diff --git a/R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R b/R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R
index a82ded9c51facb77f9d144d9687da181c4b5801a..81b4e6b91d8a2e7913af54b758fc57c2448d2f49 100644
--- a/R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R
+++ b/R/pkg/R/DataFrame.R
@@ -822,21 +822,21 @@ setMethod("collect",
                 # Get a column of complex type returns a list.
                 # Get a cell from a column of complex type returns a list instead of a vector.
                 col <- listCols[[colIndex]]
-                colName <- dtypes[[colIndex]][[1]]
                 if (length(col) <= 0) {
-                  df[[colName]] <- col
+                  df[[colIndex]] <- col
                 } else {
                   colType <- dtypes[[colIndex]][[2]]
                   # Note that "binary" columns behave like complex types.
                   if (!is.null(PRIMITIVE_TYPES[[colType]]) && colType != "binary") {
                     vec <- do.call(c, col)
                     stopifnot(class(vec) != "list")
-                    df[[colName]] <- vec
+                    df[[colIndex]] <- vec
                   } else {
-                    df[[colName]] <- col
+                    df[[colIndex]] <- col
+              names(df) <- names(x)
diff --git a/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R b/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
index 92ec82096c6df5b4fdc7f58a2ac3115ff7e35881..1e7cb5409970381fb0aa0722192b06054a149b6f 100644
--- a/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
+++ b/R/pkg/inst/tests/test_sparkSQL.R
@@ -530,6 +530,11 @@ test_that("collect() returns a data.frame", {
   expect_equal(names(rdf)[1], "age")
   expect_equal(nrow(rdf), 0)
   expect_equal(ncol(rdf), 2)
+  # collect() correctly handles multiple columns with same name
+  df <- createDataFrame(sqlContext, list(list(1, 2)), schema = c("name", "name"))
+  ldf <- collect(df)
+  expect_equal(names(ldf), c("name", "name"))
 test_that("limit() returns DataFrame with the correct number of rows", {
@@ -1197,6 +1202,7 @@ test_that("join() and merge() on a DataFrame", {
   joined <- join(df, df2)
   expect_equal(names(joined), c("age", "name", "name", "test"))
   expect_equal(count(joined), 12)
+  expect_equal(names(collect(joined)), c("age", "name", "name", "test"))
   joined2 <- join(df, df2, df$name == df2$name)
   expect_equal(names(joined2), c("age", "name", "name", "test"))