------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================= Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP ========================================================= Example OpNovice History file ----------------------------- This file should be used by the G4 example coordinator to briefly summarize all major modifications introduced in the code and keep track of all tags. ---------------------------------------------------------- * Reverse chronological order (last date on top), please * ---------------------------------------------------------- July 31, 2018 I. Hrivnacova (OpNovice-V10-04-02) - Macro review: - Added test for /OpNovice/phys/cerenkovMaxPhotons command at the end of OpNovice.in macro - Updated README files May 17, 2018 J. Allison (OpNovice-V10-04-01) - Remove G4UI_USE and G4VIS_USE. - Move instantiation of G4UIExecutive to start of main. May 08, 2018 B. Morgan (OpNovice-V10-04-00) - Include G4Types before use of G4MULTITHREADED. For forward compatibility with move to #defines over -D for G4 preprocessor symbols. August 18, 2017 J.Allison (OpNovice-V10-03-02) - Fix gui.mac, which executed vis.mac (it should not!). Mar 22, 2017 P.Gumplinger (OpNovice-V10-03-00/OpNovice-V10-03-01) - exercise the new DAVIS LUT surface model Nov 02, 2016 L.Garnier (OpNovice-V10-02-01) - Remove icons.mac. Automatically include since interfaces-V10-02-07 Nov 02, 2016 I. Hrivnacova (OpNovice-V10-02-00) - Added file descriptions for Doxygen documentation Oct 14, 2016 G.Folger (OpNovice-V10-00-00) - not tagged - remove direct use of theParticleIterator, use GetParticleTableIterator(). fix required by clang39 on Linux and MAC Jun 15, 2015 - P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V10-01-04) - introduce G4ThreadLocal in OpNovicePhysicsList class Jun 09, 2015 - P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V10-01-03) - revert back to kernel initialization in main Jun 05, 2015 - P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V10-01-02) - reduce output size and move kernel initialization to input macro May 22, 2015 - P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V10-01-01) - apply coding guideline 3.3 May 16, 2015 J. Allison (OpNovice-V10-01-00) - Replaced !G4Threading::IsWorkerThread() by G4Threading::IsMasterThread(). October 27, 2014 A. Dotti (OpNovice-V10-00-06) - Migration to new UI system. Requires: xrays-V10-00-06, op-V10-00-09, phys-ctro-em-V10-00-17 July 11, 2014 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V10-00-05) - Use implicit dimensioning for all arrays in OpNoviceDetectorConstruction.cc and assert that they are the same (thanks to M. Kelsey for suggesting this) December 23, 2013 M. Asai (OpNovice-V10-00-04) - Limit invokation of static method only from master/sequential. December 22, 2013 M. Asai (OpNovice-V10-00-03) - Avoid static G4Scintillation method invoked through a pointer. December 18, 2013 M. Asai/P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V10-00-02) - allows changes to G4Cerenkov and G4Scintillation in Idle state December 16, 2013 M. Asai (OpNovice-V10-00-01) - Fix race condision issue in OpNovicePhysicsList. December 04, 2013 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V10-00-00) - Fixes in gui.mac: Commented out command specific to B2 example Let execute vis.mac first to make the command in added menus available; Corrected wireframe parameter November 28, 2013 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V09-06-11) - add gui.mac, icons.mac and run.png November 2, 2013 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V09-06-10) - place G4Random::setTheSeed(myseed) so that it is executed for both sequential and MT mode October 31, 2013 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V09-06-09) - to work with ctests-V09-06-19 October 29, 2013 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V09-06-08) - remove all reference to LXeWorkerInitialization and remove SetNumberOfThreads October 25, 2013 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V09-06-07) - Instantiate SteppingVerbose in a new method in OpNoviceActionInitialization and removed LXeWorkerInitialization (not needed anymore) - Add OpNoviceSteppingAction to count secondary optical photons to compare with OpNoviceStackingAction 11 June 2013, V.Ivanchenko (OpNovice-V09-06-06) - OpNovicePhysicsList - construct all particles to avoid exception in execution of ConstructParticle() method; removed unnecessary methods to construct individual particle types 02 June 2013, P.Gumplinger (OpNovice-V09-06-05) - make MultiThread (MT) capable 27 May 2013, I.Hrivnacova (OpNovice-V09-06-04) - Updated .README file 27 May 2013, I.Hrivnacova (OpNovice-V09-06-03) - Apply Examples Coding Guidelines (data members/base class initialization) 13 May 2013 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V09-06-02) - Add .README file 06 May 2013 P. Gumplinger (OpNovice-V09-06-01) - Apply all Examples Coding Guidelines 18 Dec 2012 I. Hrivnacova (OpNovice-V09-06-00) - Fixed CMake build: removed add_custom_target(..) 17 Dec 2012 P. Gumplinger - move the example to /extended/optical/novice (from /novice/N06) and rename N06 to OpNovice 20 June 2012 P. Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-05-01) - remove SetModel from ExN06PhysicsList.cc to cowork with op-V09-05-04 24 January 2012 P. Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-05-00) - set /tracking/verbose 3 in exampleN06.in and optPhoton.mac to also test timing of optical photons - see Problem #1275 29 November 2011 Ben Morgan (exampleN06-V09-04-01) - CMakeLists.txt edited to add standard UI/Vis activation and copying of scripts to build directory, plus comments and neatification. 14th October 2011 P. Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-04-00) - modify to work with materials-V09-04-15 and use spline interpolation for some of the G4MaterialPropertyVector (e.g. G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector) 23rd October 2010 P. Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-03-01) - add G4OpMieHG scattering process and associated material properties 4th June 2010 Joseph Perl (exampleN06-V09-03-00) - Updated vis usage 09th November 2009 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-02-01) - use G4eMultipleScattering, G4MuMultipleScattering and G4hMultipleScattering instead of G4MultipleScattering 30th October 2009 John Allison (exampleN06-V09-02-00) - Introduced G4UIExecutive. 20th November 2008 P. Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-01-03) - add theCerenkovProcess->SetMaxBetaChangePerStep in ExN06PhysicsList 16th July 2008 P. Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-01-02) - use dynamic_cast <G4OpticalSurface*> in ExN06DetectorConstruction.cc 12th June 2008 P. Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-01-01) - now use G4EmSaturation to implement the Birks Correction for G4Scintillation 07th May 2008 J.Allison (exampleN06-V09-01-00) - Protected "/control/execute vis.mac" with G4VIS_USE flag. 30 Sept 2007 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V09-00-00) - adjust to the G4Cerenkov process now being a G4VDiscreteProcess October 18th 2006 J.Allison (exampleN06-V08-01-00) - Migrate to new trajectory modeling commands. 16th June 2006 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN06-V08-00-02) - Use coherent allocation scheme for user-classes and initialisation in main(). 15th June 2006 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V08-00-01) - add new method ExN06PrimaryGeneratorAction::SetOptPhotonPolar() to set a random linear polarization when the command - /N06/gun/optPhotonPolar - is given without arguments 15th June 2006 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN06-V08-00-00) - Separate instantiation of the user-stepping-verbose class from initialisation of the G4VSteppingVerbose singleton. 6th December 2005 Gabriele Cosmo - Trivial changes for support of CLHEP-2.0.X series. 4th December 2005 John Allison (exampleN06-V07-01-00) - Replaced vis code in EndOfEventAction by suitable vis commands in vis.mac. 16 May 2005 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V07-00-01) - use SetProcessOrdering for theDecayProces 11 May 2005 Michel Maire (exampleN06-V07-00-00) - UI command cerenkovMaxPhotons available in Idle state only 3rd May 2005 John Allison (examples-V07-00-03) - Replaced vis manager with G4VisExecutive. June 1, 2004 Peter Gunplinger (exampleN06-V06-01-01) - Updated README file. April 2, 2004 Michel Maire (exampleN06-V06-01-00) - PrimaryGenerator: e+ 500 keV - Removed vis commands from RunAction March 17, 2004 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V06-00-00) - DetectorConstruction: change surface model between OpWaterSurface and OpAirSurface December 1, 2003 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V05-02-02) - DetectorConstruction: use G4SurfaceProperty. November 13, 2003 John Allison - Removed OPACS from Vis Manager. October 24, 2003 Michel Maire (exampleN06-V05-02-01) - PhysicsList: AddProcess(Bremsstrahlung,-1,3,3) ..etc.. October 06, 2003 Michel Maire (exampleN06-V05-02-00) - Cosmetic cleanup of material definition April 17, 2003 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V05-00-03) - Changed OpWaterSurface to dielectric_dielectric in class ExN06DetectorConstruction March 26, 2003 Michel Maire (exampleN06-V05-00-02) - G4PVPlacement in logical mother Febuary 11, 2003 Michel Maire (exampleN06-V05-00-01) - Added a blank in steppingVerbose ! January 23, 2003 Michel Maire (exampleN06-V05-00-00) - Added tools for interactive session : UItcsh, visualisation of tracks. - Added 2 messenger classes : PhysicsList and PrimaryGenerator - exampleN06.in changed --> exampleN06.out reduced November 21, 2002 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V04-01-02) - exampleN06.out output changed because of small change in G4Scintillation November 14, 2002 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V04-01-01) - Reduced the scintillation photon yield to reduce the output size November 12, 2002 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V04-01-00) - Added ExN06StackingAction - Changed user interface to new version of G4Scintillation May 30, 2002 Gabriele Cosmo (exampleN06-V04-00-02) - Renamed file ExN06PrimaryGeneratoraction.cc to ExN06PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc to be consistent with class name. May 16, 2002 Peter Gumplinger (exampleN06-V04-00-01) - Added G4Scintillation to the example and update reference output Oct 19, 2001 Steve O'Neale (examples-V03-02-00) - Updated reference output 06-02-2001 Update reference output for op-V03-00-05 S.W.O'Neale June 17, 2000 John Allison (exampleN06-V01-01-00) - Updated exampleN06.out for geant4-01-01-ref-06. 16th April 1999 Hisaya Kurashige - Modified ExN06RunAction - Modified ExN06PhysicsList::SetCuts 21st August 1998 John Allison - Changed file names from N06* to ExN06*. 9th August 1998 John Allison - Changed G4UIterminal to G4UIGAG. April 09, 98 Gabriele Cosmo - Created.