryAlias => cleanQuery(s.child)
+                case p: Project =>
+                  // SPARK-18814: Map any aliases to their AttributeReference children
+                  // for the checking in the Aggregate operators below this Project.
+                  subqueryColumns = subqueryColumns.map {
+                    xs => p.projectList.collectFirst {
+                      case e @ Alias(child : AttributeReference, _) if e.exprId == xs.exprId =>
+                        child
+                    }.getOrElse(xs)
+                  }
-            // Skip subquery aliases added by the Analyzer and the SQLBuilder.
-            // For projects, do the necessary mapping and skip to its child.
-            def cleanQuery(p: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = p match {
-              case s: SubqueryAlias => cleanQuery(s.child)
-              case p: Project =>
-                // SPARK-18814: Map any aliases to their AttributeReference children
-                // for the checking in the Aggregate operators below this Project.
-                subqueryColumns = subqueryColumns.map {
-                  xs => p.projectList.collectFirst {
-                    case e @ Alias(child : AttributeReference, _) if e.exprId == xs.exprId =>
-                      child
-                  }.getOrElse(xs)
-                }
+                  cleanQuery(p.child)
+                case child => child
+              }
-                cleanQuery(p.child)
-              case child => child
+              cleanQuery(query) match {
+                case a: Aggregate => checkAggregate(a)
+                case Filter(_, a: Aggregate) => checkAggregate(a)
+                case fail => failAnalysis(s"Correlated scalar subqueries must be Aggregated: $fail")
+              }
+            checkAnalysis(query)
+            s
-            cleanQuery(query) match {
-              case a: Aggregate => checkAggregate(a)
-              case Filter(_, a: Aggregate) => checkAggregate(a)
-              case fail => failAnalysis(s"Correlated scalar subqueries must be Aggregated: $fail")
-            }
+          case s: SubqueryExpression =>
+            checkAnalysis(s.plan)
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/inputs/subquery/negative-cases/invalid-correlation.sql b/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/inputs/subquery/negative-cases/invalid-correlation.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cf93c5a835971c2f4e1098da47b19ab1784608a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/inputs/subquery/negative-cases/invalid-correlation.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+-- The test file contains negative test cases
+-- of invalid queries where error messages are expected.
+create temporary view t1 as select * from values
+  (1, 2, 3)
+as t1(t1a, t1b, t1c);
+create temporary view t2 as select * from values
+  (1, 0, 1)
+as t2(t2a, t2b, t2c);
+create temporary view t3 as select * from values
+  (3, 1, 2)
+as t3(t3a, t3b, t3c);
+-- TC 01.01
+-- The column t2b in the SELECT of the subquery is invalid
+-- because it is neither an aggregate function nor a GROUP BY column.
+select t1a, t2b
+from   t1, t2
+where  t1b = t2c
+and    t2b = (select max(avg)
+              from   (select   t2b, avg(t2b) avg
+                      from     t2
+                      where    t2a = t1.t1b
+                     )
+             )
+-- TC 01.02
+-- Invalid due to the column t2b not part of the output from table t2.
+select *
+from   t1
+where  t1a in (select   min(t2a)
+               from     t2
+               group by t2c
+               having   t2c in (select   max(t3c)
+                                from     t3
+                                group by t3b
+                                having   t3b > t2b ))
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/results/subquery/negative-cases/invalid-correlation.sql.out b/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/results/subquery/negative-cases/invalid-correlation.sql.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50ae01e181bcf2d9953dff8174e7d6e0eecddf3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/results/subquery/negative-cases/invalid-correlation.sql.out
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+-- Automatically generated by SQLQueryTestSuite
+-- Number of queries: 5
+-- !query 0
+create temporary view t1 as select * from values
+  (1, 2, 3)
+as t1(t1a, t1b, t1c)
+-- !query 0 schema
+-- !query 0 output
+-- !query 1
+create temporary view t2 as select * from values
+  (1, 0, 1)
+as t2(t2a, t2b, t2c)
+-- !query 1 schema
+-- !query 1 output
+-- !query 2
+create temporary view t3 as select * from values
+  (3, 1, 2)
+as t3(t3a, t3b, t3c)
+-- !query 2 schema
+-- !query 2 output
+-- !query 3
+select t1a, t2b
+from   t1, t2
+where  t1b = t2c
+and    t2b = (select max(avg)
+              from   (select   t2b, avg(t2b) avg
+                      from     t2
+                      where    t2a = t1.t1b
+                     )
+             )
+-- !query 3 schema
+-- !query 3 output
+expression 't2.`t2b`' is neither present in the group by, nor is it an aggregate function. Add to group by or wrap in first() (or first_value) if you don't care which value you get.;
+-- !query 4
+select *
+from   t1
+where  t1a in (select   min(t2a)
+               from     t2
+               group by t2c
+               having   t2c in (select   max(t3c)
+                                from     t3
+                                group by t3b
+                                having   t3b > t2b ))
+-- !query 4 schema
+-- !query 4 output
+resolved attribute(s) t2b#x missing from min(t2a)#x,t2c#x in operator !Filter predicate-subquery#x [(t2c#x = max(t3c)#x) && (t3b#x > t2b#x)];
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQueryTestSuite.scala b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQueryTestSuite.scala
index fdf940a7f9504ea59680d2a45b15140a329839df..91aecca537fb27ec43fe771c336998de521ad7b6 100644
--- a/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQueryTestSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/SQLQueryTestSuite.scala
@@ -228,7 +228,10 @@ class SQLQueryTestSuite extends QueryTest with SharedSQLContext {
     } catch {
       case a: AnalysisException if a.plan.nonEmpty =>
         // Do not output the logical plan tree which contains expression IDs.
-        (StructType(Seq.empty), Seq(a.getClass.getName, a.getSimpleMessage))
+        // Also implement a crude way of masking expression IDs in the error message
+        // with a generic pattern "###".
+        (StructType(Seq.empty),
+          Seq(a.getClass.getName, a.getSimpleMessage.replaceAll("#\\d+", "#x")))
       case NonFatal(e) =>
         // If there is an exception, put the exception class followed by the message.
         (StructType(Seq.empty), Seq(e.getClass.getName, e.getMessage))