From 970ab8f6ddc66401ad1cf4b2d1050dd0c8876224 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Wenchen Fan <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2016 10:56:57 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] [SPARK-17187][SQL][FOLLOW-UP] improve document of

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

improve the document to make it easier to understand and also mention window operator.

## How was this patch tested?


Author: Wenchen Fan <>

Closes #14822 from cloud-fan/object-agg.
 .../expressions/aggregate/interfaces.scala    | 101 +++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/interfaces.scala b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/interfaces.scala
index ecbaa2f466..b5c0844fbf 100644
--- a/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/interfaces.scala
+++ b/sql/catalyst/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/catalyst/expressions/aggregate/interfaces.scala
@@ -390,48 +390,69 @@ abstract class DeclarativeAggregate
  * Aggregation function which allows **arbitrary** user-defined java object to be used as internal
- * aggregation buffer object.
+ * aggregation buffer.
  * {{{
- *                aggregation buffer for normal aggregation function `avg`
- *                    |
- *                    v
- *                  +--------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+
- *                  |  sum1 (Long) | count1 (Long) | generic user-defined java objects |
- *                  +--------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+
- *                                                     ^
- *                                                     |
- *                    Aggregation buffer object for `TypedImperativeAggregate` aggregation function
+ *  aggregation buffer for normal aggregation function `avg`            aggregate buffer for `sum`
+ *            |                                                                  |
+ *            v                                                                  v
+ *          +--------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+
+ *          |  sum1 (Long) | count1 (Long) | generic user-defined java objects | sum2 (Long) |
+ *          +--------------+---------------+-----------------------------------+-------------+
+ *                                           ^
+ *                                           |
+ *            aggregation buffer object for `TypedImperativeAggregate` aggregation function
  * }}}
- * Work flow (Partial mode aggregate at Mapper side, and Final mode aggregate at Reducer side):
+ * General work flow:
+ *
+ * Stage 1: initialize aggregate buffer object.
+ *
+ *   1. The framework calls `initialize(buffer: MutableRow)` to set up the empty aggregate buffer.
+ *   2. In `initialize`, we call `createAggregationBuffer(): T` to get the initial buffer object,
+ *      and set it to the global buffer row.
+ *
+ *
+ * Stage 2: process input rows.
- * Stage 1: Partial aggregate at Mapper side:
+ *   If the aggregate mode is `Partial` or `Complete`:
+ *     1. The framework calls `update(buffer: MutableRow, input: InternalRow)` to process the input
+ *        row.
+ *     2. In `update`, we get the buffer object from the global buffer row and call
+ *        `update(buffer: T, input: InternalRow): Unit`.
- *  1. The framework calls `createAggregationBuffer(): T` to create an empty internal aggregation
- *     buffer object.
- *  2. Upon each input row, the framework calls
- *     `update(buffer: T, input: InternalRow): Unit` to update the aggregation buffer object T.
- *  3. After processing all rows of current group (group by key), the framework will serialize
- *     aggregation buffer object T to storage format (Array[Byte]) and persist the Array[Byte]
- *     to disk if needed.
- *  4. The framework moves on to next group, until all groups have been processed.
+ *   If the aggregate mode is `PartialMerge` or `Final`:
+ *     1. The framework call `merge(buffer: MutableRow, inputBuffer: InternalRow)` to process the
+ *        input row, which are serialized buffer objects shuffled from other nodes.
+ *     2. In `merge`, we get the buffer object from the global buffer row, and get the binary data
+ *        from input row and deserialize it to buffer object, then we call
+ *        `merge(buffer: T, input: T): Unit` to merge these 2 buffer objects.
- * Shuffling exchange data to Reducer tasks...
- * Stage 2: Final mode aggregate at Reducer side:
+ * Stage 3: output results.
+ *
+ *   If the aggregate mode is `Partial` or `PartialMerge`:
+ *     1. The framework calls `serializeAggregateBufferInPlace` to replace the buffer object in the
+ *        global buffer row with binary data.
+ *     2. In `serializeAggregateBufferInPlace`, we get the buffer object from the global buffer row
+ *        and call `serialize(buffer: T): Array[Byte]` to serialize the buffer object to binary.
+ *     3. The framework outputs buffer attributes and shuffle them to other nodes.
+ *
+ *   If the aggregate mode is `Final` or `Complete`:
+ *     1. The framework calls `eval(buffer: InternalRow)` to calculate the final result.
+ *     2. In `eval`, we get the buffer object from the global buffer row and call
+ *        `eval(buffer: T): Any` to get the final result.
+ *     3. The framework outputs these final results.
+ *
+ *
+ * Window function work flow:
+ *   The framework calls `update(buffer: MutableRow, input: InternalRow)` several times and then
+ *   call `eval(buffer: InternalRow)`, so there is no need for window operator to call
+ *   `serializeAggregateBufferInPlace`.
- *  1. The framework calls `createAggregationBuffer(): T` to create an empty internal aggregation
- *     buffer object (type T) for merging.
- *  2. For each aggregation output of Stage 1, The framework de-serializes the storage
- *     format (Array[Byte]) and produces one input aggregation object (type T).
- *  3. For each input aggregation object, the framework calls `merge(buffer: T, input: T): Unit`
- *     to merge the input aggregation object into aggregation buffer object.
- *  4. After processing all input aggregation objects of current group (group by key), the framework
- *     calls method `eval(buffer: T)` to generate the final output for this group.
- *  5. The framework moves on to next group, until all groups have been processed.
  * NOTE: SQL with TypedImperativeAggregate functions is planned in sort based aggregation,
  * instead of hash based aggregation, as TypedImperativeAggregate use BinaryType as aggregation
@@ -489,25 +510,23 @@ abstract class TypedImperativeAggregate[T] extends ImperativeAggregate {
   final override def update(buffer: MutableRow, input: InternalRow): Unit = {
-    val bufferObject = getField[T](buffer, mutableAggBufferOffset)
-    update(bufferObject, input)
+    update(getBufferObject(buffer), input)
   final override def merge(buffer: MutableRow, inputBuffer: InternalRow): Unit = {
-    val bufferObject = getField[T](buffer, mutableAggBufferOffset)
+    val bufferObject = getBufferObject(buffer)
     // The inputBuffer stores serialized aggregation buffer object produced by partial aggregate
     val inputObject = deserialize(inputBuffer.getBinary(inputAggBufferOffset))
     merge(bufferObject, inputObject)
   final override def eval(buffer: InternalRow): Any = {
-    val bufferObject = getField[T](buffer, mutableAggBufferOffset)
-    eval(bufferObject)
+    eval(getBufferObject(buffer))
   private[this] val anyObjectType = ObjectType(classOf[AnyRef])
-  private def getField[U](input: InternalRow, fieldIndex: Int): U = {
-    input.get(fieldIndex, anyObjectType).asInstanceOf[U]
+  private def getBufferObject(bufferRow: InternalRow): T = {
+    bufferRow.get(mutableAggBufferOffset, anyObjectType).asInstanceOf[T]
   final override lazy val aggBufferAttributes: Seq[AttributeReference] = {
@@ -524,9 +543,11 @@ abstract class TypedImperativeAggregate[T] extends ImperativeAggregate {
    * In-place replaces the aggregation buffer object stored at buffer's index
    * `mutableAggBufferOffset`, with SparkSQL internally supported underlying storage format
    * (BinaryType).
+   *
+   * This is only called when doing Partial or PartialMerge mode aggregation, before the framework
+   * shuffle out aggregate buffers.
   final def serializeAggregateBufferInPlace(buffer: MutableRow): Unit = {
-    val bufferObject = getField[T](buffer, mutableAggBufferOffset)
-    buffer(mutableAggBufferOffset) = serialize(bufferObject)
+    buffer(mutableAggBufferOffset) = serialize(getBufferObject(buffer))