diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index dc8135b9b8b51774caf20de17571a2ba097af6a7..e2d1dcb5672ff46897dd3aef457b311675eec585 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,20 +10,33 @@ guide, on the project webpage at <http://spark.apache.org/documentation.html>.
 This README file only contains basic setup instructions.
-## Building
+## Building Spark
-Spark requires Scala 2.10. The project is built using Simple Build Tool (SBT),
-which can be obtained [here](http://www.scala-sbt.org). If SBT is installed we
-will use the system version of sbt otherwise we will attempt to download it
-automatically. To build Spark and its example programs, run:
+Spark is built on Scala 2.10. To build Spark and its example programs, run:
     ./sbt/sbt assembly
-Once you've built Spark, the easiest way to start using it is the shell:
+## Interactive Scala Shell
+The easiest way to start using Spark is through the Scala shell:
-Or, for the Python API, the Python shell (`./bin/pyspark`).
+Try the following command, which should return 1000:
+    scala> sc.parallelize(1 to 1000).count()
+## Interactive Python Shell
+Alternatively, if you prefer Python, you can use the Python shell:
+    ./bin/pyspark
+And run the following command, which should also return 1000:
+    >>> sc.parallelize(range(1000)).count()
+## Example Programs
 Spark also comes with several sample programs in the `examples` directory.
 To run one of them, use `./bin/run-example <class> <params>`. For example:
@@ -38,13 +51,13 @@ All of the Spark samples take a `<master>` parameter that is the cluster URL
 to connect to. This can be a mesos:// or spark:// URL, or "local" to run
 locally with one thread, or "local[N]" to run locally with N threads.
-## Running tests
+## Running Tests
-Testing first requires [Building](#building) Spark. Once Spark is built, tests
+Testing first requires [building Spark](#building-spark). Once Spark is built, tests
 can be run using:
-`./sbt/sbt test`
+    ./sbt/sbt test
 ## A Note About Hadoop Versions
 Spark uses the Hadoop core library to talk to HDFS and other Hadoop-supported