diff --git a/R/pkg/R/install.R b/R/pkg/R/install.R
index cb6bbe5946b1413ab7a4af4514bbe9bf2e33023e..72386e68de4b322602cb10fc9c01f4956b4e7de4 100644
--- a/R/pkg/R/install.R
+++ b/R/pkg/R/install.R
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 #'                 }
 #' @param overwrite If \code{TRUE}, download and overwrite the existing tar file in localDir
 #'                  and force re-install Spark (in case the local directory or file is corrupted)
-#' @return \code{install.spark} returns the local directory where Spark is found or installed
+#' @return the (invisible) local directory where Spark is found or installed
 #' @rdname install.spark
 #' @name install.spark
 #' @aliases install.spark
@@ -115,17 +115,35 @@ install.spark <- function(hadoopVersion = "2.7", mirrorUrl = NULL,
   } else {
     if (releaseUrl != "") {
       message("Downloading from alternate URL:\n- ", releaseUrl)
-      downloadUrl(releaseUrl, packageLocalPath, paste0("Fetch failed from ", releaseUrl))
+      success <- downloadUrl(releaseUrl, packageLocalPath)
+      if (!success) {
+        unlink(packageLocalPath)
+        stop(paste0("Fetch failed from ", releaseUrl))
+      }
     } else {
       robustDownloadTar(mirrorUrl, version, hadoopVersion, packageName, packageLocalPath)
   message(sprintf("Installing to %s", localDir))
-  untar(tarfile = packageLocalPath, exdir = localDir)
-  if (!tarExists || overwrite) {
+  # There are two ways untar can fail - untar could stop() on errors like incomplete block on file
+  # or, tar command can return failure code
+  success <- tryCatch(untar(tarfile = packageLocalPath, exdir = localDir) == 0,
+                     error = function(e) {
+                       message(e)
+                       message()
+                       FALSE
+                     },
+                     warning = function(w) {
+                       # Treat warning as error, add an empty line with message()
+                       message(w)
+                       message()
+                       FALSE
+                     })
+  if (!tarExists || overwrite || !success) {
+  if (!success) stop("Extract archive failed.")
   Sys.setenv(SPARK_HOME = packageLocalDir)
   message(paste("SPARK_HOME set to", packageLocalDir))
@@ -135,8 +153,7 @@ install.spark <- function(hadoopVersion = "2.7", mirrorUrl = NULL,
 robustDownloadTar <- function(mirrorUrl, version, hadoopVersion, packageName, packageLocalPath) {
   # step 1: use user-provided url
   if (!is.null(mirrorUrl)) {
-    msg <- sprintf("Use user-provided mirror site: %s.", mirrorUrl)
-    message(msg)
+    message("Use user-provided mirror site: ", mirrorUrl)
     success <- directDownloadTar(mirrorUrl, version, hadoopVersion,
                                    packageName, packageLocalPath)
     if (success) {
@@ -156,7 +173,7 @@ robustDownloadTar <- function(mirrorUrl, version, hadoopVersion, packageName, pa
                                    packageName, packageLocalPath)
     if (success) return()
   } else {
-    message("Unable to find preferred mirror site.")
+    message("Unable to download from preferred mirror site: ", mirrorUrl)
   # step 3: use backup option
@@ -165,8 +182,11 @@ robustDownloadTar <- function(mirrorUrl, version, hadoopVersion, packageName, pa
   success <- directDownloadTar(mirrorUrl, version, hadoopVersion,
                                  packageName, packageLocalPath)
   if (success) {
-    return(packageLocalPath)
+    return()
   } else {
+    # remove any partially downloaded file
+    unlink(packageLocalPath)
+    message("Unable to download from default mirror site: ", mirrorUrl)
     msg <- sprintf(paste("Unable to download Spark %s for Hadoop %s.",
                          "Please check network connection, Hadoop version,",
                          "or provide other mirror sites."),
@@ -201,14 +221,20 @@ directDownloadTar <- function(mirrorUrl, version, hadoopVersion, packageName, pa
   msg <- sprintf(fmt, version, ifelse(hadoopVersion == "without", "Free build", hadoopVersion),
-  downloadUrl(packageRemotePath, packageLocalPath, paste0("Fetch failed from ", mirrorUrl))
+  downloadUrl(packageRemotePath, packageLocalPath)
-downloadUrl <- function(remotePath, localPath, errorMessage) {
+downloadUrl <- function(remotePath, localPath) {
   isFail <- tryCatch(download.file(remotePath, localPath),
                      error = function(e) {
-                       message(errorMessage)
-                       print(e)
+                       message(e)
+                       message()
+                       TRUE
+                     },
+                     warning = function(w) {
+                       # Treat warning as error, add an empty line with message()
+                       message(w)
+                       message()
@@ -234,10 +260,9 @@ sparkCachePath <- function() {
   if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
     winAppPath <- Sys.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA", unset = NA)
     if (is.na(winAppPath)) {
-      msg <- paste("%LOCALAPPDATA% not found.",
+      stop(paste("%LOCALAPPDATA% not found.",
                    "Please define the environment variable",
-                   "or restart and enter an installation path in localDir.")
-      stop(msg)
+                   "or restart and enter an installation path in localDir."))
     } else {
       path <- file.path(winAppPath, "Apache", "Spark", "Cache")