diff --git a/dev/create-release/generate-contributors.py b/dev/create-release/generate-contributors.py
index 8aaa250bd7e294f468d46baf2c3ec10b4b6fbef7..db9c680a4bad33fd6b757db2e487568cdbd881ba 100755
--- a/dev/create-release/generate-contributors.py
+++ b/dev/create-release/generate-contributors.py
@@ -178,13 +178,16 @@ for commit in filtered_commits:
     # Find issues and components associated with this commit
     for issue in issues:
-        jira_issue = jira_client.issue(issue)
-        jira_type = jira_issue.fields.issuetype.name
-        jira_type = translate_issue_type(jira_type, issue, warnings)
-        jira_components = [translate_component(c.name, _hash, warnings)\
-          for c in jira_issue.fields.components]
-        all_components = set(jira_components + commit_components)
-        populate(jira_type, all_components)
+        try:
+            jira_issue = jira_client.issue(issue)
+            jira_type = jira_issue.fields.issuetype.name
+            jira_type = translate_issue_type(jira_type, issue, warnings)
+            jira_components = [translate_component(c.name, _hash, warnings)\
+              for c in jira_issue.fields.components]
+            all_components = set(jira_components + commit_components)
+            populate(jira_type, all_components)
+        except Exception as e:
+            print "Unexpected error:", e
     # For docs without an associated JIRA, manually add it ourselves
     if is_docs(title) and not issues:
         populate("documentation", commit_components)
@@ -223,7 +226,8 @@ for author in authors:
     # E.g. andrewor14/SPARK-3425/SPARK-1157/SPARK-6672
     if author in invalid_authors and invalid_authors[author]:
         author = author + "/" + "/".join(invalid_authors[author])
-    line = " * %s -- %s" % (author, contribution)
+    #line = " * %s -- %s" % (author, contribution)
+    line = author
     contributors_file.write(line + "\n")
 print "Contributors list is successfully written to %s!" % contributors_file_name
diff --git a/dev/create-release/known_translations b/dev/create-release/known_translations
index e462302f2842301c72dd6276c51a42288697168d..3563fe3cc3c03be548be5e0ae8393c048b940c25 100644
--- a/dev/create-release/known_translations
+++ b/dev/create-release/known_translations
@@ -138,3 +138,30 @@ lee19 - Lee
 lockwobr - Brian Lockwood
 navis - Navis Ryu
 pparkkin - Paavo Parkkinen
+HyukjinKwon - Hyukjin Kwon
+JDrit - Joseph Batchik
+JuhongPark - Juhong Park
+KaiXinXiaoLei - KaiXinXIaoLei
+NamelessAnalyst - NamelessAnalyst
+alyaxey - Alex Slusarenko
+baishuo - Shuo Bai
+fe2s - Oleksiy Dyagilev
+felixcheung - Felix Cheung
+feynmanliang - Feynman Liang
+josepablocam - Jose Cambronero
+kai-zeng - Kai Zeng
+mosessky - mosessky
+msannell - Michael Sannella
+nishkamravi2 - Nishkam Ravi
+noel-smith - Noel Smith
+petz2000 - Patrick Baier
+qiansl127 - Shilei Qian
+rahulpalamuttam - Rahul Palamuttam
+rowan000 - Rowan Chattaway
+sarutak - Kousuke Saruta
+sethah - Seth Hendrickson
+small-wang - Wang Wei
+stanzhai - Stan Zhai
+tien-dungle - Tien-Dung Le
+xuchenCN - Xu Chen
+zhangjiajin - Zhang JiaJin