diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index c94be94c1475fafe689bd3811b2e9fbfade75047..f5f26f3ebae508894b1f87003e8ccd97e260774f 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
         <include name="logback-core-1.0.0.jar"/>
         <include name="jackson-core-asl-1.8.6.jar"/>
         <include name="jackson-mapper-asl-1.8.6.jar"/>
-        <include name="org.easymock_2.5.2.jar"/>
         <include name="slf4j-api-1.6.4.jar"/>
         <include name="org.restlet-2.1-RC1.jar"/>
         <include name="org.restlet.ext.jackson-2.1-RC1.jar"/>
@@ -84,7 +83,9 @@
     <patternset id="lib-test">
         <include name="junit-4.8.2.jar"/>
-        <include name="org.easymock_2.5.2.jar"/>
+        <include name="org.easymock-3.1.jar"/>
+		<include name="objenesis-1.2.jar"/>  <!-- required by easymock to mock classes -->
+		<include name="cglib-nodep-2.2.2.jar"/>    <!-- required by easymock to mock classes -->
     <path id="classpath-test">
         <fileset dir="lib">
diff --git a/lib/org.easymock_2.5.2.jar b/lib/org.easymock_2.5.2.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 97c8bf0acbb56bfc38845a25ca03f5d98037169e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/lib/org.easymock_2.5.2.jar and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/IOFSwitch.java b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/IOFSwitch.java
index 11212ea084e4aefe0cf6f79d581e2809752e3b01..b6188dcd63131bbeb44de0a3d452a83e41bdb27b 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/IOFSwitch.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/IOFSwitch.java
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ public interface IOFSwitch {
      * Writes to the OFMessage to the output stream.
      * The message will be handed to the floodlightProvider for possible filtering
+     * and processing by message listeners
      * @param m   
      * @param bc  
      * @throws IOException  
@@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ public interface IOFSwitch {
      * Writes the list of messages to the output stream
      * The message will be handed to the floodlightProvider for possible filtering
+     * and processing by message listeners.
      * @param msglist
      * @param bc
      * @throws IOException
@@ -73,7 +75,8 @@ public interface IOFSwitch {
     public void disconnectOutputStream();
-     *
+     * FIXME: remove getChannel(). All access to the channel should be through
+     *        wrapper functions in IOFSwitch
      * @return
     public Channel getChannel();
@@ -214,12 +217,6 @@ public interface IOFSwitch {
     public Role getRole();
-    /**
-     * Set the role of the controller for the switch
-     * @param role controller role
-     */
-    public void setRole(Role role);
      * Check if the controller is an active controller for the switch.
      * The controller is active if its role is MASTER or EQUAL.
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/Controller.java b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/Controller.java
index d65972029dc260bb919b783bbd95bb1a53e17861..ae2b192dc07e8c6e9516e7b7a10bd3b1c3b433e3 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/Controller.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/Controller.java
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
 import java.net.SocketAddress;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
+import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.List;
@@ -145,7 +147,9 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
     // connectedSwitches contains all connected switches, including ones where
     // we're a slave controller. We need to keep track of them so that we can
     // send role request messages to switches when our role changes to master
-    protected ConcurrentHashMap<Long, IOFSwitch> connectedSwitches;
+    // We add a switch to this set after it successfully completes the
+    // handshake. Access to this Set needs to be synchronized with roleChanger
+    protected HashSet<OFSwitchImpl> connectedSwitches;
     // The controllerNodeIPsCache maps Controller IDs to their IP address. 
     // It's only used by handleControllerNodeIPsChanged
@@ -173,6 +177,8 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
     // The current role of the controller.
     // If the controller isn't configured to support roles, then this is null.
     protected Role role;
+    // A helper that handles sending and timeout handling for role requests
+    protected RoleChanger roleChanger;
     // Storage table names
     protected static final String CONTROLLER_TABLE_NAME = "controller_controller";
@@ -343,128 +349,29 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
     public synchronized void setRole(Role role) {
         if (role == null) throw new NullPointerException("Role can not be null.");
-        Role oldRole = this.role;
-        this.role = role;
-        // Send role request messages to all of the connected switches.
-        // FIXME: Should maybe handle this in an asynchronous task.
-        for (IOFSwitch sw: connectedSwitches.values()) {
+        // Need to synchronize to ensure a reliable ordering on role request
+        // messages send and to ensure the list of connected switches is stable
+        // RoleChanger will handle the actual sending of the message and 
+        // timeout handling
+        // @see RoleChanger
+        synchronized(roleChanger) {
+            Role oldRole = this.role;
+            this.role = role;
+            log.debug("Submitting role change request to role {}", role);
+            roleChanger.submitRequest(connectedSwitches, role);
+            // Enqueue an update for our listeners.
             try {
-                sendRoleRequest(sw, role);
-            }
-            catch (IOException exc) {
-                // FIXME: What's the right thing to do in this case?
-                // Should we try to send it again later?
-                // Terminate the switch connection?
-                log.error("Error sending role request message to switch {}", sw);
+                this.updates.put(new HARoleUpdate(role, oldRole));
+            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+                log.error("Failure adding update to queue", e);
-        // Enqueue an update for our listeners.
-        try {
-            this.updates.put(new HARoleUpdate(role, oldRole));
-        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
-            log.error("Failure adding update to queue", e);
-        }
-    /**
-     * Send NX role request message to the switch requesting the specified role.
-     * @param sw switch to send the role request message to
-     * @param role role to request
-     * @return transaction id of the role request message that was sent
-     */
-    protected int sendNxRoleRequest(IOFSwitch sw, Role role)
-            throws IOException {
-        // Convert the role enum to the appropriate integer constant used
-        // in the NX role request message
-        int nxRole = 0;
-        switch (role) {
-            case EQUAL:
-                nxRole = OFRoleVendorData.NX_ROLE_OTHER;
-                break;
-            case MASTER:
-                nxRole = OFRoleVendorData.NX_ROLE_MASTER;
-                break;
-            case SLAVE:
-                nxRole = OFRoleVendorData.NX_ROLE_SLAVE;
-                break;
-            default:
-                assert false;
-        }
-        // Construct the role request message
-        OFVendor roleRequest = (OFVendor)factory.getMessage(OFType.VENDOR);
-        int xid = sw.getNextTransactionId();
-        roleRequest.setXid(xid);
-        roleRequest.setVendor(OFNiciraVendorData.NX_VENDOR_ID);
-        OFRoleRequestVendorData roleRequestData = new OFRoleRequestVendorData();
-        roleRequestData.setRole(nxRole);
-        roleRequest.setVendorData(roleRequestData);
-        roleRequest.setLengthU(OFVendor.MINIMUM_LENGTH + 
-                               roleRequestData.getLength());
-        // Send it to the switch
-        sw.write(roleRequest, null);
-        return xid;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Send a role request message to the switch. This checks the capabilities 
-     * of the switch for understanding role request messaging. Currently we only 
-     * support the OVS-style role request message, but once the controller 
-     * supports OF 1.2, this function will also handle sending out the 
-     * OF 1.2-style role request message.
-     * @param sw the switch to send the role request to
-     * @param role the role to request
-     * @throws IOException
-     */
-    protected void sendRoleRequest(IOFSwitch sw, Role role) throws IOException {
-        // There are three cases to consider:
-        //
-        // 1) If the controller role at the point the switch connected was
-        //    null/disabled, then we never sent the role request probe to the
-        //    switch and therefore never set the SWITCH_SUPPORTS_NX_ROLE
-        //    attribute for the switch, so supportsNxRole is null. In that
-    	//    case since we're now enabling role support for the controller
-    	//    we should send out the role request probe/update to the switch.
-        //
-        // 2) If supportsNxRole == Boolean.TRUE then that means we've already
-        //    sent the role request probe to the switch and it replied with
-        //    a role reply message, so we know it supports role request
-        //    messages. Now we're changing the role and we want to send
-        //    it another role request message to inform it of the new role
-        //    for the controller.
-        //
-        // 3) If supportsNxRole == Boolean.FALSE, then that means we sent the
-        //    role request probe to the switch but it responded with an error
-        //    indicating that it didn't understand the role request message.
-        //    In that case we don't want to send it another role request that
-        //    it (still) doesn't understand. But if the new role of the
-    	//    controller is SLAVE, then we don't want the switch to remain
-        //    connected to this controller. It might support the older serial
-        //    failover model for HA support, so we want to terminate the
-        //    connection and get it to initiate a connection with another
-        //    controller in its list of controllers. Eventually (hopefully, if
-        //    things are configured correctly) it will walk down its list of
-    	//    controllers and connect to the current master controller.
-        Boolean supportsNxRole = (Boolean)
-                sw.getAttribute(IOFSwitch.SWITCH_SUPPORTS_NX_ROLE);
-        if ((supportsNxRole == null) || supportsNxRole) {
-        	// Handle cases #1 and #2
-            sendNxRoleRequest(sw, role);
-        } else {
-        	// Handle case #3
-            if (getRole() == Role.SLAVE) {
-                log.error("Disconnecting switch {} that doesn't support " +
-                "role request messages from a controller that went to SLAVE mode");
-                // Closing the channel should result in a call to
-                // channelDisconnect which updates all state 
-                sw.getChannel().close();
-            }
-        }
-    }
     // **********************
     // ChannelUpstreamHandler
@@ -514,9 +421,15 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
         public void channelDisconnected(ChannelHandlerContext ctx,
                                         ChannelStateEvent e) throws Exception {
             if (sw != null && state.hsState == HandshakeState.READY) {
-                if (sw.getRole() != Role.SLAVE)
+                if (activeSwitches.containsKey(sw.getId())) {
+                    // It's safe to call removeSwitch even though the map might
+                    // not contain this particular switch but another with the 
+                    // same DPID
-                connectedSwitches.remove(sw.getId());
+                }
+                synchronized(roleChanger) {
+                    connectedSwitches.remove(sw);
+                }
             log.info("Disconnected switch {}", sw);
@@ -701,88 +614,64 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
-            // We need to keep track of all of the switches that are connected
-            // to the controller, in any role, so that we can later send the 
-            // role request messages when the controller role changes.
-            connectedSwitches.put(sw.getId(), sw);
-            // Send a role request if role support is enabled for the controller
-            // This is a probe that we'll use to determine if the switch 
-            // actually supports the role request message. If it does we'll 
-            // get back a role reply message. If it doesn't we'll get back an 
-            // OFError message.
-            if (role != null) {
-                log.debug("This controllers role is:{}, sending role req msg", 
-                         role);
-                state.nxRoleRequestXid = sendNxRoleRequest(sw, role);
-            } else {
-                // if role support isn't enabled for the controller, then we're  
-                // not sending the role request probe to the switch
-                log.info("This controllers role is null - not sending role-" +
-                "request-msg");
-                // The hasNxRole field is just a flag that's checked before 
-                // advancing the handshake state to READY. In this case,  
-                // we set the flag, so we don't need to wait for a 
-                // reply/error before transitioning to the READY state.
-                state.hasNxRoleReply = true;
-            }
         protected void checkSwitchReady() {
-            if (state.hasDescription && state.hasGetConfigReply && 
-                    state.hasNxRoleReply) {
+            if (state.hsState == HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY &&
+                    state.hasDescription && state.hasGetConfigReply) {
                 state.hsState = HandshakeState.READY;
-                if (getRole() == Role.SLAVE && sw.getRole() == null) {
-                    // When the controller is in the slave role and 
-                    // the switch doesn't understand the role request message - 
-                    // we disconnect the switch! The expected behavior is that 
-                    // the switch will probably try to reconnect repeatedly 
-                    // (with some sort of exponential backoff), but after a 
-                    // while will give-up and move on to the next controller-IP 
-                    // configured on the switch. This is the serial failover 
-                    // mechanism from OpenFlow spec v1.0.
-                    log.error("Disconnecting switch from SLAVE controller." +
-                            " Switch {} doesn't support role request messages",
-                            sw.getId());
-                    sw.setConnected(false);
-                    connectedSwitches.remove(sw.getId());
-                    sw.getChannel().close();
-                } else {
-                    log.info("Switch handshake successful: {}", sw);
+                synchronized(roleChanger) {
+                    // We need to keep track of all of the switches that are connected
+                    // to the controller, in any role, so that we can later send the 
+                    // role request messages when the controller role changes.
+                    // We need to be synchronized while doing this: we must not 
+                    // send a another role request to the connectedSwitches until
+                    // we were able to add this new switch to connectedSwitches 
+                    // *and* send the current role to the new switch.
+                    connectedSwitches.add(sw);
-                    if (sw.getRole() != Role.SLAVE) {
-                        // Only add the switch to the active switch list if 
-                        // we're not in the slave role. Note that if the role 
-                        // attribute is null, then that means that the switch 
-                        // doesn't support the role request messages, so in that
-                        // case we're effectively in the EQUAL role and the 
-                        // switch should be included in the active switch list.
+                    if (role != null) {
+                        // Send a role request if role support is enabled for the controller
+                        // This is a probe that we'll use to determine if the switch
+                        // actually supports the role request message. If it does we'll
+                        // get back a role reply message. If it doesn't we'll get back an
+                        // OFError message. 
+                        // If role is MASTER we will promote switch to active
+                        // list when we receive the switch's role reply messages
+                        log.debug("This controller's role is {}, " + 
+                        		"sending initial role request msg to {}",
+                                role, sw);
+                        Collection<OFSwitchImpl> swList = new ArrayList<OFSwitchImpl>(1);
+                        swList.add(sw);
+                        roleChanger.submitRequest(swList, role);
+                    } 
+                    else {
+                        // Role supported not enabled on controller (for now)
+                        // automatically promote switch to active state. 
+                        log.debug("This controller's role is null, " + 
+                        		"not sending role request msg to {}",
+                                role, sw);
-                        // Delete all pre-existing flows for new connections to 
-                        // the master
-                        // FIXME: Need to think more about what the test should 
-                        // be for when we flush the flow-table? For example, 
-                        // if all the controllers are temporarily in the backup 
-                        // role (e.g. right after a failure of the master 
-                        // controller) at the point the switch connects, then 
-                        // all of the controllers will initially connect as 
-                        // backup controllers and not flush the flow-table. 
-                        // Then when one of them is promoted to master following
-                        // the master controller election the flow-table
-                        // will still not be flushed because that's treated as 
-                        // a failover event where we don't want to flush the 
-                        // flow-table. The end result would be that the flow 
-                        // table for a newly connected switch is never
-                        // flushed. Not sure how to handle that case though...
+                        state.firstRoleReplyReceived = true;
+        /* Handle a role reply message we received from the switch. Since
+         * netty serializes message dispatch we don't need to synchronize 
+         * against other receive operations from the same switch, so no need
+         * to synchronize addSwitch(), removeSwitch() operations from the same
+         * connection. 
+         * FIXME: However, when a switch with the same DPID connects we do
+         * need some synchronization. However, handling switches with same
+         * DPID needs to be revisited anyways (get rid of r/w-lock and synchronous
+         * removedSwitch notification):1
+         * 
+         */
         protected void handleRoleReplyMessage(OFVendor vendorMessage,
                                     OFRoleReplyVendorData roleReplyVendorData) {
             // Map from the role code in the message to our role enum
@@ -800,38 +689,68 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
                     log.error("Invalid role value in role reply message");
-                    break;
+                    sw.getChannel().close();
+                    return;
-            log.info("Received NX role reply message; setting role of " +
-                    "controller to {}", role.name());
+            log.debug("Handling role reply for role {} from {}. " +
+                      "Controller's role is {} ", 
+                      new Object[] { role, sw, Controller.this.role} 
+                      );
-            sw.setRole(role);
+            sw.deliverRoleReply(vendorMessage.getXid(), role);
-            if (state.hsState == HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY) {
-                sw.setAttribute(IOFSwitch.SWITCH_SUPPORTS_NX_ROLE, true);
-                state.hasNxRoleReply = true;
-                checkSwitchReady();
-            } else if (state.hsState == HandshakeState.READY) {
-                // FIXME: Need to think more about possible synchronization 
-                // issues here.
-                boolean isActive = activeSwitches.containsKey(sw.getId());
-                String roleName = (role != null) ? role.name() : "none";
-                log.debug("Handling role reply; switch is {}; role = {}",
-                          new Object[] {isActive ? "active" : "inactive", 
-                                                 roleName});
-                if (role == Role.SLAVE) {
-                    if (isActive) {
-                        removeSwitch(sw);
-                        log.debug("Removed slave switch {} from active switch" +
-                                  " list", HexString.toHexString(sw.getId()));
-                    }
-                } else if (!isActive) {
-                    addSwitch(sw);
-                    log.debug("Added master switch {} to active switch list",
+            boolean isActive = activeSwitches.containsKey(sw.getId());
+            if (!isActive && sw.isActive()) {
+                // Transition from SLAVE to MASTER.
+                // Only add the switch to the active switch list if 
+                // we're not in the slave role. Note that if the role 
+                // attribute is null, then that means that the switch 
+                // doesn't support the role request messages, so in that
+                // case we're effectively in the EQUAL role and the 
+                // switch should be included in the active switch list.
+                addSwitch(sw);
+                log.debug("Added master switch {} to active switch list",
+                         HexString.toHexString(sw.getId()));
+                if (!state.firstRoleReplyReceived) {
+                    // This is the first role-reply message we receive from
+                    // this switch or roles were disabled when the switch
+                    // connected: 
+                    // Delete all pre-existing flows for new connections to 
+                    // the master
+                    //
+                    // FIXME: Need to think more about what the test should 
+                    // be for when we flush the flow-table? For example, 
+                    // if all the controllers are temporarily in the backup 
+                    // role (e.g. right after a failure of the master 
+                    // controller) at the point the switch connects, then 
+                    // all of the controllers will initially connect as 
+                    // backup controllers and not flush the flow-table. 
+                    // Then when one of them is promoted to master following
+                    // the master controller election the flow-table
+                    // will still not be flushed because that's treated as 
+                    // a failover event where we don't want to flush the 
+                    // flow-table. The end result would be that the flow 
+                    // table for a newly connected switch is never
+                    // flushed. Not sure how to handle that case though...
+                    sw.clearAllFlowMods();
+                    log.debug("First role reply from master switch {}, " +
+                              "clear FlowTable to active switch list",
+            } 
+            else if (isActive && !sw.isActive()) {
+                // Transition from MASTER to SLAVE: remove switch 
+                // from active switch list. 
+                log.debug("Removed slave switch {} from active switch" +
+                          " list", HexString.toHexString(sw.getId()));
+                removeSwitch(sw);
+            // Indicate that we have received a role reply message. 
+            state.firstRoleReplyReceived = true;
         protected boolean handleVendorMessage(OFVendor vendorMessage) {
@@ -928,24 +847,57 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
                     shouldHandleMessage = handleVendorMessage((OFVendor)m);
                 case ERROR:
+                    // TODO: we need better error handling. Especially for 
+                    // request/reply style message (stats, roles) we should have
+                    // a unified way to lookup the xid in the error message. 
+                    // This will probable involve rewriting the way we handle
+                    // request/reply style messages.
                     OFError error = (OFError) m;
                     boolean shouldLogError = true;
-                    if (state.hsState == HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY) {
-                        if (error.getXid() == state.nxRoleRequestXid) {
-                            boolean isBadVendorError =
-                                (error.getErrorType() == OFError.OFErrorType.
-                                        OFPET_BAD_REQUEST.getValue()) &&
-                                (error.getErrorCode() == OFError.
-                                        OFBadRequestCode.
-                                            OFPBRC_BAD_VENDOR.ordinal());
-                            // We expect to receive a bad vendor error when 
-                            // we're connected to a switch that doesn't support 
-                            // the Nicira vendor extensions (i.e. not OVS or 
-                            // derived from OVS). So that's not a real error 
-                            // case and we don't want to log those spurious errors.
-                            shouldLogError = !isBadVendorError;
-                            // FIXME: Is this the right thing to do if we receive
+                    // TODO: should we check that firstRoleReplyReceived is false,
+                    // i.e., check only whether the first request fails?
+                    if (sw.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestXid(error.getXid())) {
+                        boolean isBadVendorError =
+                            (error.getErrorType() == OFError.OFErrorType.
+                                    OFPET_BAD_REQUEST.getValue()) &&
+                            (error.getErrorCode() == OFError.
+                                    OFBadRequestCode.
+                                        OFPBRC_BAD_VENDOR.ordinal());
+                        // We expect to receive a bad vendor error when 
+                        // we're connected to a switch that doesn't support 
+                        // the Nicira vendor extensions (i.e. not OVS or 
+                        // derived from OVS). So that's not a real error 
+                        // case and we don't want to log those spurious errors.
+                        shouldLogError = !isBadVendorError;
+                        if (isBadVendorError) {
+                            if (!state.firstRoleReplyReceived) {
+                                log.warn("Received ERROR from sw {} that "
+                                          +"indicates roles are not supported "
+                                          +"but we have received a valid "
+                                          +"role reply earlier", sw);
+                            }
+                            state.firstRoleReplyReceived = true;
+                            sw.deliverRoleRequestNotSupported(error.getXid());
+                            synchronized(roleChanger) {
+                                if (sw.role == null && Controller.this.role==Role.SLAVE) {
+                                    // the switch doesn't understand role request
+                                    // messages and the current controller role is
+                                    // slave. We need to disconnect the switch. 
+                                    // @see RoleChanger for rationale
+                                    sw.getChannel().close();
+                                }
+                                else if (sw.role == null) {
+                                    // Controller's role is master: add to
+                                    // active 
+                                    addSwitch(sw);
+                                    // TODO: check if clearing flow table is
+                                    // right choice here.
+                                    sw.clearAllFlowMods();
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else {
+                            // TODO: Is this the right thing to do if we receive
                             // some other error besides a bad vendor error? 
                             // Presumably that means the switch did actually
                             // understand the role request message, but there 
@@ -955,15 +907,20 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
                             // role request has that. Should check OVS source 
                             // code to see if it's possible for any other errors
                             // to be returned.
-                            sw.setAttribute(IOFSwitch.SWITCH_SUPPORTS_NX_ROLE, 
-                                            !isBadVendorError);
-                            state.hasNxRoleReply = true;
-                            checkSwitchReady();
+                            // If we received an error the switch is not
+                            // in the correct role, so we need to disconnect it. 
+                            // We could also resend the request but then we need to
+                            // check if there are other pending request in which
+                            // case we shouldn't resend. If we do resend we need
+                            // to make sure that the switch eventually accepts one
+                            // of our requests or disconnect the switch. This feels
+                            // cumbersome. 
+                            sw.getChannel().close();
-                        // Once we support OF 1.2, we'd add code to handle it here.
-                        //if (error.getXid() == state.ofRoleRequestXid) {
-                        //}
+                    // Once we support OF 1.2, we'd add code to handle it here.
+                    //if (error.getXid() == state.ofRoleRequestXid) {
+                    //}
                     if (shouldLogError)
                         logError(sw, error);
@@ -1006,7 +963,7 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
                         // Check if the controller is in the slave role for the 
                         // switch. If it is, then don't dispatch the message to 
                         // the listeners.
-                        // FIXME: Should we dispatch messages that we expect to 
+                        // TODO: Should we dispatch messages that we expect to 
                         // receive when we're in the slave role, e.g. port 
                         // status messages? Since we're "hiding" switches from 
                         // the listeners when we're in the slave role, then it 
@@ -1232,80 +1189,6 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
-    /**
-     * Add a switch that has completed the initial handshake with the
-     * controller to the list of connected switches.
-     * @param sw the switch to connect
-     */
-    /*
-    protected void connectSwitch(OFSwitchImpl sw) {
-        // FIXME: robv: I don't think this code is completely thread-safe. I don't
-        // think it will work correctly if multiple switches with the same DPID
-        // connect at the same time. I think to handle that we'd need to have
-        // a controller-wide lock on the switch lists instead of trying to have
-        // per-switch locks. Having a single lock would reduce concurrency but
-        OFSwitchImpl oldSw = (OFSwitchImpl) this.connectedSwitches.get(sw.getId());
-        if (sw == oldSw) {
-            // Note == for object equality, not .equals for value
-            log.info("New switch connection for switch {} that's already connected", sw);
-            return;
-        }
-        log.info("Switch handshake successful: {}", sw);
-        if (oldSw != null) {
-            if (oldSw.isActive())
-                deactivateSwitch(oldSw);
-            disconnectSwitch(oldSw);
-            // Close the channel to disconnect the controller from the switch.
-            // This will eventually trigger a removeSwitch(), which will cause
-            // a "Not removing Switch ... already removed debug message.
-            // FIXME: Should be some better way to handle this to avoid spurious
-            // debug message.
-            oldSw.getChannel().close();
-        }
-        sw.getWriteLock().lock();
-        try {
-            connectedSwitches.put(sw.getId(), sw);
-            sw.setConnected(true);
-        }
-        finally {
-            sw.getWriteLock().unlock();
-        }
-    }
-    */
-    /**
-     * Remove a switch from the list of connected switches
-     * @param sw the switch to disconnect
-     */
-    /*
-    protected void disconnectSwitch(IOFSwitch sw) {
-        oldSw.getListenerWriteLock().lock();
-        try {
-            log.error("New switch connection {} for already-connected switch {}",
-                      sw, oldSw);
-            oldSw.setConnected(false);
-            if (oldSw)
-            updateInactiveSwitchInfo(oldSw);
-            // we need to clean out old switch state definitively 
-            // before adding the new switch
-            if (switchListeners != null) {
-                for (IOFSwitchListener listener : switchListeners) {
-                    listener.removedSwitch(oldSw);
-                }
-            }
-            // will eventually trigger a removeSwitch(), which will cause
-            // a "Not removing Switch ... already removed debug message.
-            oldSw.getChannel().close();
-        }
-        finally {
-            oldSw.getWriteLock().unlock();
-        }
-    }
-    */
      * Add a switch to the active switch list and call the switch listeners.
      * This happens either when a switch first connects (and the controller is
@@ -1313,6 +1196,8 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
      * slave to master.
      * @param sw the switch that has been added
+    // TODO: need to rethink locking and the synchronous switch update.
+    //       We can / should also handle duplicate DPIDs in connectedSwitches
     protected void addSwitch(IOFSwitch sw) {
         // TODO: is it safe to modify the HashMap without holding 
         // the old switch's lock?
@@ -1875,13 +1760,14 @@ public class Controller implements IFloodlightProviderService,
         this.switchListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<IOFSwitchListener>();
         this.haListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<IHAListener>();
         this.activeSwitches = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, IOFSwitch>();
-        this.connectedSwitches = new ConcurrentHashMap<Long, IOFSwitch>();
+        this.connectedSwitches = new HashSet<OFSwitchImpl>();
         this.controllerNodeIPsCache = new HashMap<String, String>();
         this.updates = new LinkedBlockingQueue<IUpdate>();
         this.factory = new BasicFactory();
         this.providerMap = new HashMap<String, List<IInfoProvider>>();
         this.role = getInitialRole(configParams);
+        this.roleChanger = new RoleChanger();
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/OFChannelState.java b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/OFChannelState.java
index ac6765b6cfa7c0ec21190c9106b98c7a94999041..ad5a3772fa6e47ae6f1356d93455d597b1a36530 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/OFChannelState.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/OFChannelState.java
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ class OFChannelState {
          * We've received the features reply
+         * Waiting for Config and Description reply
@@ -53,11 +54,11 @@ class OFChannelState {
     protected boolean hasGetConfigReply = false;
     protected boolean hasDescription = false;
-    // The hasNxRoleReply flag doesn't mean that the switch supports the NX
-    // role messages, just that we've received an answer back from the 
-    // switch (possibly a bad vendor error) in response to our initial
-    // role request. It's used as a flag to indicate that we've met one
-    // of the conditions necessary to advance the handshake state to READY.
-    protected boolean hasNxRoleReply = false;
-    protected int nxRoleRequestXid;
+    // The firstRoleReplyRecevied flag indicates if we have received the
+    // first role reply message on this connection (in response to the 
+    // role request sent after the handshake). If role support is disabled
+    // on the controller we also set this flag to true. 
+    // The flag is used to decide if the flow table should be wiped
+    // @see Controller.handleRoleReplyMessage()
+    protected boolean firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/OFSwitchImpl.java b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/OFSwitchImpl.java
index e23b2488191a37f95b29e314d7e4a569f7df86ab..a48fddfba30a76901e7f390360764e16e3504968 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/OFSwitchImpl.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/OFSwitchImpl.java
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import java.io.IOException;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
@@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ import org.openflow.protocol.OFMessage;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPhysicalPort;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPort;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFType;
+import org.openflow.protocol.OFVendor;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPhysicalPort.OFPortConfig;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPhysicalPort.OFPortState;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFStatisticsRequest;
@@ -54,6 +56,9 @@ import org.openflow.protocol.statistics.OFDescriptionStatistics;
 import org.openflow.protocol.statistics.OFStatistics;
 import org.openflow.util.HexString;
 import org.openflow.util.U16;
+import org.openflow.vendor.nicira.OFNiciraVendorData;
+import org.openflow.vendor.nicira.OFRoleRequestVendorData;
+import org.openflow.vendor.nicira.OFRoleVendorData;
 import org.slf4j.Logger;
 import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
@@ -62,6 +67,8 @@ import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
  * @author David Erickson (daviderickson@cs.stanford.edu)
 public class OFSwitchImpl implements IOFSwitch {
+    // TODO: should we really do logging in the class or should we throw
+    // exception that can then be handled by callers?
     protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OFSwitchImpl.class);
     protected ConcurrentMap<Object, Object> attributes;
@@ -82,6 +89,17 @@ public class OFSwitchImpl implements IOFSwitch {
     protected TimedCache<Long> timedCache;
     protected ReentrantReadWriteLock listenerLock;
     protected ConcurrentMap<Short, Long> portBroadcastCacheHitMap;
+    /**
+     * When sending a role request message, the role request is added
+     * to this queue. If a role reply is received this queue is checked to 
+     * verify that the reply matches the expected reply. We require in order
+     * delivery of replies. That's why we use a Queue. 
+     * The RoleChanger uses a timeout to ensure we receive a timely reply.
+     * 
+     * Need to synchronize on this instance if a request is sent, received, 
+     * checked. 
+     */
+    protected LinkedList<PendingRoleRequestEntry> pendingRoleRequests;
     public static IOFSwitchFeatures switchFeatures;
     protected static final ThreadLocal<Map<OFSwitchImpl,List<OFMessage>>> local_msg_buffer =
@@ -95,6 +113,18 @@ public class OFSwitchImpl implements IOFSwitch {
     // for managing our map sizes
     protected static final int MAX_MACS_PER_SWITCH  = 1000;
+    protected static class PendingRoleRequestEntry {
+        protected int xid;
+        protected Role role;
+        // cookie is used to identify the role "generation". roleChanger uses
+        protected long cookie;
+        public PendingRoleRequestEntry(int xid, Role role, long cookie) {
+            this.xid = xid;
+            this.role = role;
+            this.cookie = cookie;
+        }
+    }
     public OFSwitchImpl() {
         this.attributes = new ConcurrentHashMap<Object, Object>();
         this.connectedSince = new Date();
@@ -108,6 +138,7 @@ public class OFSwitchImpl implements IOFSwitch {
         this.timedCache = new TimedCache<Long>(100, 5*1000 );  // 5 seconds interval
         this.listenerLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
         this.portBroadcastCacheHitMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<Short, Long>();
+        this.pendingRoleRequests = new LinkedList<OFSwitchImpl.PendingRoleRequestEntry>();
         // Defaults properties for an ideal switch
         this.setAttribute(PROP_FASTWILDCARDS, (Integer) OFMatch.OFPFW_ALL);
@@ -148,6 +179,7 @@ public class OFSwitchImpl implements IOFSwitch {
         this.channel = channel;
+    // TODO: document the difference between the different write functions
     public void write(OFMessage m, FloodlightContext bc) throws IOException {
         Map<OFSwitchImpl,List<OFMessage>> msg_buffer_map = local_msg_buffer.get();
         List<OFMessage> msg_buffer = msg_buffer_map.get(this);
@@ -373,17 +405,12 @@ public class OFSwitchImpl implements IOFSwitch {
-    public synchronized Role getRole() {
+    public Role getRole() {
         return role;
-    public synchronized void setRole(Role role) {
-        this.role = role;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public synchronized boolean isActive() {
+    public boolean isActive() {
         return (role != Role.SLAVE);
@@ -473,4 +500,166 @@ public class OFSwitchImpl implements IOFSwitch {
     public Lock getListenerWriteLock() {
         return listenerLock.writeLock();
+    /**
+     * Send NX role request message to the switch requesting the specified role.
+     * 
+     * This method should ONLY be called by @see RoleChanger.submitRequest(). 
+     * 
+     * After sending the request add it to the queue of pending request. We
+     * use the queue to later verify that we indeed receive the correct reply.
+     * @param sw switch to send the role request message to
+     * @param role role to request
+     * @param cookie an opaque value that will be stored in the pending queue so
+     *        RoleChanger can check for timeouts.
+     * @return transaction id of the role request message that was sent
+     */
+    protected int sendNxRoleRequest(Role role, long cookie)
+            throws IOException {
+        synchronized(pendingRoleRequests) {
+            // Convert the role enum to the appropriate integer constant used
+            // in the NX role request message
+            int nxRole = 0;
+            switch (role) {
+                case EQUAL:
+                    nxRole = OFRoleVendorData.NX_ROLE_OTHER;
+                    break;
+                case MASTER:
+                    nxRole = OFRoleVendorData.NX_ROLE_MASTER;
+                    break;
+                case SLAVE:
+                    nxRole = OFRoleVendorData.NX_ROLE_SLAVE;
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    log.error("Invalid Role specified for switch {}."
+                              + " Disconnecting.", this);
+                    // TODO: should throw an error
+                    return 0;
+            }
+            // Construct the role request message
+            OFVendor roleRequest = (OFVendor)floodlightProvider.
+                    getOFMessageFactory().getMessage(OFType.VENDOR);
+            int xid = this.getNextTransactionId();
+            roleRequest.setXid(xid);
+            roleRequest.setVendor(OFNiciraVendorData.NX_VENDOR_ID);
+            OFRoleRequestVendorData roleRequestData = new OFRoleRequestVendorData();
+            roleRequestData.setRole(nxRole);
+            roleRequest.setVendorData(roleRequestData);
+            roleRequest.setLengthU(OFVendor.MINIMUM_LENGTH + 
+                                   roleRequestData.getLength());
+            // Send it to the switch
+            List<OFMessage> msglist = new ArrayList<OFMessage>(1);
+            msglist.add(roleRequest);
+            // FIXME: should this use this.write() in order for messages to
+            // be processed by handleOutgoingMessage()
+            this.channel.write(msglist);
+            pendingRoleRequests.add(new PendingRoleRequestEntry(xid, role, cookie));
+            return xid;
+        }
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Deliver a RoleReply message to this switch. Checks if the reply 
+     * message matches the expected reply (head of the pending request queue). 
+     * We require in-order delivery of replies. If there's any deviation from
+     * our expectations we disconnect the switch. 
+     * 
+     * We must not check the received role against the controller's current
+     * role because there's no synchronization but that's fine @see RoleChanger
+     * 
+     * Will be called by the OFChannelHandler's receive loop
+     * 
+     * @param xid Xid of the reply message
+     * @param role The Role in the the reply message
+     */
+    protected void deliverRoleReply(int xid, Role role) {
+        synchronized(pendingRoleRequests) {
+            PendingRoleRequestEntry head = pendingRoleRequests.poll();
+            if (head == null) {
+                // Maybe don't disconnect if the role reply we received is 
+                // for the same role we are already in. 
+                log.error("Switch {}: received unexpected role reply for Role {}" + 
+                          " Disconnecting switch", this, role );
+                this.channel.close();
+            }
+            else if (head.xid != xid) {
+                // check xid before role!!
+                log.error("Switch {}: expected role reply with " +
+                       "Xid {}, got {}. Disconnecting switch",
+                       new Object[] { this, head.xid, xid } );
+                this.channel.close();
+            }
+            else if (head.role != role) {
+                log.error("Switch {}: expected role reply with " +
+                       "Role {}, got {}. Disconnecting switch",
+                       new Object[] { this, head.role, role } );
+                this.channel.close();
+            }
+            else {
+                log.debug("Received role reply message from {}, setting role to {}",
+                          this, role);
+                if (this.role == null && getAttribute(SWITCH_SUPPORTS_NX_ROLE) == null) {
+                    // The first role reply we received. Set the attribute
+                    // that the switch supports roles
+                    setAttribute(SWITCH_SUPPORTS_NX_ROLE, true);
+                }
+                this.role = role;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /** 
+     * Checks whether the given xid matches the xid of the first pending
+     * role request. 
+     * @param xid
+     * @return 
+     */
+    protected boolean checkFirstPendingRoleRequestXid (int xid) {
+        synchronized(pendingRoleRequests) {
+            PendingRoleRequestEntry head = pendingRoleRequests.peek();
+            if (head == null)
+                return false;
+            else 
+                return head.xid == xid;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Checks whether the given request cookie matches the cookie of the first 
+     * pending request
+     * @param cookie
+     * @return
+     */
+    protected boolean checkFirstPendingRoleRequestCookie(long cookie) {
+        synchronized(pendingRoleRequests) {
+            PendingRoleRequestEntry head = pendingRoleRequests.peek();
+            if (head == null)
+                return false;
+            else 
+                return head.cookie == cookie;
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Called if we receive a vendor error message indicating that roles
+     * are not supported by the switch. If the xid matches the first pending
+     * one, we'll mark the switch as not supporting roles and remove the head.
+     * Otherwise we ignore it.
+     * @param xid
+     */
+    protected void deliverRoleRequestNotSupported(int xid) {
+        synchronized(pendingRoleRequests) {
+            PendingRoleRequestEntry head = pendingRoleRequests.poll();
+            this.role = null;
+            if (head!=null && head.xid == xid) {
+                setAttribute(SWITCH_SUPPORTS_NX_ROLE, false);
+            }
+            else {
+                this.channel.close();
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/RoleChanger.java b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/RoleChanger.java
index 5af9264be63f31bffb138e62c9ca17a706de0ac4..1a79dfce5e732cbe69688822c34fc21201c6a429 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/RoleChanger.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/RoleChanger.java
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ public class RoleChanger {
     protected void verifyRoleReplyReceived(Collection<OFSwitchImpl> switches,
                                    long cookie) {
         for (OFSwitchImpl sw: switches) {
-            if (sw.checkFirstPendingRoleReqeustCookie(cookie)) {
+            if (sw.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestCookie(cookie)) {
                 log.warn("Timeout while waiting for role reply from switch {}."
                          + " Disconnecting", sw);
diff --git a/src/test/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/ControllerTest.java b/src/test/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/ControllerTest.java
index 1b2b7e9a94b0dfb98e30c1b4a1c665999d3f47b2..93a2dcc1213ae433af586665c0a08a6f72e8c01e 100644
--- a/src/test/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/ControllerTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/ControllerTest.java
@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ package net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal;
 import static org.easymock.EasyMock.*;
-import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
-import java.net.SocketAddress;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.HashSet;
@@ -42,6 +41,7 @@ import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFMessageListener.Command;
 import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFSwitch;
 import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFSwitchListener;
 import net.floodlightcontroller.core.OFMessageFilterManager;
+import net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal.OFChannelState.HandshakeState;
 import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleContext;
 import net.floodlightcontroller.core.test.MockFloodlightProvider;
 import net.floodlightcontroller.core.test.MockThreadPoolService;
@@ -60,27 +60,30 @@ import net.floodlightcontroller.storage.memory.MemoryStorageSource;
 import net.floodlightcontroller.test.FloodlightTestCase;
 import net.floodlightcontroller.threadpool.IThreadPoolService;
+import org.easymock.Capture;
 import org.jboss.netty.channel.Channel;
-import org.jboss.netty.channel.ChannelStateEvent;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFError;
+import org.openflow.protocol.OFError.OFBadRequestCode;
+import org.openflow.protocol.OFError.OFErrorType;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFFeaturesReply;
-import org.openflow.protocol.OFMessage;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPacketIn;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPacketOut;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPhysicalPort;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPort;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFStatisticsReply;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFType;
-import org.openflow.protocol.OFError.OFBadRequestCode;
-import org.openflow.protocol.OFError.OFErrorType;
 import org.openflow.protocol.OFPacketIn.OFPacketInReason;
+import org.openflow.protocol.OFVendor;
 import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFAction;
 import org.openflow.protocol.action.OFActionOutput;
 import org.openflow.protocol.factory.BasicFactory;
 import org.openflow.protocol.statistics.OFFlowStatisticsReply;
 import org.openflow.protocol.statistics.OFStatistics;
 import org.openflow.protocol.statistics.OFStatisticsType;
+import org.openflow.util.HexString;
+import org.openflow.vendor.nicira.OFNiciraVendorData;
+import org.openflow.vendor.nicira.OFRoleReplyVendorData;
@@ -146,6 +149,25 @@ public class ControllerTest extends FloodlightTestCase {
         return sr;
+    /* Set the mock expectations for sw when sw is passed to addSwitch */
+    protected void setupSwitchForAddSwitch(IOFSwitch sw, long dpid) {
+        String dpidString = HexString.toHexString(dpid);
+        OFFeaturesReply featuresReply = new OFFeaturesReply();
+        featuresReply.setDatapathId(dpid);
+        featuresReply.setPorts(new ArrayList<OFPhysicalPort>());
+        expect(sw.getId()).andReturn(dpid).anyTimes();
+        expect(sw.getStringId()).andReturn(dpidString).anyTimes();
+        expect(sw.getConnectedSince()).andReturn(new Date());
+        Channel channel = createMock(Channel.class);
+        expect(sw.getChannel()).andReturn(channel);
+        expect(channel.getRemoteAddress()).andReturn(null);
+        expect(sw.getFeaturesReply()).andReturn(featuresReply).anyTimes();
+        expect(sw.getPorts()).andReturn(new HashMap<Short,OFPhysicalPort>());
+    }
      * Run the controller's main loop so that updates are processed
@@ -675,9 +697,172 @@ public class ControllerTest extends FloodlightTestCase {
                 expectedCurMap, controller.getControllerNodeIPs());
+    @Test
+    public void testSetRoleNull() {
+        try {
+            controller.setRole(null);
+            fail("Should have thrown an Exception");
+        }
+        catch (NullPointerException e) {
+            //exptected
+        }
+    }
+    @Test 
+    public void testSetRole() {
+        controller.connectedSwitches.add(new OFSwitchImpl());
+        RoleChanger roleChanger = createMock(RoleChanger.class); 
+        roleChanger.submitRequest(controller.connectedSwitches, Role.SLAVE);
+        controller.roleChanger = roleChanger;
+        assertEquals("Check that update queue is empty", 0, 
+                    controller.updates.size());
+        replay(roleChanger);
+        controller.setRole(Role.SLAVE);
+        verify(roleChanger);
+        Controller.IUpdate upd = controller.updates.poll();
+        assertNotNull("Check that update queue has an update", upd);
+        assertTrue("Check that update is HARoleUpdate", 
+                   upd instanceof Controller.HARoleUpdate);
+        Controller.HARoleUpdate roleUpd = (Controller.HARoleUpdate)upd;
+        assertSame(null, roleUpd.oldRole);
+        assertSame(Role.SLAVE, roleUpd.newRole);
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCheckSwitchReady() {
+        OFChannelState state = new OFChannelState();
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = controller.new OFChannelHandler(state);
+        chdlr.sw = createMock(OFSwitchImpl.class);
+        // Wrong current state 
+        // Should not go to READY
+        state.hsState = OFChannelState.HandshakeState.HELLO;
+        state.hasDescription = true;
+        state.hasGetConfigReply = true;
+        replay(chdlr.sw);  // nothing called on sw
+        chdlr.checkSwitchReady();
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertSame(OFChannelState.HandshakeState.HELLO, state.hsState);
+        reset(chdlr.sw);
+        // Have only config reply
+        state.hsState = OFChannelState.HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY;
+        state.hasDescription = false;
+        state.hasGetConfigReply = true;
+        replay(chdlr.sw); 
+        chdlr.checkSwitchReady();
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertSame(OFChannelState.HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY, state.hsState);
+        assertTrue(controller.connectedSwitches.isEmpty());
+        assertTrue(controller.activeSwitches.isEmpty());
+        reset(chdlr.sw);
+        // Have only desc reply
+        state.hsState = OFChannelState.HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY;
+        state.hasDescription = true;
+        state.hasGetConfigReply = false;
+        replay(chdlr.sw); 
+        chdlr.checkSwitchReady();
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertSame(OFChannelState.HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY, state.hsState);
+        assertTrue(controller.connectedSwitches.isEmpty());
+        assertTrue(controller.activeSwitches.isEmpty());
+        reset(chdlr.sw);
+        //////////////////////////////////////////
+        // Finally, everything is right. Should advance to READY
+        //////////////////////////////////////////
+        controller.roleChanger = createMock(RoleChanger.class);
+        state.hsState = OFChannelState.HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY;
+        state.hasDescription = true;
+        state.hasGetConfigReply = true;
+        // Role support disabled. Switch should be promoted to active switch
+        // list. 
+        setupSwitchForAddSwitch(chdlr.sw, 0L);
+        chdlr.sw.clearAllFlowMods();
+        replay(controller.roleChanger, chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.checkSwitchReady();
+        verify(controller.roleChanger, chdlr.sw);
+        assertSame(OFChannelState.HandshakeState.READY, state.hsState);
+        assertSame(chdlr.sw, controller.activeSwitches.get(0L));
+        assertTrue(controller.connectedSwitches.contains(chdlr.sw));
+        assertTrue(state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        reset(chdlr.sw);
+        reset(controller.roleChanger);
+        controller.connectedSwitches.clear();
+        controller.activeSwitches.clear();
+        // Role support enabled. 
+        state.hsState = OFChannelState.HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY;
+        controller.role = Role.MASTER;
+        Capture<Collection<OFSwitchImpl>> swListCapture = 
+                    new Capture<Collection<OFSwitchImpl>>();
+        controller.roleChanger.submitRequest(capture(swListCapture), 
+                    same(Role.MASTER));
+        replay(controller.roleChanger, chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.checkSwitchReady();
+        verify(controller.roleChanger, chdlr.sw);
+        assertSame(OFChannelState.HandshakeState.READY, state.hsState);
+        assertTrue(controller.activeSwitches.isEmpty());
+        assertTrue(controller.connectedSwitches.contains(chdlr.sw));
+        assertTrue(state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        Collection<OFSwitchImpl> swList = swListCapture.getValue();
+        assertEquals(1, swList.size());
+        assertTrue("swList must contain this switch", swList.contains(chdlr.sw));
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testChannelDisconnected() throws Exception {
+        OFChannelState state = new OFChannelState();
+        state.hsState = OFChannelState.HandshakeState.READY;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = controller.new OFChannelHandler(state);
+        chdlr.sw = createMock(OFSwitchImpl.class);
+        // Switch is active 
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getId()).andReturn(0L).anyTimes();
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getStringId()).andReturn("00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00")
+                    .anyTimes();
+        chdlr.sw.cancelAllStatisticsReplies();
+        chdlr.sw.setConnected(false);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.isConnected()).andReturn(true);
+        controller.connectedSwitches.add(chdlr.sw);
+        controller.activeSwitches.put(0L, chdlr.sw);
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.channelDisconnected(null, null);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        // Switch is connected but not active
+        reset(chdlr.sw);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getId()).andReturn(0L).anyTimes();
+        chdlr.sw.setConnected(false);
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.channelDisconnected(null, null);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        // Not in ready state
+        state.hsState = HandshakeState.START;
+        reset(chdlr.sw);
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.channelDisconnected(null, null);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        // Switch is null
+        state.hsState = HandshakeState.READY;
+        chdlr.sw = null;
+        chdlr.channelDisconnected(null, null);
+    }
+    /*
     public void testRoleChangeForSerialFailoverSwitch() throws Exception {
-        IOFSwitch newsw = createMock(IOFSwitch.class);
+        OFSwitchImpl newsw = createMock(OFSwitchImpl.class);
         Channel channel2 = createMock(Channel.class);
@@ -688,7 +873,7 @@ public class ControllerTest extends FloodlightTestCase {
         // switch is connected 
-        controller.connectedSwitches.put(0L, newsw);
+        controller.connectedSwitches.add(newsw);
         // the switch should get disconnected when role is changed to SLAVE
@@ -697,42 +882,273 @@ public class ControllerTest extends FloodlightTestCase {
         verify(newsw,  channel2);
+    */
-    public void testSlaveRoleHandshakeForSerialFailoverSwitch() 
-            throws Exception {
-        controller.role = Role.SLAVE;
-        OFFeaturesReply featuresReply = new OFFeaturesReply();
-        featuresReply.setDatapathId(0L);
-        featuresReply.setPorts(new ArrayList<OFPhysicalPort>());
+    public void testRoleNotSupportedError() throws Exception {
+        int xid = 424242;
         OFChannelState state = new OFChannelState();
-        state.hsState = OFChannelState.HandshakeState.FEATURES_REPLY;
-        state.hasDescription = true;
-        state.hasGetConfigReply = true;
+        state.hsState = HandshakeState.READY;
         Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = controller.new OFChannelHandler(state);
+        chdlr.sw = createMock(OFSwitchImpl.class);
         Channel ch = createMock(Channel.class);
-        ChannelStateEvent e = createMock(ChannelStateEvent.class);
-        expect(e.getChannel()).andReturn(ch).anyTimes();
-        SocketAddress sa = new InetSocketAddress(45454);
-        expect(ch.getRemoteAddress()).andReturn(sa);
-        expect(ch.write(anyObject())).andReturn(null);
         // the error returned when role request message is not supported by sw
-        OFMessage msg = new OFError();
+        OFError msg = new OFError();
-        ((OFError) msg).setErrorType(OFErrorType.OFPET_BAD_REQUEST);
-        ((OFError) msg).setErrorCode(OFBadRequestCode.OFPBRC_BAD_VENDOR);
+        msg.setXid(xid);
+        msg.setErrorType(OFErrorType.OFPET_BAD_REQUEST);
+        msg.setErrorCode(OFBadRequestCode.OFPBRC_BAD_VENDOR);
         // the switch connection should get disconnected when the controller is
         // in SLAVE mode and the switch does not support role-request messages
+        state.firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
+        controller.role = Role.SLAVE;
+        expect(chdlr.sw.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestXid(xid)).andReturn(true);
+        chdlr.sw.deliverRoleRequestNotSupported(xid);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getChannel()).andReturn(ch).anyTimes();
-        replay(ch, e);
-        chdlr.channelConnected(null, e);
-        chdlr.sw.setFeaturesReply(featuresReply);
+        replay(ch, chdlr.sw);
-        verify(ch, e);
+        verify(ch, chdlr.sw);
+        assertTrue("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be true", 
+                   state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertTrue("activeSwitches must be empty",
+                   controller.activeSwitches.isEmpty());
+        reset(ch, chdlr.sw);
+        // We are MASTER, the switch should be added to the list of active
+        // switches.
+        state.firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
+        controller.role = Role.MASTER;
+        expect(chdlr.sw.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestXid(xid)).andReturn(true);
+        chdlr.sw.deliverRoleRequestNotSupported(xid);
+        setupSwitchForAddSwitch(chdlr.sw, 0L);
+        chdlr.sw.clearAllFlowMods();
+        replay(ch, chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(ch, chdlr.sw);
+        assertTrue("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be true", 
+                   state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertSame("activeSwitches must contain this switch",
+                   chdlr.sw, controller.activeSwitches.get(0L));
+        reset(ch, chdlr.sw);
+        // a different error messge
+        msg.setErrorType(OFErrorType.OFPET_BAD_REQUEST);
+        msg.setErrorCode(OFBadRequestCode.OFPBRC_EPERM);
+        state.firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
+        controller.role = Role.MASTER;
+        controller.activeSwitches.clear();
+        expect(chdlr.sw.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestXid(xid)).andReturn(true);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getChannel()).andReturn(ch).anyTimes();
+        expect(ch.close()).andReturn(null);
+        replay(ch, chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(ch, chdlr.sw);
+        assertFalse("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be false",
+                   state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertTrue("activeSwitches must be empty", 
+                   controller.activeSwitches.isEmpty());
+        reset(ch, chdlr.sw);
+    @Test 
+    public void testVendorMessageUnknown() throws Exception {
+        // Check behavior with an unknown vendor id
+        OFChannelState state = new OFChannelState();
+        state.hsState = HandshakeState.READY;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = controller.new OFChannelHandler(state);
+        OFVendor msg = new OFVendor();
+        msg.setVendor(0);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+    }
+    // Helper function.
+    protected Controller.OFChannelHandler getChannelHandlerForRoleReplyTest() {
+        OFChannelState state = new OFChannelState();
+        state.hsState = HandshakeState.READY;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = controller.new OFChannelHandler(state);
+        chdlr.sw = createMock(OFSwitchImpl.class);
+        return chdlr;
+    }
+    // Helper function
+    protected OFVendor getRoleReplyMsgForRoleReplyTest(int xid, int nicira_role) {
+        OFVendor msg = new OFVendor();
+        msg.setXid(xid);
+        msg.setVendor(OFNiciraVendorData.NX_VENDOR_ID);
+        OFRoleReplyVendorData roleReplyVendorData = 
+                new OFRoleReplyVendorData(OFRoleReplyVendorData.NXT_ROLE_REPLY);
+        msg.setVendorData(roleReplyVendorData);
+        roleReplyVendorData.setRole(nicira_role);
+        return msg;
+    }
+    /** invalid role in role reply */
+    @Test 
+    public void testNiciraRoleReplyInvalidRole() 
+                    throws Exception {
+        int xid = 424242;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = getChannelHandlerForRoleReplyTest();
+        Channel ch = createMock(Channel.class);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getChannel()).andReturn(ch);
+        expect(ch.close()).andReturn(null);
+        OFVendor msg = getRoleReplyMsgForRoleReplyTest(xid, 232323);
+        replay(chdlr.sw, ch);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(chdlr.sw, ch);
+    }
+    /** First role reply message received: transition from slave to master */
+    @Test 
+    public void testNiciraRoleReplySlave2MasterFristTime() 
+                    throws Exception {
+        int xid = 424242;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = getChannelHandlerForRoleReplyTest();
+        OFVendor msg = getRoleReplyMsgForRoleReplyTest(xid,
+                                       OFRoleReplyVendorData.NX_ROLE_MASTER);
+        chdlr.sw.deliverRoleReply(xid, Role.MASTER);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.isActive()).andReturn(true);
+        setupSwitchForAddSwitch(chdlr.sw, 1L);
+        chdlr.sw.clearAllFlowMods();
+        chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertTrue("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be true", 
+                   chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertSame("activeSwitches must contain this switch",
+                   chdlr.sw, controller.activeSwitches.get(1L));
+    }
+    /** Not first role reply message received: transition from slave to master */
+    @Test 
+    public void testNiciraRoleReplySlave2MasterNotFristTime() 
+                    throws Exception {
+        int xid = 424242;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = getChannelHandlerForRoleReplyTest();
+        OFVendor msg = getRoleReplyMsgForRoleReplyTest(xid,
+                                       OFRoleReplyVendorData.NX_ROLE_MASTER);
+        chdlr.sw.deliverRoleReply(xid, Role.MASTER);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.isActive()).andReturn(true);
+        setupSwitchForAddSwitch(chdlr.sw, 1L);
+        chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived = true;
+        // Flow table shouldn't be wipe
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertTrue("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be true", 
+                   chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertSame("activeSwitches must contain this switch",
+                   chdlr.sw, controller.activeSwitches.get(1L));
+    }
+    /** transition from slave to equal */
+    @Test 
+    public void testNiciraRoleReplySlave2Equal() 
+                    throws Exception {
+        int xid = 424242;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = getChannelHandlerForRoleReplyTest();
+        OFVendor msg = getRoleReplyMsgForRoleReplyTest(xid,
+                                       OFRoleReplyVendorData.NX_ROLE_OTHER);
+        chdlr.sw.deliverRoleReply(xid, Role.EQUAL);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.isActive()).andReturn(true);
+        setupSwitchForAddSwitch(chdlr.sw, 1L);
+        chdlr.sw.clearAllFlowMods();
+        chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertTrue("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be true", 
+                   chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertSame("activeSwitches must contain this switch",
+                   chdlr.sw, controller.activeSwitches.get(1L));
+    };
+    @Test
+    /** Slave2Slave transition ==> no change */
+    public void testNiciraRoleReplySlave2Slave() throws Exception{
+        int xid = 424242;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = getChannelHandlerForRoleReplyTest();
+        OFVendor msg = getRoleReplyMsgForRoleReplyTest(xid, 
+                                       OFRoleReplyVendorData.NX_ROLE_SLAVE);
+        chdlr.sw.deliverRoleReply(xid, Role.SLAVE);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getId()).andReturn(1L).anyTimes();
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getStringId()).andReturn("00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01")
+                    .anyTimes();
+        expect(chdlr.sw.isActive()).andReturn(false);
+        // don't add switch to activeSwitches ==> slave2slave
+        chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertTrue("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be true", 
+                   chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertTrue("activeSwitches must be empty", 
+                   controller.activeSwitches.isEmpty());
+    }
+    @Test
+    /** Equal2Master transition ==> no change */
+    public void testNiciraRoleReplyEqual2Master() throws Exception{
+        int xid = 424242;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = getChannelHandlerForRoleReplyTest();
+        OFVendor msg = getRoleReplyMsgForRoleReplyTest(xid, 
+                                       OFRoleReplyVendorData.NX_ROLE_MASTER);
+        chdlr.sw.deliverRoleReply(xid, Role.MASTER);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getId()).andReturn(1L).anyTimes();
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getStringId()).andReturn("00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01")
+                    .anyTimes();
+        expect(chdlr.sw.isActive()).andReturn(true);
+        controller.activeSwitches.put(1L, chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertTrue("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be true", 
+                   chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertSame("activeSwitches must contain this switch",
+                   chdlr.sw, controller.activeSwitches.get(1L));
+    }
+    @Test 
+    public void testNiciraRoleReplyMaster2Slave() 
+                    throws Exception {
+        int xid = 424242;
+        Controller.OFChannelHandler chdlr = getChannelHandlerForRoleReplyTest();
+        OFVendor msg = getRoleReplyMsgForRoleReplyTest(xid, 
+                                       OFRoleReplyVendorData.NX_ROLE_SLAVE);
+        chdlr.sw.deliverRoleReply(xid, Role.SLAVE);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getId()).andReturn(1L).anyTimes();
+        expect(chdlr.sw.getStringId()).andReturn("00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01")
+                    .anyTimes();
+        controller.activeSwitches.put(1L, chdlr.sw);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.isActive()).andReturn(false);
+        expect(chdlr.sw.isConnected()).andReturn(true);
+        chdlr.sw.cancelAllStatisticsReplies();
+        chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived = false;
+        replay(chdlr.sw);
+        chdlr.processOFMessage(msg);
+        verify(chdlr.sw);
+        assertTrue("state.firstRoleReplyReceived must be true", 
+                   chdlr.state.firstRoleReplyReceived);
+        assertTrue("activeSwitches must be empty", 
+                   controller.activeSwitches.isEmpty());
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/RoleChangerTest.java b/src/test/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/RoleChangerTest.java
index 221110d1d4cae249bc5a3ff4400d1b6c10f12829..991afffc282aef54b03076582dc9cafcef6b1dc6 100644
--- a/src/test/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/RoleChangerTest.java
+++ b/src/test/java/net/floodlightcontroller/core/internal/RoleChangerTest.java
@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@ public class RoleChangerTest {
         // Add a switch that has received a role reply
         OFSwitchImpl sw1 = EasyMock.createMock(OFSwitchImpl.class);
-        expect(sw1.checkFirstPendingRoleReqeustCookie(123456))
+        expect(sw1.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestCookie(123456))
         // Add a switch that has not yet received a role reply
         OFSwitchImpl sw2 = EasyMock.createMock(OFSwitchImpl.class);
-        expect(sw2.checkFirstPendingRoleReqeustCookie(123456))
+        expect(sw2.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestCookie(123456))
         Channel channel2 = createMock(Channel.class);
@@ -201,9 +201,9 @@ public class RoleChangerTest {
         expect(sw1.sendNxRoleRequest(EasyMock.same(Role.SLAVE), EasyMock.anyLong()))
         // The following calls happen for timeout handling:
-        expect(sw1.checkFirstPendingRoleReqeustCookie(EasyMock.anyLong()))
+        expect(sw1.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestCookie(EasyMock.anyLong()))
-        expect(sw1.checkFirstPendingRoleReqeustCookie(EasyMock.anyLong()))
+        expect(sw1.checkFirstPendingRoleRequestCookie(EasyMock.anyLong()))