diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/predicates.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/predicates.scala
index d3071c533bef974f40dc6c7935b46cee04200453..efcd45fad779c614aadb5295dc81ea0269508ecf 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/predicates.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/predicates.scala
@@ -133,8 +133,25 @@ case class Not(child: Expression)
  * Evaluates to `true` if `list` contains `value`.
+// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
-  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_(expr2, expr3, ...) - Returns true if `expr` equals to any valN.")
+  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_(expr2, expr3, ...) - Returns true if `expr` equals to any valN.",
+  arguments = """
+    Arguments:
+      * expr1, expr2, expr3, ... - the arguments must be same type.
+  """,
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_(1, 2, 3);
+       true
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_(2, 3, 4);
+       false
+      > SELECT named_struct('a', 1, 'b', 2) _FUNC_(named_struct('a', 1, 'b', 1), named_struct('a', 1, 'b', 3));
+       false
+      > SELECT named_struct('a', 1, 'b', 2) _FUNC_(named_struct('a', 1, 'b', 2), named_struct('a', 1, 'b', 3));
+       true
+  """)
+// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
 case class In(value: Expression, list: Seq[Expression]) extends Predicate {
   require(list != null, "list should not be null")
@@ -491,7 +508,24 @@ object Equality {
 // TODO: although map type is not orderable, technically map type should be able to be used
 // in equality comparison
-  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` equals `expr2`, or false otherwise.")
+  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` equals `expr2`, or false otherwise.",
+  arguments = """
+    Arguments:
+      * expr1, expr2 - the two expressions must be same type or can be casted to a common type,
+          and must be a type that can be used in equality comparison. Map type is not supported.
+          For complex types such array/struct, the data types of fields must be orderable.
+  """,
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT 2 _FUNC_ 2;
+       true
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_ '1';
+       true
+      > SELECT true _FUNC_ NULL;
+       NULL
+       NULL
+  """)
 case class EqualTo(left: Expression, right: Expression)
     extends BinaryComparison with NullIntolerant {
@@ -510,6 +544,23 @@ case class EqualTo(left: Expression, right: Expression)
   usage = """
     expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns same result as the EQUAL(=) operator for non-null operands,
       but returns true if both are null, false if one of the them is null.
+  """,
+  arguments = """
+    Arguments:
+      * expr1, expr2 - the two expressions must be same type or can be casted to a common type,
+          and must be a type that can be used in equality comparison. Map type is not supported.
+          For complex types such array/struct, the data types of fields must be orderable.
+  """,
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT 2 _FUNC_ 2;
+       true
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_ '1';
+       true
+      > SELECT true _FUNC_ NULL;
+       false
+       true
 case class EqualNullSafe(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryComparison {
@@ -540,7 +591,27 @@ case class EqualNullSafe(left: Expression, right: Expression) extends BinaryComp
-  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` is less than `expr2`.")
+  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` is less than `expr2`.",
+  arguments = """
+    Arguments:
+      * expr1, expr2 - the two expressions must be same type or can be casted to a common type,
+          and must be a type that can be ordered. For example, map type is not orderable, so it
+          is not supported. For complex types such array/struct, the data types of fields must
+          be orderable.
+  """,
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_ 2;
+       true
+      > SELECT 1.1 _FUNC_ '1';
+       false
+      > SELECT to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') _FUNC_ to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52');
+       false
+      > SELECT to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') _FUNC_ to_date('2009-08-01 04:17:52');
+       true
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_ NULL;
+       NULL
+  """)
 case class LessThan(left: Expression, right: Expression)
     extends BinaryComparison with NullIntolerant {
@@ -550,7 +621,27 @@ case class LessThan(left: Expression, right: Expression)
-  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` is less than or equal to `expr2`.")
+  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` is less than or equal to `expr2`.",
+  arguments = """
+    Arguments:
+      * expr1, expr2 - the two expressions must be same type or can be casted to a common type,
+          and must be a type that can be ordered. For example, map type is not orderable, so it
+          is not supported. For complex types such array/struct, the data types of fields must
+          be orderable.
+  """,
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT 2 _FUNC_ 2;
+       true
+      > SELECT 1.0 _FUNC_ '1';
+       true
+      > SELECT to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') _FUNC_ to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52');
+       true
+      > SELECT to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') _FUNC_ to_date('2009-08-01 04:17:52');
+       true
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_ NULL;
+       NULL
+  """)
 case class LessThanOrEqual(left: Expression, right: Expression)
     extends BinaryComparison with NullIntolerant {
@@ -560,7 +651,27 @@ case class LessThanOrEqual(left: Expression, right: Expression)
-  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` is greater than `expr2`.")
+  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` is greater than `expr2`.",
+  arguments = """
+    Arguments:
+      * expr1, expr2 - the two expressions must be same type or can be casted to a common type,
+          and must be a type that can be ordered. For example, map type is not orderable, so it
+          is not supported. For complex types such array/struct, the data types of fields must
+          be orderable.
+  """,
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT 2 _FUNC_ 1;
+       true
+      > SELECT 2 _FUNC_ '1.1';
+       true
+      > SELECT to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') _FUNC_ to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52');
+       false
+      > SELECT to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') _FUNC_ to_date('2009-08-01 04:17:52');
+       false
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_ NULL;
+       NULL
+  """)
 case class GreaterThan(left: Expression, right: Expression)
     extends BinaryComparison with NullIntolerant {
@@ -570,7 +681,27 @@ case class GreaterThan(left: Expression, right: Expression)
-  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` is greater than or equal to `expr2`.")
+  usage = "expr1 _FUNC_ expr2 - Returns true if `expr1` is greater than or equal to `expr2`.",
+  arguments = """
+    Arguments:
+      * expr1, expr2 - the two expressions must be same type or can be casted to a common type,
+          and must be a type that can be ordered. For example, map type is not orderable, so it
+          is not supported. For complex types such array/struct, the data types of fields must
+          be orderable.
+  """,
+  examples = """
+    Examples:
+      > SELECT 2 _FUNC_ 1;
+       true
+      > SELECT 2.0 _FUNC_ '2.1';
+       false
+      > SELECT to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') _FUNC_ to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52');
+       true
+      > SELECT to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') _FUNC_ to_date('2009-08-01 04:17:52');
+       false
+      > SELECT 1 _FUNC_ NULL;
+       NULL
+  """)
 case class GreaterThanOrEqual(left: Expression, right: Expression)
     extends BinaryComparison with NullIntolerant {
diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/PredicateSuite.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/PredicateSuite.scala
index 055c31c2b30185a3de38666b6b377ee9403ac84b..1438a88c19e0b7bc9469cf75a0ca37db07aa9af5 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/PredicateSuite.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/test/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/PredicateSuite.scala
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ class PredicateSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
       (null, false, null) ::
       (null, null, null) :: Nil)
-  test("IN") {
+  test("basic IN predicate test") {
     checkEvaluation(In(NonFoldableLiteral.create(null, IntegerType), Seq(Literal(1),
       Literal(2))), null)
     checkEvaluation(In(NonFoldableLiteral.create(null, IntegerType),
@@ -151,19 +151,32 @@ class PredicateSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
     checkEvaluation(In(Literal("^Ba*n"), Seq(Literal("aa"), Literal("^Ba*n"))), true)
     checkEvaluation(In(Literal("^Ba*n"), Seq(Literal("aa"), Literal("^n"))), false)
-    val primitiveTypes = Seq(IntegerType, FloatType, DoubleType, StringType, ByteType, ShortType,
-      LongType, BinaryType, BooleanType, DecimalType.USER_DEFAULT, TimestampType)
-    primitiveTypes.foreach { t =>
-      val dataGen = RandomDataGenerator.forType(t, nullable = true).get
+  }
+  test("IN with different types") {
+    def testWithRandomDataGeneration(dataType: DataType, nullable: Boolean): Unit = {
+      val maybeDataGen = RandomDataGenerator.forType(dataType, nullable = nullable)
+      // Actually we won't pass in unsupported data types, this is a safety check.
+      val dataGen = maybeDataGen.getOrElse(
+        fail(s"Failed to create data generator for type $dataType"))
       val inputData = Seq.fill(10) {
         val value = dataGen.apply()
-        value match {
+        def cleanData(value: Any) = value match {
           case d: Double if d.isNaN => 0.0d
           case f: Float if f.isNaN => 0.0f
           case _ => value
+        value match {
+          case s: Seq[_] => s.map(cleanData(_))
+          case m: Map[_, _] =>
+            val pair = m.unzip
+            val newKeys = pair._1.map(cleanData(_))
+            val newValues = pair._2.map(cleanData(_))
+            newKeys.zip(newValues).toMap
+          case _ => cleanData(value)
+        }
-      val input = inputData.map(NonFoldableLiteral.create(_, t))
+      val input = inputData.map(NonFoldableLiteral.create(_, dataType))
       val expected = if (inputData(0) == null) {
       } else if (inputData.slice(1, 10).contains(inputData(0))) {
@@ -175,6 +188,55 @@ class PredicateSuite extends SparkFunSuite with ExpressionEvalHelper {
       checkEvaluation(In(input(0), input.slice(1, 10)), expected)
+    val atomicTypes = DataTypeTestUtils.atomicTypes.filter { t =>
+      RandomDataGenerator.forType(t).isDefined && !t.isInstanceOf[DecimalType]
+    } ++ Seq(DecimalType.USER_DEFAULT)
+    val atomicArrayTypes = atomicTypes.map(ArrayType(_, containsNull = true))
+    // Basic types:
+    for (
+        dataType <- atomicTypes;
+        nullable <- Seq(true, false)) {
+      testWithRandomDataGeneration(dataType, nullable)
+    }
+    // Array types:
+    for (
+        arrayType <- atomicArrayTypes;
+        nullable <- Seq(true, false)
+        if RandomDataGenerator.forType(arrayType.elementType, arrayType.containsNull).isDefined) {
+      testWithRandomDataGeneration(arrayType, nullable)
+    }
+    // Struct types:
+    for (
+        colOneType <- atomicTypes;
+        colTwoType <- atomicTypes;
+        nullable <- Seq(true, false)) {
+      val structType = StructType(
+        StructField("a", colOneType) :: StructField("b", colTwoType) :: Nil)
+      testWithRandomDataGeneration(structType, nullable)
+    }
+    // Map types: not supported
+    for (
+        keyType <- atomicTypes;
+        valueType <- atomicTypes;
+        nullable <- Seq(true, false)) {
+      val mapType = MapType(keyType, valueType)
+      val e = intercept[Exception] {
+        testWithRandomDataGeneration(mapType, nullable)
+      }
+      if (e.getMessage.contains("Code generation of")) {
+        // If the `value` expression is null, `eval` will be short-circuited.
+        // Codegen version evaluation will be run then.
+        assert(e.getMessage.contains("cannot generate equality code for un-comparable type"))
+      } else {
+        assert(e.getMessage.contains("Exception evaluating"))
+      }
+    }
   test("INSET") {
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/inputs/predicate-functions.sql b/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/inputs/predicate-functions.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b3d4ad64b3ece94384ed1a1cdcc3d3d7b4ba84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/inputs/predicate-functions.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+-- EqualTo
+select 1 = 1;
+select 1 = '1';
+select 1.0 = '1';
+-- GreaterThan
+select 1 > '1';
+select 2 > '1.0';
+select 2 > '2.0';
+select 2 > '2.2';
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') > to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52');
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') > '2009-07-30 04:17:52';
+-- GreaterThanOrEqual
+select 1 >= '1';
+select 2 >= '1.0';
+select 2 >= '2.0';
+select 2.0 >= '2.2';
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') >= to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52');
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') >= '2009-07-30 04:17:52';
+-- LessThan
+select 1 < '1';
+select 2 < '1.0';
+select 2 < '2.0';
+select 2.0 < '2.2';
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') < to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52');
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') < '2009-07-30 04:17:52';
+-- LessThanOrEqual
+select 1 <= '1';
+select 2 <= '1.0';
+select 2 <= '2.0';
+select 2.0 <= '2.2';
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') <= to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52');
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') <= '2009-07-30 04:17:52';
diff --git a/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/results/predicate-functions.sql.out b/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/results/predicate-functions.sql.out
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8e7e04c8e1c4f343b126bfc72876c1bef8ec5afe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sql/core/src/test/resources/sql-tests/results/predicate-functions.sql.out
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+-- Automatically generated by SQLQueryTestSuite
+-- Number of queries: 27
+-- !query 0
+select 1 = 1
+-- !query 0 schema
+struct<(1 = 1):boolean>
+-- !query 0 output
+-- !query 1
+select 1 = '1'
+-- !query 1 schema
+struct<(1 = CAST(1 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 1 output
+-- !query 2
+select 1.0 = '1'
+-- !query 2 schema
+struct<(1.0 = CAST(1 AS DECIMAL(2,1))):boolean>
+-- !query 2 output
+-- !query 3
+select 1 > '1'
+-- !query 3 schema
+struct<(1 > CAST(1 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 3 output
+-- !query 4
+select 2 > '1.0'
+-- !query 4 schema
+struct<(2 > CAST(1.0 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 4 output
+-- !query 5
+select 2 > '2.0'
+-- !query 5 schema
+struct<(2 > CAST(2.0 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 5 output
+-- !query 6
+select 2 > '2.2'
+-- !query 6 schema
+struct<(2 > CAST(2.2 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 6 output
+-- !query 7
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') > to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52')
+-- !query 7 schema
+struct<(to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') > to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52')):boolean>
+-- !query 7 output
+-- !query 8
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') > '2009-07-30 04:17:52'
+-- !query 8 schema
+struct<(CAST(to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') AS STRING) > 2009-07-30 04:17:52):boolean>
+-- !query 8 output
+-- !query 9
+select 1 >= '1'
+-- !query 9 schema
+struct<(1 >= CAST(1 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 9 output
+-- !query 10
+select 2 >= '1.0'
+-- !query 10 schema
+struct<(2 >= CAST(1.0 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 10 output
+-- !query 11
+select 2 >= '2.0'
+-- !query 11 schema
+struct<(2 >= CAST(2.0 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 11 output
+-- !query 12
+select 2.0 >= '2.2'
+-- !query 12 schema
+struct<(2.0 >= CAST(2.2 AS DECIMAL(2,1))):boolean>
+-- !query 12 output
+-- !query 13
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') >= to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52')
+-- !query 13 schema
+struct<(to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') >= to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52')):boolean>
+-- !query 13 output
+-- !query 14
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') >= '2009-07-30 04:17:52'
+-- !query 14 schema
+struct<(CAST(to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') AS STRING) >= 2009-07-30 04:17:52):boolean>
+-- !query 14 output
+-- !query 15
+select 1 < '1'
+-- !query 15 schema
+struct<(1 < CAST(1 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 15 output
+-- !query 16
+select 2 < '1.0'
+-- !query 16 schema
+struct<(2 < CAST(1.0 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 16 output
+-- !query 17
+select 2 < '2.0'
+-- !query 17 schema
+struct<(2 < CAST(2.0 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 17 output
+-- !query 18
+select 2.0 < '2.2'
+-- !query 18 schema
+struct<(2.0 < CAST(2.2 AS DECIMAL(2,1))):boolean>
+-- !query 18 output
+-- !query 19
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') < to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52')
+-- !query 19 schema
+struct<(to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') < to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52')):boolean>
+-- !query 19 output
+-- !query 20
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') < '2009-07-30 04:17:52'
+-- !query 20 schema
+struct<(CAST(to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') AS STRING) < 2009-07-30 04:17:52):boolean>
+-- !query 20 output
+-- !query 21
+select 1 <= '1'
+-- !query 21 schema
+struct<(1 <= CAST(1 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 21 output
+-- !query 22
+select 2 <= '1.0'
+-- !query 22 schema
+struct<(2 <= CAST(1.0 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 22 output
+-- !query 23
+select 2 <= '2.0'
+-- !query 23 schema
+struct<(2 <= CAST(2.0 AS INT)):boolean>
+-- !query 23 output
+-- !query 24
+select 2.0 <= '2.2'
+-- !query 24 schema
+struct<(2.0 <= CAST(2.2 AS DECIMAL(2,1))):boolean>
+-- !query 24 output
+-- !query 25
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') <= to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52')
+-- !query 25 schema
+struct<(to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') <= to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52')):boolean>
+-- !query 25 output
+-- !query 26
+select to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') <= '2009-07-30 04:17:52'
+-- !query 26 schema
+struct<(CAST(to_date('2009-07-30 04:17:52') AS STRING) <= 2009-07-30 04:17:52):boolean>
+-- !query 26 output