diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 74533c8bdd27a3dd97f6ac389ca914492ee2a0f0..2ae7646ae5b682a5028c7a14754a4d9f62b0fa2b 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ set(lightGuide_SCRIPTS
-    geom.mac
+    geometry.mac
 foreach(_script ${lightGuide_SCRIPTS})
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ endforeach()
 install(TARGETS lightGuide DESTINATION bin )
 install(TARGETS plotHisto DESTINATION bin )
 install(FILES run1.mac DESTINATION bin )
-install(FILES geom.mac DESTINATION bin )
+install(FILES geometry.mac DESTINATION bin )
 install(FILES beam.mac DESTINATION bin )
 install(FILES vis.mac DESTINATION bin)
 install(FILES hist.mac DESTINATION bin)
diff --git a/beam.mac b/beam.mac
index 638b8d57d450ec96da73d82837730f8b4fb317e9..dfe1ba063c3ee774013af747299311d3a754bf60 100644
--- a/beam.mac
+++ b/beam.mac
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
 #----- Set the beam geometry -----
 # Circular beam source. Simulates a single fiber optic
-/gps/pos/type Beam
-/gps/pos/shape Circle
+#/gps/pos/type Beam
+#/gps/pos/shape Circle
 #/gps/pos/radius 0.75 mm
-/gps/pos/radius 102 mm
+#/gps/pos/radius 102 mm
 #/gps/pos/sigma_r 0.002 mm
 # Rectangular plane for infinite resolution
-#/gps/pos/type Plane
-#/gps/pos/shape Rectangle
-#/gps/pos/halfx 40 mm
-#/gps/pos/halfy 68 mm
+/gps/pos/type Plane
+/gps/pos/shape Rectangle
+/gps/pos/halfx 40 mm
+/gps/pos/halfy 68 mm
 # the incident surface is in the x-z plane just below the gas
 /gps/pos/rot1 1 0 0
diff --git a/geom.mac b/geometry.mac
similarity index 78%
rename from geom.mac
rename to geometry.mac
index 6870add8946974a8fb8b6dd177b5e594d6aa6f8b..8a6b9ceee828f2af110b9edd535aa8f49991f684 100644
--- a/geom.mac
+++ b/geometry.mac
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+/lightGuide/worldVolume 0.25 0.25 0.25 m
+/lightGuide/envelope 89.75 113. 165. mm
+/lightGuide/model/PMTDiameter 53 mm
+/lightGuide/model/nSegmentsX 2
+/lightGuide/model/nSegmentsZ 2
 #----- Set the light guide to be used and position it -----
 #If no model is selected, the program will default to a
 #simplified version of the 2018 testbeam light guide
@@ -22,10 +32,10 @@
 #/lightGuide/model/translate 0 -250 -200 mm
 #/lightGuide/model/translatePMT 0 131 0 mm
-/lightGuide/model/CADmodel ../models/run2.stl
-/lightGuide/model/rotate 0 0 0
-/lightGuide/model/translate 200 -250 0 mm
-/lightGuide/model/translatePMT 0 -119 0 mm
+#/lightGuide/model/CADmodel ../models/run2.stl
+#/lightGuide/model/rotate 0 0 0
+#/lightGuide/model/translate 200 -250 0 mm
+#/lightGuide/model/translatePMT 0 -119 0 mm
 #/lightGuide/model/CADmodel ../models/run3wc.stl
 #/lightGuide/model/rotate 0 0 90
@@ -44,9 +54,9 @@
 #----- Set surface properties of the light guide -----
-/lightGuide/surface/Model unified
-/lightGuide/surface/Type dielectric_metal
-/lightGuide/surface/Finish ground
+#/lightGuide/surface/Model unified
+#/lightGuide/surface/Type dielectric_metal
+#/lightGuide/surface/Finish ground
 #/lightGuide/surface/SigmaAlpha .1
 #/lightGuide/surface/Property SPECULARLOBECONSTANT 0.000002 .4 0.000008 .4
 #/lightGuide/surface/Property SPECULARSPIKECONSTANT 0.000002 .1 0.000008 .1
diff --git a/include/DetectorConstruction.hh b/include/DetectorConstruction.hh
index 07918c27b4494d6a52bd501373f31a5fdbc8e08c..dc3ac3177f0a6eac686f783b728b607ad7ed46b0 100644
--- a/include/DetectorConstruction.hh
+++ b/include/DetectorConstruction.hh
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #include "G4Box.hh"
 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
 #include "G4VUserDetectorConstruction.hh"
+#include "G4SubtractionSolid.hh"
 #include "G4GDMLParser.hh"
 #include "G4RunManager.hh"
@@ -57,21 +58,42 @@ class DetectorConstruction : public G4VUserDetectorConstruction
     virtual G4VPhysicalVolume* Construct();
-    void UseCADModel          (G4String fileName);
-    void OutputToGDML         (G4String name);
+    void BuildWorld           ();
+    void BuildTrapezoidLG     ();
+    void BuildPMT             ();
+    void PlaceGeometry        ();
+    void SetWorldVolume       (G4ThreeVector arg);
+    void SetEnvelope          (G4ThreeVector arg);
     void SetRotation          (G4ThreeVector arg);
     void SetTranslation       (G4ThreeVector arg);
     void SetPMTTranslation    (G4ThreeVector arg);
     void SetPMTDiameter       (G4double arg);
+    void SetLGthickness       (G4double arg);
+    void UseCADModel          (G4String fileName);
+    void OutputToGDML         (G4String name);
+    void SetNSegmentsX        (G4int arg);
+    void SetNSegmentsZ        (G4int arg);
-    void SetSurfaceSigmaAlpha (G4double v);
+    void SetSurfaceModel      (const G4OpticalSurfaceModel model);
     void SetSurfaceFinish     (const G4OpticalSurfaceFinish finish);
     void SetSurfaceType       (const G4SurfaceType type);
-    void SetSurfaceModel      (const G4OpticalSurfaceModel model);
+    void SetSurfaceSigmaAlpha (G4double v);
     void AddSurfaceMPV        (const char* c, G4MaterialPropertyVector* mpv);
     void AddGasMPV            (const char* c, G4MaterialPropertyVector* mpv);
+    G4ThreeVector*          m_worldDim;
+    G4ThreeVector*          m_LGenvelope;
+    G4ThreeVector*          m_LGpos;
+    G4ThreeVector*          m_pmtPos;
+    G4RotationMatrix*       m_rotation;
+    G4double                m_pmtDia;
+    G4double                m_PMTthickness;
+    G4double                m_thickness;
+    G4int                   m_nSegmentsX;
+    G4int                   m_nSegmentsZ;
+    G4bool                  m_ConstructionHasBeenDone;
+    G4bool                  m_UsingCADmodel;
     G4Box*                  m_solidWorld;
     G4LogicalVolume*        m_logicWorld;
@@ -85,30 +107,25 @@ class DetectorConstruction : public G4VUserDetectorConstruction
     CADMesh*                m_mesh;
-    G4LogicalVolume*        m_logicLightGuide;
-    G4VPhysicalVolume*      m_physLightGuide;
+    G4Trd*                                 m_inner;
+    G4Trd*                                 m_outter;
+    G4SubtractionSolid*                    m_LightGuide;
+    G4LogicalVolume*                       m_logicLightGuide;
+    std::vector< G4VPhysicalVolume* >      m_physLightGuide;
-    G4Tubs*                 m_solidPMT;
-    G4LogicalVolume*        m_logicPMT;
-    G4VPhysicalVolume*      m_physPMT;
+    G4Tubs*                                m_solidPMT;
+    G4LogicalVolume*                       m_logicPMT;
+    std::vector< G4VPhysicalVolume* >      m_physPMT;
-    G4LogicalBorderSurface* m_SurfLGtoWorld;
-    G4LogicalBorderSurface* m_SurfLGtoInner;
-    G4double                m_WorldSizeX;
-    G4double                m_WorldSizeY;
-    G4double                m_WorldSizeZ;
-    G4ThreeVector           m_translation;
-    G4RotationMatrix*       m_rotation;
+    std::vector< G4LogicalBorderSurface* > m_Surfvec;
-    Materials*              materials;
-    G4Material*             m_filler;
-    G4MaterialPropertiesTable* m_GasMPT;
+    Materials*                             materials;
+    G4Material*                            m_filler;
+    G4MaterialPropertiesTable*             m_GasMPT;
-    G4GDMLParser            m_Parser;
-    G4RunManager*           m_runMan;
-    DetectorMessenger*      m_DetectorMessenger;
+    G4GDMLParser                           m_Parser;
+    G4RunManager*                          m_runMan;
+    DetectorMessenger*                     m_DetectorMessenger;
 #endif /*DetectorConstruction_h*/
diff --git a/include/DetectorMessenger.hh b/include/DetectorMessenger.hh
index 213687907b289f14893af947031d114b8caf1417..1bbc683fe0547e6e9a1b82263243df315f293304 100644
--- a/include/DetectorMessenger.hh
+++ b/include/DetectorMessenger.hh
@@ -61,24 +61,28 @@ class DetectorMessenger: public G4UImessenger{
     G4UIdirectory*             fSurfaceDir;
     G4UIdirectory*             fModelDir;
-    // the surface
-    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fSurfaceTypeCmd;
-    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fSurfaceFinishCmd;
-    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fSurfaceModelCmd;
-    G4UIcmdWithADouble*        fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd;
-    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd;
-    // the gas
-    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fGasPropVectorCmd;
     // the model
     G4UIcmdWithAString*        fModelCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* fWorldVolumeCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* fEnvelopeCmd;
     G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* fModelRotationCmd;
     G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* fModelTranslationCmd;
     G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit* fPMTTranslationCmd;
     G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* fPMTDiameterCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit* fLGThicknessCmd;
     G4UIcmdWithAString*        fOutputModelCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWithAnInteger*      fNsegmentsXCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWithAnInteger*      fNsegmentsZCmd;
+    // the surface
+    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fSurfaceModelCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fSurfaceFinishCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fSurfaceTypeCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWithADouble*        fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd;
+    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd;
+    // the gas
+    G4UIcmdWithAString*        fGasPropVectorCmd;
diff --git a/include/SteppingAction.hh b/include/SteppingAction.hh
index 231833259118122f4f68b77052956f2908572207..702e1ba22d6c12b4e65411a2f296986d44dae84c 100644
--- a/include/SteppingAction.hh
+++ b/include/SteppingAction.hh
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ class SteppingAction : public G4UserSteppingAction
     virtual void UserSteppingAction(const G4Step*);
-    G4int fScintillationCounter;
-    G4int fCerenkovCounter;
-    G4int fEventNumber;
diff --git a/run1.mac b/run1.mac
index 0df87e19d7662dd11018e38d24ebd2a5c4ea6efb..f2cd4b942e36ff090207ae726208d0ae0bd97b66 100644
--- a/run1.mac
+++ b/run1.mac
@@ -14,23 +14,16 @@
 /hits/verbose 0
-#Lightguide selection and properties can be set with geom.mac
-/control/execute geom.mac
 #Uncomment to generate events from ASCII file, set the file path here.
 #make sure /run/beamOn is commented out below
-/Input/FileName Out_target1.txt
+#/Input/FileName Out_target1.txt
 #Uncomment to use gps style of setting the beam profile
-#/control/execute beam.mac
-#set number of photons per event
-#/gps/number 10
+/control/execute beam.mac
 # number of events
-#/run/beamOn 1
+/run/beamOn 100
diff --git a/src/DetectorConstruction.cc b/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
index afeb43eaf911682bc57d659d97b960a3a4724054..d1c8e246bde9e9fb9c3b31bda418c37a8562a03a 100644
--- a/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
+++ b/src/DetectorConstruction.cc
@@ -63,16 +63,36 @@
- : G4VUserDetectorConstruction(),m_DetectorMessenger(nullptr){
+ : G4VUserDetectorConstruction(),
+   m_worldDim( new G4ThreeVector(0.25*m,0.5*m,0.25*m) ),
+   m_LGenvelope( new G4ThreeVector(89.75*mm,113.*mm,165.*mm) ),
+   m_LGpos( new G4ThreeVector() ),
+   m_pmtPos( new G4ThreeVector() ),
+   m_rotation( new G4RotationMatrix() ),
+   m_pmtDia(65.*mm),
+   m_PMTthickness(0.25*mm),
+   m_thickness(1.0*mm),
+   m_nSegmentsX(1),
+   m_nSegmentsZ(1),
+   m_ConstructionHasBeenDone(false),
+   m_UsingCADmodel(false),
+   m_logicWorld(0),
+   m_DetectorMessenger(nullptr)
    materials = Materials::getInstance();
+   materials->UseOpticalMaterials(true);
+   materials->DefineOpticalProperties();
    m_DetectorMessenger = new DetectorMessenger(this);
    m_runMan = G4RunManager::GetRunManager();
-   m_WorldSizeX = m_WorldSizeZ = 0.25*m;
-   m_WorldSizeY = 0.5*m;
+   //Set default values
+   G4double PhotonEnergy[2] = {0.5*eV,8.0*eV};
+   G4double RefractiveIndexAir[2] = {1.0,1.0};
    m_filler = G4NistManager::Instance()->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_AIR");
    m_GasMPT = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
+   m_GasMPT->AddProperty("RINDEX", PhotonEnergy, RefractiveIndexAir, 2);
    #ifdef CADMESH
@@ -88,33 +108,50 @@ DetectorConstruction::~DetectorConstruction(){
   delete m_DetectorMessenger;
-/* Default geometry (2018 testbeam) is created here
- * The user is able to modify geometry via messenger commands
+ * Execute geometry.mac here and construct the world according
+ * to what it contains
 G4VPhysicalVolume* DetectorConstruction::Construct(){
-  //Set up the materials
-  materials->UseOpticalMaterials(true);
-  materials->DefineOpticalProperties();
-  G4Material* Air = materials->Air;
-  G4Material* Al = materials->Al;
+  if ( m_ConstructionHasBeenDone ) {
+    G4GeometryManager::GetInstance()->OpenGeometry();
+    G4PhysicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->Clean();
+    G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance()->Clean();
+    G4SolidStore::GetInstance()->Clean();
+    G4LogicalSkinSurface::CleanSurfaceTable();
+    G4LogicalBorderSurface::CleanSurfaceTable();
+  } else {
+    G4UImanager* UImanager = G4UImanager::GetUIpointer();
+    UImanager->ApplyCommand("/control/execute geometry.mac");
+    BuildPMT();
+  }
+  if(!m_logicWorld) BuildWorld();
+  if(!m_logicLightGuide) BuildTrapezoidLG();
+  PlaceGeometry();
+  m_ConstructionHasBeenDone = true;
+  return m_physWorld;
-  //Set the lightguide height. Hardcoded for now,
-  //should be determined by the model dimensions
-  G4double lgHeight = 339.*mm/2;
+ *
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::BuildWorld(){
   bool checkOverlaps = false;
   //----------------- Define the world volume -----------------//
   m_solidWorld =
     new G4Box("World",       //name
-              m_WorldSizeX,  //sizeX
-              m_WorldSizeY,  //sizeY
-              m_WorldSizeZ); //sizeZ
+              m_worldDim->x(),  //sizeX
+              m_worldDim->y(),  //sizeY
+              m_worldDim->z()); //sizeZ
   m_logicWorld =
     new G4LogicalVolume(m_solidWorld, //solid
-                        Air,          //material
+                        materials->Air,          //material
                         "World");     //name
   m_physWorld =
@@ -137,10 +174,10 @@ G4VPhysicalVolume* DetectorConstruction::Construct(){
   // and PMT
   m_solidHalfWorld =
-    new G4Box("HalfWorld",    //name
-              m_WorldSizeX,   //sizeX
-              m_WorldSizeY/2, //sizeY
-              m_WorldSizeZ);  //sizeZ
+    new G4Box("HalfWorld",       //name
+              m_worldDim->x(),   //sizeX
+              m_worldDim->y()/2, //sizeY
+              m_worldDim->z());  //sizeZ
   m_logicHalfWorld =
     new G4LogicalVolume(m_solidHalfWorld, //solid
@@ -148,86 +185,69 @@ G4VPhysicalVolume* DetectorConstruction::Construct(){
                         "HalfWorld");     //name
   m_physHalfWorld =
-    new G4PVPlacement(0,                                 //no rotation
-                      G4ThreeVector(0,m_WorldSizeY/2,0), //at (0,0,0)
-                      m_logicHalfWorld,                  //logical volume
-                      "HalfWorld",                       //name
-                      m_logicWorld,                      //mother  volume
-                      false,                             //no boolean operation
-                      0,                                 //copy number
-                      checkOverlaps);                    //overlaps checking
+    new G4PVPlacement(0,                                    //no rotation
+                      G4ThreeVector(0,m_worldDim->y()/2,0), //at (0,0,0)
+                      m_logicHalfWorld,                     //logical volume
+                      "HalfWorld",                          //name
+                      m_logicWorld,                         //mother  volume
+                      false,                                //no boolean operation
+                      0,                                    //copy number
+                      checkOverlaps);                       //overlaps checking
   G4VisAttributes* boxVisAtt_half_world = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.1)); // or G4Colour(0.0,0.0,1.0,0.1)
 	m_logicHalfWorld ->SetVisAttributes(boxVisAtt_half_world);
-  //----------------- Make the light guide -----------------//
-  //Make this one by default and allow the user to replace it later
-  //Create a trapezoidal air light guide made of aluminum sheet
-  G4double thickness = 1.0*mm;
-  G4double LengthX   = 89.75*mm/2;
-  G4double LengthY   = 164.*mm/2;
-  G4double PMTwindow = 45.969*mm/2;
-  G4double HeightZ   = lgHeight;
-  G4RotationMatrix* rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
-  rot->rotateX(90*deg);
+ * Make the trapezoidal light guide logical volume
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::BuildTrapezoidLG( ){
+  //Divide the light guide envelope (cumulative) by the number
+  //of light guides that will occupy it
+  G4double xSize = (m_LGenvelope->x()/2.)/m_nSegmentsX;
+  G4double zSize = (m_LGenvelope->z()/2.)/m_nSegmentsZ;
+  //Determine the size of the top of the trapezoid so the
+  //square opening will be inscribed in the window of the PMT
+  G4double PMTwindow = .707*m_pmtDia/2.;
+  m_rotation->rotateX(90*deg);
   //Aluminum outter
-  G4Trd* outter =
+  m_outter =
     new G4Trd("BasicLightGuide",
-              LengthX+thickness,
-              PMTwindow+thickness,
-              LengthY+thickness,
-              PMTwindow+thickness,
-              HeightZ);
+              xSize,
+              PMTwindow + m_thickness,
+              zSize,
+              PMTwindow + m_thickness,
+              m_LGenvelope->y()/2.);
   //Air inner
-  G4Trd* inner =
+  m_inner =
     new G4Trd("AirVolume",
-              LengthX,
+              xSize - m_thickness,
-              LengthY,
+              zSize - m_thickness,
-              HeightZ+2.0*mm);
+              m_LGenvelope->y()/2. + 0.1*mm);
   //Subtract material to hollow out the light guide
-  G4SubtractionSolid* LightGuide =
+  m_LightGuide =
     new G4SubtractionSolid("BasicLightGuide",
-                           outter,
-                           inner);
+                           m_outter,
+                           m_inner);
   m_logicLightGuide =
-    new G4LogicalVolume(LightGuide,
-                        Al,
+    new G4LogicalVolume(m_LightGuide,
+                        materials->Al,
-  m_physLightGuide =
-    new G4PVPlacement(rot,
-                      G4ThreeVector(0, HeightZ - m_WorldSizeY/2, 0),
-                      m_logicLightGuide,
-                      "BasicLightGuide",
-                      m_logicHalfWorld,
-                      false,
-                      0);
-  //----------------- Define Optical Borders -----------------//
-  m_SurfLGtoWorld =
-    new G4LogicalBorderSurface("AlSurface",
-                               m_physLightGuide,
-                               m_physHalfWorld,
-                               materials->AlSurface );
-  m_SurfLGtoInner =
-    new G4LogicalBorderSurface("AlSurface",
-                               m_physHalfWorld,
-                               m_physLightGuide,
-                               materials->AlSurface );
-  //----------------- Define PMT window -----------------//
-  double PMTradius = 65.0/2*mm;
-  double PMTthickness = 0.5/2*mm;
-  G4RotationMatrix * PMTrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
-  PMTrot->rotateX(90*deg);
+ * Make the PMT logical volume and Sensitvie Detector
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::BuildPMT(){
   G4SDManager* SDman = G4SDManager::GetSDMpointer();
   PMTSD* PMT = new PMTSD("MyPMT");
@@ -236,8 +256,8 @@ G4VPhysicalVolume* DetectorConstruction::Construct(){
   m_solidPMT =
     new G4Tubs("PMT",       //name
               0.0*mm,       //Inner radius
-              PMTradius,    //Outter radius
-              PMTthickness, //Height
+              m_pmtDia/2.0, //Outter radius
+              m_PMTthickness, //Height
               0.0*deg,      //Rotation start
               360.0*deg);   //Sweep
@@ -246,41 +266,227 @@ G4VPhysicalVolume* DetectorConstruction::Construct(){
                         m_filler,   //material
                         "PMT");     //name
-  m_physPMT =
-    new G4PVPlacement(PMTrot,
-                      G4ThreeVector(0, 2*lgHeight + PMTthickness - m_WorldSizeY/2, 0),
-                      m_logicPMT,
-                      "PMT",
-                      m_logicHalfWorld,
-                      false,
-                      0);
   G4VisAttributes* VisAtt_PMT = new G4VisAttributes(G4Colour(1.0,1.0,0.6,0.7));
   m_logicPMT->SetSensitiveDetector( PMT );
-  return m_physWorld;
- *
+void DetectorConstruction::PlaceGeometry(){
+  G4double xPos = 0.;
+  G4double yPos = m_LGenvelope->y()/2. + m_LGpos->y() - m_worldDim->y()/2.;
+  G4double zPos = 0.;
+  G4double PMTx = 0.;
+  G4double PMTy = m_LGenvelope->y() + m_pmtPos->y() + m_PMTthickness - m_worldDim->y()/2.;
+  G4double PMTz = 0.;
+  G4RotationMatrix * PMTrot = new G4RotationMatrix();
+  PMTrot->rotateX(90*deg);
+  char name[40];
+  for(G4int xIndex = 0; xIndex < m_nSegmentsX; xIndex++ ){
+    //Start from -x, add user specified offset, add 1/2 the width of one LG, then a full width for each
+    xPos = - m_LGenvelope->x()/2. + m_LGpos->x() + (0.5 + xIndex)*m_LGenvelope->x()/m_nSegmentsX;
+    //Centered on the light guide plus any user specified offset
+    PMTx = xPos + m_pmtPos->x();
+    for(G4int zIndex = 0; zIndex < m_nSegmentsZ; zIndex++ ){
+      //Start from -z, add user specified offset, add 1/2 the length of one LG, then a full length for each
+      zPos = - m_LGenvelope->z()/2. + m_LGpos->z() + (0.5 + zIndex)*m_LGenvelope->z()/m_nSegmentsZ;
+      //Centered on the light guide plus any user specified offset
+      PMTz = zPos + m_pmtPos->z();
+      //----------------- Place the LightGuide -----------------//
+      sprintf(name,"LightGuide%d_%d",xIndex,zIndex);
+      m_physLightGuide.push_back(
+        new G4PVPlacement(m_rotation,
+                          G4ThreeVector(xPos, yPos, zPos),
+                          m_logicLightGuide,
+                          name,
+                          m_logicHalfWorld,
+                          false,
+                          0) );
+      //----------------- Place the PMT -----------------//
+      sprintf(name,"PMT%d_%d",xIndex,zIndex);
+      m_physPMT.push_back(
+        new G4PVPlacement(PMTrot,
+                          G4ThreeVector(PMTx, PMTy, PMTz),
+                          m_logicPMT,
+                          name,
+                          m_logicHalfWorld,
+                          false,
+                          0) );
+      //----------------- Define Optical Borders -----------------//
+      sprintf(name,"AlSurface%d_%d",xIndex,zIndex);
+      m_Surfvec.push_back(
+        new G4LogicalBorderSurface(name,
+                                   m_physLightGuide.back(),
+                                   m_physHalfWorld,
+                                   materials->AlSurface ) );
+      m_Surfvec.push_back(
+        new G4LogicalBorderSurface(name,
+                                   m_physHalfWorld,
+                                   m_physLightGuide.back(),
+                                   materials->AlSurface ) );
+    }//end y loop
+  }//end x loop
+ * Set the dimensions of the world volume.
+ * If the volume exists modify it, otherwise build it.
-void DetectorConstruction::SetSurfaceSigmaAlpha(G4double v){
-  materials->AlSurface->SetSigmaAlpha(v);
-  G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+void DetectorConstruction::SetWorldVolume(G4ThreeVector arg){
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    m_solidWorld->SetXHalfLength( arg.x() );
+    m_solidWorld->SetYHalfLength( arg.y() );
+    m_solidWorld->SetZHalfLength( arg.z() );
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+    G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  } else {
+    delete m_worldDim;
+    m_worldDim = new G4ThreeVector(arg);
+    BuildWorld();
+  }
-  G4cout << "Surface sigma alpha set to: " << materials->AlSurface->GetSigmaAlpha() << G4endl;
+ * Sets the envelope the light guide is constructed in
+ * If the geometry has already been constructed, reconstruct
+ * it with the new envelope
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::SetEnvelope(G4ThreeVector arg){
+  if(m_LGenvelope) delete m_LGenvelope;
+  m_LGenvelope = new G4ThreeVector(arg);
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    Construct();
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+    G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  }
- *
+ * If the world already exists, rotate the light guide
+ * otherwise set the rotation for the light guide that will be built
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::SetRotation(G4ThreeVector arg){
+  if(m_rotation) delete m_rotation;
+  m_rotation = new G4RotationMatrix();
+  m_rotation->rotateX(arg.x());
+  m_rotation->rotateY(arg.y());
+  m_rotation->rotateZ(arg.z());
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    for(uint i = 0; i < m_physLightGuide.size(); i++){
+      m_physLightGuide[i]->SetRotation(m_rotation);
+    }
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+    G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  }
+ * If the world already exists, move the light guide. If there is more
+ * than one light guide, set the position and rebuild.
+ * otherwise set the location for the light guide that will be built
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::SetTranslation(G4ThreeVector arg){
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    if(m_physLightGuide.size() == 1){
+      m_physLightGuide.back()->SetTranslation(arg);
+    } else {
+      m_LGpos = new G4ThreeVector(arg);
+      Construct();
+    }
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+    G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  } else {
+    m_LGpos = new G4ThreeVector(arg);
+  }
+ * If the world already exists, move the PMT. If there is more
+ * than one PMT, set the position and rebuild.
+ * otherwise set the location for the PMT that will be built
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::SetPMTTranslation(G4ThreeVector arg){
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    if(m_physLightGuide.size() == 1){
+      m_physLightGuide.back()->SetTranslation(arg);
+    } else {
+      m_LGpos = new G4ThreeVector(arg);
+      Construct();
+    }
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+    G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  } else {
+    m_pmtPos = new G4ThreeVector(arg);
+  }
+ * If the world already exists, modify the PMT
+ * otherwise set the diameter for PMT that will be built
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::SetPMTDiameter(G4double arg){
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    m_solidPMT->SetOuterRadius(arg/2.0);
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+    G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  } else {
+    m_pmtDia = arg;
+  }
+ * Set the thickness of the trapezoidal light guide shell
+ * If the geometry has already been constructed, reconstruct
+ * it with the new thickness
+ */
+void DetectorConstruction::SetLGthickness(G4double arg){
+  m_thickness = arg;
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    Construct();
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+    G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  }
+ * Builds a light guide logical volume from CAD model file
 void DetectorConstruction::UseCADModel(G4String fileName){
   //Delete anything we are going to redefine
-  if(m_SurfLGtoWorld)   delete m_SurfLGtoWorld;
-  if(m_SurfLGtoInner)   delete m_SurfLGtoInner;
   if(m_logicLightGuide) delete m_logicLightGuide;
-  if(m_physLightGuide)  delete m_physLightGuide;
+  for(uint i = 0; i < m_physLightGuide.size(); i++){
+    delete m_physLightGuide[i];
+    delete m_physPMT[i];
+    delete m_Surfvec[2*i];
+    delete m_Surfvec[2*i+1];
+  }
+  m_physLightGuide.clear();
+  m_physPMT.clear();
+  m_Surfvec.clear();
   G4String fileType = fileName.substr( fileName.last('.') + 1, fileName.size() - fileName.last('.'));
@@ -319,43 +525,27 @@ void DetectorConstruction::UseCADModel(G4String fileName){
     sprintf(message,"Zmin = %04.2f, Zmax = %04.2f: Depth  = %04.2f", extent.GetZmin(), extent.GetZmax(), extent.GetZmax() - extent.GetZmin() );
     G4cout << message << G4endl;
-    m_physLightGuide =
-      new G4PVPlacement(0,
-                        G4ThreeVector(0,0,0),
-                        m_logicLightGuide,
-                        "physLightGuide",
-                        m_logicHalfWorld,
-                        false,
-                        0);
-  //----------------- Define Optical Borders -----------------//
-  m_SurfLGtoWorld =
-    new G4LogicalBorderSurface("AlSurface",
-                               m_physLightGuide,
-                               m_physHalfWorld,
-                               materials->AlSurface );
-  m_SurfLGtoInner =
-    new G4LogicalBorderSurface("AlSurface",
-                               m_physHalfWorld,
-                               m_physLightGuide,
-                               materials->AlSurface );
-  m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
-  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
-  G4cout << "Replaced default light guide with CAD model" << G4endl;
+  if(m_pmtPos == 0) m_pmtPos = new G4ThreeVector();
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    PlaceGeometry();
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+    G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  }
+  G4cout << "Using " << fileName << " for CAD model" << G4endl;
- *
+ * Output the model of the light guide to GDML
 void DetectorConstruction::OutputToGDML(G4String fileName){
-  if(m_physLightGuide != 0){
+  if(m_physLightGuide[0] != 0){
     //For some reason this only works as a pointer
     G4GDMLParser* gdml = new G4GDMLParser();
-    gdml->Write(fileName.c_str(),m_physLightGuide);
+    gdml->Write(fileName.c_str(),m_physLightGuide.back());
     delete gdml;
     G4cout << "No physical light guide defined..." << G4endl;
@@ -364,94 +554,92 @@ void DetectorConstruction::OutputToGDML(G4String fileName){
- *
+ * Set the segmentation of the light guide envelope in x
+ * Reconstruct the geometry if necessary
-void DetectorConstruction::SetSurfaceFinish(const G4OpticalSurfaceFinish finish){
-  materials->AlSurface->SetFinish(finish);
-  m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+void DetectorConstruction::SetNSegmentsX(G4int arg){
+  m_nSegmentsX = arg;
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    Construct();
+  }
- *
+ * Set the segmentation of the light guide envelope in Z
+ * Reconstruct the geometry if necessary
-void DetectorConstruction::SetSurfaceType(const G4SurfaceType type){
-  materials->AlSurface->SetType(type);
-  m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+void DetectorConstruction::SetNSegmentsZ(G4int arg){
+  m_nSegmentsZ = arg;
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    Construct();
+  }
- *
- */
-void DetectorConstruction::AddSurfaceMPV(const char* c, G4MaterialPropertyVector* mpv){
-  mpv->SetSpline(true);
-  materials->GetMPTArray().at(1)->AddProperty(c, mpv);
-  materials->AlSurface->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(materials->GetMPTArray().at(1));
-  G4cout << "The MPT for the surface is now: " << G4endl;
-  materials->GetMPTArray().at(1)->DumpTable();
-  G4cout << "............." << G4endl;
- *
+ * Set the surface model for the light guide
-void DetectorConstruction::AddGasMPV(const char* c, G4MaterialPropertyVector* mpv){
-  mpv->SetSpline(true);
-  m_GasMPT->AddProperty(c, mpv);
-  G4cout << "The MPT for the gas is now: " << G4endl;
-  m_GasMPT->DumpTable();
-  G4cout << "............." << G4endl;
+void DetectorConstruction::SetSurfaceModel(const G4OpticalSurfaceModel model){
+  materials->AlSurface->SetModel(model);
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+  }
-void DetectorConstruction::SetSurfaceModel(const G4OpticalSurfaceModel model){
-  materials->AlSurface->SetModel(model);
-  m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+void DetectorConstruction::SetSurfaceFinish(const G4OpticalSurfaceFinish finish){
+  materials->AlSurface->SetFinish(finish);
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+  }
-void DetectorConstruction::SetRotation(G4ThreeVector arg){
-  if(m_rotation) delete m_rotation;
-  m_rotation = new G4RotationMatrix();
-  m_rotation->rotateX(arg.x());
-  m_rotation->rotateY(arg.y());
-  m_rotation->rotateZ(arg.z());
-  m_physLightGuide->SetRotation(m_rotation);
-  m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
-  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+void DetectorConstruction::SetSurfaceType(const G4SurfaceType type){
+  materials->AlSurface->SetType(type);
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+  }
-void DetectorConstruction::SetTranslation(G4ThreeVector arg){
-  m_physLightGuide->SetTranslation(arg);
+void DetectorConstruction::SetSurfaceSigmaAlpha(G4double v){
+  materials->AlSurface->SetSigmaAlpha(v);
-  m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
-  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+  if(m_ConstructionHasBeenDone){
+    G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GeometryHasBeenModified();
+  }
+  G4cout << "Surface sigma alpha set to: " << materials->AlSurface->GetSigmaAlpha() << G4endl;
- *
+ * Set the material property table of the surface
+ * of the light guide
-void DetectorConstruction::SetPMTTranslation(G4ThreeVector arg){
-  m_physPMT->SetTranslation(arg);
-  m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
-  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+void DetectorConstruction::AddSurfaceMPV(const char* c, G4MaterialPropertyVector* mpv){
+  mpv->SetSpline(true);
+  materials->GetMPTArray().at(1)->AddProperty(c, mpv);
+  materials->AlSurface->SetMaterialPropertiesTable(materials->GetMPTArray().at(1));
+  G4cout << "The MPT for the surface is now: " << G4endl;
+  materials->GetMPTArray().at(1)->DumpTable();
+  G4cout << "............." << G4endl;
- *
+ * Set the material property table of the volume
+ * which contains the light guide
-void DetectorConstruction::SetPMTDiameter(G4double arg){
-  m_solidPMT->SetOuterRadius(arg/2.0);
-  m_runMan->GeometryHasBeenModified();
-  G4UImanager::GetUIpointer()->ApplyCommand("/vis/viewer/rebuild");
+void DetectorConstruction::AddGasMPV(const char* c, G4MaterialPropertyVector* mpv){
+  mpv->SetSpline(true);
+  m_GasMPT->AddProperty(c, mpv);
+  G4cout << "The MPT for the gas is now: " << G4endl;
+  m_GasMPT->DumpTable();
+  G4cout << "............." << G4endl;
diff --git a/src/DetectorMessenger.cc b/src/DetectorMessenger.cc
index d9a363db4a8a9ec4168e5d057ca0a58133f5bee2..5e72f47cbfff81f4eb31c52f1263e5c872344215 100644
--- a/src/DetectorMessenger.cc
+++ b/src/DetectorMessenger.cc
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 DetectorMessenger::DetectorMessenger(DetectorConstruction * Det)
+  //Directories
   flightGuideDir = new G4UIdirectory("/lightGuide/");
   flightGuideDir->SetGuidance("Parameters for optical simulation.");
@@ -59,52 +60,35 @@ DetectorMessenger::DetectorMessenger(DetectorConstruction * Det)
   fModelDir = new G4UIdirectory("/lightGuide/model/");
   fModelDir->SetGuidance("Model source, translation and rotation");
-  fSurfaceTypeCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/surface/Type", this);
-  fSurfaceTypeCmd->SetGuidance("Surface type.");
-  fSurfaceTypeCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
-  fSurfaceTypeCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
-  fSurfaceFinishCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/surface/Finish", this);
-  fSurfaceFinishCmd->SetGuidance("Surface finish.");
-  fSurfaceFinishCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
-  fSurfaceFinishCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
-  fSurfaceModelCmd =
-    new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/surface/Model", this);
-  fSurfaceModelCmd->SetGuidance("surface model.");
-  fSurfaceModelCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
-  fSurfaceModelCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
-  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd =
-    new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/lightGuide/surface/SigmaAlpha", this);
-  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd->SetGuidance("surface sigma alpha");
-  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd->SetGuidance(" parameter.");
-  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
-  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fWorldVolumeCmd =
+  new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit("/lightGuide/worldVolume", this);
+  fWorldVolumeCmd->SetGuidance("Set the size of the world volume");
+  fWorldVolumeCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fWorldVolumeCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fWorldVolumeCmd->SetParameterName("X","Y","Z",true);
+  fWorldVolumeCmd->SetDefaultValue(G4ThreeVector(0.25,0.25,0.5));
+  fWorldVolumeCmd->SetDefaultUnit("m");
-  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd =
-    new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/surface/Property", this);
-  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd->SetGuidance("Set material property vector");
-  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd->SetGuidance(" for the surface.");
-  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
-  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
-  fGasPropVectorCmd =
-    new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/gasProperty", this);
-  fGasPropVectorCmd->SetGuidance("Set fill gas property vector");
-  fGasPropVectorCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
-  fGasPropVectorCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fEnvelopeCmd =
+  new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit("/lightGuide/envelope", this);
+  fEnvelopeCmd->SetGuidance("Set the size light guide envelope");
+  fEnvelopeCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fEnvelopeCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fEnvelopeCmd->SetParameterName("X","Y","Z",true);
+  fEnvelopeCmd->SetDefaultValue(G4ThreeVector(89.75*mm,113.*mm,339.*mm));
+  fEnvelopeCmd->SetDefaultUnit("m");
+  //Model commands
   fModelCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/model/CADmodel", this);
   fModelCmd->SetGuidance("CAD model to be used");
-  fModelCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
+  fModelCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
   fModelRotationCmd =
     new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit("/lightGuide/model/rotate", this);
   fModelRotationCmd->SetGuidance("Set light guide first rotation");
-  fModelRotationCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
+  fModelRotationCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
@@ -113,7 +97,7 @@ DetectorMessenger::DetectorMessenger(DetectorConstruction * Det)
   fModelTranslationCmd =
     new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit("/lightGuide/model/translate", this);
   fModelTranslationCmd->SetGuidance("Set light guide translation");
-  fModelTranslationCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
+  fModelTranslationCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
@@ -122,7 +106,7 @@ DetectorMessenger::DetectorMessenger(DetectorConstruction * Det)
   fPMTTranslationCmd =
     new G4UIcmdWith3VectorAndUnit("/lightGuide/model/translatePMT", this);
   fPMTTranslationCmd->SetGuidance("Set PMT translation");
-  fPMTTranslationCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
+  fPMTTranslationCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
@@ -131,35 +115,103 @@ DetectorMessenger::DetectorMessenger(DetectorConstruction * Det)
   fPMTDiameterCmd =
     new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/lightGuide/model/PMTDiameter",this);
   fPMTDiameterCmd->SetGuidance("Set PMT diameter");
-  fPMTDiameterCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
+  fPMTDiameterCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
   fPMTDiameterCmd->SetDefaultValue( 65.0*mm );
+  fLGThicknessCmd =
+    new G4UIcmdWithADoubleAndUnit("/lightGuide/model/SkinThickness",this);
+  fLGThicknessCmd->SetGuidance("Set thickness of the light guide skin");
+  fLGThicknessCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fLGThicknessCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fLGThicknessCmd->SetParameterName("thickness",true);
+  fLGThicknessCmd->SetDefaultValue( 1.0*mm );
+  fLGThicknessCmd->SetDefaultUnit("mm");
   fOutputModelCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/model/OutputModel",this);
   fOutputModelCmd->SetGuidance("Creates a .gdml file of the light guide with the given name");
-  fOutputModelCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Idle);
+  fOutputModelCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fNsegmentsXCmd =
+    new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/lightGuide/model/nSegmentsX",this);
+  fNsegmentsXCmd->SetGuidance("Set segmentation of the light guide envelope in x");
+  fNsegmentsXCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fNsegmentsXCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fNsegmentsXCmd->SetParameterName("nSegmentsX",true);
+  fNsegmentsXCmd->SetDefaultValue( 1 );
+  fNsegmentsZCmd =
+    new G4UIcmdWithAnInteger("/lightGuide/model/nSegmentsZ",this);
+  fNsegmentsZCmd->SetGuidance("Set segmentation of the light guide envelope in z");
+  fNsegmentsZCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fNsegmentsZCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fNsegmentsZCmd->SetParameterName("nSegmentsZ",true);
+  fNsegmentsZCmd->SetDefaultValue( 1 );
+  //Surface commands
+  fSurfaceTypeCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/surface/Type", this);
+  fSurfaceTypeCmd->SetGuidance("Surface type.");
+  fSurfaceTypeCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fSurfaceTypeCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fSurfaceFinishCmd = new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/surface/Finish", this);
+  fSurfaceFinishCmd->SetGuidance("Surface finish.");
+  fSurfaceFinishCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fSurfaceFinishCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fSurfaceModelCmd =
+    new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/surface/Model", this);
+  fSurfaceModelCmd->SetGuidance("surface model.");
+  fSurfaceModelCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fSurfaceModelCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd =
+    new G4UIcmdWithADouble("/lightGuide/surface/SigmaAlpha", this);
+  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd->SetGuidance("surface sigma alpha");
+  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd->SetGuidance(" parameter.");
+  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd =
+    new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/surface/Property", this);
+  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd->SetGuidance("Set material property vector");
+  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd->SetGuidance(" for the surface.");
+  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
+  //Gas commands
+  fGasPropVectorCmd =
+    new G4UIcmdWithAString("/lightGuide/gasProperty", this);
+  fGasPropVectorCmd->SetGuidance("Set fill gas property vector");
+  fGasPropVectorCmd->AvailableForStates(G4State_PreInit, G4State_Init, G4State_Idle);
+  fGasPropVectorCmd->SetToBeBroadcasted(false);
-  delete fSurfaceFinishCmd;
-  delete fSurfaceTypeCmd;
-  delete fSurfaceModelCmd;
-  delete fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd;
-  delete fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd;
-  delete fGasPropVectorCmd;
   delete fModelCmd;
+  delete fWorldVolumeCmd;
+  delete fEnvelopeCmd;
   delete fModelRotationCmd;
   delete fModelTranslationCmd;
   delete fPMTTranslationCmd;
   delete fPMTDiameterCmd;
+  delete fLGThicknessCmd;
   delete fOutputModelCmd;
+  delete fNsegmentsXCmd;
+  delete fNsegmentsZCmd;
+  delete fSurfaceModelCmd;
+  delete fSurfaceFinishCmd;
+  delete fSurfaceTypeCmd;
+  delete fSurfaceSigmaAlphaCmd;
+  delete fSurfaceMatPropVectorCmd;
+  delete fGasPropVectorCmd;
@@ -167,8 +219,52 @@ DetectorMessenger::~DetectorMessenger(){
 void DetectorMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand* command,G4String newValue)
+  if(command == fModelCmd){
+    fDetector->UseCADModel(newValue);
+  }
+  else if(command == fWorldVolumeCmd){
+    fDetector->SetWorldVolume(fWorldVolumeCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue));
+  }
+  else if(command == fEnvelopeCmd){
+    fDetector->SetEnvelope(fEnvelopeCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue));
+  }
+  else if(command == fModelRotationCmd){
+    fDetector->SetRotation(fModelRotationCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue));
+  }
+  else if(command == fModelTranslationCmd){
+    fDetector->SetTranslation(fModelTranslationCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue));
+  }
+  else if(command == fPMTTranslationCmd){
+    fDetector->SetPMTTranslation(fPMTTranslationCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue));
+  }
+  else if(command == fPMTDiameterCmd){
+    fDetector->SetPMTDiameter(fPMTDiameterCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
+  }
+  else if(command == fLGThicknessCmd){
+    fDetector->SetLGthickness(fLGThicknessCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
+  }
+  else if(command == fOutputModelCmd){
+    fDetector->OutputToGDML(newValue);
+  }
+  else if(command == fNsegmentsXCmd){
+    fDetector->SetNSegmentsX(fNsegmentsXCmd->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
+  }
+  else if(command == fNsegmentsZCmd){
+    fDetector->SetNSegmentsZ(fNsegmentsZCmd->GetNewIntValue(newValue));
+  }
   //    FINISH
-  if (command == fSurfaceFinishCmd) {
+  else if (command == fSurfaceFinishCmd) {
     if (newValue == "polished") {
@@ -365,7 +461,7 @@ void DetectorMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand* command,G4String newValue)
+  // Gas property
   else if (command == fGasPropVectorCmd) {
     // Convert string to physics vector
     // string format is property name, then pairs of energy, value
@@ -388,28 +484,4 @@ void DetectorMessenger::SetNewValue(G4UIcommand* command,G4String newValue)
     const char* c = prop.c_str();
     fDetector->AddGasMPV(c, mpv);
-  else if(command == fModelCmd){
-    fDetector->UseCADModel(newValue);
-  }
-  else if(command == fModelRotationCmd){
-    fDetector->SetRotation(fModelRotationCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue));
-  }
-  else if(command == fModelTranslationCmd){
-    fDetector->SetTranslation(fModelTranslationCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue));
-  }
-  else if(command == fPMTTranslationCmd){
-    fDetector->SetPMTTranslation(fPMTTranslationCmd->GetNew3VectorValue(newValue));
-  }
-  // PMT Diameter
-  else if(command == fPMTDiameterCmd){
-    fDetector->SetPMTDiameter(fPMTDiameterCmd->GetNewDoubleValue(newValue));
-  }
-  // PMT Diameter
-  else if(command == fOutputModelCmd){
-    fDetector->OutputToGDML(newValue);
-  }
diff --git a/src/SteppingAction.cc b/src/SteppingAction.cc
index 25e089665df68951f9f2e2d9f66da2002c07dcb3..a16c385c2c8cc8eb4d3aa04cb7d7e57603ac7d0d 100644
--- a/src/SteppingAction.cc
+++ b/src/SteppingAction.cc
@@ -41,50 +41,19 @@
 : G4UserSteppingAction()
-  fScintillationCounter = 0;
-  fCerenkovCounter      = 0;
-  fEventNumber = -1;
-{ ; }
 void SteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(const G4Step* step)
-  G4int eventNumber = G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->
-                                              GetCurrentEvent()->GetEventID();
-  if (eventNumber != fEventNumber) {
-     fEventNumber = eventNumber;
-     fScintillationCounter = 0;
-     fCerenkovCounter = 0;
-  }
-  G4Track* track = step->GetTrack();
-  G4String ParticleName = track->GetDynamicParticle()->
-                                 GetParticleDefinition()->GetParticleName();
-  if (ParticleName == "opticalphoton") return;
-  const std::vector<const G4Track*>* secondaries =
-                                            step->GetSecondaryInCurrentStep();
-  if (secondaries->size()>0) {
-     for(unsigned int i=0; i<secondaries->size(); ++i) {
-        if (secondaries->at(i)->GetParentID()>0) {
-           if(secondaries->at(i)->GetDynamicParticle()->GetParticleDefinition()
-               == G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhotonDefinition()){
-              if (secondaries->at(i)->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessName()
-               == "Scintillation")fScintillationCounter++;
-              if (secondaries->at(i)->GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessName()
-               == "Cerenkov")fCerenkovCounter++;
-           }
-        }
-     }
-  }