diff --git a/README b/README
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index ac05f74f0bfcfb8ba80aba5aa45e04c418d73386..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/README
+++ /dev/null
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-     =========================================================
-     Geant4 - an Object-Oriented Toolkit for Simulation in HEP
-     =========================================================
-     This simulation is based on OpNovice and OpNovice2
-Build requirements
-  Geant4 compiled with GDML and additional datasets
-  -CADMesh is required to read CAD models (i.e. stl, step), but is optional for compiling
- ==> define Random Number Engine, initial seed, CAD input and GDML output
- ==> define particles; including *** G4OpticalPhoton     ***
-     define processes; including *** G4Cerenkov          ***
-                                 *** G4Scintillation     ***
-                                 *** G4OpAbsorption      ***
-                                 *** G4OpRayleigh        ***
-                                 *** G4OpBoundaryProcess ***
-==> defines many materials for potential use
-    For our purposes the G4OpticalSurface AlSurface and the G4Material Al and Air
-    will be given optical properties and used for construction.
- ==> A light guide is made either by simple G4trd or by importing a model
-     via CADMesh.
-     define G4LogicalBorderSurface between the light guide and world volume
-     defines a PMT window sensitive detector at the top of the light guide
-     AlSurface properties can be modified via DetectorMessenger via the following commands
-     /lightGuide/surfaceModel
-     /lightGuide/surfaceType
-     /lightGuide/surfaceFinish
-     /lightGuide/surfaceSigmaAlpha
-     /lightGuide/surfaceProperty
-     examples can be found in run1.mac
- ==> Use G4GeneralParticleSource to shoot an optical photon into the light guide
-     Particle type and distribution is set in run1.mac
-==> define G4Timer (start/stop)
-    define G4AnalysisManager (output .root file)
-    set verbose levels
-==> stores G4int         trackID,
-           G4ThreeVector pos;      // Origin position of the photon
-           G4ThreeVector hit;      // Location where the photon hit the PMT window
-           G4double      energy;   // Energy of the photon
-           G4ThreeVector momentum; // Momentum of the photon (direction)
-           G4double      time;     // Time of arrival of the photon
-    for each hit on the PMT sensitive detector
-==> Records a PMTHit if the photon strikes the PMT window
-==> Adds data from a PMTHit to the output root file
- The Visualization Manager is set in the main().
- The initialisation of the drawing is done via a set of /vis/ commands
- in the macro vis.mac. This macro is automatically read from
- the main in case of interactive running mode.
- ------------
- - compile and link to generate an executable
-  % mkdir zdclg-build zdclg-install
- 	% cd zdclg-build
- 	% cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../zdclg-install /path/to/zdclg
-   This example handles the program arguments in a new way.
-   It can be run with the following optional arguments:
-   % ./lightGuide [-m macro ]
-                  [-u UIsession]
-                  [-t nThreads]
-                  [-r seed]
-                  [-o outputFileName]
-                  [-c CADmodelName filetype]
-                  [-co GDMLoutFileName]
-   The -t option is available only in multi-threading mode
-   and it allows the user to override the Geant4 default number of
-   threads. The number of threads can be also set via G4FORCENUMBEROFTHREADS
-   environment variable which has the top priority.
- - execute lightGuide in 'batch' mode from macro files
- 	% ./lightGuide -m run1.mac
- - execute lightGuide in 'interactive mode' with visualization
- 	% ./lightGuide
- 	....
- 	Idle> type your commands. For instance:
- 	Idle> /control/execute run1.mac
- 	....
- 	Idle> exit
diff --git a/.README.md b/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from .README.md
rename to README.md